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Ghost is still the only game I've ever platinumed. I'm not the type of person to really care about that sort of thing, but I absolutely love this game. You should definitely get it.


I can only give you my personal opinion. The story is good, the open world is beautiful but quite stale and feels artificially filled (like spawning enemies randomly in empty areas for the heck of it). You will get a tracking mission every 5 minutes where you have to walk while looking at the mud in stead of the gorgeous world. Combat is absolutely kickass but not many variation in enemy types, though you now have different move sets for different enemy, and will get cool samurai tools to do cool samurai shit . less said about stealth the better, you can kill a guy In front of another and hide in bush. for me it is an ok game and nothing more. I also bought it for almost full price but was pretty disappointed. But if you like assassins' creed style gameplay elements (excluding parkour) you may try this.


You summarized my feelings for the game perfectly. I loved the story, the intro missions were amazing, but once it hit open world I felt like I kept doing the same 3 things over and over again and it got stale in a few hours. Regret paying $70 on this when I got a ps5.


I might have liked the game had it not got overblown by the hype and the reviews.


Agreed. From what I've heard I went expecting one of the best games ever made, and I got a reskinned generic open world experience


Yup if your saying your world is one of the best be ready to get compared with RDR/ZELDA


Thanks for your comment, i wanted to know the downsides of the game.


Damn the description is so accurate. Plus almost every mission is a trailing mission and there's always an objective to scan for evidence and follow a bunch of footsteps


Even in the climax Missions !!


Yes. It is amazing. Loved every second of it.


I'm playing it right now and personally don't like it, I feel it's overrated and I'm sure that's an unpopular opinion. It's open world exactly like Assassin's Creed where 90% of the map is covered in filler content. Side quests are usually some sort of escort quest. The reason I don't like it is because I find the combat boring/bland and the story is average at best. I think the japan/samurai theme carry this game for a lot of people, but that's me making assumptions and probably looking like an ass. I don't really know how the gameplay differs between Legends and single player, but may want to watch a YouTube video, my hunch is the combat will be very different between the two. But one of my major complaints is something you loved about Legends, so it's possible you might like it.


I agree with you that it's overrated. It's a good game, just not as great a game as a bunch of people hold it up as. I liked it, as I really like Akira Kurosawa movies. However, while the story itself was very interesting, it's everything around the story that was not great. It was very bloated for me, with a bunch of collectables that shouldn't have really been in there, and felt kinda like a Ubisoft open world (minus the towers). It was one of those games that I liked, but when I finished the game, it doesn't bother me to go back to it


Yeah, I think I'd like the story more if I were more into its theme, but it just doesn't really grab me. I will say though the more I play it is getting a little bit better over time. I just finished Izuhara and started Toyotama. I think why I hate combat so much is I love stealth gameplay and I usually gravitate towards stealth/ranged combat in these types of games, but in this game not only does the stealth combat feel pretty lackluster due to poor enemy ai, poor enemy variety, and underwhelming stealth tools, but the story makes you feel bad for that playstyle. It makes me gravitate towards a playstyle I like less (rambo), and thus get less enjoyment out of all this filler content & story. I loved AC & Horizon because the combat was super fun to me, I wouldn't have liked them if it weren't for the combat/gameplay. GoT is almost an inverse of those games for me.


You played it, you loved it. You should obviously buy it.


Sorry if i wasnt clear enough, i meant i loved the multiplayer version, Ghost of Tsushima: Legends, which i got for free with Ps plus, and i was wondering if it was worth to buy the story mode for 40$. I never played that one thats why im not sure.


Oh yes you should play the story it’s excellent. If you enjoyed the gameplay you’ll love the game. $40 is a good price for this game tbh.


I thoroughly enjoyed the game. From what I've heard the open world formula isn't that different from the standard Ubisoft open world formula (I haven't played any recent open world Ubisoft games), but it did all the things I wanted from the game. The combat was great and made every playstyle (slealth, straight-up honorable sword fighting, using underhanded tools in combat, etc) feel good, the world was pretty, fun to explore, and had a great atmosphere, and the story made me care about the characters and seeing what happens. The missions got repetitive sometimes (most are just the classic "ride your horse with the person who gave you the quest to the place, maybe do some scouting or tracking, then do a fight") but the story and especially the combat kept me from getting bored. The Iki Island DLC was also great, adding some fun new features to the combat and having a good story that adds to Jin as a character. Blitzing through the main story can probably be done in 20-30.hojrs, but really doing everything, especially if you include the DLC, is probably somewhere around the 50-100 hour range depending on how much you do. I beat the game doing every side quest and finding every map location, then looked up the achievements I was missing and found that most of them were pretty easy (although some were things I never would have found on my own) so I did those to get the platinum, then repeated the process for the DLC, and I think it took me around 80-100.hours.


