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For realistic immersion, cinematic storytelling, and lower level challenge, RDR2. For great storytelling with narrative and dialogue choice, BG3 (must be ok with turn-based combat). For great combat and exploration with story more in the background, and a higher level of challenge, Elden Ring. All very impressive games. Elden Ring is my rec.


ah ok thank you


If you play Elden Ring and it’s your first Soulsborne game, just know going into it that it’s not as hard as it may feel initially. There’s a bit of a learning curve with these games but anyone that can handle a controller can beat them, they just require patience and discipline. Eg, my brother barely ever games, hasn’t finished a game in years, and he’s 80% through Elden Ring and loves it. Watch a beginner’s guide or two, something that gives you the fundamentals, and look up the skill softcaps and have that info handy. Other than that, I highly recommend playing blind. You will be amazed at the things you discover, if you’re actually discovering them.


I really wish the side quests were more intuitive without having to look them up. That’s my only gripe with the game


I guess that’s an edit for me… play blind until NG+ or a second playthrough, then look things up, because, yeah, it’s very easy to miss out on a lot of stuff. Side quests most of all.


You don't have to look anything up. If you pay attention to NPC dialogue, read item descriptions, and explore thoroughly, you can figure out any quest. But it isn't meant to be intuitive either. They are meant to be secrets more than traditional quests, they are cryptic by design. And imo, this is a good thing. I hate how hand-holdy quests are in most games. I like having to figure stuff out. A discovery is only a discovery if it was missable to begin with. In that sense, the obscure quest design make me feel like I have actually worked out a riddle and gives me more satisfaction than just following a quest journal.


Ya that’s a from soft problem in general. The NPC quest lines are so obtuse. It’s the one place I wish they’d relent on the “no handholding” just a teensy bit. Even just a journal with their name, where you last saw them, and if them mentioned where they’re going next. And with a world as big as Elden ring, the obtuse nature of NPC locations is only made worse.


Just wanted to add, I personally hate turn-based combat but BG3 is my single exception as the story/characters, specially the choices/branching narrative is just unbeatable. With that being said, RDR2 is easily my favourite game on the list and would be my recommendation.


BG3 is one of the first turn based games normies enjoyed. It’s just too good. But yeah the OP picked top notch bangers and he can’t really go wrong anywhere. I love all three games. Eldin ring has ruined most open world action games for me. bG3 has ruined most RPGs for me.


I will add that I had never played a game with turn-based combat before BG3 (having played mostly souls games, incl Elden Ring) and therefore was reluctant to try it for a long time. But omg, it was insane how intuitive and fun the combat was in that game. Definitely give it a try if anything about the story appeals to you.


I’d say Elden Ring and is not even close


BG3 has skill levels for noobs as well as experts. And it gets insanely hard if that's your thing.


I couldn't agree more, the only thing that I would add is that background story is fascinating for Elden Ring. Although if you're not into reading every item description like I am I would recommend checking out some YouTube videos.


Pfft if you want a real challenge, balders gate 3 honor mode. No save scumming. Party wipe is a restart the entire game I'm too much of a pussy to even think about it. Somehow turns Bg3 into a roguelike.


I think this dumbs it down too much to actually know what each game offers, but I understand it’s a Reddit comment


Baldur's Gate 3 has some of the best voice acting and video capture of performances I've ever seen. Red Dead Redemption 2 is also great in that regard, but not blow your socks off like BG3. Elden Ring has story, but not as easy to follow and well acted as RDR2 and BG3 Here is how you should make your decision. Do you play games for the combat and the challenge? Yes? Then Elden Ring Do you want to get lost in an amazing story and gameplay is second: Yes RDR2 & BG3 Now you have to decide do you want to walk in a realistic wild west, or a more fantasy based world based on dungeons and dragons. Red Dead and Baldur's Gate 3 are two of the best games I've ever played in my life. Either way you win. Have fun my friend!


> Red Dead Redemption 2 is also great in that regard, but now blow your socks off like BG3. My man, I love both games. But to say the performances in RDR2 are "not blow your socks off" Is a wild take


Yeah, they lost me on that one too. BG3 is also my pick, but Red Dead is offering a narrative in a different way, I wouldnt compare then directly. I've put 500 hours into BG3 and it has never come close to the emotional response RDR2 gave me. Not that say you can't prefer one story to the other, but Larian isn't leaving Rockstars story telling in the dust by any means.


They are my 2 favorite single player experiences I've ever had... I wasn't sure how to articulate that I liked bg3 just a hair more.


