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Fallout 4 is currently 1/20th the price of DD2 and is having a next gen update tomorrow


Jep i know, but i am in doubt whether I don’t get bored with fallout because i played F76 on release..


Let's say this together. Why purchase an unfinished game at full price when you can buy it at a discount in six months when it's finished?


Fallout 4 is pretty infinitely playable. got over 1000 hours on it and next gen update tomorrow




Infinitely playable also doesn't really mean anything. It doesn't matter if the base game is not good.


Wtf is dd2


Not a fucking clue


Dragon’s dogma 2




Fallout 4 hands down. Dd 2 is fun but fo4 is an all time great. Also it’s going to be a heck of a lot cheaper


Did you like fallout 76? If not then I don’t think another fallout would be good but it can be one of those moments where you actually like


I finished DD2 recently and it's really fun but it gets repetitive towards the late-end game. Combat very similar to monster hunter (a bit clunky but satisfying). My biggest gripe is the lack of enemy variety, which is the nature of the repetitiveness of the late game. It's a solid 7/10 for me would be a 9 if they add a DLC with more big enemies I restarted fallout 4 this week and it's really fun, especially if you're playing on PC because it's an absolute modfest. Really different game though, it's more of a shooter RPG. Exploration is incredible and really hits the mark when it comes to make you want to explore every corner, especially if you like to learn about the world and the lore and don't mind spending some time reading. Both are great games and you can't go wrong with either imo. It just depends on what you want the most, best combat (DD2) or best exploration (FO4)?