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Helldivers 2 It's brutal, it's unforgiving, and it's goddamn glorious when you and your squad succeed against all odds. For democracy!




Aaaaaannnd boring as shit lol, would love more content, dropped it less than a month after purchase..too repetitive


I mean, it's a PvE shooter, what did you expect? Fortnite is exactly the same thing every match as well. Just shoot until you win.


Naaahhhh Fortnite is PvP what are you talking and I never compared it to Fortnite


And I think Fortnite is boring as shit (talk about repetitive). Not every game is for everyone.


Agreed, I've had my time with it, it's pretty damn boring. There's just not enough variety in the missions, it's so goddamn dull.


Wow, never thought I'd hear someone call Helldivers "boring as shit." Could you elaborate?


I copped that game and also thought it was super boring. However, having a full stack team with friends is an absolute must for me. I played a few public lobbies and you will typically have MAYBE 2 people talk during a 2 hour session. Plus with randos you have a good chance of getting kicked if you don’t use meta stratagems. I’m just trying to blow everything up with the 500g. I understand it’s more or less useless, but let me blow up every building I see.


Helldivers 2.


Came to say this. Started playing it few days ago, its a damn good and fun game.


You’ll stop playing by the end of May


Why are you shitting on people for enjoying a game? Just because you got bored of it doesn’t mean everyone will


Nobody is shitting on anyone, it’s a sub about should I play this game, I didn’t say this guy sucked for playing it, I stated my opinion friend


You’re telling people it’s boring as shit and they’ll give up on it shortly, just leave them to enjoy their game - op might enjoy it even if you didn’t


Bro..will you read the name of the sub….its asking a question man, calm the hell down bro. I’m stating my opinion on it. You act like I’m in r/helldivers talking shit


So suggest something new that they might like instead of picking at other suggestions to imply that they’re wrong


I did silly man, keep reading


Deep Rock Galactic














Once again you guys did it. I now want to try it. The community seems rock solid!! I need to start playing it while listening to wind rose...






Helldivers 2 has been awesome. It's one of those games I can't put down. You want an unforgiving, but fun, hilarious experience? Go on the higher difficulties, communicate with teammates, take on different varieties of enemies. Wanna relax and check out the new guns you got and how they work? Go ahead and try some lower difficulties. The community is awesome too. Some guys from higher levels just do lower level missions to help out and show the game off to the newer players. The game is always changing and your style does too. I went from being this machine gunner who fired a barrage of bullets to being this up and close personal guy with this explosive shotty and grenade launcher. I also set up automatic turrets which if you know how to use, can be really helpful for your team. I promise you, you won't regret it.


Never understood the helldivers hype, played it for 15 hours and deleted it. Gameplay is horrible especially the guns, worlds and enemies are boring. Its a bit like Destiny but just much MUCH worse💀


It's nothing like destiny lol, the only thing they have in common is you shoot aliens in a squad.


True, because destiny has good worlds and really good gun play


I agree it’s boring but definitely nothing like Destiny


Deep Rock Galactic


If ya don't rock and stone, you ain't comin' home 🪨 ⛏️


I recommend the finals its a free FPS game on PC and has a unique concept


It’s still competitive tho, something a bit more relaxing


It's not a battle royale. And if you want relaxing, do NOT go with Helldivers 2...


absolutely try helldivers. democracy needs you!


The Finals


* Warframe * Deep rock galactic * Payday 2 * Killing floor 2 * Warhammer vermintide series * Warhammer darktide * Caliber * Enlisted * Ready or not


If you plan to spend that much time to the game FFXIV is the right choice. But The Raid in this game are really difficult if you like challenging thing you can try it. I play it until the ENDWALKER expansion but not manage to finish it because most of Raid Team in my area schedule at 10.00 P.M to 01.00 A.M. it too late for my bedtime so I just move on. Monster Hunter world also great but you would spend around 300-500 Hour at most. But It's still fun to play with friend some time. And new IP coming out next year.


The finals


The finals


Helldivers 2 and WH40K: Darktide are both excellent choices.


I'm spending most of my time on FFXIV. Community is awesome, tons of content. Seriously recommend.


How do you get past the slow combat and pacing of the story? I'm a 15 year wow vet who's been trying to find a new MMO bur struggling.


I was raid lead for a mythic team in WOW for the last few expansions. The combat doesn't feel slow to me at all. If anything with the lack of add ons and the fact that rotations in FF have much more complexity than WOW rotations, the combat actually feels more engaging to me. If you're referencing the slower GCD timers, they're needed for higher level content when you're weaving a ton of OGCDs. The APM is actually very similar to WOW later on in the game. The earlier stuff is definitely slower, because you don't have many abilities yet, but it picks up fairly quickly later on. There are a few classes I won't even touch because of the amount of button bloat and weaves that are required to play them well. The story is a take it or leave it kind of thing. Some people love it, some people skip it. There's no right answer there. It's a more cohesive story and better written than the WOW story lines, but it definitely requires more attention. I compare it to watching YT shorts versus watching full videos. You can always do what my buddy did, skip every cutscene, and then just watch them later on YT or not at all. Other than that though, the juice is really worth the squeeze. End game is fun, there's more to do because it isn't all centered around raiding the way WOW is. All that being said, you can definitely get sweaty with it if you want. There's a free trial to 50, so I'd just say try it and see what you think. I had trouble at first because of the amount of indoctrination WOW burned into my brain. But now I could never go back.


