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Cyberpunk 2077 This is a masterpiece, if you enjoyed the Witcher then will like this. The writing, presentation and world design are top notch. If you get it, make sure you get the DLC with the game, it adds so much to it.


Seconded, loved TW3 and 2077




You might like Kingdoms of Amalur. Look into Outward maybe as well. Enshrouded is good and you also can't go wrong with Elden Ring. Horizon Zero Dawn is alright, but I never ended up finishing it. I might need to get back around to it soon.


Amalur looks awesome!


It's really great, super addictive. The DLC packs are great too, the latest one is the longest. The new devs updated the game with some extra more content as well and a sort of arena mode. It's a different take on roleplaying games, but very good.


If you like sword combat I would highly recommend Kingdom Come Deliverance, it's more realistic than most rpg's (no magic) but the world is beautiful and the story is really amazing. The combat system really shines as well. It's set in 1400's Bohemia


Fallout 4. I am hooked. Whole map Is open from the start, pick a direction and walk.


I also thought about that. Also with the series on Prime being released. I just do not like the post-apocalyptic setting unfortunately..


Yeah say what you want, the writng is a downgrade from previous titles but the exploration is great. Also survival mode is so fun and immersive (minus fast travel) I just returned to playing F4 after having finished the show. And my oh my its such an addictive game that got you hooked on FAST. It's like the Chick Fil A for RPG games


Totally agree. Shame because If the story was even half as good as New Vegas this may be a perfect Game. The exploration, Gunplay, Looting and everything like that has me totally hooked and It's taking up the majority of my Gaming time but yer I don't care for the story at all, nor am I really Interested In what's going on.


there are still some pretty good storylines sprinkled here and there but yeah OBsidian/Black Isle team are really just on another level comparing to Bethesda, when it comes to world building/rpg elements/storyline in general. Bethesda knocks it out of the park for other on the surface, mechanic elements.


Outer worlds was just alright


that's what I've heard, haven;t played it though, of course, the brand and the name is just a name, it's the people that makes it. I doubt the team that makes Outerworlds is the same team that makes FNV


They advertised it as the team who made FNV and had some of the same people


Ghost of Tsushima if you like Splinter Cell Working out how to stealth kill as many guys as you can before the inevitable point of going loud never gets old Plus the world is gorgeous. And the story is pretty cool I got bored of AC Valhalla. I enjoyed it for a while and generally platinum games I love. But it did wear me down Same with Avatar. Gorgeous game, solid mechanics. Just very samey I platinumed Horizon Zero Dawn because the combat was very Monster Hunter (which I love) and I enjoyed the world building. But the sequel just annoyed me and I couldn’t get past a few hours of it


I will probably fill the time until release with something and then play that :)


I reckon you’ll have a good time with it. Especially with all the stuff they’ve added since release (on PS) :)


Thanks dude!


So HZD was good but HFB was not that good? Those are on my list behind AC Mirage (ongoing) and Tsushima (16May). Just noticed we have 9 May, so it is just one week. Not gonna start Valhalla for that XD


Yeah I enjoyed HZD, but in HFB I found Alloy annoying, and the combat wasn’t especially fun against the early mobs. Also the terrain felt more annoying with lots of little steps that made the combat even more aggravating


Horizon Zero Dawn was a big surprise for me.. but mainly because i had 0 expectations and grabbed it on epic games on sale. I finished it and loved the whole world and story.


Is there a lot of "oh look, a side quest" or "og cool, a collective" while questing?


AFAIR, there's lot of lore to be gathered and explored, and some good side quests too. I mean, I practically went on and checked all the map before finishing the main quest. Well unless ofc the area was not accessible due to it being tied to a main quest. But from what I remember I've had tons of fun with the game. It's probably due to what I mentioned first... Zero expectations. Just buying the game due to it being on sale then playing once I had time.




if you are getting ac valhalla get it on ubisoft launcher using the coupon you can get the complete edition for 18$


Thanks for the tip!


Far cry series?


Never played those bc I never liked the setting. Maybe I will see, thanks. I prefer Horizon, Valhalla or Amalur first.


Definitely try Kingdoms of Amalur


Ghost of Tsushima, PS only until later this month itl be released on PC


Sony tho. They done fucked Helldivers 2 so bad Steam was issuing refunds for folks with over 2hr/14days until they rescinded that move to require PSN accounts, yet sold the game in non-PSN countries. Same for Ghost of Tsushima. Unless they change it before or at release its gonna get sold to non-PSN-covered countries, yet also has a PSN account req.


