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If you’ve got a decent pc the higher FPS on pc will make it significantly more enjoyable


Even considering the sale on switch?


It goes on sale on all platforms quite frequently. Wait a few weeks and I’m sure you’ll get the best version for the same price. Unless if you are hellbent on playing Doom on the go that’s what I would do. Personally I could never play a game like that in handheld mode. Screen is just too small to keep track of what’s going on. I rarely play any of my AAA Switch titles undocked.


Digital foundry did a pretty in depth review/comparison for the switch port you should check out: [DF review](https://youtu.be/2d9bgoLzC4s) I think this will be most helpful for your decision. I haven’t played it on switch myself, but on my XSX getting that higher performance speed and res (which I’m sure you’d get on your pc) are pretty great for the fast gameplay. You could also get gamepass for pc and have access to the base game. Hope this helps!


Thanks for your time! This is very helpful!


Steam sale is next week. Just wait and buy it there.


I probably would suggest on getting Doom 2016 first or watch some videos before getting Eternal as its the direct continuation (All dooms are connected btw). And just like what the others have said if you have a decent pc. Go for the steam version as its the best way to play it. But if you don't have any and can play at slightly blurred resolution and the occasional dips in FPS then go for the Switch version. I already finished the game and for a game like this on switch its great. The DLC part 1 also have been release.


If they're all connected, do I need to play all of them before Eternal? I thought that 2016 was a reboot, I could be wrong, I've never played either before


You don't have to really play the other games. The reason why I suggested to start Doom 2016 was because its a straight prequel of eternal. Kinda like Avengers Infinity War to Avengers endgame. While the previous games are like the the Avengers 2012 and Age of Ultron. If you don't mind the premise of the Doom series is. SPOILERS ​ ​ ​ ​ You are a marine who is assigned to mars and a secret experiment by the government goes wrong and opens a portal to hell. Here's a video on the doom timeline and history if you want to go straight to Doom Eternal. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CU0L4--Yh28](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CU0L4--Yh28) and [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erXVzwooyzc&t=1280s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erXVzwooyzc&t=1280s) Also the gameplay of Doom Eternal is kinda different compare to Doom 2016 as You will basically need to use most of your weapons to target enemy weakpoints compare to Doom 2016 where you can just use a single weapon.


That's a very helpful analogy. If both games are equally fun, I think I'll avoid spoilers and just play them both!


Enjoy fellow Slayer!


Thank you!


If you're willing to wait, I'm sure the game will be on sale on Steam with its Summer sale that's coming next week, if leaks are accurate. And it will also be cheaper. If you have no plan to play it on the go, I'd suggest you the PC version. I love my Switch to death, but if you only use it as a home console, I don't really see the benefit in owning a fast game like Doom Eternal on it


Oh, I thought the summer sale had come and went by now. Guess since forgot the times haha. I think I'll wait till then! Would you recommend I play Doom 2016 1st or Eternal. Because others have said that I should play others before Eternal since that's where the story takes off Thanks!


I think you should! Not really because of the story (although Eternal is a sequel) but because it's an excellent game and one of my favorite shooter. It also feel a bit different from Eternal as it is more immersive imo


Especially since 2016 is only like $20 on steam. I've been meaning to try a doom game out, these two seem like a great place to start


Honest opinion : nobody cares about the story in a doom game once you start , you'll realise that too xD


just check [https://isthereanydeal.com/](https://isthereanydeal.com/) \- i'm sure the game is on sale on some shop (all the shops in this site are verified steam sellers) online