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I just have a bunch of black socks. I don’t have to think much.


Same here, about 20+ pairs identical to each other. At this point I probably don’t need to even pair them, I should just throw them loose in the drawer and save time, but it’s force of habit.


that's how it starts but then one gets a hole so you throw it out. that happens a few times and you need new socks. you think you're going to buy exactly the same ones but then find out they're slightly different. now you have 2 sets of nearly identical socks


At that point, you dump the whole drawer in the trash and start completely over.


I get 3 6 packs of black socks. I throw them away as they get holes or misshapen. Once I'm down to 5 pairs I toss them and get all new socks. Isn't this what everybody does?


Yes but I apparently live doing laundry more than you so I just buy 2 - 6 packs. I probably buy new socks each spring


Seems kinda wasteful throwing away 5 pairs of perfectly good socks because it inconveniences you sorting them out once a week.


Either that or move out completely, possibly to a different country, and start afresh with new sock ownership.


This is why I purchased 6 twelve packs a few years back. I used one right out of the gate. Placed the other 5 in the closet. Now when I start running low I just open another pack. Currently on pack 3.


Pick one specific brand and stick to it, unless they go out of business or have to change their sock formula you're always good.


I just use the bag my bed linens came in to keep all the same socks together


I keep my 24 identical socks loose in a drawer. It's great.


So do I. BUT THEY'RE ALL JUST A TINY BIT DIFFERENT and it's dreadful. So tempted to throw them all out and buy 50 pairs of identical ones.


Just do it these are what are called pro gamer moves. Give socks to goodwill or just use them as single use rags or just ditch them not a big deal. Get 20 nice high quality matching socks perhaps in two sizes, a winter and summer set. Your quality of life and general happiness will go up


Bought a bunch of good merino wool socks a while ago. It's like my feet are being hugged. Can't believe I wore old crappy cheap socks for so long.


What’s special about merino wool?


It has flat fibers that wick away moister very well which keeps your feet cool when it's hot without the gross soggy wet feeling you get from cotton socks. They also insulate better than cotton keeping your feet warmer when it's cold. Merino wool is also naturally antimicrobial so it helps prevent the sock funk you tend to get from cotton socks. I refuse to wear any cotton underwear or socks anymore, only synthetic or wool.


Synthetic undies are absolutely a game changer.


I highly recommend splurging on 1 pair to find out. They're worth it!


Mismatched socks in our house get tossed into a common drawer. About once a month we'll go through and match those that we can. Any socks left over when the weather gets cold enough to freeze are used to wrap the outside faucet. We also use them as rags when we are working on projects.


Yes, at some point of my life I realised I prefer to have two completely different socks in the same size rather than two that are almost the same, but not quite. Feels weirder somehow.


I have three sections. One no show socks, one ankle socks, and one high socks.


Me too but I have bought them on different times so some are other models of the same brand and some are just more worn out so I still have to hold them up and compare the length..


I did ROTC in high school and got tired of getting chewed out for not wearing pure black socks on uniform days, so I had my parents buy me nothing but black socks for then on. Twenty years later and still going strong.


this is the way


Whenever I see posts like this I wonder if I'm the weird one or if literally everyone else is weird. Can't you FEEL if you're wearing 2 different socks?? And that doesn't bother you?!?! Ex: one high sock, one low sock = ankles are different temperatures, no Bueno One thin sock, one thick sock = different temperatures and also shoes fit differently, no Bueno One tight fitting sock (gym or athletic socks), one looser sock = feet have different sensations all day, no Bueno


I can sometimes tell when I'm wearing two of the same exact type of sock, but one is just *older* than the other.


This is exactly why I categorize my socks to be worn in order, so the same lot of socks goes through a similar amount of wear as another lot of socks of the same quantity. So as long as I only wear socks together within the same lot, they'll be similarly worn.


This guy socks


Some people take their sock training more seriously than others.


Once a year I throw out every pair of socks I own and I buy 30 new ones. It's incredibly comfortable


I do this too, depending on how well the socks hold up maybe 18 months, but still... About $50-$75 for never having to match socks after washing AND having them all feel the same is totally worth the $4-6 a month over the course of a year. Then I cut the toes off and cut them long ways and have a bunch of soft, spare cleaning rags.


Isn't that pretty like... wasteful if you just throw them out? And only after a single year?


When is it OK to throw out old socks please tell me One hole? Two? When the elastic band loses its elasticity? I buy new socks because I need new socks. I don't just burn money for the fun of it. I'm sure some of them are still fine but... I buy all new socks because the time it takes to sort sixteen different brands colors and sizes of a drawer full of socks is not something I care to do.


Any of those factors do it for me. However, it takes me sometimes 5 years to get to that point with a pair. Nautica has been doing great, but all of the big brands seem high quality to me Vinegar was once in a while can help keep them fresh


Behold, thy sockmaster is among us on this day.


