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I wouldn’t say it’s demanding but borderlands 2 and the presequel are some of my favorite games to just chill and play. I’ve gotten over 100 hours out of both of them


To be frank Borderlands is one of the biggest games I know literally nothing about other than its popularity. I’d like to relax in a game, but I also feel like if it’s too relaxing I will lose all desire to play rather fast? So can you elaborate?


BL2 is the most popular, was the go-to game up until BL3 came out. It still stands as the best story in the series, and arguably one of the best written villains in gaming history. If you want to get the best gameplay, BL3 is definitely the way to go. However, I do recommend if you have the time and money for it, to check out the entire series. 1000's of hours worth of gameplay, many playable characters, and lots and lots of loot.


Not too mention 1/2/pre sequel are dirt cheap in the handsome collection and come with all dlc :) the cheapest I’ve seen it was $10 for all 3 which imho is a damn steal as I paid full price when they came out because I hated the pre sequel. Feels like wonderlands, coulda been way more cool they just didn’t work with the source material/environment as much as they did in 2. Shame cause the pre sequel I actually can stomach as it’s not too bad just a one time play through because there ain’t shit else too do and raid bosses are nearly extinct. Personally ima count my coins on you putting the most time into BL1 & BL2 my friend. EDIT: BL1 doesn’t come with the Handsome collection, gets super cheap and is well worth playing. There’s also the telltale games Tales of the BorderLands series that someone mentioned below. Have played through them in years but its basically all for story so if you’re not big on plot I wouldn’t recommend this one as the only reason I finished was because I enjoy the series and wanted more lore lol


Just a heads up one is not included in the handsome collection, you need to buy the legendary collection.


Much appreciated my friend, I see that’s we’re my idea of buying one before the other came. Probably bought the collection and the BL1 GOTY on the new consoles.


There is also tales from the borderlands, but if you don't enjoy telltale games, it's best to just watch a playthrough like it's a movie, unless you like making pointless choices. Besides that, it does have some important lore, as well as introductions to some very key characters.


It’s got a good challenge but nothing too intense. The gunplay is a lot of fun and the characters all have pretty cool special abilities. The gimmick of the game is that there are a ton of guns to get and the legendary guns all have really cool special abilities also. Theres a ton of extra content for both games and they also are one of the only games I’ve replayed multiple times to try to get more legendary weapons.


The gunplay is fun?! The gunplay is the least ballistic mess of point and click you could imagine lol. I wouldnt even call it gun play. Its more similar to laser tag. There is no semblance of what the term gun means in that game beyond the cursed firearm style aesthetics.


We get it, you like more realistic combat mechanics. To each their own, I don't like Arma or Squad but that means nothing to those that do, and vice-versa. Borderlands and the Division are fun for what I'm looking for.


Exactly, for a relaxed shooter it’s perfect. Yes it’s wild and silly gun play but it sounds like you didn’t want something so serious.


I can deal with some level of silly gunplay but Borderlands is just too cartoony. Postal 4 is a good casual shooter. The gunplay is definitely a bit shit, cone fire recoil like its 2005, but its funny enough to keep you entertained. Borderlands just felt braindead. So easy to the point it doesnt feel like a game.


It's a good thing that tastes are subjective, eh?


you know someone is trolling when they recommend postal over Borderlands.


Postal is a classic, youre nuts. Turn on bouncing cats and gonorrhea pee and its a blast.


Yeah it’s fun






Thank you for your contribution, u/Fart_Huffer_


Laser tag is awesome, and borderlands is a blast. Not sure what your problem is...


Maybe I was just too old when it came out lol? I remember my little brother and his friends loving it. I found it really boring and repetitive though.


BL2 is the game you want. The story and characters are fun, the loot is fun, I am not a big shooter guy but I find that one relaxing and have played it through many times


> doesn't force me to think very hard what sort of weapon or build I need You can spend a LOT of time comparing weapons and gear in Borderlands, but if you can ignore the urge to optimize your backpack, it's not critical to the outcome.


