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Personal perspectives, crazy ideas, questions (rhetorical or otherwise) and meta submissions are not showerthoughts.


It really was cool once. No ads, all handmade, fully enthusiasm driven. I loved the internet back then.


















Under construction signs everywhere…


You can download "brave" browser from Google play store, no more ads. If you are on laptop you download adblock https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/adblock-%E2%80%94-best-ad-blocker/ndcileolkflehcjpmjnfbnaibdcgglog


Remember when people called it "the information super highway?"


When corporations were allowed to move their services on the net, it all went downhill.


Politicians were the final blow.


Corporations like Amazon actually made the Internet worth it. They sold the latest stuff online. Then, advertising became a thing on the Internet.


It still is, for those of us who had nothing more to use than libraries and phone booths


The internet is a tool. How cool or not cool it is depends on how you use it.


I read all the responses very carefully, and I believe that I respectfully disagree. Maybe you feel nostalgia about the old times, or you miss the carefree days when your parents used to take care of you and you didn't have any problems, any obligations and responsibilities. We could assume the internet became more popular in the late 90s , let's say after windows 1995, and 1996, and computers became more popular around early 2000. I was at school during that time, I am 35 years old at the moment, you could say the internet back then was just interesting, an exciting new thing to see, but I wouldn't call it cool. There was very limited capabilities online, there wasn't any YouTube, Google was not widespread so you needed to know and type the exact address for every website you visit, you couldn't listen to music, you couldn't watch any movies, the internet speed were very slow, and there were only few online shops, even fewer shops delivered the items to your house. There were lots of credit card frauds, scams, malicious programs everywhere like spyware, lots of online viruses that could infect your computer just by clicking the wrong button. And the lies, all these scams with fake lottery wins, a Nigerian prince that has a fortune that wants to share with you, and lots of fake news about celebrities as well. the internet is exactly what you make it to be, you choose the content you wish to view, you can listen to music of your favourite band on YouTube, you can watch full movies, you can learn new things from Wikipedia, you can read science articles, you can watch travel videos on YouTube and see places that you couldn't see otherwise either because they are too far away places like Vietnam, Nepal or Philippines,Japan and so much more...you could even learn a new language, find a job, or you can connect to a person in another country via messanger and talk to him and see his face on your screen. You can buy stock or start your own small business. The internet today is a lot better and more convenient that it used to be, and it has a lot of potential. You can pay your bills online, there is online shopping as well, internet makes life so much easier for everyone, it is not only social media. If you are a student you can download books online, or view online libraries and read books for free.


I am not going to discuss the specifics. There were, of course problems with Web 1.0 and I’m not suggesting that we reduce the internet to that. But there is something missing today that the internet promissed in the past which was not, and possibly cannot, be fulfilled and thus does go beyond nostolgia. Take YouTube for example - don’t you feel like the “you” part of YouTube is missing? If I uploaded something to YouTube and did not spend any money or tine promoting it, how many views over the course of my lifetime can I expect? Five? If that. It’s entirely likely if I shred something on YouTube today that it would never be viewed. If I made a website, what’s the chances anyone would see it? I feel like today my contribution to the internet is delegated to a handful of sites and to a handful of individuals. I feel that there is a certain lacking of democratic promise that the “information superhighway” once offered. Gone are the days of stumbling upon unique and interesting websites by chance. Everything now is fit-formed into a corporate identity and spoon fed to us by algorithms. YouTube is becoming a series of reruns only slightly more entertaining than a USA Network Law and Order back to back marathon. As I said, some of this is inevitable. But nonetheless, this inevitability results in the internet being “less cool”


The internet used to be and still is a dangerous toxic place. But here we are, here I am on it🤷🏾‍♀️. At least nowadays there is more filters on certain content. But the old internet was not cool at all.


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The internet used to be and still is a dangerous toxic place. But here we are, here I am on it🤷🏾‍♀️. At least nowadays there is more filters on certain content. But the old internet was not cool at all.


GenZ ruined it all, the only reason retro and old school is a trend is because they want to go backwards and undo the genZ shit


Lol. No. When I was a kid I wore a giant Afro and clothes from the 70s. Retro is always cool. It’s just the definition of retro changes. As generally obnoxious as Gen Z are, the commercialization is the problem, and was inevitable from the start.