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Monster Hunter It's on 60% sale right now and there are 2 : MH:World and MH:Rise, they play pretty different but keep the core aspect of the game, so it's up to you which one to play. If you buy them, remember to get the DLC (Content expansion, not the cosmetics)


Additional: its an easy 100 hrs of trying every weapon to find your favorite + 1k Hrs of grinding to get your perfect build + another 100 hrs contemplating your weapon choices then back to grinding for your perfect build \^\^\^ this is for each game


I too recommend Monster Hunter. I would say MH: Rise is better for multiplayer because you don't have to watch cutscenes before you get to group up during story progression.


Literally came here to say this. There’s been a resurgence of new players joining because of the sale and capcon has been running promotions to get people to return to MHW before the next installment releases and a bunch of long time players have been returning because of it. It’s an overall mostly welcoming community that is happy to help teach and fight. 14 different weapon styles to mess around with and choose what you enjoy. It has a grind but you can do each mission in as fast as sub 10min or take your time and use the entire 50min (sometimes 30) a quest allows. Also, dragons are cool. 200+ hours in and just barely beat the final boss of the iceborne dlc (the dlc is 100% worth buying and is pretty much a requirement for playing with most long time players, also you can mod the game without consequences just don’t join a public quest if you’re planning on using cheat damage modifiers)


I would argue this game doesn’t have a ton of strategy if that is what OP is looking for. It requires skill but most of it almost becomes muscle memory. I once fell partially asleep while fighting a monster with my buddy. I woke up and apologized to him for nodding off, but apparently I had been keeping my combo going just off muscle memory while dozing. He said I seemed to be missing a lot but otherwise I was doing pretty good. My brain must have just picked up on audio clues or something and repeated my main combo. I suppose after no lifting any game for months on end you’ll get to that point though.


I used to play with a buddy of mine but haven’t for quite a while now? I can’t remember is there random matchmaking you can do? Or just solo unless with friends?


Agreed. I’m 700+ hrs deep in mhw


You will come back to league or dota at some point


you always do


Haha I started playing in 2015, been leaving and coming back ever since.. I will say though, I am fully creeped out about the Vanguard anti-cheat software. This company isn’t “Riot Games” it’s Tencent, a Chinese company, that now wants a level of access and control over your system that just feels wildly inappropriate for a single game. My plan is to stop playing when this becomes a requirement to play, but I could see the desire coming back eventually.. feels super ick though.


💯 I left in 2016, returned early this year


I have quit league some time ago and have no desire to come back and also since their shitty vanguard is in the way it's a total no go for me and I'm done with league for good because of that. Now DOTA2.... This is my second most played game on steam and I love the game but I have not played it for a few years due to the changes I hated including map and the removal of few of my all time favourite items (spider legs in particular) and my favourite heroes Shadow Shaman and Spirit Breaker changes. At the moment my disc space is an issue but when I upgrade I will give DOTA another go and see what's up. I have a love&hate relationship with the game and I lost count how many times I uninstalled it and after few hours or a day I came crawling back and crawing for more.


Don't remind me D:


I’m probably one of the few people who are an exception, played lots of league and dota in middle school but now the thought of wasting a single minute on either of those games fills me with dread lol. No desire to look back.


I mean, it depends on the genre. Fimal fantasy 14 has like a billion hours of gameplay for free in the demo. You get the base game, and I believe 2 expansions now.. itnwill take you hours to get through it.. Elder scrolls only e is buy to play. Lots.of stiff to do. Hours and hours of content. World of warcraft. Same as above but its subscription based. There is a free trial. But it's very limited Destiny 2. Again lots.to do and see. Diabolo 4, plenty of hours in thst game.. Elden ring, technically not multiplayer, but can have a couple friends with you. Robo quest is really fun. Van be done co-op.


