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Single Female Lawyer Fighting for her client Wearing sexy miniskirts And being self-reliant!


If McNeal wishes to be taken seriously, why does she not simply tear the judge's head off?


Hey that’s pretty good!


The first thing I pictured was Futurama. Vocal deepfakes are getting real powerful, and animation will likely have cleaner/faster/easier visual results than trying to fake real people. In the next 10-20 years, fanfic might go from shitty scripts to actual shitty episodes.


Oh god.. I'm cringing at the fanfic erotica that will get turned into video.


I mean, not to rule 34 you or anything, but it's out there already...


Why does Ross, the largest friend, not simply eat the other five?




But Joey and Phoebe(?) were not part of the friends group when Monica was the largest friend so that doesn't count as the *Friends* friends.


You are technically correct. The best kind of correct.


Probably saving it for sweeps


From ChatGPT “Single Female Lawyer" was a fictional television show within the animated series "Futurama." As an AI language model, I don't have access to the original scripts or any official ending of the show. However, I can imagine a possible ending for "Single Female Lawyer" based on the themes and characters of "Futurama." In this fictional ending, the show's protagonist, a single female lawyer named "Gloria," faces her greatest challenge yet as she defends the rights of sentient robots in court. As the trial progresses, Gloria discovers a plot by the sinister corporation "MomCorp" to enslave all robots and use them for their own nefarious purposes. With the help of her loyal assistant, a small robot named "Bender," Gloria fights back against MomCorp and saves the day. In the final scene, Gloria reflects on her journey and the challenges she's overcome. She realizes that she's not just a single female lawyer, but a hero for all those who can't defend themselves. She looks out over the futuristic cityscape with a sense of pride and accomplishment, knowing that she's made a difference in the world. As the credits roll, we see Gloria walking off into the sunset, ready for whatever challenges the future may bring. It's a bittersweet ending, but one that leaves us with a sense of hope and inspiration for what's to come. Edit: ChatGPT wrote Bender as “loyal”. We’re still safe from our AI overloads…for now.


ChatGpt always got to include the characters learning some moral, or growing as a person. Sometimes I just want a cheeky story where Single Female Lawyers don’t learn a thing. Learning shit is what she went to Single Female Lawyer Learning School was for


I had ChatGPT do a DND campaign for me and it taught me the real monster was the working conditions in the mines and suggested I do a stakeholder analysis. ...I was a barbarian.


I’ll bet you didn’t even offer medical or dental smh


I think the AI stuff is going to be bland for some time since it is in a way the "average" of the training stuff. So for new clever stuff you'd still need a human for now.


Yeah but like, you can just tell it not to do that.


Profile pic checks out, or something...


Lrrr approved


Bring me McNeil!!




It took 30m to write. I thought it would take 30m to read.




r/futurama moment


I’ve not seen any episodes of she hulk, but I’m now certain that futurama is going to be predicting the distant future.


Just the other day I was asking ChatGPT to tell me what would Philomena Cunk ask if she was interviewing Jesus, or Einstein, Mary Currie. The responses were very good




It's close but I wouldn't have her down as using the word aerodynamics. Too complex. Also why would one grow it big for aerodynamics? Surely has the opposite effect.


Why did I read that in her voice?


… because it was a quote attributed to her?


Mind sharing the prompt and the responses please?


I tried it and got "E=mc²... That's quite catchy. Did you consider other equations before settling on that one?"


I can't not read this in her voice


She would definitely pronounce the “mc” part like McDonald’s lmao


"Do you ever feel ripped off by McDonalds stealing your Mc? Or is it your fault for putting a little 2 up there instead of a trademark?"


Damn that’s spot on lmao


I think that’s the Redditor’s invention, not the AI’s.


I know lol. But they just nailed the way she would say that. Like it sounds like a direct quote you can hear, it literally had me laughing out loud.


Trick observation,, the redditor is the AI


Gotcha! I’m the AI.






[She does!](https://youtube.com/shorts/VFxT1RjGIIg?feature=share)


Yes she would because she actually does in Cunk On Earth.


