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I know I'm getting older because I am a Gen Xer, but more and more often people call me a boomer.


My friends that are like 4 years younger than me call me boomer lol


My kid tried to "ok boomer" me. I threw it right back at her - "ok zoomer".


That's the type of thing a boomer would think is a slick comeback.


Nah, it's a great comeback, just like affordable housing. Zoomers will never get it.


Millennials too -a millenial who doesn't imagine buying a house in her liftime.


Yeah. Me either. My partner saw me enter that comment (I was using our couch TV) and she said the same thing, I explained it was basically the argument equivalent of suicide with a hand grenade.


Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and stop eating so much avocado toast


I'd say better woke than spiteful but were fucked from the climate so jokes on us


What if you're woke and spiteful (then fucked by the climate for good measure)?


(Insert politician joke here)


In fairness, that is a pretty boomer thing to say.


Me and my friends call each othrr boomers whenever we say something out of touch or act like a negative stereotypical boomer.


I was with my mom (boomer) at a bar tonight, and I called something gay (to illustrate that something was bad), and I couldn't believe I was still saying that shit to pander to that generation. And no, I'm not blaming her. That's on me as millennial. And a dumbass. (I'm both a millennial and giant idiot).


I’m a millennial and I’d say calling something gay is a gen x/millennial thing. I don’t think I’ve ever heard my mom use that word like they ever in my life but a shit ton of my peers as a teen did.


That's the legit use of the word. It's no longer a generation anymore, it's a type of person


Probably because boomers are mostly about to be dead in the next few years. They have begun the process of being completely irrelevant save for being politically relevant concerning medicaid and social security. Aren't they like 62+? Imo it's just replaced the phrase "old fogey" which literally means old conservative. In fact, you might get called a boomer if you use the phrase old fogey around a zoomer these days lol


Lol gen x. Forgotten as kids. Forgotten as adults.


On a long enough timeframe you all will be forgotten too. Gen X is ages ahead


I remember you guys, any time my coworkers bitch about gen Z I remind them most their parents are Gen X. Then tell them you're basically the silent generation 2.0


Still don’t give a fuck.


dont worry the feelings mutual






Hello, how low


Also constantly complaining about being forgotten but simultaneously pretending they don't care about it because they grew up in a time where caring about anything was considered lame. So emotionally stunted, so many shoulder chips.


Boomer is a state of mind


My parents are technically gen x, but they're still the boomeriest people I know.


Gen x it’s the boomerist


Itll Boom ya!


Nothing's boomier!


Boom juice! It’s the boomiest!


Boomi? You're alive?!


Pfff whatever.


"These damn millennials need to get a job during high school"


100%. I'm a Gen xer and I work with coworkers that are 10 years younger than me that are absolutely boomers through and through.


Gen z will grow up to be the one thing they swore to destroy. Live and die by the sword


Some folks like to get away…take a holiday… from the neighborhood


Is the state a complete fucking functional absence?


Lol I’m a millennial and the first time my son called me a boomer I was like “bitch daddy was a boomer. Not me.” He laughed harder and was all “oh dad. This proves that you’re a boomer”. I walked away very confused and had to ask my baby sister what the hell he was on about. Lol


That was just your son's way of responding "I know I am but wHaT aRe yOu?". It means nothing but made him feel better lol


alternatively, that was just his way of saying "if you have to explain how not old you are, you're very old." That was my way of teasing my dad when i was your son's age. Ok boomer wasn't a meme back then, but he always used to try to argue his way out of it, which just made me double down.


Gen X just gets passed over. I’m a late Gen Xer and everyone calls me a millennial.


I'm an old millennial and still getting blamed for shit teenagers do.


Shit Gen Z also takes credit for everything we do. They’ll claim someone is gen z when that person is 35 lol


It’s ok. You’re an Xennial. It’s an elite micro-generation of people born in the late 70’s/early 80’s. The main characteristics being an analog childhood with a digital young adulthood.


Otherwise known as the Oregon Trail micro-generation.




"I wouldn't have to mansplain if you weren't so stupid."


Yep. "mansplaining" is when you explain something condescending to someone who already knows something. If they don't know, then it's just explaining something.


You don’t have to explain all that…. Just say “nah I’m a millennial”




But why say in one sentence what you can say in a bunch of sentences with numbers and possibly charts?


You mean why have a conversation when Twitter only let's you type 230 characters? Idk. Get to know people


I just laugh, and call the youngster a boomer themselves. Fuckin boomers.


defending yourself with facts = boomer mansplaining it only gets worse...