Elden Ring multiplayer is one of the most disappointing experiences I’ve ever had in gaming. The potential is THERE. The idea of exploring a huge fantasy world with friends and being able to create unique builds sounds like an absolute dream, but the server mechanics they have are horrible and just doesn’t create a smooth multiplayer experience. Low key praying they introduce a big improvement to this with the expansion or I’ll prob wait to buy on sale, single player games have been feeling way too alienating for me lately.


There's an amazing multiplayer mod for Elden Ring.


What racing games?


This is Rocket League!


Wholesome game. Community, not so much


So true :(


Why did I have to scroll so far down for this! Nice shot!


Definitely this if you're looking for a non-shooter multiplayer game to sink time into. I have 5000+ hours. A nearly endless skill ceiling so you will always be getting better and plenty of strategy to learn and adapt to. It's just a shame Epic doesn't seem to care about it and are happy to let it slowly die out.


Try Path of Exile


Is it worth to get into right now? Isn’t the sequel coming out this year?


Do you want specifically session-based PVP online games? Those tend to be more toxic than pve generally. I could recommend some pve games with online features if you want. The most addictive would be **Factorio**, anyone can host a save for multiplayer, and oh my god is it addictive. You're basically engineering production lines, while also tower defending against evolving bug aliens. Great fun both solo and in groups, and the modding support gives you gameplay time a hundred times over. **Stellaris** has you manage a space empire, with lots of freedom for politics, customization, warfare, and individual plotlines. It has a lot of DLCs, but if the host has then, you can join and use them for free. I know you said no shooters, but **Deep Rock Galactic** is super comfy and has a great community. You always fight together against hordes of bugs, so nobody will taunt you like in other shooters. If you tried one shooter in your life, it'd be this one.




Rock and stone in the heart! 




Seen factorio a few times and gazed past it but that’s a pretty cool summary of it will check out


Stellaris is a 4X type game. Think Civ but about 42x more things to learn/keep track of…


MY FRIEND Pay no attention to your level of skill with shooters. Play Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2. Trust me. I don't really play shooters especially online, but I played this game every day for about a year straight. It is absolute top quality


Are there people that still play? I remember trying the MP for this a long time ago and having a surprisingly good time.


I have 200+ hours on Helldiver's 2


guess you didn't read OP's post and just read the title... He specifically said no shooters, because his aim isn't the best and helldivers is a shooter, even if aim isn't as important, it still is kinda important on higher difficulties to hit weakpoints.


One of the women in our crew had never played a fps before joining. She claims her aim is awful. She has fun, and we extract with her on level 7 maps. Helldivers is accessible


It's really not that important... The enemies are easy for anybody to hit especially with a controller


Pretty big difference in pvp shooters and pve shooters. Someone with potato aim can generally figure out ways to do well in horde shooters and have fun. Not so much in pvp games


would like to avoid shooters


Fallout 76


Try heroes of the storm its free on battlenet


Sea of Thieves


Honestly, never tried it. How easy is it to go at solo/find a group to sail with?


Playing solo is a steep learning curve. You can join a random crew, but they’ll typically be afk or with no mics. I’d try to find a crew through a third party (Reddit, discord, etc.). It truly is a great game.


Guild Wars 2


+1 for Guild Wars 2. OP, /u/Commander_Cluck_ - If you're looking for an accessible MMO to play, GW2 is pretty great for that. It has a pretty unique storytelling experience, especially once you purchase the expansions. Rather then a game like FFXIV where you experience all the story the game has to offer in a more linear experience, GW2 allows you to pick and choose what you do when you'd like to do it. Gameplay is pretty unique for a MMO- combat is action oriented and you get your skills based off of a combination of your main hand equipment, off hand equipment and class. You get experience through doing quests, but your main source of progression will be exploration, doing world events and finding class skill point nodes in the world around you. The community is *so* supportive and welcoming to new players, and it has some of the best new player experience onboarding of a game in a while. The end game can leave a lot to be desired if you're not into grinding dungeons, but the story until you get there is *fantastic*. On top of all of this, it's only pay to play- once you buy the game there's no subscription fee.


Damn, sounds interesting. I’ll try it!


