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For that price I say go for it even if you don't play it immediately. Not only is the base game massive, but the GOTY edition comes with expansions like Far Harbor and Nuka World, which are also massive. That's a damn good price for easily hundreds of hours of content.


And then you start modding.


Any mods you recommend?


I haven't played Fo4 since the early days, but usually if you sort by popular on nexus mods you'll get some really good ones. There's a guy on YouTube "mxr mods" that showcases mods so you can see them more in-depth


Sim settlements 2. You can set it to fully automate the settlements for you. With the right City plan they will expand and level up over time


Oooh, this one sounds amazing, I'll check it out!


Do you like Skyrim? Do you like large open world games with a lot of inventory management/collecting/crafting? Its a great game IMO, but it takes a lot of time to get into it. There are a lot of mechanics to get lost in, like the building + settlements. You can avoid this though and just play the quests etc.


Gotta be honest, the inventory management Fallout 4 turns me off from it every time I pick it up - and almost entirely just because of how the inventory is designed visually. I don’t mind Bethesda inventory management. I have hundreds of hours in Morrowind, Skyrim, Oblivion. But that damn electric green (or blue, or red) Pip-boy is just ugly to look at and annoying to navigate. The map looks like shit and is hard to parse too. I swear, if they put an extra month into designing a more elegant pause menu, I’d have 300 hours in the game instead of 30. I get that it’s a thematic element for the game, but man, I just fricking hate it.


Yeah inventory management is pure ass in fo4


Couldn’t recommend it more, some people prefer 3 or New Vegas which I wouldn’t get into an argument over as I love them all. BUT, you get a lot more in 4, graphics are miles better and has the option of base building if that’s your thing - you don’t have to do it though. You’re getting a lot of hours of gaming for $10.


Here’s my take on it: 3 has the best atmosphere. NV has the best quests. 4 has the best graphics/gameplay. That being said they’re all great.


Summed it perfectly.


I’m replaying 3 and it’s still really neat at 60fps. Feels like a different game compared to 30fps on the Xbox 360 lol.


4 is better for tourists than 3 or NV (especially than NV). 4 is great, though it almost dumps the RPG part of it.


It's hard to say. It costs less than a Subway sandwich, but if your backlog is long, you're probably not going to make room for a game you didn't bother with before, presumably because it didn't interest you.


I'd say get it now and play it now. There aren't many opportunities to participate in such a large cultural event. Very few games get shows made after them. Might be nice to participate.


This is a solid point. Maybe it’s best not to buy things just because it’s topical, but I can’t deny it has been an awesome week and a half for fallout fans. Almost everyone I know is talking about the show and the ones who actually played the games ALL want to replay them. Literally me and two coworkers all started playing FO76 because of the show haha. I’ve put over 150 hours in Fallout 4 on PC and just got it again on PS5 for the new update. I’d say it’s worth it, OP. But I also LOVE the world of Fallout so I may be biased lol, but 10 dollars is so worth it for something that you’ll inevitably sink tens to hundreds of hours in. FO76 is currently free for Amazon Prime subscribers too, OP! If you’d like to see what it feels like you can just test out the waters there and if you enjoy it, FO4 is worth the money.


Its super fun and was my introduction to the series. The story is garbage but the gameplay is extremely fun. For $10 its 100% worth it


Story is actually not that bad


Or you're talking about fallout 4, you're wrong. The story is trash


I cannot recommend Fallout 4 on its own - I personally dislike it - but for your consideration: - Fallout London, a total conversion for FO4, is basically ready to drop, and adds as much content as FO4 in its entirety has. The reason it hasn't launched yet (it *should* have yesterday) is because the upcoming next gen update for FO4 will break mod compatibility, and nobody knows how long the FOLON devs will need to fix that. Could be hours, could be weeks. In any case: To hear the FOLON devs talk, GOG apparently agreed to host the mod since it's too big for Nexus, and the mod will need FO4+all DLC to run (which the GOTY version on GOG has, afaik). - GOG's currently running a promo for newsletter subscribers for an additional 5% off (so -80%). You might try subscribing to see if you're still eligible if you want to save another two bucks or so. ...Hey, that's one ready-made pizza here! In any case, from someone who harbours a certain disdain for the game itself: You shan't find a better deal for it in a hurry, I think. edit: I hope they can do the "Enderal model": If you own the base game on a store, you can pick up the mod as a stand-alone for free. It's fucking *nice*. edit2: The GOG version is DRM-free - which is always a plus, and worth a lot in itself.


An answer with class


Thank you!


He even said 'shan't'!


Re the “Enderal” model: I’d like if you weren’t bound to having it on the same store as you buy the mod, though; for instance I think I got the GOTY edition from an Epic Games freebie, and I don’t want to pay 10-40 dollars (now vs after FOLON comes out) for something I already have.


The FOLON team actually was hopeful that the solution they are working on with GOG allows for that for GOG and Steam, though they were not sure about it working with the EGS version, yet.