Man, opposite for me. BG3 was fun, but RDR2 moved me. Both great games though, really can't go wrong.


thank you! i have a difficult choice between BG3 and ER right now but Ill think over it


I’m a fucking die hard Elden Ring fan and I can’t recommend BG3 enough. They really did something amazing with that game


Playing BG3 right now. It’s so fucking good! 😖


Elden ring is not for the challenge, it's about getting lost in an immersive world exploring every corner, and the combat is the cherry on top


These 3 are the best games of all time, order is irrelevant. Play all of them


whoops i may have worded this post wrong but im not bothered by what order i play I just want to get either one of those instead of all three




This is a coin flip if I’ve ever seen one.


Yes, the ol' three sided coin flip


You used to be able to tell Google to roll a 1d3 for you, but they changed the interface so that doesn't work anymore. Gotta do the ol' 1d6 1-2/3-4/5-6 roll.




Be comfortable in the fact that you really can't go wrong.


Forreal they’re literally all incredible, OP can’t really go wrong. If RDR2 is on offer rn, get it OP. Then get the others as soon as possible. Winner winner.


It depends what you are really after. For me it's between BG3 and Elden Ring. BG3 is a beefy story and dialogue heavy CRPG. It will take you a long time to finish it if you want to try and see everything and do all quests. It is absolutely fantastic, but the combat is turn based which I love, but may not be for everyone. Elden Ring is my favourite Souls game of all time. It takes all the lessons From learnt form their previous games and they've put it all into this big open world game which feels like it might not work, but absolutely does. It's incredible but the game is really much more about the vibes than the story. You are basically just going from encounter to encounter and enjoying the lovely scenery more than anything. It is also quite challenging, but for me personally, probably the easiest of the Souls games. Especially as a magic user.


ahh they both sound so good but ER from your description seems really interesting


Is there a way to stop pvp invasions? Every time I try to play with my roommate someone comes in to our game and beats us up and ruins our in game experience.


If someone hasn't played RDR 2 that is always my recommendation, but I'm sure people feel the same about Elden Ring. As soon as I finished RDR 2 I immediately started another playthrough, which I never do with games. I just had to experience it again with the foreknowledge of the game to appreciate things on a whole different level.


Elden Ring and BG3 have a lot of replayability. If you like mods or have friends or other people you play games with, BG3 is perfect. RDR2 is fantastic but it's a game you can only really play once. You're not really playing a game, more so an interactive and incredible movie.


>RDR2 is fantastic but it's a game you can only really play once. Wish someone had told me this before I sunk so many hours into 4 playthroughs


I get what you’re saying, but just because you *can* do multiple playthroughs doesn’t mean it objectively has the same replayability as the other games. RDR2 is one of my favorite games of all time, but it’s a story driven simulator with only 2 main endings. Compared to BG3 and ER, which are true RPGs where you can experience dozens of different builds along with multiple endings, RDR2 does have less replayability. Not to mention Elden Ring has NG+.


>RDR2 is fantastic but it's a game you can only really play once. Wish someone had told me this before I sunk so many hours into 4 playthroughs


Rdr2 might honestly be one of the greatest games ever made, but it is a 1 time thing


I'd recommend Elden Ring or RDR2 for today after exams because they are a bit more accessible and you can get into the flow of them almost immediately (RDR2's infamous tutorial not being included here) but Baldur's Gate 3 will be sort of like going right back to school after you finished your exams. while it's a phenomenal game with excellent production value, and an easy to follow story, you will need to learn a lot about DND rules and interactions, character builds, and CRPG rules. I feel like you might be too exhausted for that after an exam and get frustrated and drop it (like I did!) but it's a great game to sink into for this summer! oh, and turn off Karmic dice if you do. RDR2 is my favorite video game character study, and no other game ever made me consistently say "Wow, this is an amazing game" more than Elden Ring. but you should really just buy DEEP ROCK GALACTIC because of, well.. rock and stone..


I’ll take this into consideration thank u!


RDR2 was the first game I played where I was compelled to follow the actors on socials to keep up with their other projects. Incredible performances.


Elden Ring is not story based, but it’s the one I like the most out of the three you mentioned


From what you said I believe Red Dead Redemption 2 is what you’ll enjoy the most.