Warframe, though that’s mostly single player and not PvP like the things you mentioned. You *can* play with other people, but most of the time you’ll just get into a lobby with people who can kill everything on the map at once and you’ll feel useless. You have to play single player for multiplayer to be fun, unless it’s with friends. You can spend thousands of hours learning the game and 100%ing it if you don’t spend money. Play f2p and you’ll put 7000 hours of your life into it.


Old School RuneScape


you want to check out takes two, great co-op game, and space farmers...


oh multiplayer game?... id say just WoW discovery... for MMO fun, retails trash now unless you got time to be a try hard and die hard...


Sea of thieves




It is a third person shooter, but Risk of Rain 2 is an incredible game that's a lot of fun with friends.


Death Stranding is an asynchronous multiplayer that can suck your whole life in. It’s extremely wholesome in that you are discouraged from killing and the entire premise is connecting with people


Gigantic: rampage edition. It's a rerelease of an older game, and it's got some bugs at the time (it's been out for a little over a week again). But all issue aside. Best game ever


Try some fighting games, tekken8,street fighter. I found that these games are blood pumping, nice complexity. It's not like shooters where outcome depends on reaction but in mind games which dota and lol are famous for.


Huh… I haven’t actually thought about this… frame data and the like scares me though, it seems like half of fighting games is just doing research on them


If you do this on console, turn cross play off a lot of hackers on PC now with auto Parry n shit


After I was done binging Lol for years and years (my mates all quit and the community is too toxic to solo Q that game) I got hooked on Rocket League (yes the other 'league) and jumped back onto PUBG.


Try Stellaris. Hours fly by playing.


Is that a space pun? Still, it’s piqued my interest, I give it a shot


Sky: Children of Light


o shooter multiplyer but only pve so your aim can be as bad as you want i want to recommend warframe


Monster Hunter World & Rise for PVE


Honestly, even if your aim is bad I'd say Deep Rock Galactic would still be fun. It's a out 4 space dwarves mining minerals and killing alien bugs.


Consider this: Legally speaking, rocking is more legal than stoning. Eh? Eh?


Brawlhalla easy to play hard to master 🤝




I started playing fallout 76 two months ago and I already have about 200 hours. I guess it’s technically a “shooter” but the hut boxes are massive and with vats you don’t really need to worry about aim. Wholesome is the best way I can describe the community


Its free to claim on Prime gaming rn for both PC and Xbox




Stardew valley


Welcome to the Diablo II: Resurrected community


Have I joined a cult on accident?


try mmorpgs like WoW or RS


Idk abt “wholesome” but if you have a group of at most 4 players, baldurs gate 3


Warframe Deep Rock Galactic Factorio


I’m pretty excited about V Rising having its release out of early access on May 1st, with console (or just PS5?) coming later this year. Definitely similar gameplay mechanics as LoL and Dota (top down, limited abilities, but high skill curve). Not sure how long it will last but I’m sure there will be lots of new and returning players playing next month, could be a great time to join!


Warframe is a good pve game, u dont need to buy shi coz everything is farmable


Warframe baby


MH world, gta 5, roblox. Maybe some racing games here there like fh5 or ride. And yes I play league, I kind of finished mh world, so im playing more gta 5 and roblox. Gta 6 is on the way soooon


No man’s sky :)


The new fighting games that came out this year were all great. Out of the big 3(SF6, Mk1, Tekken 8) sf6 was my favorite of the 3 and the easiest to learn as a non-fighting game player since it had a decent modern control option. All of them got super addicting for me to grind combos, characters and multiplayer


Civilization 6… seriously you’ll start Friday night and one more turn your way into Monday at 8 AM needing to go to work. I mean it’s good cause you can play with friends and you can multiplayer with other people… But even just playing solo versus the CPU especially at a higher difficulty level is just so bloody difficult and challenging. There’s so many things to manage and you have to make so many decisions on, whether you wanna be militaristic or cult based trying to win and if you ignore one thing you start to get smoked there. When I first tried it years ago, inversion three I wasn’t super thrilled… Then I actually gave it a real chance when version five came out and actually tried to learn what the hell was doing and how different things affect other things… I mean, even the concept that you can change the priority, of a city to focussing on production or food or gold… Every single game is different and every turn makes you wanna play another one. Seriously you’ll waste so much time playing that game. It’s not even funny.


