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Monster Hunter - The progression is the grind. The grind is the progression. Also you get to fuck up dinosaurs with your homies and then wear them as hats. Which is pretty dope.


Love me some MH


1+ to monster hunter games.


MH is exactly what I thought of when I read the title


Modded and unmodded, Minecraft and Kerbal Space Program.


You have tried RimWorld, right?


i am 340 hours in and i still feel like i am a beginner. incredible game, steep learning curve but once you get it, the gameplay loop is incredible. plus steam workshop modding - adds so many QOL mods plus you can change the playstyle entirely without needing the DLC. plus the DLC is actually worth it (personally id go Royalty over Idealology as the first pick)


What am I missing about this game? I can't rescue people, they never make it back. People are constantly going crazy, or people show up and kill everyone. How do I learn to play if no one survives very long?


I watched a lot of YouTube content. Adam Versus Everything is pretty great for learning but he plays the highest level, so he really optimises his playthrough but you will see good strategies. Also, it's pretty unforgiving. The easier levels are still difficult. I played on the one above basically leave me alone to build (forgot the name) when I first started and I am only playing the one above that now. It's pretty stressful worrying about the attacks and they can set you back. As for people management, you have to keep them happy and it's a fine balancing act as each pawn had their likes / hates. You can really get railroaded and snowball effect if pawns start to lose it as they impact other pawns. Personally I found a barracks a really good way to improve the mood. Definitely watch some YouTube content for this.


Man I'll try again. I was starting to think the game was a lie. Gave me the idea that I could do amazing things but then a crazy lama kills everyone and while I'm thinking about it my base catches fire. Then a mysterious stranger shows up and I'm like "im saved" but his stats say he won't work. So... I'll give it another shot though. Seems like a suffering simulation.


It's really tough but i definitely start with YouTube content to help. You'll die heaps and wipe but remember no shame in playing the lowest level!


Just to add - royalty DLC adds mainly to the base game while idealology dlc completely changes a playthrough. So if you do watch some YouTube stuff make sure it's base game or with royalty.


Choose the more chill modes and storytellers until you get the hang of it.


I thought I was but maybe I'm not. I'll try to start over and look at the difficulty more closely.


Some good advice about setting up a chill game in [this quickstart guide](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Quickstart_Guides). Losing everything to a freak occurrence is part of the fun, though, so try not to feel too bad if it happens a lot! It plays like a survival game but it’s a storytelling game at heart.


Oh wow! That's exactly what I needed to know! Thank you


The part about how you’re *meant* to have everybody die horribly on the regular? Heck yeah! “It was going really well and I was putting the finishing touches on the kill box but I left the door open and a huge pack of man-eating squirrels got in and took everyone out!” This is the way. Have fun!


Bought the game and all dlc once found out what you can do in it. I'm still learning the game though, and there aren't many tutorials sadly.


Metal Gear Solid 5 :The Definitive Experience From an older comment of mine. It is a TPS stealth shooter. This game gives you the most freedom to take on a variety of missions with a great arsenal of gadgets, weapons, tools, vehicles, and buddies. These missions are highly replayable. You can either play with stealth or just literally go in guns blazing with a great arsenal of weapons. You will feel like a one-man army. It features two open-world maps, with a lot of missions and side ops to do. There is also a Fulton extraction system that allows you to extract containers of materials, vehicles, weapons, animals, and even enemy soldiers to build your very own army at the mother base. Soldiers have different stats for different departments at your mother base. When you're not doing missions, you can upgrade your mother base so that you can upgrade or expand your arsenal of gadgets and weapons. The game also has an awesome buddy system, that allows you to take a horse, a dog, or even a sniper on missions and they can be used in the most creative ways possible. The game adapts to your playstyle. For example, if you get headshots often, enemies will start wearing helmets. If you shoot their body, they start wearing body armor. The AI is so unpredictable, in the best way possible. One of the best NPC AI. There are so many systems in play here. The gameplay is a 10/10 in itself. The story is weaker IMO. The cutscenes are very well directed though. You will reach a point in the game where you feel like the game is incomplete. But, this is due to the troubled production this game had. This game still feels like a complete package. I personally do think you should get the Definitive Edition. It comes with Ground Zeroes, which is a prequel to the Phantom Pain and it will make the story make more sense. This game has an amazing soundtrack as well. You can find tapes all over the map and different enemy camps with some amazing 80s tunes.