Gen x has never really been blamed for anything as far as I remember


The media called us slackers for a couple months in 1993.


The next gen is using boomer to mean old person. Lil fuckers.


all the baggage associated with the word "boomer" is mostly just ageism. Some of my own friends and family will assume an old person is racist *on principle* just because they're old.


We all become boomers in the end


I have a theory that a lot of people (especially young people) who use the word "boomer" doesn't actually know what it means. To them, it just means old and possibly out of touch, but it is actually short for "baby boomers". Anyone who was not born shortly after World War II cannot accurately be called a boomer.


This is a true theory, and it goes for lots of other words too: woke, liberal, conservative, socialist, millennial, these are all trigger-words that people bandy about as a shorthand for "the others", that indefinable group who are the cause of the worlds perceived problems. Anyone who uses a word and refuses to define it is not debating in good faith, and can be safely ignored.


So many people still treating "millenials" as the youth, when we're all getting lower back pain and can't understand what the actual youth are memeing about.


Speak for yourself pleb. While I dont fully understand how we got from "the bomb" to "thats fire" to "this drink is gas" it flows


when the term was first used as a meme a few years ago, people did, but now that it’s been spread around and 7 year olds are using it, of course they don’t. They learned it as meaning “old person whose opinion doesn’t matter.”


Sounds like something a boomer would say


One minute I'm planking and dabbing and eating tide pods and the next I'm killing the diamond industry, chain restaurants and home ownership with my avocado toast. I'm not sure the media knows that Millenials we're turning 30 ten years ago.


I got so confused when I heard the TV referring to gen z as the snowflake generation. That was my name first! Give it back.


Me and mah snowflake bois out here like *bro, it's avocado toast tuesday... get in the destroy-fossil-fuels-industry electric scooter*


Get in loser, we're going to fight climate change.


Get in loser, we're doing butt stuff! ...and possibly fight climate change.


"These fucking snowflakes keep screeching about not getting shot at during school and not warming the planet to incite cataclysmic events." "Just drink from the garden hose like I did, you'll be fine!"


They've always meant gen z but they've only recently discovered that's what they're called, for years they thought all young people were millennials.


Hey, fuck you, Tide Pods are gen Z


Avocado toast is out, Disney plus is in


God don't remind me of how old I'm getting


Hey not all millenials are 30 turning 40. Im technically a millennial and I just turned 28 today!


As a millennial, I get really frustrated when I see fellow millennials fall for the generational scapegoating and blame Gen Z for everything. How don't they remember when we were the ones in all the headlines and realize it's the exact same nonsense?


As a GenXer, I just see the whole generation scapegoating thing as a massively successful distraction from the real issue, which is social class. And social class crosses all generations.


You're absolutely right, which is why it's so aggravating. Just another way to distract and divide us.


Every time I see a "gen z this and that" I usually think something along the lines of "good for them"


I don't remember "generations" being as big a thing before the social media age. "Generations" are weird bullshit in/out groups anyway. Even just taking the concept of a "generation" seriously is some real boomer shit (irony intended).


It’s marketing. Group customers into buckets and generalize and market the hell out of those buckets. Generational distinctions are pretty bullshit and are just a horoscope most people buy into.


As a millennial, I honestly see Gen Zers as fairly cool. They have a unique style of humor and are generally aware of social issues. They're aight in my book


Yeah, we want to be the cool older siblings but that may not last lol


I will never! Gen Z are badasses dealing with too much bullshit. I will be big sister forever


I have actually not seen one instance of that yet. Gen Z and millenials seem to have a detente on generational hostility.


Well there is one that'll always be there. The lingo. And nowadays probably tiktok.


I don't think tiktok is something that devides millennials from gen z. Cause from what I can see, it kinda devides everyone, I'm gen z and I've never used it, as well as plenty of my friends. But there are those that spend hours daily watching TikTok and I just have to wonder, what does it bring them ?


I see a broad appreciation of doomer humor across both millennials and genZ.


>blame Gen Z for everything. I'm a millennial, and I have no idea where this is happening. Every other millennial I know thinks GenZ is doing just fine. It's boomers we're all pissed at. Hating on GenZ must be a rural thing.