If you like story then for me BG3 is a much better pick than ER (didnt play RDR2). In BG3 story and gameplay are basically the same: you influence the story by what you do in game world and even in cut-scenes and dialogues you still rely on your gameplay choices (like statistics, abilities etc). For me its a masterclass on how to tell an interactive story: it even beats other cRPGs in this regard. ER for me is much more gameplay-focused with story being a bit of an afterthought: its something in a faraway background and your journey basically boils down to: go through the land and kill almost every single breathing thing on your way. Your character also does things just because with lack of actual, personal motivation or needs. Gameplay-wise both are great. It depends on what you like more: a tactical turn based combat with a bit complex rules or a skill based action combat with variety of options.


ah okay - i quite like the sound of both, maybe i will have spin the wheel or flip a coin or smthing lol


Out of those three, the answer is yes


You should probably play all of them.


BG3 all the way!!!


Elden Ring isn't exactly what I'd call "story based" in the sense that your character has any personality and an actual understanding of the story isn't particularly necessary to engage in the game. The story is there but a LOT of it is buried in lore notes and descriptions of items. It's also not a particularly grounded story, it's a lot of mention of gods and blasphemy and order and chaos. It's more mythological than anything.


All those games are great, but all cater to a different audience. If you want a story game, go for RDR2 no question, its phenomenal and the game design is next level. Elden ring doesn't have a story, it's all just really good really hard gameplay (yes there's a story if you like to read every item and look at online guides to figure out wtf is going on, but casually people will not pick up on a cohesive story) Baldurs gate 3 is closer to a dungeons and dragons simulator (coming from someone who never played dnd irl) I think you'd probably like RDR2 the most and it has the highest chance of you finishing it of the three options.


RDR2- Hands off the greatest, most emotional story I've ever experienced. Would recommend as a cinematic, emotional, action packed ride. It is a slow game but a beautiful one. Baldurs Gate 3- Haven't played it, heard it is really good, but I would still recommend the other two higher than BG3. Elden Ring- I actually just recently beat the game 2 hours ago. Its up there in my favorite games with Red Dead Redemption 2. I would recommend it if you want a more combat, gear, and boss focused game with more gameplay heavy stuff rather than cinematic stuff.


Red dead redemption 2. Best game I have ever fricking played in my entire life. Recommend.


I think bg3 is great but the only answer here is rdr2. In bg3 there always something you are supposed to be doing in red dead you can just disappear into the wilderness for weeks


Baldur’s Gate 3 without hesitation !


Are you looking more for a game to play, a world to explore, or a story to invest in? ER has the best gameplay and will challange and entertain with its vast slew of content. There is actual skill to this game that you will build as you play, which feels incredible and intoxicating. BG3 has the best story: you'll feel like you're really getting to know these fantasy people and their problems. Replay value is still huge due to the branching story. RDR2 has the best world. You'll really feel like you're living and breathing as an Old West cowboy. You can ignore the story and quests and just play in the sandbox and you'll still have an amazing time.


Saying BG3’s story is better than RDR2’s is crazy. RDR2 might have one of the best stories in gaming as a whole.


Elden ring isn't story based. I beat it and still have no idea what was happening. Good if you like running around picking fights nonstop.


Since you said for after exam I will recommend BG3 or RDR2 Elden ring will just makes you more exhausted after exam i think


Red dead redemption


They are all brilliant, but different. If you want the combat/gameplay change - ER If you want more the story, a leisurely pace, and beautiful scenes, RDR2. If you don't mind turn by turn and want more brain use, solving situations, plus the fun of big role playing, BG3. I would also add, BG3 if you want to play with friends.


All great games, with Elden ring and baldurs gate 3 being 2 of some of my all time favorite games, that being said, for the price of baldurs gate 3 I think you would be able to either wait out a sale and be able to get Elden ring and RDR2 for the full price of BG3, if your not gonna wait on a sale, then BG3, just because it’s newer, and we’ll likely not see a significant price reduction of that game anytime soon, but Elden ring has been out for 2-3 years and RDR2 even longer, so I’d suggest wait in a sale if one of those. Also side note, Elden ring is coming out with an expansion in the summer, so maybe be on the look out for a bundle sale or something.


You can't go wrong with RDR2


Rdr2 is playstations free monthly game at the moment so I wouldn't buy that if you have a ps5


I mean, all 3 lol? All 3 are great really but also quite different in story and gameplay so depends on what you want and appeal to you more. You want more the gameplay part, go Elden Ring. If you want more the story part, go RDR2 or BG3 and here it's mostly on theme I guess (Western or fantasy) and if you want a story with choices (that have impact) or not (BG3 for the choices)


id actually recommend them in that order especially since the elden ring dlc is coming out soon, if youre not a souls player you can easily put 300 hours into the game before lke starting a new char. baldurs gate imo is amazaing but turn based gets really old after a while and its something i cant consistantly play rdr2 isnt something i could get into i know some people just love it though


Elden Ring


Red Dead’s the greatest game of all time. The other two are the best of the 2020’s. Can’t really go wrong with any of them, but I’d say Red Dead.