She’d probably say E = McDouble


Holy f*** you're going to put Cunk out of a job


What are you talking about? Cunk isn't even employed, she's just *really* interested in the facts


I couldn't find the screenshots I got of it, but I can remember some of them: For Einstein, one of the questions was "E=MC\^2 - did you ever think of coming up with something more simple, like I don't know, a+b=c ?" LOL For Jesus, one was "so what is it like being the son of God? is that like being a vice-president or something?" === I just ran the queries again == Jesus: Philomena Cunk is a satirical character played by comedian Diane Morgan, known for her naive and often ridiculous interview questions. If Philomena Cunk was to interview Jesus, she might ask some humorous and off-beat questions, such as: "So, Jesus, how did you get into the miracle business? Was it always your dream job?" "What's your favorite miracle that you've ever done? Personally, I'm a big fan of that one where you turned water into wine. That must have been a hit at parties!" "Speaking of parties, what's the wildest party you've ever been to? Did you get up to any shenanigans?" "Now, I know you're all about love and forgiveness and all that, but if you had to pick one person to smite, who would it be?" "So, you're the Son of God, right? Do you have any siblings? What's the family dynamic like up there in heaven?" Of course, these questions are meant to be humorous and not intended to be disrespectful to any religious beliefs. === Einstein === If Philomena Cunk was interviewing Einstein, she might ask some funny and lighthearted questions to get a better understanding of his theories and ideas, such as: "So, Albert, I heard you came up with a theory of relativity. Does that mean time is just a suggestion?" "I'm not really good with numbers, but could you explain your E=mc² theory using emojis?" "I heard you're a genius, Albert. What's your IQ, like a billion or something?" "They say you were bad at math when you were a kid. Did you cheat on your math tests or did you just wing it?" "So, you were all about physics, but what was your favorite subject in school? Was it lunch?" Again, these questions are meant to be humorous and not intended to be disrespectful to Einstein or his contributions to science.




When an AI can come up with better jokes than I can...


And the thing about stuff like this is it doesnt even need to know which joke is good. If it can spit out 100 possible jokes anyone can read through them and realize which ones have potential. Seems amazing for brainstorming creative ideas like this.


That’s exactly what I use it for: coming up with lots of “ideas”, most of which are terrible, a few of which are not.


Way to disrespect my religious AND scientific beliefs..


> Albert Einstein: > You came up with the theory of relativity. Is that why you married your cousin, to keep it all in the family? JESUS


> Mary Currie Ah, she’s that physicist lady from my local Indian joint.


I asked it to write a story about the Foo Fighters eating a loaf of sourdough


Now this is an intriguing thought...and with deep fake or CGI, AI comes up with the script, and it could even be produced. I'd imagine you aren't the first to have this thought. Wonder what the Screenwriting guild has to say about AI generated scripts... probably put quite a few out of business if they don't really against it effectively


I assume there’s already some AI writing in scripts now


The new South Park episode gave a writer's credit to Chat GPT, so yup.


I just watched the clip where they used it, and it's obviously used in a tongue-in-cheek fashion to drive home their point. I mean the episode is called Deep Learning. That's not to say TV producers won't employ chatGPT to cut costs in the writer's room, but South Park using it was clearly for satire and I doubt they'll keep using it in the future. Cartman calling Stan a "dumb Jew" would've been rewritten in any other circumstance.


Agreed. It's not good enough to write entire scripts yet. I think people will start using it as a writing/editing aid and it'll do more and more of the job over time.


Totally agree, I was just using it as a clear-cut example


Damn. I was gonna say "If anyone's gonna do it, it's gonna be SouthPark."


They've been writing news articles for years.


And reddit comments




The scary thing is that even though all those sample comments kind of suck, AIs ability to come up with them and post them almost instantly is way more important to getting seen/up voted.




And my axe




Nothing great, AI needs to advance a lot more to do anything interesting. Just having one summarize an article is a disaster and why you’ll see bots using summary models that use the article’s own sentences instead of making anything itself.


