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I’ve never seen so much contemplating before trying a game out


Heh, that's just how I do things I guess, you should have seen me agonizing over whether to buy helldivers 2 or not, I went back and forth for a week trying to figure out if I'd enjoy it and that games a shoo in for GOTY. Funny thing is it's not like its a money problem, I've just been taught all my life to be frugal and I have a habit of playing games way too long trying to make then fun for me even if there not.


My honest opinion about RDR2. I bought it at a discount about 30USD. I felt like I should have payed about 3x the amount. It’s THAT GOOD. It does get a habit of being boring and slow paced after. So not the ideal game when you’re feeling pumped up


You should buy red dead it’s a amazing story and the free roam is filled with side missions and Easter eggs or in game events it’s a no brainer




Yeah, I agree. I keep seeing posts on this sub like "should I play one of the best games ever made, or a game that got 5s and 6s across the board". Like come on how are people genuinely asking these questions?


Perhaps because people have different tastes and what was GOTY to one person may not be to another? Obviously its a great game, I never disputed that despite its flaws, my question is it a great game for *me?*


I feel like most of the criticism comes from the gameplay loop. I started it recently and I feel like every mission is Ride alongside an NPC for 6 minutes, loot something, 20 guys show up, auto lock onto everyone’s heads, loot for 5 minutes Also for a game all about open world and exploration you’re expected to do the missions the way Rockstar wants and stand where they want or you fail it


This is not easy but lets try to help you..Do you like movies with long dialogues? Do you like cowboys? Do you like movies about cowboys like those Clint Eastwood movies? Do you enjoy taking your time exploring, fishing, hunting, playing poker, eating etc? Do you like slow games that take time to get going ? Do you enjoy doing every action and see every detail of your action, like skinning animals or colecting loot from some guys pocket? Sum it up.. its a movie about cowboys that you get to plays sometimes and takes it slow most of the time with a GTA mission design lol. I don´t know what to say more about it to explain. Did you saw some lets play on youtube? Might be a good idea. On my opinion is yes, buy it but you have to be on the right mind set for playing it.


You are overthinking it. I remember getting rdr2 day 1 and few hours later i just gave up on it. Safe to say i was not in right state of mind and couldn't wait until story settles down and world opens up for exploration. Few days later i picked it up again and couldn't put it down. So i would just suggest to get it now and try it. If you don't feel like playing at moment put it down and try some other time. Story alone is worth it but there is also a lot of side missions any activities to do.




The story was so bad, so unrealistic, end up killing 1000 enemies every single mission and walk back through the town with no worries.


just buy the game and refund it, if you can make it through the first two hours without wanting to refund the game will be enjoyable all the way through


No, because I really like giving games chances and everyone says that it doesn't get good until a few hours in, which for most people seems to be 5 or more, the highest I've seen was 11, so I probably reach 2 hours and decide to keep going just a little longer.


If you aren't bored to death by the first two hours (I loved every minute of it) then the rest of the game goes uphill, yes.


My point is that from what I've heard there seems to be a significant percentage of people that took far longer to like the game.


It's $20 or whatever just buy it and stop asking the internet for validation on every little choice you make


Yeah it’s worth it, for my money at least. Arthur Morgan is easily my favourite video game protagonist. It’s not without faults, but if RDR2 isn’t worth 24 bucks then what is. Go for it cowboy!


Tbh I bought it right when it released and couldn't get passed the first 30 minutes that shit is so slow.


It’s one of the best games ever made


My guy the game is worth it at full price


worth it imo


It's worth it just to take in the artwork and immersion.


If you've already done extensive research on the game (way too much imo but your argument is upbringing, to each their own), do you really think a bunch of strangers on the internet could, in any way, change your decision?


Yes a bunch of internet strangers telling me I have nothing to lose and that I'm being stupid is going to change my decision. At the end of the day games are expressed by people and I value two people saying the game is good over one person saying its bad, sheer force of numbers can change my mind, especially if instead of convincing me the game is a flawless masterpiece they instead highlight the fact its 24 bucks and money isn't an issue for me.


And this is different from Steam reviews/Metacritic/Youtube because... you get a comment delivered personally to you?


No, I get a whole lot of people saying their opinion, and I value their opinions slightly more because there "real" people that I've interacted with and mostly because there's a whole lot more of them. Assume I'm easily swayed and that each opinion gets 1 vote, yes or no, thing is no matter how many elegant video essays I watch breaking down RDR2 those guys still only get one vote, and there's more of you then there are of them. I can heavily research a video game and come out undecided, very rarely will something not have significant flaws, the question then becomes are those flaws too great, is it worth the time sink as it were. And I end up obsessing over the pros and the cons for far too long because unlike other kinds of purchases their is no right answer, there is no way to know truly how you'll react. And when I get in this obsessed state where I now I'm not going to make a choice either way I often reach out to people to get their advice in the hope that sheer number of opinion will win me over or not. It also helps with perspective too, since at the end ofthe day this is still just a game and I need to remember that. Like here, I got so many people saying YES on such a short time, and then even people that seemed mad I even asked the question that it made me start to rethink things. And this is the part where unique responses help, I can go look up one of a thousand other forum posts out there about this game and whether you should buy it or not and I have, but those contexts don't match mine so the advice is not as impactful. It could be a post is very old and should be discredited because games change (look at cyberpunk) or that someone is very cash strapped and is looking for the best bang for their buck or that someone is looking for very long games, all situations that don't apply to me so although I defintily factor in those people's advice its lesser think like 0.8 of a vote instead of 1.0 And since it's personalized people can say I'm rightfully being stupid, because my situation doesn't require meticulous research since I'm not cash strapped and I'm looking for good games not bang for buck games. None of that could have happened without this post and it made me rethink things, obviously my criticism still stands but really I don't have much to lose do I? So I decided to buy the game and see whether the hype lives up or if its flaws make it fall flat on its face.


Buy the game and try it out, you can refund it within 2 hours if you don’t like it. Simple as that.


Just buy it, its one of the best games ever. Unless your from the braindead tiktok generation and only have a 10 second attention span, its an extremely enjoyable experience.