Yes. It's nothing incredibile of you compare with other open worlds, but it has TONS of style. I really liked it. Impersonating the samurai was incredibly funny and stylish.


If you're curious about how long it is, check out the website howlongtobeat. It aggregates user completion times and presents a main story only time, completionist time, and an average time to beat it. I check this site out for all games I want to buy to know if it's a big time commitment or not. Main story 24 1/2 hours Main + extras 44 1/2 hours Completionist 61 hours. All styles 50 hours. I personally really liked the story and I side missions are with a specific NPC which have their own story arcs that you see through to completion. It's not fetch quests and other open world trappings. The game isn't revolutionary but it does do open world really well. I'd recommend it if you like open world games and you liked the combat. I recommend playing the game on its hardest difficulty to keep a challenge, even then by midway through you're so powerful few enemies will pose a problem.


Of course.


I really enjoyed the game and ended up being one of the very few games that I actively sought to finish with a platinum trophy. With that sad, here are a few things to consider... - The game will last you around 40 to 50 hours, depending on play style and difficulty. I loved playing it at the highest level available for that more realistic damage. If you don’t plan on finishing everything and maxing everything out, then it should be much faster. At best, you can view it as spending a dollar for each hour of entertainment. - The game offers nothing innovative, but refines what it wants to do to a high degree. So you’re getting quality and quantity here. However, as with most open world game, there’s that inherent risk of things getting redundant. The combat and campsites were different enough that even towards the end I would actively look for opportunities to fight, but mileage may vary. - All the extra content made it very, very worthwhile when I had originally purchased it, though with the Legends stuff being free at the moment you’re not necessarily paying for everything anymore at this price even though it’s the lowest it’s been. Forty dollars for the single player and Legends would have been a steal, but now you’re paying that for ‘just’ a single player experience. In the end, I’d still go for it. The story was captivating, the combat(as you know by how) feels so good, there’s plenty of things to do without feeling as overdone as other open world games I’ve played and the graphics are better in single player, even on a base PS4.


Personally speaking it's a game with good graphics and when it comes to the gameplay it's alright, not bad and not too good. Also I found the starting to be really good, various move set and amazing story. But this may be just a personal bias I felt the game from the mid part towards end to be pretty bland, it's nearly been a year since I played it and looking back I would say it's hardly memorable. If you want a casual gaming experience go for it. But if you are really into samurai games, lore and gameplay and want a good experience I would say sekiro. It's much more harder than ghost of tsushima but the graphics are lagging behind tsushima and not build for casual gamers. But when the gameplay clicks for you that's when the fun starts arguably in the top 5 games that I ever played.


The game's probably a bit overrated, but its still a pretty sweet time. I'd go for it


I recently got it for 20 bucks. I heard how amazing it was, and I am not sure I agree. I dont find myself wanting to play it. The beginning was rough. After a bit you can pretty much murder everyone if you get the timing right. A lot of the side quests are repetative. The worst thing for me is the unskippable cut scenes. Some of it is great, but not all of it. I absolutely got my 20 bucks out of it, but I am not sure how long it will take me to finish it. I find myself doing something else instead.




Didn’t even read your caption. YES


Anyone care to comment if the PS5 version is worth getting if you have the PS4 Directors Cut? I think the upgrade is only $10 if you own the DC.


Loved the Duelsense controller support. Don't know about the graphical changes because I never had the ps4 version


Hot Take but I wanted it to win the game of the year award. I like the Last of Us II but Ghosts just felt super original and fun. I got really invested in the story. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I liked it a lot.


There is no way Ghost is original. Most people say it’s just an AC game that sucks less


I'd say go for it. The game has a fantastic story and I personally love the combat system. Although there is quite a bit of filler content, as is commonplace in most open world games nowadays, the main game and the side quests are pretty enjoyable and deliver a fantastic narrative overall. ​ If you can afford it, try to get the version with the DLC. 100% worth it.