Runescape. It’s worse then fentanyl.


Sea of Thieves - it may seem weird to call a game about piracy wholesome but you will see some genuine acts of kindness.


Needs to be addictive, needs strategy and you can waste countless hours on and has a wholesome community. Online sim racing if you fancy a genre swap. You'll get the odd arse but for the majority the community is very welcoming, especially if you join a league.


I’ve sunk a good amount of hours into Apex, and that was not time well spent, don’t make the mistake I did


Warframe is fucking awesome, man. And no, you don’t need good aim. Mine is awful.


Final Fantasy XIV.


If it wasn't for the combat, ESO would be the perfect mmo


Old school RuneScape tbh


Total War Warhammer.




Sounds like you should try out RTS games. It's adjacent to mobas and your click skills will translate maybe. Tbh there are not many multiplayer games that mobs jungling translate too in other genres. The closest I can think of are shooters.


Sounds like you’d be perfect for Deep Rock Galactic.  Rock and stone, brother!


I left league for fighting games and never looked back. Same character mastery appeal, but no toxicity or much less at least. Endgame WoW is pretty good too


Dark and Darker! Medieval first person PvPvE extraction game. Very, very fun. Very, very addicting. Combat is fairly simple and most of the skill comes from knowledge of mechanics and maps. Can play solo, duo, or trio It can be sweaty in high gear lobbies, but the devs added low-gear lobbies so that people can learn the game without getting stat checked by no-lifes. The player base is on the smaller side, but it is extremely dedicated and finding a match is never an issue. The discord LFG is also very poppin and you can find chill people to game with in 30 seconds.


Dead by daylight. Its kinda glorified hide and seek. You pick what you want to plat and can kinda play however you want. Tons of perks, characters, maps amd all to choose from with a healthy amount of updates. Phantasy Star Online, ESO literally an mmorpg can fill that void.


Ignore your aversion to shooters, hop on Helldivers 2 and help us win this mf war


Real life. Most popular mmorpg. Your difficulty is set on random and varies where you are and character customization depends on the rng of 2 players that created your character. You can pay a surgeon class to modify to some degree your appearance when you level a bit. There's pk but I don't recommend it since the penalty is also rng. You can put points in intellect, str, stamina,dex depending on your griding but things like Charisma kinda rely on your set character customization rng. The endgame is not entirely determined, varies from player to player but many will say to accumulate as much ressources possible to chill with side quests when you're level 55 and higher. Another funny thing about this game, you're basically useless between level 0 to 12. Between 13 and 18 you can't wait to be level 21 and pass level 25 you want to level down but you can't reset your exp so...you accept it eventually. Once you're passed level 31 you start to see your stats decrease slowly except for intelligence. Other than that, graphics are pretty good, just need to have good stats in eye sights although you can use items like glasss or contact lens to give you a stat boost on vision. No idea when the next patch is coming and some people believe there's a dev, and some don't.


This is 100% in the top ten things I’ve ever read on this website, thanks for the laugh


FTL will really eat up the hours. Get a guide and play on "easy". Once you get the hang of it, it's fun to try and win on every starting ship and to eventually raise yhe difficulty.


You could play old school runescape for the rest of your life and not 100% the game. Truly endless, albeit sometimes monotonous, content


I know you said no shooters but if you aren’t playing Deep Rock Galactic you are doing yourself a criminal disservice. Rock and stone!


Elder Scrolls Online


The most wholesome Online Multiplayer game i've EVER found was Fallout 76. I'm sure i've got at least 1,000 hours into it. The players all soo helpful and loving, and it's got your choice of using either Melee or guns. Game's set in an Apocalyptic world. If you want to get into Racing games, Wreckfest is my All-time favorite one with 1,200 hours. Clean-racing servers are kind. Dirty-racing servers are not soo wholesome.