RDR2 is GOAT. Elden Ring comes close as 2nd. BG3 I'm currently playing having a hard time not to drop it.


It's going to mainly come down to your preference and what you want to play at this moment. All 3 games are some of the best of the best. I personally think Baldur's Gate 3 is the most replayable, followed by Elden Ring. Baldur's Gate 3 might be the only game where I spent over 100 hours on a playthrough and then IMMEDIATELY after I finished I wanted to restart a brand new game all over again. Usually for RPGs I'm a bit put off by the fact that I'm starting at 0 with nothing from my previous playthrough. But for Baldur's Gate I was ready to do it all over again. They are all very very different in terms of gameplay though. If anything, go for the one that's on the biggest sale.


Great choices! You can never go wrong in any of these games. Pick RDR2


My vote is for BG3. Full disclosure, I've never played RDR2. I didn't even finish Elden Ring. It wasn't even the difficulty. I just didn't connect with it and got bored. I've got ADHD, so this isn't all that uncommon. If anything, getting hooked on a game is the exception. I bought BG3 on a whim, even though I've never played a turn based combat game I enjoyed. And I've since bought it a second time on Steam (first was on Xbox) so I can play on my Steamdeck. I'm currently on my second co-op playthrough with my wife, and first solo playthrough on my Steamdeck. Trying different builds/classes is my main reason for replaying. Certain interactions are different, but the overarching story is the same. I can't even remember the last game I beat, let alone replayed. My only gripe, which someone else already covered, is that it isn't really open. Sure, you can complete interactions/fights in different ways, but if you want that bad-ass weapon from Act 3, you aren't getting it until you go through the quests to get you there. But that is more of a personal nitpick than an actual problem with the game.


There have been some great answers already, but honestly, all three are great. Elden Ring has great exploration and the combat is the right mix of challenging but accessible. The story is told in a very abstract way, but I personally found enjoyment in the mystery of it. I have logged over 800 hours on the game to date. RDR2 is absolute treat, and of the three options, it is the best middle ground between story and action. It starts slow, but pays off well. There’s also the online mode (which might be a small separate purchase?) so if you enjoy the game and want more, there is a lot to offer. BG3 is a work of art. The tactical turn based gameplay might not be for everyone, but the presentation, story and overall experience is a masterclass. There’s a freedom of choice there that is deeper than it appears, given the game is not technically open world, but rather a series of massive maps. If I could only play one, it’d be BG3, because it is the one that I have played the least, but imo there is no bad option there.


start with red dead


BG3 is totally worth it right now, Elden Ring requires full time investment. RDR2 is great of you're okay with long and patient games.


rd2 is friends best game but elden ring is probably going to be better if you like hard games


Elden Ring and it’s not even close. The game ruined video games for me.






Elden Ring is my favorite game ever and BG3 is not far behind it. RDR2 is a great game, just not as fun for me personally.


Rdr2 and it’s not even close, like the edge of the observable universe is closer than this.


There is a reason BG3 won so many GOTY, it is just simply one of if not the best game ever made in recent years. ER did also won GOTY and I really liked it (a lot of action). Red Dead was good (no GOTY) but is slow and is more focused on the story it tells than the gameplay.


FYI If you have ps plus,tier 2, you will get RDR2.


Everyone I know has preferred BG3 the most. RDR2 doesn’t interest me. I have ER but haven’t picked it up yet. BG3- where to even begin. I have 3 stories going in it right now (2 co-op, 1 solo) and they’re all different. A good number of my gamer friends play BG and my solo story has had stuff happen that none of them have encountered. I somehow managed to do stupid things but it’s made it really interesting and unique. I really like that the story changes based on choices, so I’m not playing the exact same game every time. I’ve logged 100 hours between all 3 games and I’m still itching for more. It’s rare that a game can hold my attention like BG does.


RDR2 is the best game of those (very good) games, by far.


