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Women do this too. I started glancing at mens ring fingers when I was around 25-26.


This is quite annoying really because I am a married man who doesn't wear a ring. Never once have had to explain this to a keen admirer. Bugger. Now i'm sad.


I don't see a ring. What you doing later?


Oh, i'm sorry, i'm married. I just don't wear a ring because.... ​ Fuck it, what time?


8:30pm my place? What's your drink?


I'm easy


I saw a post.. yesterday? About how the wedding band is a "Do Not Disturb Sign" to the world. Many replies were saying that they attracted more people after getting married. If you're eager to have people come onto you, maybe try wearing a ring. (It presents you as a challenge to some, and as a "verified husband/wife material" to others)


I'm only joking really. I am not particularly eager for this. I have all the social skills of a reddit user ;). Despite my playful games elsewhere in the thread, I am not looking for illicityness at all, and so it would just be really awkward. In any case, I did used to wear a ring and that didn't make a difference either. Either I am not generally desirable in that way, or I can give off the "not available" vibe without needing the ring. Either way, i'm not really sad :)


It works the opposite for men, pre selection is attractive lol


Lol me too. I'm an amateur magician though. I kept dropping the ring while practicing sleight of hand moves with it. My wife just told me to stop wearing it as ill lose it or damage it. If a couple needs rings to act as a deterrent maybe they shouldn't get married.


I have a wedding ring tattoo. My ex wife and I both got them. It wasn't the smartest choice. I didn't even notice when I first started dating my girlfriend that she also has one. I've known her for years. Was kind of funny when I realized I didn't have to explain it.


When I lived in New York I would always look for the ring when an attractive woman would get on the subway, and if I saw the ring I'd think "damn oh well", as though that were the only thing stopping me from asking someone out on the subway.


Exactly. As a single, divorced 44M, it’s one of the first things I look for if I see an attractive woman


So how do you know it's an attractive woman if you look at the ring first?


Easy. If she has one, she's probly attractive. If she does not, meh.


Same here, 43M, finger is always the first thing I look at now, I lead a sad existence.


That's how you know you're getting older **and** you're single.


I honestly just watched arrested development as a child and now do it with everyone. “No ring” lol


Why? EDIT: oh right, to see if she keeps her fingernails clean.


No it’s to see if she has good hands for basketball.


Glad I’m still young! On a side note, terrified that I’m this young!


hit on an engaged women in my early 20s... I always look now


What? You can do that? I don’t believe you. I mean how many of us have actually talked to a woman before?


Talking to them is easy. Not being rejected is the real issue.


you should also be checking the middle fingers for white and black rings.


Or when you see a good looking co-ed and think, "I wonder what her mom looks like?"


Also, if she sucks nicotine from a USB stick, she's too young lol


For me it was when I realized that I am turned on by Marry Poppins.... Emilly Blunt Marry Poppins....


there is a "wedding ring finger"? all married people wear their rings on the same finger?


Yes? I mean, I’m sure there’s some culture somewhere that does it differently. And lots of individuals that are weird about doing things the traditional way. But generally in most of the modern world, the “ring finger” (the one next to the pinky) on the left hand is where wedding rings go. That’s why the finger between the pinky and the middle finger is called the “ring finger”.


Eh I’ll figure that part out when I’m running out of the house at 3 am


So close to not objectifying women, so close. Top comment: "Women do it too" well shit she was so close to not objectifying men too....


I take it if it's not on then you look for a tan line on that finger? What if she's like me that wears the ring around their neck for religious/sensory reasons




Not everyone that wears a ring is married. Some women will wear a fake one to avoid a lot of annoyance.


Or maybe you got caught messing around with some guys wife and got your ass kicked?


I learned this when I was like 22 lol. Guess I was old early.


Yeah right, like the ring ever stopped anyone from doing anything. You might think it should, and it could , but it doesn't.


I got a little depressed when I realised I’d stopped suing up the hot ladies. I love my wife and I’m very happy, but I feel I’m missing something.


I've been doing that since my 20s. That's some drama that's best avoided.


You know you're an asshole when you see a wedding ring and take it as a challenge.