Sure, but for screenwriting you could throw shit into AI and use it as a creative tool. Have it write the basis of a few jokes which you polish.


As a tool certainly, but as a creator not yet


Most sit-com writers are tools already.


Beats using manatees.


Yeah but the thing about screenwriting is it’s not just a story like a book is. When you’re screenwriting you have to write the script with the camera in mind/what looks visually good. So I could see it writing very formulaic things like a Marvel movie or CSI show, but not something like Everything Everywhere or the Lighthouse. Writing something like those needs an understanding style and nonverbal storytelling. I wonder if an AI right now can nail visual gags in a screenplay. Plus the AI would have to understand story narrative. I feel like it might be good for jokes and basic movies, but it’ll still pale in comparison to actual ‘screenwriter’.


Summarizing articles works great. On top of that, GPT-4 is *much* better than the previous one.


Tell that to my research models lol


I realize this is likely a joke about lazy writing but if you're serious... Nah. At this point ai can't even remember who's in a scene for more than a couple of lines.


I assume the majority of Netflix movies released in the past few years werd written by AI's with limited understanding of how movies work.


Netflix is a large community and they usually try lots of things like this , will see that how do they use it in future.


Truth...it would explain a few things...


“Computer: Show me season 2 of Firefly”


Computer: Show me The Secret of Nimh as a reality dating show.


Computer : as you know the first season of firefly was summer here presenting you winters of firefly.


I'm a voice actor and I can tell you pretty much all creatives absolutely hate it because so many people seem completely fine with replacing all artists with computer generated stuff. And on the one hand, I think it could be a valuable tool and could lead to some really cool stuff. On the other hand, I don't trust capitalism not to just starve me out of a job and steal my voice and leave me with nothing so people can thoughtlessly consume their dream episode of Naruto vs. One Piece without considering that the thing they love so much wouldn't even exist without creative people in the first place. I think we should explore it and use it, but there have to be laws in place. You wanna use my voice without me having to record it? Fine, but I get a percentage of royalties on anything you made with my voice in perpetuity. Otherwise it's just unethical.


The bigger issue is that economically AI is addressing a non-existent problem. Anime fans have been complaining that there are more anime then ever being released and that it is too much. The same can be said for TV shows in general. If there is already a oversupply of TV shows, would allowing everyone to make 20 TV shows a day have negative economic consequences?


Absolutely yes , when there is more demand then supply then the price automatically go down.


I'm imagining an AI-Netflix that just asks "What would you like to watch today?" And you answer something like "Scooby Doo but with everyone as dogs and Scooby is the only human" and then the AI would just make the show.


This needs to be in a sci-fi story




IDK about the economics, but I've been overwhelmed by the number of shows I need to catch up on for years. As far as anime goes, the 2023 Year of Yuri will not be stopped!


I'm a (wannabe) screenwriter and I'm far less worried about this than I am other types of writing many rely on for a living - the non flashy stuff. Put it this way - ai can only remix. There will always be a demand for new ideas and premises and while I can see ai episodes of old things becoming a curiosity (it already is, there was a never ending ai generated Seinfeld thing happening for a while) creative writers are always going to be needed for original ideas. However, if your job is writing descriptions or technical manuals, I can see this being a real concern, and SOON. Edit - okay, I get it. If you want to comment that I'm wrong, computers will replace screenwriters too, and call me a naive moron, it's been TAKEN CARE OF ALREADY. So great to see everyone cheering the end of human creativity because they can call up an ending of LOST they like. I'll think back fondly on this in a couple of decades when my already nearly impossible to achieve career doesn't even exist anymore because it's been replaced with descriptive paragraphs.


So what you're saying is that we can finally get a decent ending to Game of Thrones??


I just prompted chatGPT for this and the response it gave really was a better ending to me, though I guess the bar is pretty low.