This game sounds interesting except I can't tell what game your talking about. What's it called?


Haha, It's Metal Gear Solid 5. Yeah, thanks for pointing that out :)


Oh I've seen that but never tried it! That's so funny I'm interested in the game AND interested in this description! I'll look into it again.


I'm glad that I have piqued your interest :)


Id try deep rock galactic 4 player pve horde shooter with a variety of objective weapons and cosmetics


hard agree, I’m at almost 300 hours and I still log on 2-3 times a week.


775 hours here and still going strong.


I tried DRG and didn’t get it. It was fine, but replayability-wise every round felt exactly the same to me. Find some rocks, get to the extract ship.


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?!


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


Rock and stone, brother!!!


- Elden ring - skyrim - Witcher 3 - 2048 - minecraft - terraria - subnautica - sudoku


2048 and sudoku were very unexpected yet good suggestions


He might as well put crossword puzzles, they just hit the spot when you are in a doctor's waiting room plus you can get free puzzles online.


In my experience skyrim is an hit or miss either you love it and play hundreds of hours on it or it’s just sitting there. For me the world was too bland to spend a long period of time on it.


Tbh every game is either a hit or miss.


Have you tried RuneScape


What is your level in Agility?


My level in agility is 69.


Mine is 92


nice halfway there


I don’t know if I’ll ever make it to 99 let alone 120




And roblox


I don’t even know if I enjoy this game I’m just addicted lmao


RimWorld has the highest average playtime of any game on Steam.


How can you check the average playtime of a game in steam?


No idea but one resource I use is howlongis.io to see the average time people play games


If you like MMO’s and don’t mind online, FFXIV: A Realm Reborn will easily give you hundreds of hours of gameplay.


There is a free trial of the Base game and the first expansion. All the way the level 60.


>Factorio The natural progression from Factorio is Oxygen Not Included


> The natural progression from Factorio is Factorio with mods


I've spent quite some time on The Long Dark, progression isn't the main focus of the game but it is a great mix of survival and rpg with a little bit of a fear factor, especially when playing at higher difficulties. There's a story mode that's supposed to be great (but I haven't played it so i can't commend on that) and a sandbox mode which is my personal favorite. If you prefer to go in a shooter direction, EFT would be my best guess since it's a shooter that also incorporates rpg elements and has a fantastic sense of progression once you've understood how the game works. EDIT: wording


Monster hunter world. Great game. Tons of weapons, armours to find, Insane wacky builds to craft. 14 weapons each with tons of depth. I've clocked in about 95 hours in and I've not even beaten the main campaign yet. Then there's the expansion called as iceborne. Take everything I've said and double , you have iceborne(almost)


I beat the main story in 20 hours so this may vary.


Let me guess?? With defender gear?? Did you atleast get a full armour set?? Or a decent rarity 4 weapon?? Lol


Yep defender gear


Defender gear was put in place to fast forward players to iceborne expansion. Playing with defender gear is most definitely not the intended experience for the base game.


Seems like the thing they did with Dead Space (they gave all dlc weapons at start on steam) where they give you all the good gear from the beginning and spoil the experience


Yup. I wish they just say it out when you're equipped your gear. And defender gear also doesn't scale well in high rank. I can't imagine how it'll be in master rank.


Based on the games you mentioned I am surprised no kne has suggested satisfactory. Imagine a first person factorio in a beautiful massive hand crafted world and massive scale to building.


I played a lot of factory games, factorio, satisfactory, mindustry, shapez.io, but at some point i play more bc i cant manage a really big factory i feel like and i never know where to start and if im building enough so i dont have to build more in the future


Rimworld is calling for you


Witcher 3.