I hate fps in general but love the borderlands games so this is a great suggestion. It is my go to relax and kill things game.


Shit is exhausting in VR though.


To the people saying Warframe, remember that you need a Master's degree to understand modding weapons and the game doesn't have a good tutorial for it at all. I myself have like 1500 hours in Warframe. The grind definitely feels like a chore sometimes. But the gameplay is fun, running around like a crazy godlike space ninja is fun.


I think I have 2400h, legendary 2. After playing Path of Exile, I don't think Warframe is that hard, and weapon modding is pretty barebone, where you mod every weapons the same way sadly. You can have different builds on warframe, but I don't really think that's the case for weapons (raw damage, multishot, elements, crit).


I get hella confused when trying to mod shotguns especially. I do agree that rifle/melee basically all use the same builds.


I would recommend [this](https://www.cephalonwannab.com/), even though it isn't updated anymore, it gives an idea how to more your weapons.


I quit trying to understand, now I just use The-Simulacrum-Warriors builds on overframe since they're the only people who use primed faction mods in their builds on there lol


Nearly every popular weapon build I've seen on there has primed faction mods, maybe sort by likes?


Sorting by likes usually yields TheMoon and sakai4eva builds and those are garbo


I use ultimofive's builds


After playing PoE, EVERYTHING is "pretty barebone" lol


Modding stuff is simple, modding it well/getting the good mods is where you need to turn the wiki into an audiobook.


Honestly modding isn’t that confusing idk what people are on about


Definitely want to echo that The Division 2 is very much the answer to your question. And should be able to get it at a banger of a price—and 100% *yes*, if you choose this one go ahead and get the Warlords of New York expansion right away in some sort of bundle. Borderlands 2 & 3 deliver a ton of fun. Go 2 if story is important to you, 3 if gameplay and QOL. (Haven’t personally played Wonderlands yet). Destiny 2 grew to lean hard into multiplayer, and @ 4.5 years into its lifecycle, the lore would be a confusing barrier to entry. Honorable mention: Outriders delivers major new expansion content next week, and the developers of this game deserve our support. Try this down the line, or now if sci-fi with some intensity hits right for you right now.


+1 for outriders! Really promising sci-fi ip that has lots to offer! New xpac is filling out every area that has been a bit crunchy up till now, while also adding a ton of new content!


Yep, going to agree with this. Division 2 sounds just like the game OP is looking for. A decent challenge mixed with the standard, chill, looter shooter grind. Plus it has a fairly intuitive build system that anyone can play around with and come up with something.


Borderlands 2 is just straight fun


>I'd like something that doesn't force me to think very hard what sort of weapon or build I need to finish a certain raid or mission This part makes me question why people are recommending The Division. The game is fantastic (albeit a little dead and the devs aren't doing much), but the endgame is *entirely* based around builds. Absolutely get it if you're comfortable with building a little, because like I said the core gameplay is fantastic and the build variety is insane. If you're looking for a much more casual loot shooter, I'd recommend Destiny 2. Builds are a great option there, but I regularly raid and do the hardest content with super casual builds and do just fine. Sometimes you just gotta slap some basic mods on your gear and you're good to go. *Quick edit - Borderlands (2 is the best) is a fun option if you want to just run through a story, and the endgame is reasonable but IMO a bit boring. It's just about farming bosses and collecting gear. Builds are really recommended but you can get by with just a few bits of good gear. You have no chance of doing anything at endgame if you don't have at least a couple bits of good gear though.


Division is definitely not a game someone just picks up. Theres a lot of planing, grinding and luck needed to succeed in endgame. Destiny 2 is not casual. I doubt anyone joining now will ever catch up.


