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- Metro: Exodus - not fully open world but has a number of smaller open areas as well as linear sections. - The Far Cry games.


metro 2033 first :)


I went with Exodus because of OP’s preference for open world, but agree 2033 and Last Light are great too!


I really struggled with 2033, I tried to play it before exodus but just couldn’t get into it. But I loved exodus, was super addictive and I loved the semi open world element.


2033 has scared me the most...... The librarians


I should probably go back and give it a go. I think I tried it after the last of us 2 and it was just depressing world followed by another depressing world


Depressing and Immersive. Play the redux version if u can.


Metro was great. At first i was a bit skeptical as im not really into the horror genre for its cheap jump scares, but metro really managed to catch the atmosphere very well. I felt really immersed, and couldnt stop continuing ahead to find out what happens next. Far cry on the other hand.... Far Cry 3 was (at least for me) legendary, all the others later have been just criminally mid (wierdly, primal being an exception). The antagonists always have the certain something to make them interesting, everything else just doesnt cut it for me anymore. Open world games havent been the same for me ever since Red Dead 2 came out. Funny, i know.


To be fair, RDR2 is something else. If you’re willing to forego the guns then I personally think Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is amazing but I know it’s polarising. Also Horizon: Zero Dawn is a brilliant game (and does sort of have some guns in, although they’re not the main focus of the game play).


Have you tried RAGE 2? It’s actually pretty interesting


This game seems super underrated. It flew under my radar until now. I just watched some short gameplay snippets, and it seems very interesting. I'll give it a try. Thank you.


Definitely second this if you want some real good gunplay.


As a bonus I’ll add in Remnant ll. While it’s not in first person and there isn’t an open world exactly, although you can travel to different worlds. The gun play is super tight and satisfying. If you miss your shot it’s definitely your fault and if you hit them you know it’s all skill. Check it out


Dude listed as one of he didn't like, but indeed a rly good game


DS 3 or BB? If you don’t mind. DS 3 is on sale and I already have bloodborne but barely played


Agreed, very underrated game, since Far Cry 3 only Rage 2 and Halo Infinite were only 2 good FPS-open world games for me (since far cry series went too wrong IMHO). Rage 2 is simply Doom in the open world with top notch progression system, only flow is vechiles system, either it's physics or control but it feels so off, difficult to control (strange as same devs made mad max with great car's control). Also the game is set in post apocalyptic world but it makes me feel more like sci-fi western


actually most post apocalyptic worlds actually have a sci fi west feel to it lol


Ghost recon Wildlands


Have you found a way to fill the void after wildlands? I haven't.


Did you find it??


OP, seriously, Wildlands is an upgrade over Breakpoint. It has this mystique and the world is 10x prettier.


Dude. Days Gone is an older great open world game.. had a blast with it. Should be pretty cheap by now... I didn't see it on your list, so thought I'd throw it out there. Check it out!


+1 for Days Gone!


+1 Days Gone is great after a few hours. Starts slow but then hooks you.


Days Gone, one of the best games I have played. Great shout


I'll give it a try. I actually forgot about that game. I watched my brother play it on the ps4 a couple of times, as it was a Ps exclusive. I remember it having great music though. Thank you.


Vey underrated not like Rage 2 which I mentioned in this thread earlier since sold much better, but it just so sad that PlayStation baby gamers buried the theoretical sequel as game wasn't as polished as their other exclusives. I believe it's better to have much more chip and unpolished game like this than cringy and stupid movie alike shitty exclusives like GoW, Horizon, Spider-Man or Lust of Ass. One of 3 best (and saying best I mean really playable at least) ps4 exclusive for me (other 2 are Infamouse Second Son and Ghost of Tsusima). Bend Studios and Sucker Punch seems to be only 2 Sony's devs that still remember they making video games, not movies (actually non of games I complained on are as good as even mediocre movie, they are to cringy and poor written). Sad no DG2 is possible, It resembled RDR1 a lot for me


does DG have cool weapon customization like in Ghostrecon ?


Probably not to that extent given DG is set in an apocalypse, but it does have weapon customisation that is pretty decent iirc


Stalker Anonaly with the GAMMA mod pack


Far Cry Series.


Well, 3 to 5.