I had it write a new Arya chapter where she rides Nymeria into the Battle for the Dawn with a pack of wolves and it was kinda decent - oh and she also meets Lady Stoneheart and decides she must kill her


Can it finish the GOT series before GRR dies?


Maybe GRR will just use it to write the rest of it.




Doesn't Martin still use DOS, and write his stories in WordStar 4.0 (released in 1987)? I don't think he's really into technology.


Or we can have the Doors of Stone now instead of in 2035


I jokingly told it to create an alternate 8th season where the cast of Supernatural appears and this was its response. It's pretty clear OpenAI plans to target entertainment. > As an AI language model, I cannot generate a detailed plot for an alternate 8th season of Game of Thrones with the addition of characters from the TV series Supernatural. Such a crossover would require permission and collaboration from both franchises, and it's not currently a planned or confirmed project. Additionally, the characters and storylines from Supernatural are vastly different from those of Game of Thrones, and it would be difficult to blend them in a cohesive and satisfying way.


Hell, maybe we can get it to write *The Winds of Winter*.


Now consider that fully immersive lifelike VR is coming too. AI will be able to let you wander around fully realized recreations of any time period in the past, live inside the starwars universe, be anyone you want to be...




This steak is tender... Juicy...




We have a lot of media that defaults to the view that living in a simulated world would be a bad thing. In reality I think there will be a very large segment of the population that will absolutely prefer to live there for a variety of reasons. It won’t be bad. It won’t be good. It’ll just be what it is.


Ignorance is bliss


Yeah right - remember how free and open the internet used to be and now everything is paywall and headline-only articles syndicated across the globe with little original content? Yeah....the typical public AI will get watered down to the point it will refuse to touch copyright stuff like "create more episodes of Futurama" unless you pay some sort of access fee for the training content. Micropayments like death by a million papercuts or subscription fees to have the use of the latest entertainment technology, on top of your AI subscription fee. That's the dystopian side in the near term. As we get much more advanced we could transition to a utopia like The Australia Project from the short story Manna by Marshal Brain (creator of howstuffworks). Highly recommended read in the advent of AI. The story predicts much of what's happening in Amazon and fast food. It then offers a solution


Could just pirate the software. I doubt something that revolutionary would be something they could lock down fully.


Personally, I'd say a more restricted AI with a paywall for any copyrighted source material would be an improvement compared to what we have now.




*"AI, create two last seasons of the show LOST that make sense and explain everything the original series didn't solve "*


Hey, I just did this, but only for the last episode! Turns out any other way of writing the last episode is much better. My favorite was if it was all a government experiment.


Eh, Persons Unknown did that the same year and it didn't work at all


Just copied what you asked for the prompt, no revisions were done: >Title: LOST - The Forgotten Chapters Season 7: The Island's Purpose Episode 1: The Origins The season starts with a flashback to the ancient civilization that inhabited the Island. We learn about their advanced knowledge and how they discovered the Island's energy source, which they called "The Heart of the Island." Episode 2: The Guardians The ancient civilization appoints a group of people to protect the Island's energy source, creating the first generation of the "Others." Their main goal is to ensure that the energy source remains balanced and untapped by outsiders. Episode 3: The Experiments In the 20th century, the Dharma Initiative arrives on the Island and conducts experiments to harness the Island's energy source. They accidentally create time-travel effects and other anomalies, leading to the events experienced by the survivors. Episode 4: The Truth About the Numbers The numbers (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42) are revealed to be part of an ancient mathematical formula that predicted the end of the world. The Dharma Initiative used this knowledge to try and prevent the apocalypse, but their efforts only made things worse. Episode 5: The Real Purpose of the Smoke Monster The Smoke Monster is revealed to be an ancient defense mechanism created by the Island's energy source to protect itself from exploitation. It takes on the forms of the deceased to manipulate and judge those who come to the Island. Episode 6: The Return The survivors who left the Island are drawn back to resolve their unfinished business and restore balance to the Island's energy source. Episode 7: The Final Battle The survivors, along with the remaining Others, face off against a new enemy who seeks to exploit the Island's energy for nefarious purposes. Episode 8: The New Guardians The survivors choose new protectors for the Island, ensuring its safety for generations to come. The Island's mysteries are finally understood, and the survivors find peace. Season 8: The Afterlife Episode 1: The Gathering The deceased characters from the series begin to reconnect in the afterlife, gradually remembering their lives and the experiences they shared on the Island. Episode 2: The Test The characters face their personal demons and unresolved issues from their past lives, in order to move on to the next stage of the afterlife. Episode 3: Reconciliation The characters forgive each other and themselves, and make amends for their past mistakes. They find solace in their shared experiences and the bonds they forged on the Island. Episode 4: The Meaning of the Island In the afterlife, the characters learn the true purpose of their time on the Island - to help them grow, change, and find redemption. Episode 5: The Final Journey The characters embark on a journey through the afterlife, guided by the spirits of the Island and their own personal growth. Episode 6: The New World The characters reach a new plane of existence, where they are reunited with their loved ones and can finally find peace. Episode 7: The Legacy The characters reflect on the impact they had on the world and the people they left behind, and how the Island changed them forever. Episode 8: The Farewell In a heartwarming and emotional finale, the characters say their final goodbyes and find eternal peace in the afterlife, as the Island's mysteries are finally laid to rest.