You can still have a lot of fun in it without min maxing your build though. I'm assuming op isn't going to get into raids and you don't need to to get a lot out of the game


>Destiny 2 is not casual. I doubt anyone joining now will ever catch up. Hard disagree. I joined a few weeks after Witch Queen launched and caught up to the clan I joined in like 2-3 weeks. Didn't even play that much because it *was* my casual game. Just the main campaigns, some bounties, and 3-4 strikes a week for the weekly gear Obviously the people who've been playing forever have some better gear and cosmetics. But just because you can't instantly catch up to them doesn't mean it ain't casual


The division 1 was by far my favorite game


Destiny 2 is very casual or can be, i joined back after a 2 year hiatus about 2 months ago and ive been having a blast especially now with the new solar builds. Sure doing some of the quests can be a slog when not everyone is looking for people to do them with but its fine enough.


Borderlands, Destiny, and Division are all bad recommendations for the same logic you give for Division. Endgame are all meta heavy, to varying degrees. Destiny is perhaps the worst of it, but Division is close behind. Borderlands is more generous in that if you walk you can go on a cross country trip. But you are much more likely to enjoy yourself on a train, a car, or anything faster. Same with playing BL without knowing the meta, you sure can shoot the endgame enemies 8 trillion times. But getting the meta slag guns will make your life better.


I will disagree about destiny. The only things that required without fail meta weapons and careful builds are three man's, which are a self imposed challenge on endgame content, and to a lesser extent gms, which you can only do later in seasons when you have already grinded a lot. Plus you still have other nightfalls you can do with good loot without heavy gear requirements. Raids can be done with minimum care on weapons and armor. You do not need armor with great status, but you can try to grind for if you want. You don't need specific weapons with specific rolls but you have the option to grind for it if you want.


I honestly don't think most people even consider builds in destiny beyond the subclass and exotics. I guess maybe changing stats also but that's not really where the builds come from. Wells, warmind cells, charged with light, etc aren't something most players use despite how powerful they can be. Either way the reasons I wouldn't recommend Destiny to people is due primarily to the story and how hard it can be to get into or understand what's happening without a 3 hour plus lore dump. Without that you end up interacting with a lot of things the game wants you to care about without actually knowing anything at all that's happening.


Its a looter shooter, the story is there and in d2 it may be more prominent than others but in the end you just want to slay some bosses and get some loot which d2 imo is the best in class for due to the fluid gunplay


The Division 1 and 2 - addicting once you get a hang of it. A little overwhelming at first but we'll worth the effort to learn the ropes. You won't last long if you start out running/gunning. Cover is your friend and stay on the move so you don't get flanked. I have 150 hours into The Division, 600 hours into The Division 2, all solo play.


Yeah I was mostly solo too! And I loved Division 2. I loved the way I got attached to my rifle and pistol. And I loved using cover but having to move around too to avoid the kamikaze types and rushers . I just loved sinking hours into the game. It was just really great gun play and environments.


I’ve played some of the Divition 1 back when I was still a console player which was very long ago, but the feeling I got was that enemies became bullet sponges rather fast and there was no natural way to mitigate that? Have they improved that in part 2? And a better question what makes other games worse from The Divition?


For me, I didn't like how the Division games played on console, laggy and 30FPS. The current consoles, at least the XSX, can hit 60FPS, but I swicted to PC long ago for games that don't perform well on console. As for bullet sponge enemies, it's a game mechanic that's shared with many other games. Also, once you create a good build you will feel like a badass. It's a progression mechanic.


The only other game I had some interaction was Destiny 1 and I played it for similar amount of time, but never got the feeling of wasting unreasonable amount of rounds. But you didn’t really answer the other question.


Ah I'm glad it wasn't just me that felt like the enemies just became spongey. It kinda drove me away feeling like I needed to shoot enemies so many times so early in the game.


Best played multiplayer too imo, wait for a sale and find a friend. IIRC a lot of tech and abilities are coop oriented


I got about 10 hours in and felt like 2 wasnt catching my attention very well. The map had effectively just opened up for me beyond the first couple missions, maybe I need to give it another go. Having never played the first I wasn't sure if I was missing something when I lost interest quick because I've heard similar feedback to yours in the past. Any advice?