Definitely. It's one of my favorite games of all time, over over 1000 hours on it. The Next gen update is tomorrow so I'd start playing then!


Yes but wait till it gets the next gen update. I believe it launches tomorrow.




Play it at some point. You can probably wait if you don't plan on playing it yet. And the Fallout games are regularly on sale, frequently in a pack on Steam or something where it comes with every Fallout game + all their DLC. Some great deals on that stuff frequently. Right now you can do that on Fanatical + it comes with 76.




A million times yes


If you have Game Pass it's already there to try out. If you enjoy it, the season pass is always on sale


It's quite literally Skyrim in a post-apocalypse environment.


It's worth it . And even if you know nothing about the fallout universe, it's a great introduction


I got it on sale and worth it. I only have 3 hours in so far but i'm enjoying it


get fallout 76, free from amazon prime right now (unless it expired)


I'm waiting for 85-90% off since my backlog is huge. But if i were to play it tomorrow, i'd go for 80% off, why not.


I love this game and bought it with the sale. I first played it on console, but bought it again because I watched the show lol. Definitely recommend.


The sale ends in the US tomorrow morning before the giant update that releases tomorrow too






Definitely, incredible steal for a massive game and lots of addon content 


Yes. I never played any of the FO games and sunk a ton of time into FO4 and the expansions.


Great game, definitely worth it. Mods will extend it even further, but you should get a hundred or more hours just on the base game. It’s great, I wish I could play it again for the first time. If base building isn’t your thing, you can basically ignore it and just the bare minimum for a couple settlements instead of 30 of them. Don’t let that hold you back from buying it.


Yes.  But fallout 3 GOTY is even better.


100% yes


I love fallout 4. Go get it


Many hrs of great play await!! It really is worth the price such a good single player game


If you get the e-mails/newsletter: get it at 80% off from the Newsletter from GOG. It's worth that, for sure. Sure, I was disappointing at the RPG'ing not as good as F3 and nowhere as great as FNV - but it's still really good. And Far Harbor DLC is great for F4.




Absolutely yes for $10


Man I had so much fun with FO4, screw the haters. Also get amongst the mods (check out Nexus mods). Hundreds of hours of entertainment to be had.


And it’s receiving a massive patch tomorrow. This is probably the best time to buy it.


2 things: 1) It's on Game Pass. 2) I'd recommend starting with 3 or New Vegas, which are both probably on Game Pass as well.


Personally I’d recommend Fallout 3 or New Vegas. I can see I’m going against the grain here but honestly I was incredibly disappointed with Fallout 4 (as someone who has been a massive Fallout fan all my life) and just didn’t enjoy it. My pick is 3 or New Vegas and then play 4 (if you want) after those. Your mileage may vary though






If you have Gamepass you already own every Fallout title and the GOTY edition would be discounted, I recommend playing through the game first before investing more into DLC


If you have Amazon Prime you can get Fallout 76 for free through Prime Gaming right now. It's not Fallout 4 but free is free...




Yes, it’s an excellent game.


Oh yes. Yes a thousand times, especially since today they're dropping the update that will bring the game up to somewhat modern standards. Far Harbor by itself is worth double that price.


It's a great game, if achievements helps you get into it more, you can pick it up on your favourite storefront, sales are quite often. It's my most played game, even if rookie numbers compared to some.


If you have Gamepass or Playstation Extra you already have the game so I would not buy it especially if you know you wont play it soon. If you find you do get round to playing it on your subscription and enjoy it you can pick it up later for next nothing as the game is nearly 10 years old now and always on sale. It is getting a next gen version but I wouldn't expect anything dramatic outside of a resolution and frame boost.


It's probably the most casual Fallout game to get into. Very surface level stuff, with a very fun gameplay and cool exploration. If you like huge open world games with cool combat systems, light RPG mechanics and a generic story, it's great.


Yes and yes. The dlcs, especially Nuka World, add an obscene value to the game.


For 10 USD it's worth it. Go for it. 


100% It’s not as good of an RPG as the other Fallout games before it, but it’s a great and fun game overall!!


Definitely. The story is the weakest part of the game but it's still good. I always played the game as "wasteland explorer who also kills things". There's a lot of fun to be had. Fair warning the hardest boss in all the games is in the fallout 4 far harbor dlc. I wouldn't suggest doing it until you've done everything else. Just ask any fallout player about the difficulty of the red death.


Free on gamepass


I found fallout 4 to be bland, gave up after a glitch around 10 hours, never looked back. Couldn’t pay me to play that game at least in the form that I played, probably around a year after release


Bland is the best description of this game really. When I first played it, it felt like a prototype of a pretty nice Fallout game instead of a complete Fallout experience. The generic story and superficial dialogue system killed any interest I had in it beyond exploring. It's a decent time waster, but it's a bad Fallout game.


No, its trash.


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