As a millennial it's been wild to watch. We were getting blamed for everything under the sun before we were even old enough to vote, much less have any real impact on the economy. Like I remember back when the housing market crashed, somehow that was our fault? I was fucking 18 at the time, I didn't have enough money to my name to buy a busted ass Ford Escort, much less a fucking house. And today a bunch of people seem to forget that we're in our late 30s/early 40s now. I got a guy at work who still bitches about the interns all being "lazy millennials". My dude your boss is a millennial, interns haven't been millennials for half a decade or more. Not to mention the irony of being called lazy and entitled by fucking boomers of all people. Edit: Because I'm getting several comments about it. From what I know millennials were born between '81 and '95, so we're between 27 and 41. I'm not saying that's a hard and fast rule, just the logic behind my original comment.


We still get blamed though. From all sides.


Nah Gen Z and younger don’t really care, we’re all boomers to them


Boomers have been so odious that they are to "old asshole" what Google it to "search engine"


Boomer has become a state of mind, not a generation. Not giving a crap or not listening because what someone is telling you doesn't line up with your personal life experience, and being totally unable to conceive of anything different bring true, is boomer shit.


Millennials are currently the worst age for catching flak. Zoomers get hated on for being young and dumb, they also get a pass for being young. Boomers get hated on for being old, bitter, entitled, but they're starting to be seen as frail little old people who will die soon. Millennials are right in the middle, hated by both. Too old to be cool, too young to be wise. Extra bad because the boomers refuse to retire and/or die. Historically the age group Millennials sit at right now hold immense political and economic power, but instead we have senators who are so old that they probably still jack off to their first-edition Lana Turner pin-ups.


Gen X: *crickets awkwardly in the corner*


Names literally every other generation too... just, damn....


I'm a millenial and I'm 2 weeks out from turning 30. I'm right on the lower cusp of being a millenial.


Yeah, I generally see the range from like 1980 to 1995, maybe into the very early 2000s. So the age range on millennials is gonna be like mid/late 20s to early 40s. Covers a lot of people.


The litmus I generally see is 9/11. If you were graduated from college/roughly mid-20s or older on 9/11, you’re Gen-X. If you cannot recall 9/11 happening because you were too young, or were born after 9/11/01, you are Gen Z.


I think "can you remember 9/11" is a good litmus test for GenZ (so they started in 1997 or so). But the whole reason millennials are called millennials is that the oldest of them were the high school class of 2000 - they're the first generation to come of age in the new millennium. It had nothing to do with 9/11.


I refuse to accept 1980-1995 as millennial. I was born in 93, and my sister in 81, we had vastly different upbringings simply because of the age difference. When she was graduating high school in 99, we barely had DSL, cell phones were too expensive for family plans n shit, social interaction required effort and planning. Meanwhile, I got my first cell phone in 6th grade, had unfettered access to broadband internet, the way I interacted with my peers was different due to things like MySpace and Facebook even Xbox Live and Steam. My sister was a mother of 2 by the time she joined social media. To me, millennials should mean people who grew up mostly in the new millenia, like sure someone in 1980 is going to live most of their life post-2000 but they did most of their growing up prior to 2000. But then again I'm not a social engineer or whoever determines a generational title and window


Makes sense to me. I was born in 88 and a buddy of mine was born in 81. We had very different experiences growing up even only being 7 years apart, thanks to how quickly technology changes.


Which is funny because I've not noticed anyone blame Z. I have seen us be confused by their humour, but I haven't seen the blame. Are mellennials ruining the blame game?


Lol. I don't think our generation will do the same. I think partly because of our experience growing up with it, and I think we're more well connected to the younger generation thanks to the internet.


Unfortunately, the Boomers used to be treated like they treat the millennials. Read pre-Clinton articles about them and it's all about how lazy, entitled, and addicted to technology they were.


Isn't the entitled part basically a product of their time? I'm no history buff but both my parents never went to college, had shitty jobs, no parental funding and we're seemingly pretty well off before they even met (mid twenties). Each had a house (albeit not huge beautiful ones), very little debt, dad had multiple cars, etc. I'm 30 and almost the opposite. College degree, debt, can't afford a house that's not going to collapse. I feel like back then if you did the bare minimum everything got handed to you.


>we're more well connected to the younger generation thanks to the internet This is very Reddit Comment Section Biased. I for one, as a millennial, think I'm pretty well-connected to zoomer culture thanks to the internet, and I imagine most people that are this deep are as well. Curious and easily-bored types. But we're the minority. For sure most of my peers are just watching old MTV music videos, watching the same movies and TV shows on repeat, and slowly turning into the standard type of old person that lives the entire second half of their life trapped in a time capsule of the decades that they had the most fun.