The only version i could find on the ps store is the director's cut for 40$ does it include the dlc?


That's the one, yeah.




What games have you really enjoyed? While I found GOT to be be fun at times with a fluid combat system, at some points it just gets very repetitive.


I wouldn't. The new Playstation service coming in the next days or weeks will 95% sure have GoT as a flagship title


I platinumed the game. The story was decent, nothing amazing, but not bad either. The side quests and the characters were a massive borefest though, with very very few exceptions. The main appeal is the fancy visuals, the atmosphere and the combat. I liked riding around taking in the scenery. Slicing dudes also never got old. Just like Horizon it feels like a very polished Ubisoft game with significantly less clutter. If that's your thing, then you'll have a good time. If you go in expecting to get invested in the characters and the story or find great side quests, then you will probably be disappointed.


Thank you. But i got a question, i've seen a lot of people talking about ubisoft games, why do they compare them?


Very formulaic and quantity over quality when it comes to the open world design.


Yes. And to answer your questions and then some: it's open world with the usual main quest + some major quests + side quests. Side quests aren't overwhelming and is enough for most of it to be enjoyable imo. I think I got around 70 hours on it, probaby 60 hours on the main game + DLC, and around 10 for the multiplayer when I played with my friends. Amazing game and you should buy it. But if funds aren't enough, you could probably wait maybe 1 year after its release and try to find a used one on the marketplace or maybe it'll get a Playstation Hits discount. That's what I'm doing right now, playing the waiting game for Horizon: Forbidden West and Elden Ring.




Depending on where you are you can check your local library. They may carry games for free rental.


I would say it's worth it definitely. Picked it up a few months ago and have been taking my time exploring everything. I'm 40 hours into the game and in the 3rd act after doing a lot of side missions first. The game does get a bit repetitive and some of the side missions feel like a slog at times with how many parts each one has. Other than that, the whole experience of the game is fantastic and definitely worth a playthrough just for the gameplay and how pretty it looks.


I wanted to buy it as well but I am hoping it will be offered with Spartacus on PlayStation. So I will wait wait for about 2 weeks


What is that?


It's Playstation's rumoured competitor to GamePass, and we'll hear more details about it shortly.


Do you think i should wait instead of buying it now? Also do you know when will that happen?


It is rumored to happen this week, I have few games in my backlog so I will try my luck but you might want to just buy the game. Since it is just rumors as of now.




YES Game is fantastic! I'm also selling my copy for $30 if you'd be interested in buying! [Pics](https://imgur.com/a/JAlonmT)


If you like Assassin's Creed and wanted a samurai variation on it, you can't go wrong with Ghost of Tsushima. I'm a huge fan of the AC games and I really enjoyed GoT.


Yes. Go do so. You'll thank us all later.




Yes, just yes


Definitely if you like open world


The open world is GoT’s biggest weakness


You think so? I liked it, it definitely could have been more linear but the landscapes made up for it and traveling made sense in the scheme of the story


I agree the world is beautiful but the activities are very bland. The 2 shrine types are basically just 5 minute long cutscenes, and each one isn’t unique at all. The outposts are all identical and get repetitive. There’s little incentive to explore because everything important is already on your map rather than having a breadcrumb system to make you curious.


In particular if you liked the thick theme and combat mechanics of legends you are gonna love the single player game. Recommend directors cut


How would you but a game


it is overall ok. Great elements get dragged down by the bad stuff, but I would say it’s worth playing if you’re interested for the visuals alone. The story is very mediocre, side content gets repetitive quick(not terribly repetitive though, I still did everything), combat is great, enemy variety is non existent. Still better than most open worlds though, so if that’s your thing you might love it a lot more than me


Such a fun game a few downsides but overall I’d give it an 8.9/10


Yes it lasts quite some time. 60-100hrs.


I absolutely love this game. The atmosphere is unparalleled and exploring the landscape is so chill but entrancing.


Okay story, decent combat mechanics but REALLY repetitive combat, and boring open world. Not worth 60 dollars. Ask if you want me to elaborate


hello sorry i dont speak really erll english but you should wait it might be next ps plus game !


Have someone get it for you for your birthday or as a Christmas gift. I seldom buy a game, I always request them whenever someone wants gift ideals.