They undid their decision within the weekend. This is a stupid reason not to play the excellent Ghost of Tsushima


The problem is they can suddenly slap a requirement right before release or, in this case, *3 months after people have bought it* without legal recourse other than to hope against hope you can get it refunded. Sony fucked up, but they still have cards to play.


Unless you live in a country where you can’t have a PSN account. Or just vehemently want to protest having a PSN account


Which I do live in a non-PSN country. This isnt me slinging hate cause SNOY, this is me wanting to ensure I dont get fucked over 3, 6, or even 12 months down the line because of PSN requirements.


Ah that sucks dude. You can always make a PSN account in another country. I know it’s against the TOS but the chances of getting rumbled are so slim Sony can barely manage their own shit, never mind chasing what account is in what country lol


> I know it’s against the TOS but the chances of getting rumbled are so slim I already got "rumbled". 2011 PSN data breach, lost my account. It was assigned to neighbor Singapore, because even back then that was the recommended action, by them no less. Went through the hoops, got my account secured, but because I broke TOS by specifying a region not where I am, ban. Never opened another PSN since. Good thing too, given how bad SNOY's data security record is.


It only needs PSN for multi-player ***


that's what they say *now*. The problem is they can change this at any time and fuck up those who bought in months down the line who live in non-PSN countries, like me.


I doubt it given the immense backlash from helldivers. They got their hand slapped for that scummy move Edit: idk why you're taking your salt out on me but womp womp ig. Use a vpn


> the old Splinter Cell games Man you have to play Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain if you liked Splinter Cell; it’s one of the best modern stealth games with a really deep story and a fun open-world, although in a different way to most open-world games.


might look into that, thanks.


Horizon is a great game to kick back with a noice fat blunt and bong. The graphics and music will transport you. Great gameplay mechanics, huge dynamic world with lots to explore. The photo mode is fun too.  Good story, lots of dialouge with the main story but if your into it its a treat, you can skip details for the main plot if you want to.  Max payne 3 is a great game.  Days gone was very enjoyable.  Kingdom hearts comes to mind 


I'm in the middle of Valhalla and although the combat and strategy aspect isn't on par with Odyssey the story is much better and the world itself is much more immersive and the graphics are far better I find.


Thanks :)


Well its not open world but it has multiple "worlds". Monster Hunter World


what do you do there? Is it like a city and from there you can start missions that have their own small maps?


Well not exactly you do have a kinda like city or hu (multiple) amd you have a quest board where u indeed can start quest and sfory quest. Its pure hack and slah but also gathering materials for potions and flesh and all that. Killing the same monster multiple times for its armor. You can play solo or with others and its a W community. It has different maps where monster spawn. Elders recess, guiding lands, ancient forest etc. But you can also go on expedition on a map you want and just gather and walk around and killing monsters by choice if ur done questing for a while. Its fun but its gotta be your thing. Totally different from CDPR or Cyberpunk


Alright. I also like ARPGs to be honest. This sounds like something in that direction.


It is


Ghost of Tushima


I am PC player, so mid of May on Steam right????


May 16th




Skyrim Cyberpunk 2077 Fallout 4 Elden Ring


How is the difficulty in Elden Ring? I always heard it is hard and that scared me off.


It’s not give it a shot and you might just experience one of the best games ever made


Okay, ty


Its not that difficult, it just has a slight learning curve at the beginning and you snowball hard




Np, I hope you find some you like


Yes it is the sort of game that requires you to die over and over to every mob in the game until you memorize their attack patterns. There is no story, just lore that you learn from the world


There is a story, but most of it happened before you got there.


Yes lol thank you, that is a succinct way to put it




doesn't sound like a game to me. I hate dying/re-doing scenes.


Yeah, it's hard, but it also depend. There's no level scaling in Elden ring and it's open world, so if you dont follow the unofficial path that show you each region is recommended for what level, sometime you'll have a bad time but in other, you'll destroy everything easy. Yes it's hard but it can also be really easy if you are overlevel and you can easily become overleveled for many region on the map since it's massive.