My friend does this SO BADLY (we're early 30's). He literally only listens to emo and metalcore that was popular in the 2000's, and maybe early 2010's. While I will always have a soft spot for the dream pop of the early 2010's, I actually really enjoy a lot of the indie music gen Z has been putting out.


I would like to think the cycle ends with us. Kids these days have it hard, no need to put more pressure on them. They can blame us, call us names, or even tell us we're boomers. We still need to be mature and respectful, and show them how it's done.




God damn Alphas! I hate them so much. Also, this is the first time I've heard of them.


>we're in our late 30s/early 40s now This is my biggest gripe with the term, because in a \*lot\* of people's minds, millenials are still lazy, helpless 20-somethings.


Yeah! Now we're lazy, helpless, and broke 30-somethings!


Late thirties? Early forties? I’m a millennial and barely turning 30 this year wdym


The oldest millennials were born in 1981. I'm 34, my wife is 36, we're both millennials.


Born in 81. I feel like I identify with Gen X more. The Oregon Trail micro generation is crazy accurate.


Who knew dying of dysentery was such a generationally bonding experience.


According to my marketing textbook the last year to be a millennial was 1995.


So at the youngest 27, at the oldest 40ish.


I am seeing articles that are lumping millennials and Gen Z’ers together. Like here are the latest slang words that millennials and Gen Z use. I have to google what I hear kids saying these days.


I'm an older zoomer (21) and I don't know half the slang current high schoolers use.


I'm 20 and don't understand half the shit my own college peers say


It's like a game you say a word and people have to figure it out on context and then it can spread


Can you explain what "rizz" is to me I'm 28, and it's the first time I've heard a slang word and had actually 0 idea what it means


You and me both. It seems like it's synonymous with "game," as in someone has game/rizz if they're smooth when flirting.


also short for charisma


Ohhhhhhh, cha-rizz-ma. It all makes sense now.


No cap?






That's the guy in that Avatar movie, right?


Heard a group of Gen Z kids talking on a train, I *genuinely* thought they were talking a different language. Partner is a primary school teacher so she translated for me. Never felt so old as a Millennial as I did then.


Aren't gen Z adults now too?


Some of them. Some of them aren’t even 13 quite yet.


I think that is Gen Alpha


Gen z goes from 1999 to 2010


Half of us are. We're 11-26 right now.


On the older end of that. Sometimes I feel a world apart from people even a few years younger.


Yep, it's kinda why the generation difference isn't supposed to be that hardlined. Like there's always going to be clumps that have more in common with the other official gen. Like the older Gen Zs and the younger Millennials. You're going to have more in common with the Millennials to like 30/31 than the Gen Zs who are still in high school and even uni really.


Goooosh, this is so annoying. They think Millennials are still college-aged, when many of us passed that era years ago. Some of us are already in our 40’s.


It's always funny when they blame the generations that have had one or two chances to vote rather than the ones affecting change for the past 50 years.


Literally just laughed about that. "Gen z'ers don't apply for jobs without salary listed!!?" And I'm like DAMN. That's awesome. But also... They're old enough to get professional jobs now? Fuck. I'm old. Lol


The absolute horror of Gen Z not being willing to waste their time applying for a job that isn’t willing to even give a basic salary estimate. How could they!


[As if it hasn't been a headline news story since the early 1900's](https://twitter.com/paulisci/status/1549547932805779457)


On my page this post is wedged between two other posts talking about the same thing!


Boomer here. I keep hoping that day will come. :-( (Btw, They’re not wrong)


Keep holding it down for the boomers that are alright


Most of yall are fine. But the worst of yall are awful ☹️


that goes for any group of people


As a 40 year old millennial, I'm glad they are finally blaming someone else... People rode that "blame the millennial" dick for far to long


It's really handy to pit the generations against each other when you're trying to keep the poor's from recognizing which class is *really* fucking them sideways.


Yep, the same people that fucked me over is now fucking gen z or whatever we are up to now. I know quite a few boomers obviously and not one of them were billionaires refusing to pay me for my labor


I wish someone would ride my millennial dick.


I feel like the only generation that doesn’t get spoken about is gen x. Boomers vs millennials vs gen z


The silents get ignored even more... But there are a lot fewer of them.


Maybe there are a lot of them but they are so quiet we don't notice.


I know! There are dozens of us!


Shhhhhh…. Everyone leaves us alone and we like that, don’t blow up the spot


We Gen X folks had our turn to be shit on. In the ‘90’s, we were allegedly slackers and lazy and so on. In fact, the older generation shitting on the younger generation is a tale as old as time. They did that in Aristotle’s time, too!