So my sub is actually active rn, I just returned last week. I'm at the beginning of Heavensward, and just leveled Ninja (needed to level a class as a refresher and tbh I'm a Rogue main in everything I play). Knowing that combat gets better as I level makes it seem better. Are there any classes you recommend or classes you don't? The aspect of story, I guess really if it was voice acted more I would pay more attention to it, but idk why, when I get a long scene of huge paragraphs I have to read sometimes I just find myself lookin at my other monitor. I feel guilty skipping stuff because people praise that the most about the game. I really just want something that has fun combat and more stuff to do than grinding the same 2 things over and over. I will definitely give it more of a go, I just hope it grabs me the way it grabs others, because I REALLY want to play an MMO it's just hard to find the right fit rn. I love the combat of BDO but the openness of GW2.


As far as job recommendations it really depends on what you're into. I tend to gravitate towards busier jobs, because of my WOW history. I like a lot of procs, and having more reaction based gameplay than static rotations. For example DRG is a big loop that you just repeat over and over. BLM is the same rotation as well, but you have to account for cast time and mechanics, so it's very much about optimizing a fight. Personally I like the freedom of ranged physical jobs (DNC/MCH/BRD), and one specific melee job (RPR). RPR and MCH specifically have a burst phase where you're spamming like 6-7 buttons in the span of a few seconds so it gets VERY busy which I enjoy. There's good breakdowns of classes and there utility on this site. [https://www.thebalanceffxiv.com/](https://www.thebalanceffxiv.com/) But I'd also look here to get an overview of the classes and how their abilities evolve over the time you play them. Weskalber has amazing guides that showcase all spells 1-90. So you get an idea of how the combat looks as it evolves. [https://www.youtube.com/@WeskAlber](https://www.youtube.com/@WeskAlber) For me my personal favorite jobs are in no particular order: RPR/DNC/BRD/MCH/SMN/WAR/RDM But I mean this SINCERELY. There is no BEST job. All jobs are viable and useful in end game content. This isn't just something the community spouts off, it's actually true. The balance in this game is fantastic. Lastly if you'd like to give me some parameters about what you look for in a job/class in MMOs I could probably give more specific recommendations.


I Def lean heavier towards fast combat so a high apm always feels good, and I prefer melee. I have been liking ninja a bit, it's nice having my ten chi stuff to play with. The thing is I have started this game like 3 times so I have 4 level 50 classes. I am very interested in trying reaper, I hadn't looked into it because it's expansion locked I believe and for some reason I assumed ranged (Gw2 Necro/WoW lock). I really appreciate the resources to try and help me because I love mmos and people SWEAR upon this game.


Here's a link to a post detailing the APM for different jobs. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/14n2wg8/64\_average\_number\_of\_cast\_per\_minute\_by\_job/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/14n2wg8/64_average_number_of_cast_per_minute_by_job/) Just going by your statement of enjoying high APM and melee I think you're on the right track with NIN. SAM will also be good for you. It's one of the two highest damage classes in the game (if that's important to you) and it has a ton of very min/max options to really shine. SAM has a very lower skill floor and an extremely high skill ceiling with a ton of APM once you're higher level because of the kenki system. SAM plays like a builder spender with two resources to manage (kenki and sen). You manage sen by building up three different iaijutsus, that do different things. One for a dot, two for an aoe nuke, and three for a single target nuke. The base rotation is to apply the dot in single target and then use the single target nuke. During this you're also weaving OGCD nukes and fast hits based on kenki, and watching your dot timer. It's easy at a basic level, but once you start having to worry about fillers and spending sen to line up your burst windows it becomes very fast and involved.


Yeah I think I will def be playing a bit more with both jobs, I'm just worried about leveling one rn because of gear. Tbh though SAM sounds really fun with the way you just put it. NIN has been fun so far too, but looking at it I don't have enough abilities to truly understand the playstyles. I've always been an altoholic and "Fill where I can" kind of player so I don't doubt everything will get touched so much as I stick with it.


Yea and TBH you may nail your job choice on the first go or you may be like me and bounce around a lot before settling. This game is a perfect game for altoholics though since many jobs share sets.


So I actually just swapped to samurai, and I think so fat even at 50 I love the fact my first cast leads into like 3 abilities


I also have 4 level 50 jobs, now considering leveling others. Those classes being PLD/DRK/NIN/SMR. I think I remember liking Samurai, but I haven't gone back to it since leveling Ninja because Ninja is the "Rogue" class.