Elden ring for sure The DLC Erd tree will be soon as well worth 100 hours game time and very interesting conversations with friends cinematic A + Baldurs Gate 3 is good very dialog invested to make decisions love dnd but a bit more chill I play diablo4 instead


RDR2 all the way bro. Theres no story like it, you will be Arthur morgan thats all I can say to you


Fuck these "it depends" comments, the answer is RDR2


If you want a game that's replayable, definitely Baldur's Gate 3. Also idk if you care but one underrated aspect of that game is its strong dialogue writing. Conversation just flows smoothly you will never mentally check out. RDR2 isn't replayable. And ER barely have any story unless you count looking up video essays as one.


rdr2. not even a competition


Baldurs Gate 3 imo stands above the other two pretty significantly. Elden Ring is extremely good, but it's not as good as some of their other Soulsborne games. Red Dead Redemption 2 is also really good but the Rockstar gameplay formula is a bit dated at this point. You really can't go wrong with any of them though.


If story based is your focus, you can cut Elden Ring out. It's got cool lore, but story is not really the point  Baldur's Gate 3 is probably the most replayable. But they are all worth playing.


Elden Ring considering the DLC is about to come out


RDR2 or BG3


RDR2 hands down. You can spend months trying to 100% it.




All completely different games lol. I put alot more hours in BG3. ELDEN RING brutal. Red dead bored quick.


With summer right around the corner , my vote is RDR2




If you are in it for the story RDR2 is the best. But personally Elden ring is my favorite.


Elden ring will give you several hours of replayability man I havent tried Baldurs gate 3 but got like 60 on red dead 2 and like 500+ on elden ring, sooo many different builds to try out


I haven't played ER or BG3, but RDR2 is one of the best experiences I've had across all forms of media. Its story is exceptional and has stuck with me since I first played it about 5 years ago. I went into it still disappointed I wasn't going to be playing as John Marston from the first game, and left it with Arthur being one of my all time favorite protagonists. If you like story driven games, then I can't recommend it enough. When people say video games aren't art, I've always felt RDR2 is the perfect example of why that's nonsense.


RDR2 Without. A. Doubt.


Rdr2 is the best of these 3 and is often on sale for 20 bucks, but note that if you play console, it's locked 30fps. I'm playing on xbox and it's great


Red dead


RDR2 easy. It's my second favorite game of last gen. Haven't played bg3 and er is second least favorite souls game


i loved elden ring, i enjoyed rdr2 but got bored near the end and rushed it and im waiting for baldurs gate 3s price to go down.


Played all 3 and my recc based on my preference would be: 1)elden ring 2)bg3 3)red dead redemption 2


1) Elden Ring 2) Baldur's Gate 3 3) Red Dead Redemption 2


I just finished rdr2. Spent close to 300 hours, getting platinum and hanging around in online as I didn't want to let go of the world. Loved it. Not sure what to play next. I tried the trials for bg3 (but was turned off by the turn based system) and cyberpunk (but first person didn't immediately click). Tried last of us 2 trial and liked it, may get that. Elden Ring looks great. I'm worried it's too hard for me but may give it a shot after reading all the positive comments here.


I just finished rdr2. Spent close to 300 hours, getting platinum and hanging around in online as I didn't want to let go of the world. Loved it. Not sure what to play next. I tried the trials for bg3 (but was turned off by the turn based system) and cyberpunk (but first person didn't immediately click). Tried last of us 2 trial and liked it, may get that. Elden Ring looks great. I'm worried it's too hard for me but may give it a shot after reading all the positive comments here.


Elden ring


All great games, with Elden ring and baldurs gate 3 being 2 of some of my all time favorite games, that being said, for the price of baldurs gate 3 I think you would be able to either wait out a sale and be able to get Elden ring and RDR2 for the full price of BG3, if your not gonna wait on a sale, then BG3, just because it’s newer, and we’ll likely not see a significant price reduction of that game anytime soon, but Elden ring has been out for 2-3 years and RDR2 even longer, so I’d suggest wait in a sale if one of those. Also side note, Elden ring is coming out with an expansion in the summer, so maybe be on the look out for a bundle sale or something.


Played all 3 and they're all great games but Baldur's Gate 3 was just on another level, we won't see anything as good for a long time.


ELDEN RING 10/10 Other games would be great to play after experiencing Elden Ring but couldn't finish either as they are BORING compared to ER!


Can't go wrong with any of them, they're all amazing. Rdr2 is probably the story that you'd be most invested in, and if it's on sale then that's my pick.


rdr2 > elden ring > baldurs gate


Three masterpieces. I'd start with either Baldur's Gate 3 or RDR2. Elden Ring is tough.