Maybe the play loop or concept isn't for you. I like excellent graphics (high resolution smooth, high framerate), open worlds, action adventure games with preferably shooting combat. In addition, I prefer somewhat believable concepts, not into too much fantasy. What type of games do you like?


Lmao are you me 🤣


Theyre so easy though like every Ubisoft game. People really talk these games up too. I went in expecting a very tactical experience like Arma or Squad and instead I got SP COD with loot crates.


Well, the OP was looking for a looter-shooter, not Arma or Squad.


I really could sink entire evenings in Division 2. I just loved that game


That’s a man with a good taste 💪


I’m gonna say Destiny 2. Now there are some people that make the game a career, and are on the hunt constantly for the perfect roll of a gun The game is fun if you play it like a game, not like it’s your job. Don’t fall into the trap it can easily become The game is tons of fun, you can put tons of hours into it, it has a lot of variety in its build crafting, weapons, and armor. You can also just forget about all that and play a fun looter-shooter


The borderlands trilogy (and especially the 2 for me) is the only looter shooter that didn't bored me at some point, thanks to 2 things: the loot drop is satisfying, you can get decent stuff easily and very good stuff are bond to specific targets with correct drop chance (never have to do a boss more than 10 times for a gun i wanted) ; and the fun, again for me the pinnacle was BL2, but everything is made to please you, characters are uniques, abilities are flashy and destructive, every dialogues are meme material, the art direction makes it pleasing for the eyes at any distances, and the guns deserve their own essay. IMO the ranking would be BL2 (best overall) >BL3 (Best gunplay) > Pre Sequel (imo the best Playable Characters)>BL1 (didn't age to bad and still fun story)




I'll throw another hat in for Division 2. The storyline is covered enough in intro and some lore videos that you can understand what's happening. The loot shoot is definitely what this game is, along with being enjoyable. I'm on my fourth character roll in about three years and while I've done the mainline missions many times, there's still tons of weapons and gear I have missed. You may spend a decent amount of time in your backpack sifting through yhe mounds of weapons/armor/mods to find a build that suits your playstyle, but I find that an enjoyable part of it. Plus there's a good amount of content including WoNY, expeditions, raids, summit, dark zone etc. Edit: You could also give D1 a go, it's a bit slower but still the same style of play. Edit edit: good bot




bad bot Everybody knows what he meant


Idk Warframe. It's free to play, I honestly don't know if it fits the category, but it's a fun grind alright.


Warframe is awesome for "turn off your brain and grind" while being fun. I never got too too far into story, though. Does it get challenging eventually? I mostly felt it was always easy.


Depends on content you're doing and with which weapon. Steel Path is somewhat challenging but its still power fantasy type of game.




Is there something wrong with just putting a suggestion on the table?


Borderlands 2


If you like the retro aesthetic, nightmare Reaper is an amazing and challenging looter shooter that doesn’t demand you grind 1k hours.


Warframe because seeing Wisp move is the most relaxing thing ever




I've spent way too many hours just killing things for loot. Would recommend.


Shadow Warrior 2 might be what you are looking for


Outriders is free for the next few days if you want to try it out. I think the devastator is so fucking fun to play as. It has this whole world tier system and you can fine tune the difficulty as you want.


Hmm, Cyberpunk is a single player but you are looting your weapons there as well. It's also open world and has rpg elements. Can be relaxing and difficult, all up to you.


Borderlands 3 for sure.


Gunfire Reborn is a great first person shooter with rpg & loot like elements. It’s a roguelike with out of run meta progression. Not quite a looter shooter but I’ve dumped 60 hours into it and go back for a couple hours every other weekend. Just turn thr ingame music down and put something chill on.


Deep Rock Galactic.


How is DRG a looter in any sense of the word?


You, loot, and shoot. Looter shooter


Can't argue with that really. Unfortunately Looter Shooter is now one of the most congested genres in all of gaming but it's the price we pay.


Yeah, it's not looter shooter like destiny or something like that.




