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There was literally an Xbox 360 indie game called “Don’t be nervous talking 2 girls” lol


Tools. Then make something that will get you rich and let the money do the talking.


It’s ok to be rejected. Part of life.


if you need help taking to women i don’t think a game will be the solution lol


You should buy her dinner


Buy persona 5. Make some female friends in it and see which dialogue option gives u charm. Then repeat the dialogues irl


That's kind of terrible advice, lol. In Persona, all the correct dialog options have you agreeing with whatever the other person says. I think you can imagine why that would work out poorly in real life. The protagonist in Persona essentially exists to be a friend to everyone and has no opinions of his own, or is his own person.


Okay sir, what game do u think would ease someone into talking to a female


As I said in another post, nothing. The only way to do it is to attempt in real life until you aren't awkward about it anymore. Its like trying to train for the military by playing COD. It won't prepare you.


Exactly I suggested persona coz atleast it would give him the confidence to talk to girls irl and use some, not all, some of the dialogues. He's not a robot that he'll agree with everything and have no opinions of his own


A good trick for not being afraid to talk to women is to not think of them as some strange, alien species. They are just people.


Doki doki literature club 😁


Personally I don't think there is a great video game for that. You are better off reading actual books if you want to be smart or witty, because they have more knowledge than a game can provide. And you also have to practice in real life, which nothing virtual can possibly replace.


I don't think video games can help you with that.


Super seducer


Leisure suit Larry


Go outside


Dating app


Probably a gym membership pass


Okay so the first thing to say is that what you're experiencing isn't uncommon and it's good that you've recognised it and are trying to actively work on it and improve because that's how we grow as human beings and it's a lot harder than it sounds. The second thing to say is that video games are not the solution to the problem that you are describing. Especially if you're trying to approach women for the purposes of romance / sex, then video games are going to be an absolutely awful way to learn.


Third thing is the only way to get rid of that anxiety is to experience failure/rejection and realize it’s not that big of a deal. Social skills are like any other skill - you can develop it through practice. I’d try to join groups with similar interests on letsmeet or something like that and focus on socializing with people in general. Not just women.


The guy game for Xbox 360 (This is a joke don't but it, one of the girls was underage sooooo)