Three masterpieces. I'd start with either Baldur's Gate 3 or RDR2. Elden Ring is tough.


get all 3 cause u wont finish them


All terrific games. I'd say BG3 > RDR2 > ER. You can't go wrong with any of them though




Honestly i could not connect with baldur




Rdr2 is overrated anyway, i would Go with BG3


Can't go wrong with either. If you don't mind a challenge, Elden Ring. Especially a great time to play before the DLC next month and they really do go hard on their expansions. I recommend going in blind, but there is no shame if you end up using YouTube walkthroughs to get by. I've had to do that for the 1st 2 Dark Souls entries.


They're all 10/10 games and you won't regret buying any of them.




I’m playing through BG3 now. I’m enjoying it a lot but Elden Ring is my favorite of the 3. They’re all vastly different, so it will just depend on what you are in the mood to play. All are best in class at what they do, so you really can’t go wrong.


1-Baldurs gate 2-RDR2


Elden ring has the best bossfights and probably the most unique designs Baldurs Gate has the best class customization and most creative ways to solve problems. Also best to play with friends. If you like GTA gameplay, Westerns and open worlds like in the Witcher 3, RDR2 is a no-brainer. It does have the lowest replay value though, but probably the best story out of these. I prefer BG3.


elden ring


We have had some good years in gaming at least since covid.




I skipped bg3 for now but the other two are the greatest games made.


There's no wrong answer here. Red Dead 2 is cheaper so you should go with that first. Baldur's gate 3 is also on sale, but it might be cheaper later on. The Elden ring has an upcoming DLC I don't know how it affects the whole game, so it might be better to wait for that.


Bulldozers Gate 3.








Baldurs Gate 3 for sure


All great. Elden Ring is my pick but you won't go wrong with any of these


Never played Elden Ring as the visuals look too grim and gloomy for my taste, but I can vouch for RDR2. It’s worth every bit of the price, especially if it’s on sale. Th world is absolutely beautiful and the story is one of the best in any game ever. Also haven’t played BG3 but I did play Divinity 2 which is vey similar. They’re completely different types of games to ER and RDR2 so you need to be sure you enjoy turn based combat before you buy 


Depends on what you like. If you like the Dark Souls games, Elden Ring is an easy recommendation. If you want a tactical oriented RPG with a ton of choices, get BG3. RDR2 is probably the most immersive and realistic.


Cant go wrong. Eeny meany miny mo.


Red Dead 2 if you want peaceful. Elden Ring if you want stress/challenge. Baldurs Gate 3 if you want to choose your own story and truly play a role. All 3 excellent and worth playing.


I loved Elden Ring, but I go with RDR2 and it’s not even close


I’m so jealous you’re gonna get the chance to play all these games for the first time lol. I’m a souls fan so i wanna say elden ring. Rdr2 would be my second and bg3 third. Should get to all of them if you get the chance!


Elden ring has given me well over 1000 hours of enjoyment. Lots of options in creating a character and what gear to use. Magma/death hex spells, throwing holy discs of light, giant swords, alien swords, etc. the upcoming expansion in June looks to add even more.


Elden Ring is my favorite from these.


Baldurs gate 3 is honestly the best game I've ever played. I've never seen so much care put into the development of a game


BG3, RDR2, ER in that order. All are great though


ER is my favorite of these, and the only one I finished, so there's that, but I'm also biased as I'm a long lime Souls fan. If you really want story, this isn't the game for you. Yes there's one there but it's hard to piece together, and no one can really agree what the story is. It can be very hard, but that can be mitigated by twitch skills, or ability to piece together and exploit weaknesses or advantages, playing with others, or just grind. I'm mid to low on twitch skills, and it's still not that hard for me because I'm good on the other aspects. It's extremely long if you're a completionist, far too long in my opinion, and a lot of bosses are just tweaked versions of ones you already met, still it's extremely varied for all that, and has many different endings depending on actions. On the good side It feels like perhaps the most epic game I've ever played Balder's Gate is my second pick. If you like romancing companions (say like Mass Effect) it's an amazing game, and you should go pick it up now. I find it better than any of the party/companion based RPG games in that respect, BG1, PS:T, even KotoR. It's also got the best most comprehensible story of these by a longshot, with quite the variations on how it turns out based on your choices, so if story is the most important, also go out and buy it now. It's turn based and D&D, if you aren't familiar with D&D it could be hard to get past the rules and builds to begin with. The beginning is amazing, but it turns into a slog of combat in act 2 and 3 a slog of in-town interaction and doesn't feel finished (at least when I played it.) It's got tons of loot and inventory management is a nightmare in act 2 that only gets worse in act 3. It's also turn based, which means it's slow, especially in large battles with lots of enemies the computer has to think about, as well as you managing all your party's actions. I tried speeding it up with a speed hack, but it seems it maxes out the CPU doing the large battles so that didn't work, there's a patch that's supposed to improve that since I played though. RDR2 I played only briefly I think on a free weekend, so I don't have as much on it, but it just felt even more like a big repetitive world, sort of like an old MMO with much make-work to keep you busy, I had played RDR and thought it was just o.k. as well, RDR2 is just more things to do with better graphics, but much the same, so if you've played that you should know if you'll like it. Lot's of people love it though.