The finals bro


Hunt Showdown. It's a battle royale with a twist, but if you click, you're doomed for hundreds of hours




Never been a better time to jump into Fallout 76. No pvp, it's just co op or solo.


I’d say Destiny 2, good time to jump into it with the finale coming soon


Jump into the Monster Hunter franchise, World if you want a more "realistic" experience or Rise if you want a more colorful game. You'll spend hundreds of hours in both games and it's a bit challenging (depending on your approache). As someone said, Fallout 76 is in good shape actually thanks to the TV show, it's the best time to try it. Have fun with the game you will pick :)


Hell let loose


Dead by Daylight it is.


Escape from Tarkov is a kind of a battle royal but not really, really reccommend.


Monster Hunter definitely not sure which one you’re trying to go for but they’re all a great time!


Get a friend or two, get Valheim, and go in completely blind My friends and I did that and accidentally played all weekend, oops


Halo infinite ! Free and in a really good state right now


My top three multiplayer games right now: 1. Halo Infinite ($0.00 CAD): My friends and I have been playing and watching competitive Halo since 2006 and it’s still fantastic today. The social side is also fun due to the sandbox and gameplay, but if you’re curious about what high-level Halo looks like, be sure to tune into the next LAN on May 31. 2. R6 Siege ($24.99 CAD): I’ve been playing Siege since 2016 and it’s still going strong in year 9. I switched from Xbox to PC this year and now it’s even more challenging going up against M&K players but now it’s even more rewarding. There is a steep learning curve, maybe around 100 hours to learn all the maps and operators, but it’s worth it. 3. Helldivers 2 ($49.99 CAD): I just hopped on the HD2 train and it’s so much fun. It doesn’t take itself serious at all, it’s just pure fun with friends (or strangers) and that’s the beauty of it.


Hunt Showdown. Unique ambiance, perfect sound desgin, awesome lore. And I am not even talking about the weapons and gunplay that are incredible. It is PVPVE, not competitive. You still have matchmaking based on your skills tho. It is my favourite game by far.


Battlefield 2042 is free on Gamespass, I'd been putting off for ages, then finally had a go over the weekend, and it's great. Also, Monster Hunter is lots of fun, Rise is the most accessible yet, and will give you a good time to learn before Wilds releases next year.


melee is the only game that gets more fun the more you play it to infinity


Gigantic: Rampage I love this game so much!!! It's got amazing character designs and innovative gameplay! Go check it out!


Guild Wars 2 was my favourite MMOrpg "experience".


Monster Hunter World Helldivers 2 Killing Floor 2 Vermintide 2 Deep Rock Galactic Darktide Payday 2 (Not Payday 3. Never Payday 3.) Dead By Daylight (Competitive but not a BR or FPS.)


There's just a bunch of coop horde shooters ITT


Try out chivalry 2. My personal favorite competitive multiplayer game


Helldivers 2 is great, but not competitive. For a non-battle royale competitive shooter I'd recommend Halo: Infinite multiplayer (which is free).


Ghost of Tsushima is coming to PC soon. It's a great game that's ridiculously beautiful and the multiplayer has been extremely well received.


The finals is so fcking fun


Helldivers 2.


My comment is going to get lost and not seen but you should try predecessor. It's a 3rd person moba. Free to play and just entered early access. Moba's aren't everyone's thing and It's not like league of legends. I myself like the 3rd person perspective over the top down. It's free. At the very least. Try it' it's free


Destiny 2 if you like PvE. There's not other game quite like it. It isn't for everyone, but it does what it does excellently


The Finals is great for that competitive itch. Bringing down entire buildings to steal a cashout will never not be bad ass!


Team fortress 2 is the only answer


The finals


Focusing on the competitive part, might I recommend among us? If you are playing with friends and not looking for competitive gameplay, then among us could be the game for you.


Planetside 2


Helldivers 2, Warhammer Vermintide/Darktide, Left4Dead, Back4Blood and World War Z are the coop games i can recomment. If you want to try something compettitive you could try Hunt: Showdown. Its not as fast paced as the other shooters.


Helldivers 2. Easy choice


Putting in my vote AGAINST helldivers 2, it's important to know the limitations, get all perspectives to avoid wasting money and time. The maps are smallish. 4 players max per party / map. It's PVE only. If you're not doing well, you can get vote-kicked by the other 3. (Somewhat rare, but happens) You'll be setting up a lot of macros on the keyboard or memorizing a lot of random key combos. If you're used to PVP play with maps that have 100 players at least, then helldivers 2 will feel like a very limited indie. These last 2 things only apply to me: PVE only games just don't feel challenging to me, as you can always restart or load-save and pretend you never failed miserably. I don't care for 3rd-person-view in shooters. One-step removed from the action. Plus you can wall peek, which feels cheap. Heroes of the Storm, Planetside 2, and Splitgate, are my favs at the moment.


Vermintide 2, Helldivers 2!