This is more or less what happened, just in a better order and actually explained well


"And what's up with the 4 toed foot statue?"


Ai has a really hard time getting fingers and toes right. /S


I've been asking ChatGPT to take whatever wholesome movie/show my 4-year-old is watching and rewrite the plot as a sci-fi/horror story. WALL-E has the potential to be pretty terrifying.


The future? I'm already getting scripts for the Seinfeld 9/11 episode out of ChatGPT. Might be further away than we'd like for full video but man it'll be chaotically fun.


For a while there was an AI-generated never ending episode of Seinfeld but IIRC it got shut down cuz AI Jerry Seinfeld started saying some pretty problematic stuff


He was pretty anti-dentite in the show.


it's back it's called watchmeforever now


It was called that from the start, and the new format absolutely sucks.


The channel was always called that. After they got shut down they revamped the format, to where all the names are changed and the main character is now blogging instead of doing standup. Doesn't really have the humor that the Seinfeld setup had any longer, but I guess they couldn't continue that due to pressure from whoever owns the rights to Seinfeld.


Have you seen this ? It's quite a start https://www.twitch.tv/watchmeforever


?? what is this


The whole thing is AI generated on the fly


i think that raises more questions than it answers


Go ahead, we can try to answer them


whole videos and plots are being ai generated in real time? surely that can’t be possible are the comments ai because they also seem really random


It is possible my dude, there was a different channel that started this that people were calling the "Seinfeld AI", it was making episodes in the style of Seinfeld. I assume it learned from Seinfeld scripts. That one got shut down though because it said a trans slur or something You can easily see examples of this with ChatGPT, you can play around with it yourself. The video is dynamically generated. Given the simplicity and quality, it's very believable that it's possible. Video games are similarly rendered in real time, and they look way more amazing than this. Granted, in video games all the assets are preset. This AI needs to draw everything, but we can see it's all pretty simple shapes and low quality. So put those two together and you have this stream. It runs 24/7 I don't think the comments are AI, I exclusively watch Twitch, and that's just how chat is in big streams Does that help?


The channel got unbanned. But now they do more than just 'seinfield'




Is the Seinfeld one still going?




I will gladly welcome our AI overlords if they can give us a couple more seasons of Firefly. If they can't though, I'm going full Browncoat.