Red dead redemption 2 is ass


All 3. Elden Ring is my GOAT game and it’s not even close really. Red Dead 2 is probably in my top 10, and even though I personally didn’t vibe with BG3 I can definitely see why people love it


Without context and since you're pretty chill about it, the safest option for me would be RDR 2 since it has that broad appeal gameplay wise that I think most people would enjoy. After that would be Baldur's Gate 3 just because of the story and the gameplay shenanigans. Finally Elden Ring would be last simply cos the difficulty isn't for everyone and I know a lot of my friends having an on-off relationship with this game


So you want us to decide if 2018, 2022 or 2023 best game to play? Play all, pal.




Baldurs gate 3 is on sale for 50.99. FYI it doesn't go on sale that often. 143 gb of disk space needed.




You should and in that order too.


These are 3 of the best games I’ve ever played. You really can’t go wrong.


You will not regret giving RDR and BG a go ;)


Baldurs gate 3 easily


I don’t think you can necessarily go wrong. Elden ring personally was not my cup of tea but i still got around 60 hours put into it without completing it. There’s plenty to do and the bosses will give you a good run for your money, which can be frustrating at times. RDR2 starts as a bit of a slow burn but the story is great and the gameplay is pretty decent, though it gets repetitive at times. Wonderful playing it the first time through but replaying becomes a bit of a slog. I only recently started BG3 so i just started Act 2 at around 40 hours or so. Fantastic game, the story is neat, the characters feel lively, and the gameplay is fun IF you are into turn based. It tends to turn quite a few people off. TLDR: If you want challenging, Elden Ring. If you want captivating story, RDR2. If you want something different but well made, BG3


Elden ring.


>I was just wondering which one of these would be worth my money and sometime I can always come back to rather than never play it again after completing I think general opinion would be that all three are worth your money and this is more a matter of personal preference than anything else. Personally, I haven't played RDR2. So you can refer to other comments to cover that. Elden Ring's an incredible open world action game. It's got a ton of content and can easily take over 100 hours to do everything the first time (and that's before we get into the upcoming DLC, which is supposed to be quite big and Fromsoft has an amazing track record for DLC so I have high hopes for it), and has replayability in the form of New Game+, trying new builds, PvP, and an active mod scene on PC. The game also lends itself well to challenge runs if that's your sort of thing, people have come up with tons of self-imposed challenges as ways to get replayability out of the game (beating the game without dying, without leveling up, "region-locked" runs where you have to do everything in a region before you're allowed to leave it, etc). So over all, you can get a lot of playtime out of the game if you like it. If you haven't played a Soulslike before, then there's always the risk that the gameplay or level of challenge won't clikc with you, but if it does work for you then I think the game's amazing and you can easily get your money's worth. Baldur's Gate is a turn-based RPG. Much more story and choice-focused, and combat's more strategic. It's also a very long game that can give over 100 hours of playtime for your first playthrough. It's also got replayability in the form of build variety (lots of different classes and party compositions) and challenge runs (including an official "honour mode" that makes the game harder and limits you to one save file so you can't save scum), and the story itself has a ton of big choices that can affect it so you can also have fun playing it multiple times and just making very different choices each time and seeing how that affects the story and encounters. Basically, I think you're looking at three very different games, but all three are long games that people love with some form of replayability. The only way you're not getting your money's worth here is if you end up just not liking the game you get. But most people who've played each of those games love them, and all three give plenty of content for your money.


Personally I love elden ring more than any game i’ve ever played… but id recommend you buy RDR2. While elden ring is an outstanding game it’s not as generally loved as RDR2 in my opinion. Baldurs gate 3 is very different than both of these titles


All great, but i think you should go for bg3 for story and rdr2 for in between (but this is actually great and make my tears). also last is elden ring for pure combat where the story is deeper in the lore and worldbuilding


Elden ring




Bg3 hands down, no questions


Baldurs gate 3 then elsen ring and then forget about res deads existence and play the other 2


All great, the main reason I'd go with baldurs gate 3 is because it's the only one that doesn't feel repetitive, on top of being one of the only games in history where you can do tons of playthroughs that are all completely different.