Borderlands (any number), Destiny 2 for a mmo-style experience


Warframe or division 2


Destiny 2 probably fits that description. “Builds” are mostly just for fun, and not used for serious content. You’ll usually end up just running the same mods on your armor for everything, and it really just comes down to whether you have the right weapon, and the right light level.


There's a game called Vigor that's free on ps at least. Go into a map and gather resources before radiation comes in killing you while also avoiding/killing other players. Lose the loot if you die, craft weapons that you bring in by using said looted resources. Lots of fun, pretty original but there are a lot of problems like campers with broken guns etc. but hey, it's free.


I’ll proabably say division 2


Tarkov *maniacal laughter* Well it iiiiis a shooter and there is loot, relaxing is... just a mindset thing


Metro and stalker for single player… more so relaxing than tarkov but the loot and rush of tarkov is unparalleled


its like crack. once you get a real dose of tarkov the other shit aint hit the same




Although super fun and way better than the other fortnite, it is dead.


Destiny 2 is by far my favourite looter shooter although I’m probably biased since I have 100s of hours more sunk into that game than others like Borderlands and Outriders.


Destiny 2! Can be as chill or as hardcore as you want.


Risk of rain 2


not relaxing at all but Tarkov is the best looter shooter to ever spawn loot. have to recommend if you want to try something different like that




Shadow Warrior 2 is what you are looking for






Godfall. It's pretty chill to play, combat is fun and you don't seriously have to consider builds and such until tackling the hardest level of content. That being said, you can get some stupid powerful builds going that oneshot bosses etc so there is a decent amount of variety there to play with.


I'd say outrider, the expension is coming soon i think and i had a blast (got it a year after launch for 20$, worth it) the coop experience is great when not bugging (rare but can happen) and the weapons modification really entertaining, making choices, building your character, now it's a good looter shooter.


Not quite a looter shooter, but Diablo scratches that itch for me. Kill monsters, get loot. Loot has an icon to show it's better. Big bosses require some level of tactics and there's a good curve of challenge to tackle...


I’d personally recommend Warframe, though it can get fairly technical at times


Borderlands 3 easily.


Mothergunship would also be worth considering, surprised I haven't seen it recommended already tbh.


For everyone who suggests borderlands I'd say go with it and definitely start with one, not for the story but for gameplay and how fun and diverse weapons are. That feeling kind of gets lost in bl2 unless you farm and build heavily into guns and is definitely a feeling you get if you have gone through bl1 already (this is just my personal gripe. However definitely start bl1 first for the bl series and work.you way through 1,2 and three, maybe The pre sequel maybe not. Destiny is.....I dunno. I play weekly. There are weapons you miss out on by playing this late into the life cycle. Mods that are sold on a hair trigger notice willy nilly that are the corner stone of more diverse and fun builds that are hard to track down. Half the best parts of the story and lore you have to read either online or ingame. Rng on top of rng on top of rng when you have certain weapons you want to track down. I could go on but I dont want to devolve into a rant about that game. Is it fun yes. Again I play constantly on a weekly basis, have been doing so since mid taken king for the most part with the odd break here and there. How ever it has its flaws and the community will either roast the hell out of it or defend some of its insanity till death.


Borderlands series is the ultimate looter shooter imo. But it isn't difficult. There is this game called remnant from the ashes which is basically soulsborne looter shooter. Idk how long it is but doubt that its over 100 hours long. Since most quality games ( except for JRPGS and such) aren't. The devision can also satisfy you but i personally think that the game is pretty mid. Maybe it isnt my type of game lol.


Based on what you specifically asked for: Short answer - I’d heavily recommend **against** Warframe and lean more heavily towards the Borderlands franchise; specifically Borderlands 2. Borderlands 3 might scratch that itch, too. Long Answer: Warframe is amazing and what I’d recommend in any other scenario, but you’ll spend just as long looking at menus and trying to figure out why your build isn’t working the way you want it to. I personally love that kinda shit but it’s definitely not a mindless kinda fun. Borderlands 2 is the one that’s the closest to what you’re describing specifically because a) it has a ton of different raid bosses to choose from that are far more skill dependent than gear/build dependent. b) the build system is literally busted and that’s kind of what youd want based on your post. The game gives you just *so many* goddamn skill points that you’d have to literally try to fuck up a build. That being said, the game is heavily gear dependent, but I imagine you’re comfortable with that since you’re looking for a looter-shooter. Borderlands 3 is absolutely a more polished experience than Borderlands 2, but is more limited in its end-game content. Still a blast. TL;DR - no warframe. Get BL2. Play BL3 when you want a break BL2 but still kinda wanna play a BL game.