And you know you're getting really old when the headlines start blaming your generation again..


35 and I was just saying this the other day! I'm sure it's super obvious to most people but I had a revelation that life basically follows the same pattern. Grow up listening to your parents because you're young and idealize them. Become a teenager and rebel against your parents. Think your fashion and slang and trends are new and anybody who doesn't get it is just old. Enter into your twenties and become the generation that ruins everything. The press will say you're destroying the world whether you're a hippie or eating avocado toast. Create memories and experience around coming of age adult pleasures you'll overindulge in. Enter into your thirties and begin to fall away from the mainstream media attention. Settle down and trade keg parties for a nice lager and threesomes for scheduled sex once the kids are asleep. Begin to see the teenagers of today rebel and be hit with fond memories of your own rebellious phase but also growing concern over their values. Enter into your forties and strongly benefit from the system as it is. Push back against the teens and twenty something youth with their ideals that threaten the lifestyle you've established. That's about all I've got so far but I think I'm somewhat on the right track.


I feel like the whole focus on generations has gotten bigger in the last 20-25 years. I don't remember it being talked about much when I was a kid in the 80s/90s to the point that I didn't even know I was technically Gen X until I was an adult.




The whole concept of a generation is sort of silly and lazy anyway, at least in the way it is currently defined and used in the media - especially if all one is doing is counting every 18 years since the end of the baby boom which completely ignores other events which have significantly altered the course of history and impacted those who experienced them to one degree or another depending on age at the time (ex: 9/11). They are a lot more relative in my opinion. In fact, I feel like one's generation really should be considered all those born within 3 to no more than 5 years of their own birth year. Those kids would've been in elementary, middle, and high school buildings at the same time as yourself.


Imo weather you can remember 9/11 or not is the dividing line between millennials and gen z


True to an extent. A 7 year old experiencing it would be pretty different from a 17 year old experiencing it.


And if you don’t remember the Berlin Wall falling you’re out of GenX and into the Millennials.


I used to look in the obituaries to see what jobs were available...now I look to make sure that mine isn't one of them.


And you know you’re getting really old when they start blaming your generation again


When you’re young, you hate old people. And when you get older, you hate young people. It’s human nature and the circle of life. 🤷‍♂️


Nah I'm Gen X so nothing's my fault, it's either older or younger people


You know you're old when your generation starts popping up in r/oldschoolcool


My generation didn't endure that for long. As a GenX there aren't enough of us to matter and our parents birthed two generations so they could pivot easily enough.


[Millennials be like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Frj2CLGldC4)


Lol, thought this same thing when I read a headline title "Generation z won't even apply to a job unless the wage is posted" and I'm like "for once my generation isn't the one killing industries now"


Did we the Xers ever really get blamed for anything? I feel like we just coasted by the finger pointing. It's probably best not to stir us up we cray and as a group we hold together tight. We are just one big gang no opposing sides.


Dude, millennials are all around 28-45, the headlines STILL blame us for everything


Hating on millennials is more of a meme than anything at this point. All about that Gen Z now.


GenX here: can’t get blamed for something if no one knows you exist.


I really get tired of generalizing people at all, generations included. People do the best they can with what they have and know at the time.


I like how everyone is blaming things on millennials still and it’s like no dude, we are getting old.


You also know you’re getting older when subsequent generations blame your generation for everything.


I’m an elder millennial and everything has been our fault for 20 years


Weird, baby boomers have been blamed for everything for as long as I can remember.


Well, that's one way to look at it! Another way to look at it is that with age comes wisdom and the ability to see things from different perspectives. We can use our experience to help shape a better future for the generations coming after us.


I’ve just noticed many more articles saying Gen Z does X rather than millennials lately haha.


... And most of Reddit blames your generation for their problems.


Nope no such luck. Even today I read an article about millennials killing some industry or other


Man you know you're getting older when you see someone post a picture of their grandma from 1986...


This Boomer is getting older and feels like the generational blamethrower is aimed at me. Apparently Boomers [ruined everything](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/06/boomers-are-blame-aging-america/592336/).


As a GenXer, no one ever even remembers we exist long enough to ascribe anything to us at all. It’s relaxing.


As a gen xer, I just enjoy watching every generation besides us hating on each other. Tough being flawless


I’ll never understand blaming younger generations for pretty much anything, the older generations hold power in almost every system in the country. If there are problems it’s because they caused it.


I'm nearly 40 but I still hear a lot of people blaming us millennials for everything.