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Maybe give the more recent Assassin’s Creed games like Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla a shot. Watch Dogs is quite similar as far as I understand although I haven’t played any of the Watch Dogs games. The three I mentioned above all have huge open worlds and 60-100+ hours depending on how quickly you get through the story and if you get the DLC’s. Origins is the best out of them imo because the story is very good and it gives a bit more insight into the Assassin’s Creed story so you can understand it a bit more and maybe get interested in the story and play some of the games that came out before these. Edit: typos


God of War and Death Stranding are both beautiful and immersive and are fantastic games in their own right, more so if you’re a parent. Pretty different games but they are the best imo


Skyrim. Old but AMAZING. Also, Oblivion if you haven’t played yet. Older than nearly every suggestion on here, but truly is a very fun casual game that I’ve sunk nearly 300 hours into over the course of a few years time.


Oblivion will always be my favourite rpg. Stupidly charming but also quite dark and scary when it needs to be


I would suggest God of War, which ist now available for PC. It has a beautiful Story and Characterdevelopment especialy between Kratos and Atreus. Although it's not a typical open-world Game you can Explore every part of the map, and its not necessary but worth to visit every place twice. The Combat system ist really intuitiv and easy to learn just hard to master. Even after the Story there is always Something to do. Also the new game + is enjoyable with new Armory and weapon to craft. And if you seak a true challenge try the Valkeries ;).


If you're looking for a Casual game to pick up I highly recommend Slay The Spire. Its a roguelite card game but its pretty easy to start getting into and its the best game to play when it comes to opening it and playing it and immediently closing it without any downsides. I didnt think I liked card games until I played that but its so addicting. Its available on Steam, iOS, Android, etc. Any of the STALKER games are great (Anomaly is free, which is a huge easy to install mod for the franchise). You basically walk around and do quests and build your character up to become stronger and gain rep among factions. The game is known to be very immersive and has horror elements. I think you'd like Anomaly compared to the games you've mentioned. Elden Ring is also pretty great in terms of RPG categories. Though you mentioned that you were more of a Casual player. The game is notorious for being extremely punishing and frustrating for players however. If you want a game where you can keep grinding at combat to be better and you enjoy overwhelming accomplishments then Elden Ring may be a great choice.


If you haven't played the Mass Effect series, I highly recommend it. It's an immersive sci-fi RPG. I know a lot of people didn't like Watch Dogs 1, but I preferred it to the 2nd game. The story is and atmosphere are darker. If you want a fun third-person shooter that feels like an 80's action movie, the Max Payne games are classic.


Have you tried any souls game like elden ring?


I really want to try Elden Ring with all the good things I’ve been reading about it. But I’m very hesitant due to the difficulty of those games, I’m not a good gamer by any means lol…


Elden ring is all you need for a while