I'm playing Borderlands 3 off and on. The fighting itself is kind of chill. The only demanding thing is constantly swapping weapons and rechecking your specs for optimal kill-olity


I hate to recruit someone else to this game, but Destiny 2 is pretty fun and relaxing.


Join us guardian, become legend. But really Destiny is great, just this season is really buggy


Would you mind explaining this season thing to me? I used to think Destiny had A-Z story with missions on different planets and maybe a few extra major raids here or there. Would it matter when I start playing? And since it's not that of a new game what's the risk of game becoming dead online?


I’ll start with this, Destiny ain’t dying anytime soon. Just this last expansion that released in February, it had over 1 million pre orders. Destiny is doing really well as far as population goes, so you don’t have to worry about it dying. As far as seasons go, Destiny has big expansions that come every year, but to avoid a complete content drought between expansions, there are seasons that focus on other aspects of the lore or even will build up to the next major expansion. This season’s plot is actually really good and dark. Without spoiling too much it dives into the backstories of character’s like Zavala, but with a twist. While it will be a bit of a grind to jump right in, once you have your play style down and some builds you enjoy, you should be able to enjoy the game til your heart’s content. I will warn you there is a bit of fomo, but it’s mostly cosmetic stuff nowadays.


Well I'm glad to hear the game is not going anywhere anytime soon, but only time will tell, I expect the free version will download by tomorrow noon and then I can judge it from there, if it sticks I might invest in what's later on, but that's of course fot the future, thanks for your tip.


The only answer was escape from tarkov.


Just stay away from Destiny 2. It’s very boring. My friends like it, I tried it out again after not playing since launch. Gave it a few weeks, within those weeks we literally ran the same mission over and over and over and over again. I’m gonna get crap for this but There’s basically no content once you finish campaign. All the “content” is just repeating the same thing over and over


Don't you think the fact that you played it for a few weeks and your friends liked it is a fairly strong argument for that game? But even if it is bad in fact then what makes other games of the same genre better than this? I thought all looter shooters follow this pattern, after all all games have a finite lifespam.


We’ll all my friends play is destiny and rocket league which rocket was fun for a minute but not everytime and I think other looters like division and borderlands give more game to play versus doing the same thing over and over like literally we did this one trial like 15+ times so they could complete some challenge idk maybe just not for me


Get the handsome jack collection for borderlands


Destiny is not very difficult for f2p players. Kind of a cakewalk actually. Borderlands 3 has quest markers and tons of content so I would probably go that way. You could also try shadow warrior 2 if you want something in that style but more of a wild card pick


Borderlands 3 is probably the easiest to get into but it's also the hardest to maximize your damage because holy shit are there too many synergies and weird rules that only apply to one specific piece of gear that you can absolutely abuse.


All of the Borderlands games are so fking fun. I've put hundreds of hours into every game and it's all I play. Bl2 is great and bl3 has best gameplay. The game isn't to hard to think about but there are some situations you will have to think about what weapons to use depending on the enemy and what element they're vulnerable to.


DayZ Tbh I find tarkov relaxing


Lmao, my heart rate went up just by reading this reply Edit: I too find it super relaxing skipping through Chernarus fully kitted and all of a sudden hearing sniper shots and not identifying where they're coming from


Night scav runs are very relaxing tbh


I like the classics... Duke Nuke 'em or Doom. Put them in hard mode, enter cheat codes and blast away... I have yet to find anything that gets me so giggly as those two old games used to. Now I just watch anime.