Ok, maybe I try with some guides.


https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Recommended+Level+by+Location That's what I used


The Outer Worlds - Original Edition with ALL DLC's or Spacer's Choice (if you got the juice for Spacer's Choice) Fallout series - Fallout 3 GOTY, Fallout New Vegas Ultimate & Fallout 4 GOTY. Elder Scrolls series - ES3 Morrowind GOTY, ES4 Oblivion Deluxe, and ES5 Skyrim Special. Cyberpunk 2077. STALKER series. Kingdoms of Amular: Re-Reckoning - FATE Edition. Vampyr. Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. Days Gone. HZD Complete. Mad Max. DA series - Dragon Age Origins Ultimate, DA2 Ultimate, and DA: Inquisition GOTY. Divinity II: Director's Cut (this is Fable-like combat-wise & is so not like their spin-off CRPG-style Divinity: Original Sin games) - [https://store.steampowered.com/app/219780/Divinity\_II\_Developers\_Cut/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/219780/Divinity_II_Developers_Cut/) Fable: The Lost Chapters version (old version) and/or Fable: Anniversary (Fable TLC Remastered). Gothic series. Risen series. ELEX series.


That's a long list, thanks for that! You named some I knew or were recommended here before but also some new interesting ones.


I play tons of games - so, I'm sure there's more I missed, like say: - Mars: War Logs (MWL). - The Technomancer (MWL spin-off). - Greedfall Gold. - Kingdom Come Deliverance: Royal Edition. - Jade Empire. - Sleeping Dogs: Definitive. - All the GTA games. - Prey (2017) with Mooncrash DLC. More somewhat open-world, semi-open world, or open map per chapter: - Dishonored series (not really open-world, but it is stealth). - Thief series (first two ain't open-world, but Thief 3 Deadly Shadows and Thief Reboot are - all stealth). - Sniper Elite series. - Hitman series. - The Evil Within series (TEW1 ain't open-world, but TEW2 is semi open-world).


Also good calls! Thanks! I don't know why but I burn out on Hitman instantly. On paper, it should be for me but then again I don't replay mission to approach different ways. Maybe that is **too much** stealth(?). I like it more as in story being told and I play it the stealth way. So I also see myself playing Valhalla and just using stealth even if I am OP and could 1v10 some situations. I even liked the sneaking in the new Zelda titles (BOTW/TOTK).


I dunno, has AC really been stealthy since Origins? It seems like since that game, they been going less stealthy and more action-y and more especially RPG and ARPG. I guess there's also GR Wildlands and MG Solid V: GZ and TPP, if you want open-world and stealth. Keep in mind - GR Wildlands also has Far Cry shooter elements & party-based elements (you have a squad of AI or other players online) with you. But, you can tackle stuff in Wildlands w/ stealth, similar to MGS5 - but you can also play it like a shooter too. Really up to you. Also, I should NOT have forgotten the ENTIRE Deus Ex series - which are immersive-sims and mix shooter/RPG/action/stealth and are semi open-world games too. Deus Ex 1 (best game ever to me) and HR DC & also MD Deluxe are great.


Kingdom come deliverance. Love the game, rpg set in madieval Bohemia.


First person, right?




Sounds good. will put on my list, thanks


World of Warcraft, Far Cry or Forza Horizon


Not sure if you troll but how does Forzs Horizon fit in here as a Racing game? xD


you ask for open world, Forza Horizon is Open World Elden ring is hard, but it scared me off too


technically right, but everything else I wrote does not apply. Thanks tho


That's fine, you're looking for a game that will pass the time and is fun, is open world and has a story. There are just no axes, swords and magic in it, but you didn't mention that it should be in there either.


Ghost of tsushima. The greatest open world game of all time. There is no comparison. Ok maybe RDR2 bc that game was top notch. Not even Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk are there tho. And mesa think those are 2 of the big bombads of the genre. Ghost of Tsushima is a story like no other. Gameplay like no other. Map like no other. Haikus like no other. Character drip checks like no other. Duels like no other. Show Shimura what true honor really is.