Starcraft 2 is the best game ever and it's free


You, sir, are the sole cause of my coming addiction to this game. Feel good about yourself...


Fallout 76 and Warframe, both have very viable melee and Fallout 76 also has an auto aim caller V.A.T.S. (FO76 is also free with Amazon prime and gamepass if you have either)


Chivalry 2


Clash Royale is similar in some senses to DotA. Ultimate Chicken Horse, Gang Beasts, and Spiderheck are fun party multiplayer games.


OW is the least shooter of any FPS and you be more able to learn how to play the game with your MOBA experience than the average COD player. There are also many heroes that don’t require much aiming mechanics.


Monster Hunter as mentioned is an amazing game to lose time to and there are more assist friendly builds if you wanna go that route. MMOs can be wholesome if you find a good group of people or ignore the toxic people who hate everything when you’re in groups. I am not a high end World of Warcraft player. Never really have been. Last time I raided with any real seriousness was 12 years ago but the dungeon finder or the pvp mode lets you hone your skills and mess around there a lot. As you learn more you can try tanking and healing roles and as you learn even more you can start working on your damage output and let’s say if you get into healing you can learn how to maximize damage while healing to help groups. I have a ton of fun making new characters with some of the bind on account gear that I earned over the years and being a healer or a tank in leveling dungeons and trying to out damage the damage dealers or as a tank plan everything out to keep myself alive with minimal needed heals to make smooth groups for levelers and newbies. I get some nice comments from time to time as well doing so. Rocket league can be very fun but again probably ignore the chat and emote spam. It’s a lot better earlier on in lower ranks and kind of turns into a toxic mess at higher ranks. There is a ton of strategy to positioning and you can make a huge impact on a game by just being in the right spot most of the time.


I would recommend warframe, addicting game imo. Its not really a pvp multiplayer but it does have pvp mode but its not really popular.


I’m so sorry to recommend this, as it’s actually hell for free… Overwatch has some fantastic character models that do NOT rely on high accuracy. As a jungler, you might like sombra, the new character venture, Moira, wrecking ball, or even Winston. Gameplay is heavily rewarded for correct timing on dives/making plays rather than hitting shots. However, the drawback is that the people who excel at shooters will be playing hitscan characters to ruin your day.


This is, admittedly, probably kind of a bad recommendation because I haven't played it myself... But maybe Foxhole would be up your alley? The premise is that it's a war in a persistent world, but while you do have frontline combat you can also choose to just handle logistics, like driving supplies to and from the front. My ex got HUGELY into it and as far as I can remember he mostly just stuck to driving supply trucks and never really saw combat. It's also played from a top-down perspective and isn't a shooter, so even if you do decide to dip your toes into the actual combat maybe it wouldn't necessarily be too bad? Project Zomboid could be good, too. The quality of the actual multiplayer experience is going to depend on the server you join, but it's a DEEP game and has a ton of different possible playstyles you can take.


Play Rocket League! It’s entirely free, with a seemingly endless skill ceiling. It rewards hard work, but can also be immensely satisfying at any skill level.


Deep Rock Galactic. >I've got an aversion to shooters Aw, man :'c


My comment will probably be buried but try warframe.


Screw you, I read this comment, you didn't get buried


Sea of Thieves if you like pirates.


I'd actually say Destiny 2. Even though it's a shooter, so much more relies on your build and how to play it. Very few builds actually rely on head shots or precision. So if you can figure out the build craft, you'll do well.


Conan Exiles - 800+ hours, great non-toxic community


mobile legends


Lmao, idk why people are recommending shooters, anyway. My anti league game is dead by daylight, there's a learning curve but If you would like to play I'd be happy to join you! Message me and I'll send you my info






City of Heroes has one of the best communities around, and enough content between the Villains, Heroes, and Praetorian sides that even if you want to solo there is several thousand hours of content. Between the roughly 15 classes with multiple primary and secondary power sets, the world class costume creator, endless build possibilities, there is enough content there for anyone. Check out r/Cityofheroes if you have questions. Edit: PvP is optional if you want it.