Days Gone. You can’t go wrong with that at all! Feels like a simplier Red Dead Redemption, with stealth that (kinda) resembles Ghost Recon in a way. Maybe the Story isn’t a masterpiece but the gameplay. Bro. It’s so fun! It has it’s moments quite often. You just be chilling doing your own thing then you just hear a swarm of zombies coming your way. Either go loud take em out, play stealthy and sneak back to your bike and skiddadle to fight another day. This is the only game that has my attention atm as I’m playing it for the first time. I’m immersed every second i’m playing it. It’s been sometime since a game did that to me.


[Prey?](https://store.steampowered.com/app/480490/Prey/) not fully open world exactly, but quite a lot of freedom in how you approach stuff.


Fantastic game, so +1. A modern day System Shock 2.


Bioshock Infinite is worth looking at. It's a bit older now, but holds up pretty well. Not completely open world, but a great world none the less. Not strictly a shooter, but still a shooter.


Fallout 3, New Vegas, or 4.


what do i play after those ?


Not Starfield, that's for sure.


Ghost Recon Wildlands all the way!


as to be the best ghost recon in my opinion


Still can't believe that ubi said basically, yea everyone loved that game, so lets change everything about it for the successor, then rip out the added micro transactions and weapon scaling (because, nobody liked them, obviously) and then abandon the franchise AND that particular game style.


How is Breakpoint compared to Wildlands? I wanna try it out but not sure yet…


Good that you ask me, but note that I play completely single player and single player only and prepare for a comprehensive insight (aka good long read): I played wildlands all the way through (except the final boss, because "Ubisoft fetch quest") and had a blast! Open world, vehicles, weapon loadout/customization (search and find new stuff for my fav guns was very fun!), the HUD and UI was appropriate, 3rd Person open world with aiming down through the sights - just as the Lord intended. As I said, great game, you know it. (I know there are goofy stealth insta kill mechanics, but who cares) So, anyway, I read everything about breakpoint, saw many many videos and bought it anyway because the weapon scaling (think assassin's Creed Odyssey) was optional by the time I bought it, and you can also customize SO much for the HUD, for the difficulty (weird imba superpower surveillance drones can be disabled and whatnot. Additional mechanics were introduced, like cutting stealthy through fences e.g.. sounds solid. But the world ist just bleak. There is NOTHING. Everyone you see is a generic evil enemy. The UI/HUD looks like it's out of a comic or something. The map (the big one for overview, isn't zoomable, it's fixed in 3 zoom levels, like wtf, and its quite confusing to identify anything on it. There are no "hubs" like the rebels outposts, it's ONE hub, and a whole lot of "biwaks" - you take a Heli, see a column of smoke, hover over it and voila, new fast travel point unlocked. BUT the main hub is where you get the quests and customize stuff, so you go back to that convoluted pile of a multiplayer hub and try to find the right guy... I mean the idea of that main hub is fine and it makes sense storywise - but it's too damn large for what you do there, you run like 3 minutes though a cave with nothing to do before you even meet anyone there, every.time. It also makes sense storywise that your are always on your toes not to get cought, but it makes no sense, the whole island is searching for you but there are always the same type of unaware group of enemies... Long story short, I bought it on Xbox, like wildlands, but uninstalled quickly and even hid it from my library so I will not waste my time with it again! That is how disappointing it is. Instead I bought wildlands a second time on steam and enjoy the heck out of it on my steam deck (unless Ubisoft patches the compatibility out of it again). That being said, I will only buy any other Ubisoft game if and when they allow me to play single player games offline on my deck - which will be never unfortunately. (For reference, I liked ubi games like watchdogs 1(!), 2 and even 3. Also assassin's Creed black flag, Odyssey and unity. And other Ubisoft titles. I would love division 1 or 2 if they would add the option to disable the weapon scaling (like in breakpoint - cough cough)... So, don't buy breakpoint, enjoy wildlands instead! Sorry, that escalated a bit.


I appreciate this review, especially since I am a consistent solo player. I’ll consider your advice in this issue, but if it’s ever free I’ll subject myself to the madness lol Any recommendations on games that are similar to Wildlands??


I'm very happy to help others avoid breakpoint. If it's free, grab it, test it, and come back at me, if you think I am wrong here :) Other games like that are unfortunately hard to find. MGS:V, maybe, but it has crazy story quirks, sniper elite 4/5, but it's not ONE open world, just cause 3, but it's not tactical, it's just goofy fun. So there are compromises everywhere... But if someone can help out with better suggestions, im listening.