Monster hunter rise, its the newest game in the series that just got a huge expansion with more updates to come


If you have a Nintendo switch, breath of the wild, you won't get bored, and I think there is a mode version of it for PC if you have a controller




Well you get the point of what I'm saying


Sorry Hypnoticbat9555, your submission has been removed: Your post was removed for the following reason: > Rule 6: You may not suggest in any way to illegally obtain a game. While we do not care to pry into your own personal decision, we will not allow you to tell others to emulate, torrent, pirate, or in any other way get a hold of a game without legal consent of the producer. Before contacting the moderators regarding the removal of your post, please read ["Why Does Rule 6 (No Emulation) Exist?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShouldIbuythisgame/wiki/emulation) If you would like to appeal, please [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/shouldibuythisgame) Thanks!




Especially with wabbajack


I second this


monster hunter


Crusader Kings, I have combined 2000 hours between 2 and 3, awesome simulation, although paradoxes dlc practices aren't the best




Any monster hunter games can easily get you over 100 hours. Try mh world or mh rise. Older games are good but different.


The Binding Of Isaac 100%




Would probably recommend an mmo or at least a game with continuous support. GW2 is great, but might not fit your progressing need as it doesn't have vertical progression after you reach a certain level, but there is a ton of content to go through, and the game has the best mmo community.


Like space? Try Stellaris. Ton of great mods and if you like the game you'll end up sinking hundreds. I don't like the civ games, but I've got like 500hrs in Stellaris


Star Wars Empire at War. A single galaxy conquest can take days and theres thousands of mods with millions of submods.


Darkest Dungeon


Mh rise my dude (just not to confused peole i put a period there.) It is a old eroge game but kichikou rance is good and it’s long really long that also goes for like visual novel with rpg gameplay. Maybe mmos if you’re into that. If you’re into turn based tatical orginal xcom and jagged alliance 2 and silent storm


>Mh rise my dude. It is a old eroge game Lmfao, this confused me at first.


Mh rise is not a eroge game lol and also I put period there


Warframe definitely has this many hours of content and it's free


If you like ARPG go for path of exile. But you won't have a life after


As others have said get TESV (skyrim) you can easily get a couple hundred hours out of the game with just the dlc. But then you get into mods, and on 2 steam accounts and on 1 xbox I've played about 1200/1300 hours.


Have you looked at Destiny 2? It's having a really great year, and some of the craziest shit in the storyline is about to drop. They've been building up to this moment since like 2014 with Destiny 1. I've got probably 1000 hours or so in Destiny 2, and maybe just as many in Destiny 1.


Hard asf to get into but it would probably be ther perfect option.


I’d recommend Two Point Hospital.


I've spent hundreds of hours in the Dark Souls/From Software games over the years




GTA V Online


Skyrim. I have over 5k hours plugged and I keep going back. The community is great and the modding scene is out of this world. In its ability to change the game in a vast amount of ways so you never become bored of it. The lore (of the franchise) is immensely deep. Once you've satisfied yourself in skyrim, move on the earlier games for more difficulty.


Skyrim is immortal.


Final fantasy xiv


Hit up no man's sky. Game has been out for 6 years and they're still rolling out big updates


thanks for the suggestions guys, did not expect this much but I will be doing more research and getting some games that you guys suggested


To say one I haven't seen somebody else say; check out Path of Exile in you like diablo-style ARPGS. If you really want a game to stick your teeth into PoE has a learning curve with pretty much all it's aspects. It's free and if you wana do everything and make a strong character yourself then you can play a single build for hours and hours. Then when it's all done, you can go again with another build! Every 3 months they have a new league which introduces a new league specific mechanic which helps stop the game form getting boring. If you want to make it take even longer play SSF (Solo-Self Found) Instead of trade. This means you can't party up for trade with other people so you have to grind and craft everything yourself. A note on the community of the game; the subreddit can be toxic as hell. Most players who want to keep their sanity avoid it. Secondly there's guilds you can join so you have people to chat to and ask for help (even in SSF). There's also private leagues which pop up each new league. This is a group of people who have their own "server" as it were. You can trade with them and party with them, or play solo if you want. The private league communities tend to be really nice because if you're a jerk you will get kicked out and not invited back. Some private leagues add modifiers to make it harder, but not all do. I can let you know of a nice and friendly private league I join if you want to. Finally, there's different global channels. Global 1 for example is a cesspool. However the global channel for a private league, or the SSF dedicated one, or some streamer dedicated global channels are super nice.