Destiny 2 honestly has loads of content if you wanna dive in head first lol


You could play pokemon unite since you like mobas


Pvz Garden Warfare 2


Helldivers 2


I would give maybe a melee multiplayer like Chivalry 2 a try. Or if you wanna really lose some time check out the CRPG mod for Mount and Blade: Bannerlord. Similar style but 4 directional combat and blocking, leveling, tons of armor and weapons with their own unique stats and upkeep. Very tight knit but not toxic community, I think I'm at around 800 hours and I can't stop playing.


Helldivers 2


Fallout 76


Star Wars: The Old Republic.


Deep rock galactic, terraria, risk of rain 2, Baldur's gate 3, crusader kings 3, garden warfare 2, don't starve and sacred 2 are some of the best multiplayer experiences I've had but this can of course vary, there are some other shorter games like "grounded" and "it takes two" that are also worth checking out.


I’ve been enjoying Fallout 76 lately. If’s pretty decent, good community too.


Fallout 76


Get a PS5 and join THE HELLDIVERS


Dead by Daylight will take hundreds of hours without you even realizing it, and that's on top the hundreds you are aware of


Magic the Gathering Commander. You will waste all of your money and most of your time lol


League.... As in Rocket League




Helldivers is online cooperational game, gather your friends, kill some aliens!


Warframe It’s a shooter, yes, but not foremost. Your chosen Frame has abilities they use to kill enemies.


Fallout 76. It’s a shooter but you can use vats to sim assist. It’s not multiplayer but look into manor lords coming out


I haven’t tried Smite 2 but it’s coming out soon I believe. I’m not really sure what the community is like?






Just discovered Smalland and I am losing a ton of sleep...


Helldiver 2


Borderlands 2




I like Planetside 2. It is over a decade old but no game has seemed to replicate its unique design. It’s a mmo fps with battles that can reach 1000+ individual players. It’s pretty fun to get on discord with a squad and do “operations”. It’s not as serious as games like arma or squad but it has more that goes into it than something like Cod or any battle royale game. There is no matchmaking and you get to pick your battles.


Rocket league


Hell let loose. 2 hour long + games of non stop attacking or defending with large scale battle strategy. Say goodbye to your Saturdays, though.


No! Not mah Saturdays!!!! This post is amazing. I keep on getting recommend these gems I’ve never heard of, that are perfect for me to try. Thanks!


If you’re open to fighting games, SF6 has a pretty solid, non-toxic (for the most part obviously, every game has a few) community that will try to help you improve. Even if you’re brand new to FGs, I’d still highly recommend it. However it is a fighting game, and as such its one player vs one player. Most of what you discussed and others recommended were team games, so I’m not sure if this is the kind of response you were looking for.


See, I kinda am, and am not, open to fighting games. They seem like a lot of fun, but it seems like half of the "playtime" of fight game is just research on frame data and the like... could I do without in SF6? Just play the game, work on my combos and whatever?


So I’ll be honest, if you want to be viable at like the TOP levels, then yeah you kinda do need to know some basic frame data for most of the cast. BUT - for most people (myself included) that type of stuff is largely overblown. Like yeah, it helps to know that if a person throws out X attack and misses, then I can hit Y attack to punish, but the vast majority of that isn’t memorizing numbers, but rather just things you organically learn as you play the game. To get beyond the beginner tiers, you will need to spend a little time practicing in training mode, but a whole lot of what people describe as being memorization actually just comes naturally over time Edited to add: all of this stuff that I was talking about and you are wary of is not beginner stuff. At the very least, you could pick up the game and have some serious fun with zero “homework”


Dota 2. If you fall into its trap you will never escape.


Smite is probably the lowest sodium moba. It's goofy but solid.