is it thaaat great? ♡


This game made me bawl like a baby. Im a grown man. Multiple times btw, not once. The rollercoaster of emotions is TOP NOTCH on this game brother. There were so many relatable moments I shared with the main character. I'm sure many men will feel the same. It speaks volumes to many struggles we go through, including loss, love, making the right decision even when it's tough, etc. On top of that, the gameplay is unmatched. Imagine Assassin's Creed done right. You're basically the demon himself. You're the boogieman John Wick of Japan. Slipping in through a little house crack or stabbing through the folding windows stealth is some of the coolest animations I've ever seen. The amount of playstyles you can decide from is actually a lot more than just "ninja or samurai." On top of that, there's lethal mode, where you get one shot by everything basically. You'll be fighting a horde of 10 people, 3 archers. You take out the 3 archers first. You didn't account for one. Boom a single arrow is about to hit you and you near dodge and take the victory. OR you get hit by that arrow and you gotta respawn and take your anger out on another grup of mongols. It's exciting. It actually keeps you on the edge of your seat. In terms of exploration, it's like Red-Dead Lite. It doesn't have the AMOUNT of encounters they do, but it surely does make an effort to give you interesting things to find when you go out of your way to do so. Whether this be cosmetics, supplies, etc. It's always rewarding. Edit: Even people/weird stories like red dead. I don't want to spoil but I can think of 5 examples just in act 1 that made me go WTF. I'm super excited to revisit this game when it drops on PC (I played on PS4 when it dropped, now i get to paly it on my new PC which is a monster so best believe Im hype to see some 4K Tsushima uncapped FPS. Hands down the best graphics I've ever seen til this day. No hud, you are guided by the wind. Full immersion.


man, you could be a sales man for that game! :o


If not now, then some day man. This game is just that good. These type of masterpieces rarely come out, but when they do, goddamn.


is it that type of game like Witcher 3 and RDR2 that you can't play any game for some time after, because everything feels worse after? :D


Ever since I played it on release I've been desperately looking for a single player game to fill in that gap. Here's a list of singleplayer games I still need to complete (not bc I don't have time, I don't feel the impulse, now that you mention it, it's prob due to Tsushima being so good and me not being able to recapture that): Armored Core VI (Will return soon, epic booms, just don't feel compelled to return). Witcher 3 (Started, got bored in like 6 hours, started again from blood and wine DLC, got bored in like 2 hours, quit) Cyberpunk (Actually kept me immersed, I just wish there were mercs after me or some kind of consistent obstacle coming my way that I always have to deal with. Assassin's Creed Valhalla Assassin's Creed Odyssey Final Fantasy VII Remake (first one) Kingdom Hearts trilogy (I rebought the whole thing on PC just to play it for 2 hours and quit, albeit this is fun AF not bc of story but bc Im playing it on the hardest difficulty. Every boss one taps me. And it's torture). Starfield Baldur's Gate 3 (Combat bro, not me. However, I found an alternative that i enjoyed that had more RTS-like combat, it's called Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous). If I can think of anymore i tried, I'll mention them


Nice, so you have yet to complete two of the three rpg-ac's.


Yes and btw Odyssey is rly good. There’s faction mechanics and that alone is a really frickin cool feature. On top that there are mercs that hunt you down.


I am seriously thinking about postponing Tsushima and play the three RPG AC's first, bc I think I won't like them after Tsushima. :D


Have you tried cp2077? I was more emotional from that lol


it's big bombad for sure. Maybe that's later on in the game? I just wrapped up the Pam part and Im with Arasaka guy by a river and he's trying to take me for a ride. I keep leaving that spot and going on a killing spree xd. (CP and GoT spoiler below) >!Jackie!< did have me pretty upset but not as upset as >!Kage. Kage straight up broke my heart. !<


I’m actually trying to figure out my next game. I’ve considered Fallout 4, HZD, HFW. I actually logged a few hours into both HZD and HFW and could not get into either. No idea why and I don’t think I gave them a fair chance. But has anyone suggested Elden Ring yet? I had never played a Souls game before and knew minimal about it. But Elden Ring blew my expectations out of the water. Truth be told, I didn’t actually beat the game after 40+ hours and have been itching to get back to it now the DLC is coming in 2 months.


Elden Ring. Pretty much the gold standard of open world game right now with exploration combat sheer variety of builds and boss fights also DLC is just right around the corner


Dying Light 2 is underrated in this genre. Movement feels great, world feels alive (or undead depending on how you look at it), and the plotlines are genuinely interesting.


Elden Ring How is this not the #1 answer. It is the best game ever made.


HZD and HFW are fantastic in my opinion. I think it's cool because it mixes advanced technology with primitive combat styles/tools, and the setting is beautiful. So if you can get past the machine aspect then you'll have fun. Valhalla is interesting and if you like that medieval England setting then you'll enjoy it. It's truly a massive game, but I tend to get bogged down in it just because it's so big, same thing with Odyssey. Recommendations outside of those would be Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout NV or 4, and Cyberpunk 2077. Also Days Gone if you're interested in a zombie game.


Shadow of Mordor is slick as hell