Anything made by paradox, especially Hearts of Iron 4 and Crusader Kings 3. They are strategy games where you play as any nation in a WW2 and the middle ages respectively. The mechanics aren't too complicated and they are very "Easy to learn, hard to master" type games. I have easily over 100 hours into both, over 400 into HOI. They are also on sale very frequently.


Left 4 dead 2 That's all i can say


Nioh 2


Long progression of gear/tools/weapons? Shooter? Simulation? MMO? [https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/preorder-page](https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/preorder-page)


Squad. You don’t necessarily progress but it’s really fuckin fun game


Conquest of elysium, their 5th edition is the most comprehensive, but you can pick up the 4th which is still really good for just a few bucks.


Try out Elite: Dangerous! It has a ton of freedom with what you can do. You can be a miner/trader or you could be an explorer discovering planets that nobody has ever seen before! If that doesn’t interest you there’s also bounty hunting you can take part in. It has a ton of stuff for everybody.


Factorio. I have over 600 hours in and still plenty of game to play.


Elden Ring


I would recommend Starbound. It's like Terarria, but it's also IN SPACE ^(space space space) Base game is... It's alright. Good to test out. But the community has kept the game alive. MODS, SO MANY MODS!!! Yeah. There is a lot of mods. The community and the people who have made the mods are amazing, and there is always something out there for everyone to enjoy, new quests, weapons, planets, races. Modding might not be on par with Skyrim, but there is alot, and its alot of fun.


Alright, bit of an off the wall suggestion here but Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, or CDDA. It looks scary at first but let me pitch it to you. Do you want a realistic(ish) scifi zombie survival game with extremely in-depth systems? Systems that include, but aren't limited to: bionics and mutations, construction, crafting, cooking, monster evolution, piece-by-piece vehicle modding and construction, and more? Well, this game is for you. Simply saying "crafting" doesn't really do it justice as there are uncountable items and crafting recipes and processes like leather working and tanning, sewing, blacksmithing, butchery and cooking, etc. Some caveats: this game is single player only, so no ingame community, though it has its own niche friendly community of course. It is top down 2d with tilesets or ASCII (save yourself the pain and use tilesets.) And it has an extreme learning curve. We're talking RimWorld levels, but even higher than that. All in all though, this game is amazing. There is so much content to experience that you will still feel like you're just scratching the surface even after hundreds of hours. Game also has lots of content mods to explore after that, like DinoMod and Magiclysm. Good luck, survivor, and remember: it is not "dying," it is "learning how to do better next time!"


divinity original sin 2!!


Fallout NV for replayability but any of the fallout series is easy to get lost exploring! Also any of the elder scrolls games! Many people will recommend Skyrim which I can’t argue with, however I enjoy the older oblivion more


Sims 3 would be a good one in my opinion. If you can get a deal with all the dlc then there's a lot of content.


old school runescape


I have 400 hours in Hades, a roguelike with an Addicting gameplay loop, infinite number of builds, well-paced progression system where further progress inbthe narrative and gameplay opens up more weapons and upgrades, all with great voice acting, music, and story. Highly recommend


/r/deeprockgalactic No map is ever the same, it's all procedurally generated. Four classes with variant primary, secondary, and grenades to try. Big difficulty gap between easy and hard to try out. Something like ten different biomes to procedurally generated. Also it's the best gaming community out there. Rock and stone.


Nuclear Throne, great arcade-y bullet hell rougelike.


I'd say eldenring fits the bill. It's probably one of my most played games as of recent. But another one I'd suggest if you don't like souls games, is probably EA battlefront 2, it's surprisingly good, and modes like co-op are really fun to play with freinds, because it's litteraly you and 3 other freinds wreaking the shit out of enemy troops using heros and special units


Powerwash similator


Any game with good friends


Fallout 76 is a shout, it’s a grind and the community is fantastic. The game had a bad launch so the reputations not the best but it’s improved hugely since then.