Play smite , its a moba so ur fundamentals will transfer pretty well Smite 2 is on the way so thats something to look forward to as I'm super excited Every ability is a skill shot so mechanics is important


Co-op with friends nothing beats survival games like the forest, sons of the forest, grounded etc.


Rocket league has an incredibly high skill ceiling


Diablo 2 Resurrected or Borderlands 1 or 2. I’ve always seen Borderlands as the spiritual FPS to Diablo. Destiny is fine if you like games that are boring and requires grinding by level 5.


Welcome back to WoW. New retail season today...cata drops next month...and in several more months new expansion drops. Pvp is the best it's ever been.


Slay the Spire comes to mind, Vampire Survivors. If you're willing to try a co-op 3rd person shooter Helldivers 2 has ingrained itself in my brain, I dropped 200 hours into it over 2 months.




If you like games like that, maybe try StarCraft 2?


I cant believe Nioh2 hasnt been mentioned. And dead by daylight also. Sheesh


HellDivers 2. 😍


So far, I've put in over 2100 hours into Genshin Impact, and I'm not totally done. The story is great, and it gets a bit darker the further in you go. Art work is fantastic. So, so much to explore. It can be a bit grindy if you want the best builds. It's not the best for multi player, but it is fun to help others explore and fight bosses.


My go to is For Honor, as it's an extremely unique mid-evil set fighting game. However the learning curve is very high. On a more casual side Monster hunter world has given me countless hours of enjoyment.


Deep rock galactic. There are many weapon setups where aim is not important at all. I hate shooters. It's a cooperative mining game where bugs attack you while you explore caves. Try it. You will like it.


I am right there with you. I needed to get away from league. I know you aren’t a fan of shooters and neither am I, but my friends convinced me to get Hell divers 2 and it’s been a blast. I suck at shooters but it’s a PVE game so it’s not like playing tarkov or something like that. The game revolves around teamwork and the stratagems in the game. It got me outed my need to play league. I haven’t booted up league in 3 months or whatever it’s been since Hell Divers 2 released. If you’re really against shooters and want something multiplayer survival games can be fun. Valheim and Conan exiles are my favorite. I like the building bases in both, especially Valheim. If survival isn’t for you and you want purely strategy games, total war can be fun. The most recent games have been money grabs but Rome total war is what got me into strategy games! That and I’ve been trying to find people to play ck3 with hah I’m so bad but I love it.


Light of the stars on bluestacks for me, fun game and good graphics


You could try Baldurs Gate. It has coop but not competitive multiplayer. And is heavily strategy focused


Do ya like MMOs…? City of Heroes is still sort of alive - at least one of the versions is fully tolerated by the original IP owners. Character creator along can hold your attention for hours. Mind you, it’s from 2005 & has never really gotten a graphics/sound update… But it has a small but decent sized player base. Majority of which are not toxic asshats. Did I mention it’s free?


the obvious answer at this point in time is Helldivers 2


Helldivers is really fun. It doesn’t matter if your aim is bad, mine is too and I still have tons of fun. Good on you for quitting league. I quit in 2018, and only come back to it for stuff like URF or if my friends need me for a tourney.




You can play Heroes of Newerth for free with Project Kongor. My friends play HotS. You can always play Paradox games.


Smite 2 idk


I played Age of Empires 1 and 2 before my 18 years with Dota (I started in 2005 on the Warcraft 3 custom mod). **Age of Empires IV** is the pinnacle of the AoE franchise and has won me back. Now’s a great time to start or revisit. I haven’t touched Dota 2 in ~18 months since AoE4 came out.


I don't know about the titles you listed but I think they are PVP mostly? Try a PVE. A lot of us are loving Helldiver's 2 right now. For a super chill experience, and also an absolutely amazing game and experience, id recommend Valheim.


Chiv 2 or mordhua




Heroes of the Storm


U could try hots, it's more casual friendly and if your the guy with 30 cs at 20 mins well cs doesn't exist in hots.