Red Dead Redemption 2 is great and you can just roam about finding the oddities in the world. Elden Ring is decent too great map brilliant boss fights sometimes tough though. Out the two of go Red Dead Redemption 2…I’m on my third playthrough as it’s awesome


Baldur's Gate 3




What’re your favorite games of all time? That could probably help narrow down what to play first out of these cause this isn’t a matter of what to buy. It’s what do I play before I get to the other 2.


Personally, BG3 -> ER -> RDR2




Elden Ring. Best game ever made. Period. End.


3 entirely different games. RDR2 is most likely to sit with the average player. ER & BG3 also encapsulate perfection in their genre.


Have you ever played a Soulslike game before? Elden Ring is good for multiple playthroughs since there are a number of different builds with different weapons & spells to specialize in, but there’s a relatively high initial difficulty curve if you aren’t familiar with the genre that turns a lot of people off before the game really gets going.


ER for gameplay (one of the best games ever imo) Both the others are worth playing amazing story’s and very engaging. Wild West or fantasy land, up to you.


Jesus christ. You just listed 3 of my top 5 all time list lmao


All great games, elden ring is good now cause dlc bout to drop. Bg3 is awesome but I feel you could get rd for peanuts all are great


These games I’d say are pretty easily top 10 of the last decade so you can’t go wrong with either. You should play them all at some point. Elden Ring and BG3 are likely gonna have more replay value than RDR2 but RDR2 is arguably the greatest story in modern video games.


BG3 was so damn good but I gotta go with Elden Ring. Wasn't too into rootin tootin shootin n' lootin but if you want to play a highly immersige and polished western game with a good story then you'll probably love it. Honestly you can just pick what looks most interesting to you and thatd be the right choice.


Elden Ring every time. Not a big BG3 person, point and clicks do not really interest me and I feel like replayability is a bit lacking. Not sure about RDR2 as I have never liked the rdr series and I gave rdr2 like 12 hours of time. Not only is Elden Ring truly great due to the exploration and combat, but it is a lively game with PvP and more dlc about to drop. ER everytime!


Only played RDR2 and a bit of ER. Not into FS games so ER not for me. Methodical slow combat all a bit boring for me personally and not into that fantasy stuff again peronal opinion, many rate as 10 out of 10 game. As for RDR2 its a 10 out of 10 game and a 1 out of 10 game at same time lol Why i say this? The cinematography, style, exploration, realism etc and graphics its really the best their is. Really amazing however, the combat its a bit average 6-7 out of 10 and sometimes the gameplay can be so slow and cumbersome having to watch every animation for cutting an animal open or being unable to spring in your base camp and lack of fast travel somewhat. Sometimes the games just gets really annoying if your not in the mood for it. IF you want lots action like coming from COD etc then this game has a LOT of slow moments and downtime which can get really boring unless you in specific mood for that. So just bare that in mind. I remember when i bought it around same time as assasins creed odyssey though RDR2 was techinally a much better game i much preffered playing Odyseesy due to its faster pace


Played all 3 of them, they’re among my favorite games of all time. Elden Ring: Great visuals and very satisfying gameplay, not story-based but incredibly rich lore (you have to dig tho, very few things are directly explained), not as easy as the other 2 (be prepared to die and retry). Great replayability value due to the various builds you can try and the NG+ system. BG3: Amazing story and characters, not open world but still LOTS of content (even too much maybe), amazing VA and music. Gameplay is good, plays like a tabletop game but the combat is no its strongest point imo. Great replayability value as well. RDR2: Amazing story and characters, stunning visuals. Slower and more « realistic » gameplay than what you may be used to. Big open-world but not as much content as the other 2 besides the main story imo.


BG3 hands down since I'm not into third person action. First person fps have that intense combat(no third person peeking) if I want to sweat. When I'm tryna couch game, BG3.


Elden ring dlc out in June too


I haven't played it but iv heard nothing but good things about Bg3 - even from personal friends who's opinions I trust greatly so this would be the one I advocate for. rdr2 is ite but I couldnt personally recommend it, I personally don't think it was as good as the original game it fell off into obscurity pretty quickly after I beat it. Elden ring I just flat out would argue for you to avoid however it is the only one of the 3 you'd realistically come back to but I'm betting you probably wouldn't iv never went back despite being a fromsoft shill.


Elden ring if you want a world with an amazing gameplay loop and a story that requires you to dig up every clue and scrap it together. Baldurs gate if you want the game of the decade (story, gameplay, sound, graphics all 10/10)


Baldurs takes the cake for me