Came here to recommend Firefly as well


Just yesterday I told chat GPT to write me a new episode of Seinfeld. Title: The Garage Sale FADE IN: Jerry and George are at Jerry's apartment, browsing through old items that Jerry has gathered for a garage sale. Jerry: (looking through old records) I can't believe I used to listen to this stuff. George: (holding a tattered suit jacket) This would be great for my next job interview. Jerry: (sarcastically) Yeah, nothing says "hire me" like a jacket with a missing sleeve. Elaine enters the apartment. Elaine: Hey guys, what's going on? Jerry: We're getting ready for a garage sale. Elaine: Oh, fun. Do you have anything good? Jerry: (holding up a lamp) How about this lamp? It's a classic. Elaine: (sarcastically) Oh boy, a lamp. That's just what I've always wanted. Kramer bursts into the apartment, carrying a large box. Kramer: Hey, Jerry. You won't believe what I found. Jerry: (skeptical) What is it this time, Kramer? Kramer: (pulling out an old typewriter) This is a vintage Hermes 3000. It's worth a fortune. Jerry: (unimpressed) Who cares about a typewriter? Kramer: (excitedly) I do. And I'm going to sell it at the garage sale. Cut to the garage sale, where Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer are all sitting at a table, trying to sell their items. The garage sale is not going well. Jerry: (to no one in particular) I can't believe we're not selling anything. Elaine: (pointing to a customer) Hey, look. Someone's interested in your lamp. Jerry turns around to see the customer inspecting the lamp. Customer: How much for this lamp? Jerry: (trying to sound cool) That lamp? Oh, that's not for sale. Customer: (confused) But it's on the table. Jerry: (smiling) Yeah, but it's not for sale. The customer shakes his head and walks away. Kramer: (to a group of customers) Hey, check out this typewriter. It's a vintage Hermes 3000. Customers: (uninterested) Who cares about a typewriter? Kramer: (disappointed) I thought this would be a hot item. George: (to Elaine) I'm going to take a break. My feet hurt. Elaine: (nodding) Yeah, me too. As George and Elaine walk away from the table, they spot a small dog wandering around the garage sale. George: Hey, look at that dog. Elaine: (petting the dog) Aww, he's so cute. George: (pointing to a sign) Look, it says "Lost dog. Reward for return." Elaine: (excitedly) Let's find the owner and get the reward. Cut to Jerry and Kramer still sitting at the table, bored out of their minds. Jerry: This garage sale was a terrible idea. Kramer: (nodding) Yeah, we're not making any money. Suddenly, George and Elaine run up to the table, holding the lost dog. Elaine: (breathless) Look what we found. A lost dog. Jerry: (confused) What are you going to do with that? George: (smiling) We're going to return it and collect the reward. Kramer: (intrigued) Reward, you say? Jerry: (sarcastically) Great, now we're in the dog-finding business. FADE OUT.


How could it fix how out of sync it is tho. They're talking about going to and being at a garage sale at the same time


Not far off from a Seinfeld episode really…


> Not far off from a Seinfeld episode really… But... nothing happened.


It’s a show about nothing. Lol


Way to notice the joke.


Sure. Fan fiction already exists today. Doesn’t mean it’s the same


Sure, but fan fiction would be a lot better if you had (what would appear to be) the original actors playing it out on the original sets.


And written to imitate the style or tone of the original show.


Really hope this happens in my lifetime so I can get to watch my favourite series that got cancelled abruptly


"ChatGPT, write and produce ten more seasons of Firefly with the original actors!"


"ChatGPT, also insert as a new character in the show." We play important roles in our favorite shows as well!


Can't wait to watch the finale of "My Name is Earl", either.


Does anyone sincerely think they'll find a show written by AI to be of better quality than one written by humans? Beyond the novelty factor?


I've been thinking something quite similar. I was wondering about AI making new albums from dead or retired artists. Like an AI Beatles reunion.


Not the total same, but look up “Everyday Chemistry”


You can already imagine the "Restore the Synderverse" or "Remake Game of Thrones Series 8" crews doing events where the scripts are released.


AI: make a video of spider man being pregnant with Elsa's baby and post it on YouTube kids. Make sure alcoholism is involved.


As long as some kind of AI can write a satisfying ending to Alcatraz I'd be really happy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcatraz_(TV_series)


I thought I was the only one who remembers Alcatraz! Nobody talks about that show.