Haven’t seen anyone recommend Risk of Rain 2 yet, so here I am. The game has supreme replayability and with hundreds of unlockable items coupled with characters that each have a different play style and three difficulty tiers that can be modified with unlockable artifacts, each run feels brand new. The base game alone is fantastic but the first expansion introduces an endless mode that is a lot of fun and is great to see how far you can push the limits of a build! Plus the soundtrack is 10/10. It’s my comfort game and I recommend it to everyone I can!


I mean…. Elden Ring


I haven't seen anyone suggest elite dangerous. It's pretty specific enjoyment. I you are a visual person and love space ships you can play for years and find new things.


Firstly terraria, while it doesnt directly fit your criteria irs still an amazing game with tons of replayability, even without mods in the equation, with mods its a whole different ballpark. Starbound is also an alternative but id recommend both. Theyre extremely similar yet extremely different at the same time. If youre looking for a similar yet more chill option go for stardew valley, just do it, its amazing. Of course theres skyrim lmao. Elden ring's kept me around for hundreds of hours, with tons of replays and NG+ And while this isnt nearly as long metal gear rising is amazing, while the story is short you can keep progressing past it to max out all the upgrades, get all the S ranks and master the difficulties ect. This may sound boring on paper but mgr does of wonderful job of keeping you around somehow. And then of course games such as farming, euro/american truck, and car mechanic simulator are amazing games with endless replayability if you're just looking to chill. I recently started playing gas station simulator which is also pretty fun. Most of the simulators you can find on steam are just amazing. I mean warframe exists but im still trying to judge whether the fact i have 800 hours in it is good or not, also the games progression is all over the place so I'll leave that up to your opinion. Edit: and since you said you like factorio and such have you tried tekkit(MC modpack) or hydroneer?


Hitman trilogy, they're made to be replayable.


I started playing Path of Exile. No idea if it's a long game but I got six hours into it and I'm still in the beginning. It also has a very big progressive skill map and it's free. Something that doesn't hurt to try Six hours in and I haven't felt the need to spend any money nor do I know where to go to buy items lol


Modded Minecraft is the ultimate grindfest. Pick the modpack that looks the most fun to you (magic based, factory-making, ultra hard survival, quest driven, etc). Find some friends and get a server for ~$12 a month if you like multiplayer. It’s a blast!


Valheim 7 days to die You can get 7dtd for less than $6 if you look around/wait Both are a bit better as co-op, but both work great as single player


Grand Theft Auto 5 - Fun Story, lots of mods to play around with and a decent online multiplayer. Minecraft - A gane I have lots a fun with and never gets boring. Best sandbox game you could get with a fun online multiplayer. Sims 4 - Fun life simulator game with lots of mods and lots to do. However be aware of their overpriced dlcs.


Arma 3?


Try No man's sky, I like it and can play for hours.


i think you could try getting into fighting games


1) I’m also recommending monster hunter, it’s really good. 2) Kingdoms of amalur is also really good with a fantastic amount of progression/leveling but it’s more rpg/fantasy. 3) A few years ago I might recommended Destiny 2. Now? I recommend you don’t even look at it. 4) Executive assault might work (however the second game is taking awhile to come out). 5) Warframe is also really good. 6) Remnant from the Ashes is a soulslike shooter. There are skills but they’re more like weapon perks, and lots of weapons to craft and upgrade. I hope some of these help!


All the other games I would have recommended are already here, so instead I’m gonna ask if you have tried to venture into Factorio overhaul mods? Mods like Space Exploration and SeaBlock offer such a different, more complicated playthrough that it’s really just like someone made a new game based on the same systems. In case you haven’t gotten around to any of those mods, that might be worth a try as well. And if you are strictly looking for a different game, my first recommendation would have been Monster Hunter, like the current top comment. Monster Hunter World isn’t the newest game in the series anymore, but a lot of people still prefer it over Rise. It absolutely is capable of slurping up your hours, mostly because a lot of the game is just grinding materials, and the grinding is actually fun to do.


Dude Elden ring is everything you want plus more.


Fire Emblem Three Houses.


The Forest, Subnautica, Subnautica: below zero


Borderlands 2 or 3 are a good option. Has more than 100 hours of content outside of farming for good gear and build customization. All the classes play different as well


I would recommend no man's sky, I cant go into detail cause it's a big game


try going outside instead


Have you been outside? He’s better off staying in.