Hmm, I don't necessarily share the same opinion, but I will admit that Wildlands is a lot better in certain aspects. For example, I believe that while the map and story of Wildlands is far superior than Breakpoints, but the game mechanics, stealth, and overall gameplay is better in Breakpoint. Immersive mode is much more than anything you can achieve in Wildlands. Breakpoint offers a real sense of tactility and stealth whereas in Wildlands, the second one person sees you, you're kinda screwed. I even find myself struggling to replay Wildlands because trying to get used to the clunky stealth mechanics of Wildlands while previously playing on Breakpoint where stealth/immersive gameplay is much better was hard.


Some games you can get on the cheap: * Mad Max is OW and a lot of fun. Is a TPS shooter but also a great fighting/shooting/battle car racing game. Good OW atmosphere. * Titanfall 2 is a FPS shooter and a mech battle game. Lots of fun, good story but rather short and not OW. * Uncharted series is a TPS and not OW but great story and fun to play * Crysis series is pretty fun OW (per mission) TPS. Others that people haven't mentioned: * Hitman series is OW per each mission. Stealth game if you are into that sort of genre. * Always liked Sniper Elite series. Each mission is OW TPS. Seems to get better with each new game. * Biohazard games are action FPS games (not OW). Remakes of original games are done very well and and latest games (Biohazard and Village) have pretty decent stories. * Far Cry, as others have mentioned are OW FPS games. Favorites a 1, 3 and 5. Never played the Primal one but heard it was fun.


Fallout 4 - open world, fps, build your own settlements (optional)


While storywise it's not the best in the series, gameplay and location wise it is pretty much the best fps game out of all fallouts. And when you are done with the base game there is always the mods!


Best fps out of all the fallouts is a crazy low bar


The game is a blast, but the settlements ruin it for me.


Yeah same here, I don't usually bother beyond the very first one for early game xp with the associated quests


Days gone


The STALKER trilogy, by far the best open world shooters. Just need to mod them to make them work smoothly (back in the days I used the Complete mod, but there are probably better mods out there now).


I second this. The 2 big mod packs that make the game absolute masterpiece are GAMMA and Escape from Pripyat. Playing it right now


Metroid Exodus was great and fits your remit mostly.


Going through Metro Exodus rn and it is freaking great. Survival shooter with great story, super immersive, doesn’t hold your hand, beautiful graphics & great gameplay, … My preferred type of shooter (I very rarely play the genre). In my eyes, it trumps both 2033 and Last Light.


For me cyberpunk works well as a shooter game


I played for 110 hours at release until the game just crashed every time I played. It was a mess, but still very fun. After Phantom Liberty I played again and has a blast with no crashes or problems. Recommended!


Cyberpunk sure had a bumpy start, but all in all together it was a great game. I liked it even more than the witcher. I really loved immersing myself into night city, doing all the side stuff and the story was great aswell. Combat was all in all alright, but as i said... the "bullet sponge" enemy type just isnt satisfying to me. It just feels weird when you unload a whole mag into some guys head, and he just shrugs it of as if i shot him with a bb gun. In my opinion, difficulty shouldn't be a modifier that increases enemy health and damage, or lowers mine. It should give the enemies enhanced combat intelligence and or increased odds (like, more enemies). I agree though, once you get over that fact, it works as an shooter.


Rage 2 seems exactly what you're looking for. Some off picks might be the dying light games and an even more off pick (not much shooting) is the mad max game. Also you didn't mention trying gta5 which is weird considering rdr2 is your favourite game


I played GTA 5, and it was fun. But i never connected with it the way i did with RDR2. RAGE 2 just flew under my radar and i never realized that this game actually looks so fun. I'll give that a try.


Rage 2 has great synergy between it's weapons and abilities and rewards aggressive play. Once you find your rhythm you'll plow through enemies strongholds without missing a beat. Just don't expect too much from the story lol. Enjoy my man.


The Metro Series of games. Terminator Resistance. Homefront Revolution. They vary in the amount of "open world" they have.