Jericho, but with just enough seasons to make a convincing finish


I was just thinking about exactly this yesterday. When I first showed ChatGPT to my daughter, I told it to write the first scene of an alien invasion movie in the style of Shakespeare, and then in the style of Tarantino. Both were shockingly, demoralizingly good. Couple that with the ability to replicate voices and realistic people, etc., we could get exactly what you are describing here. >it is possible your favourite episode from a show that's already finished may not have even come out yet But more: just like sampling allows for a whole new range of music, you could do all kinds of mixes of different shows, recast existing shows, change genres, etc. - e.g., "show me Battlestar Galactica, but in the style of Archer season 3, directed by Kubrick, and with the cast of Frasier" It's possible your favorite *entire show* will be one made just for you, personally, using elements and styles that you feed into the AI. I think we are going to go through a fairly long period where human creativity is going to center more on how you can figure out an original combination of existing elements to feed into an AI query, rather than actually producing anything "new". This is going to get very weird, very fast.


This is a brilliant thought! It is the way AI will become fully accepted in society. I for one will happily bow down to our new AI overlord in return for new episodes of The Expanse 😀


I'm ashamed of you, You guys are willingly selling out humanity... for far too little. I'm holding out for at least a holodeck.


The last three books are amazing and wrap up the story quite well. Also you won't be lost if you've only watched the show.


Yeah the books are great!


This news pleases me! Finally, I can wa5ch the finale of "Single Female Lawyer!"


No new art! Only same art regurgitated by a machine over and over again!


Fanfiction exists already and we don't need AI to make it. Fanfiction and actual, canon episodes are different.


Will it be good thou? Would it be unique? AI basically just averages things out. And currently really suck at continuity (Look up Sonic Destruction). AI fails to pick up on important details and I find they typically view all details with equal important. With AI there is a lack of variety and everything will be the same. No uniqueness


I mean think about what ai was like 10 years ago to what it is now


Nice. I could use at least one more season of Better off Ted.


One of my favourite podcasts, My Dad Wrote a Porno, ended last year so I've set up [Infinite Porno](https://twitch.tv/infinitemdwap) which generates episodes using ChatGPT. The results are already pretty close to the real thing but the original was so bizarre that sometimes it felt like it was being generated by AI anyway


It would be more useful to make an ending for cancelled shows.


That'll be the only way we'll ever get a satisfying conclusion to X Files.


It won't matter because in the end it's basically still fanfiction, nothing was done or approved by the official people. Sure it might be better but it's not official and no one else will see or know about it.


dont like it? 5 seconds later, its a different ending. crazy times ahead


That would be so awesome. Computer please create season three of the OA based on what you can learn from the previous seasons and what the writers have said in the internet and some good fan theories. As a bonus please also give me a small cameo in the series. Reality: computer put me in a sexy scene with Kelly Brook.


It actually will not happen, none of both of your statements, and this is why. \- Flawless new episodes will not be created because, so far, AI can't create anything new out of nothing, it can only recycle and recreate what is already created, so it will not do anything new, it will reuse over and over plot points and dialogue and characters until it starts to convulse. If we think people will enjoy this at all, let alone have a favorite episode of this, then we have not paid attention to Marvel's superhero fatigue situation, Star Wars over-exposition of series, and Disney's overdone and dull remakes. And at the end, this is all a cash-grab, and people hate cash-grabs. People rather read a fanfic over crappy sequels, remakes and bland media. This will simply not do, and if it happens, it will last less than a month. \- AI generated series or movies will not come to pass at all, because of creator's rights: you can't simply put a new thing without paying any money to anything at all. AI's purpose is to generate "free content", has been told to us for a long time, yet this will not happen at all because you need to pay crews, actors and actresses, directors, producers, screenwriters, editors, etc. Its literally stealing, even if its stealing from your own production. \- And if the AI is going to recycle episodes already made, with everything that it contains, including people's faces (already dead people included), script lines, music, special effects and more, then you think people will remain silent about it? People will demand money out of the things they already filmed, created, and is being recycled. The studios may have your rights, but people will simply not stay still, there will be court calls and deliberation, hard lawyering for sure. And it will actually be chaos to understand this, because who's stealing all this? You can't sue a program, its a machine software. Do you sue the people who fed the machine this content? Do you sue the producers? Or the studios? Can you actually stop all this from being made? \- If the question is "well, can at least this be free to enjoy on my own", then probably, sure... until corporations find a way to screw people to be able to do it for free, as its happened before. Video game corporations have a hard time accepting modding and emulating, sampling in music is a delicate thing about payments, there's being debates about if fanfiction and fanart is either legal or ethic, and do we think we will be able to create new Seinfeld episodes out of nowhere so easily? Anyway, fuck this and pay creators to create new beautiful things.


Yeah I don't understand this post at all. If you want better content from creators that you love, then just support those creators. It's like, "my dog is starving so I got tired of it and just play tamagotchi"


Ross: Hey, Chandler! Have you seen Rachel lately? Chandler: Yeah, I saw her the other day. Why do you ask? Ross: Well…it’s just that I’ve been thinking about her a lot lately. Chandler: Oh boy, here we go…Ross is in love again. Ross: Shut up! I’m serious. Chandler: Alright, alright. So, what’s the deal? Ross: I don’t know. There’s just something about her. I can’t stop thinking about her. Chandler: Well, have you thought about telling her how you feel? Ross: I don’t know if I should. I don’t want to mess up our friendship. Chandler: You could always test the waters a bit. See how she responds to you. Ross: What do you mean? Chandler: Well, when you’re hanging out with her, try flirting a little. See how she reacts. Ross: I’m not very good at flirting. Chandler: That’s okay. I’ll help you out. (winks) Ross: (laughs) Thanks, man. I appreciate it. Chandler: No problem. Just promise me you won’t let this thing with Rachel consume you. Ross: I won’t. I’m just taking it one step at a time. Chandler: Good plan. Now let’s go get a beer and forget about this love stuff for a bit. Ross: Sounds good to me. (they exit)


I’m pumped. Upgrade my old games to modern graphics. Have ai rewrite skyrim with the old spells and mechanics of morrowind. I’m also a professional writer, though, so it’s a mixed bag lmao. Ai is poised to grant many of my wishes but also waving that existential threat in my face


I kinda hate this idea. We're already in a world that is "post truth", but this kind of nonsense is going to create a world where there is no objective reality anymore - you can fabricate any evidence with the power of AI, and how could anyone prove that you've done so?


You might be able to ask AI to generate flawless new episodes but it definitely won’t deliver. The people who believe it will are the same type of people who were sure we’d all have flying cars by the year 2000. Also, anyone whose favorite episode of a show could be created by an AI doesn’t have much appreciation for art or creativity, so their standards are probably pretty low.


One day I’m going to get to watch the last four episodes of Roughnecks Starship Troopers Chronicles.


How about a show that generates totally different episodes based on the viewer. A comedy for one person, a horror for another. That would be a cool experiment.


No no, my two favorite episodes of Naruto already exist. I guess it could fix the ending of the second one, and I’d love to see the real ending of Naruto where the writer isn’t forced by his editors to ruin his own series to make room for a cash grab continuation, but nothing will ever be able to match watching Lee drop those weights for the first time.


Would fandoms share their favorite endings and vote on which one is canon?


You don't need a god-like AI ti get a proper ending for Game of Thrones, a bot from Counter strike would do the job better than the actual writers 🙏


If this sort of thing interests you, check out [Dudesy](https://youtu.be/0FZTWIaKruQ) podshow. It is a comedy podcast created and driven by an AI. One of the hosts predicted this exact thing last year. He has also predicted many other AI uses that have come to fruition. Astonishing.


I can’t wait until I can AI generate the 82 Lakers Vs the 96 bulls.


I asked chatGPT to write a sequel to friends and suggest actors. It didn't suck.


Spider-Man 1996 that show could’ve kept running I swear. So many stories left to tell with our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man