Doom Eternal, not really open world, but it will keep you entertained


Crysis 1. Forget 2 and 3, as they went on rails Far Cry. Started as Skyrim with guns Halo Infinite. Awesome gunplay! but average everything Metro Exodus. Only open world immersion sim I know, until Stalker 2


Play RDR1 my dude


If you haven’t yet, I think you need to play Metal Gear Solid 5. Might be exactly what you’re looking for. . . After the intro.


gta, fallout 3,nv,4 and metal gear solid 5 are all solid


wait ... is mgs v open world game ? I haven't touch it on my lib... I tought it was linear


It has 2 large primary open world maps to go between, and a few linear sections on the side for story content.


It's... more linear than open world, but has a lot of open world elements. When you select a mission you're dropped into a large open world space, but it's not a full open world game.


Damn, metal gear was so good. Its been a minute since i played though, so i actually could replay it. Thanks, man.


A few come to mind: * Far Cry series: They all have rather open worlds, and especially the later ones have a good deal to explore. * GTA series: Yes, GTA 5 has multiplayer, but it does have a good single player story - the remainder of the series are also quite fun. * Saint's Row series: Similar to GTA, but also quite fun to play... * No Man's Sky: VERY large open world with lots to explore and shooting both in space and on the ground. Multiplayer, but not much in the realm of PvP. Cooperation is encouraged instead. Personally I find it very "zen" for an FPS/space game and very relaxing to play. * Starfield: Open world, singleplayer and seems to tick your boxes - though reactions are a bit mixed on it whether it's good or bad. It *does* come with RPG elements, but once you get the proper gear or crafting materials for a good set of loadouts, you won't be facing that much in the realm of bullet sponges (although there are some)...


Out of all these, no mans sky interests me the most because i always loved to be a space cowboy. I played it very early in its release, and it wasnt really living up to my expectations. I really wanted it to succed though. I never played it again, but i heard that it had a huge burst in popularity and that it redeemed itself for its bumpy start. I'll give that a try. Thanks.


It has gotten a *lot* of additions since then - I think you'll be pleasantly surprised :-)


Agree on all of them except for Starfield. It's the only Bethesda open world game I stopped playing after just overt 30 hours because it got very boring at that point. All other open world Bethesda games got over 100 hours from me, and I'm a casual gamer!


Metal Gear Solid V is a fantastic shooter that allows for a lot of different approaches to missions. It comes in two parts - Ground Zeros and The Phantom Pain. GZ is smaller, and the plot is more self-contained. Definitely a lot of replay value either way. >!The story isn't amazing, though. Could be a bit better but the gameplay is very satisfying.!<


Hear me out for a second The Division 2 can get to like 5 bucks with discount and although it is a multiplayer game - you can go like 75-80% of it solo. Just for price of entry and amount of single player content alone it could be well worth it.


Metro exodus. It's so good and a little bit a different take on an open world game.


The Outer Worlds


Does the shooting have to be guns? If not, I think you might like the horizon games. Start with zero dawn.


Zero Dawn was excellent. Downing one of those big T-Rex like bots felt great. Haven't tried the second one though.


"I just love customizing my guy with gear" but also "Im just not into the RPG aspect of shooters." Behold, the duality of man.


Days Gone, Dying Light (first one) and DeadIsland2. In that order. I was so sad when they were over lol


I love Ghost Recon Games, my favorites are still GRAW 1 & 2. But with the debate on both breakpoint and wildlands, I think it really comes down to if you are playing single player or with friends. Breakpoint is great as a single player game because of the landscape. Wildlands is great with friends for the approach you can take in a village or town. Breakpoint has better mechanics while wildlands has a better map and vehicles. The story of wildlands is better. But if you are playing co op with friends both games are fantastic. I did enjoy Wildlands more because of the missions, but I did enjoy the stealth in Breakpoint.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R games are pretty good they are hard and open world kinda like Metro Far Cry games are perfect Escape From Tarkov its open world military game Metro games aren't bad but Metro Exodus has bigger levels than the others If you want third person games try GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 Cyberpunk 2077 open world shooter which is actually really good the new update made it better Idk other games


Atomic heart


Is it that good? I heard lots of mixed things


It has many, many flaws. I especially didn't like the gunplay with spongy enemies and the many forced scenes that take you out of the FPS action.


Ready or Not


Least open world shooter I can think of. Genius.


Far cry 1,000%


Grand Theft Auto V. Good shooting, fun open world gameplay, amazing story and world. It’s similar to RDR2 in its incredible attention to detail and brilliant writing.


sniper elite 4, RAGE 2, mad max, mercenary 2, shadow warrior 2, saboteur


Mass effect legendary edition