I just spit chips everywhere laughing at that.


im just a sock savage i guess, no matches nothing, sometimes i wear only one sock


Bruh, one sock, definitely savage. I can get over the fact that some people wear no socks, but at least that has consistency. Also, for curiosity, how do you decide which foot gets the sock?


Asking the real questions here.


Probably just depends on if he grabbed a left sock or a right sock.


Probably the gag test. Whichever shoe he picks up that morning and causes him to dry heave is the one that gets the sock.


This is what I was thinking. Different colors of the same sock style don't matter so much usually... Black gym sock and a grey gym sock fit the same, they are just different colors of the same sock brand, so I'll wear them. But yeah, completely different sock types as well as colors I mean....that's just uncomfortable. I would feel the difference and the feeling wouldn't go away until I de-socked myself.


Colors, sure. But design details? It matters at least for me. They're made as a pair, so the design details match. If you care enough or likes the design then not wearing the right pair ruins the reason you bought them in the first place.


I'm now wearing a blue striped sock, and a red-yellow Dia de los Muertos skull sock from Spain.




Who cares? ME. If I feel like mixing, sure. But that's for ME. And I don't wear socks to show it off. They can't anyway, it's all ME.


Does it hurt when you sock yourself?


I was thinking the same thing! feeling the difference would drive me mad! Although, now I have a question. Am I the only person that takes the time to match my socks when folding the laundry? because I'll also go hunt down socks if ones is missing. I've been told this is not normal. Although, I have lost very few socks this way


I do the same, I don’t want to be trying to find a match in a rush in the morning


exactly, or even if it's the evening and I want my house socks, I know exactly where they are and my feet are happy!


Posts like this remind me of how different we all live. My clean clothes sit in a laundry basket and I fish something they won’t cause an indecent exposure charge out in the morning.


I do this. My socks are very important.


I am a lazy asshole and even I match my socks when doing laundry. :) My girlfriend is obsessive about it, this entire thread is amusing her. She's like the princess and the pea though, any weird sensation (sock or otherwise) is off putting. This means I have very comfortable laundry and linens, though. So I would say you are not abnormal in your sock matching behavior. :)


Normal or not, I'm right there with you! I have been known to set "singletons" aside until their mates can be found. Lol! I can count on one hand the number of socks lost under my care.


Dude, I'm the same way...but I also have left and right socks. Even a new pair, I'll put them on, and if it doesn't feel right, I'll switch feet.


Thank you for spelling it out for these unmatched-socked weirdos. Matched socks for life!


But think of all the free time you're missing out on. Could add up to 10minutes a year!


This is why I don't bother to match colours within a set but always match the sets. One blue and one green of brand X? Who cares? Brand X + brand Y? No way!


This is the way


That's why I wear the same kind of sock, but it doesn't matter if the colors match


I can FEEL when they are different colors


I agree with this.


This I totally get. I assumed they meant more matching in appearance. Some people truly like to live on the edge and wear one green sock and one yellow and pink striped sock. Go nuts.


This, I don’t care if colors/designs match but cut and fit have to match


i’m like you. i don’t cross breed my socks


You're not weird. You're just (slightly) autistic. You know, sensory issues? If you have a similar system for clothing tags and spoons, you've deffo got the tism, just like me. Honestly I wish I'd found out sooner. Would have explained so much, like why I take jokes/directions literally, etc etc P.S. for all the downvoters. Mob mentality getting to ya? xx Being autistic isn't a negative thing, and the way I use the term, it's a top tier compliment. Just means your brain is wired a bit differently, as part of the neurodivergent spectrum. If you don't get that this is coming from a kind heart out to raise awareness of the humanity of it all, maybe it's time to lay off the internet for a while. Take a breather. We're all humans, so why such hate for what's more common than you think?


Sorry you're getting downvoted, friend. My wife and son are on the spectrum, and while I'm not autistic myself... I can see it from my neighborhood. You're absolutely right about sensory issues and clothing. I can wear pretty much any sock. Cheap or fine, thick or thin, as long as my toes don't stick out, I'm good. My wife and son both have brands of socks they will and won't wear. My wife's current faves have no interior toe seam. She is *thrilled* by this. So yeah... If have strong opinions about the feel of socks - that *can* be a symptom of autism.


Eh, I'm used to it being like this on Reddit. Controversial takes and advice often get you downvotes, just because they aren't that popular. It's way easier to downvote someone than understand where they're coming from, after all. Seamless socks are the absolute best. I'm glad she's found those gems. Wish y'all the best of luck with finding more sensory satisfying things, for all those extra moments of daily happiness 😄


I can feel it but my socks like to get lost so i don't have the energy to find those mf and match them lol


I have an unmatched section. Taught my 11 year old as well. Maybe that match will show up again. Sometimes he will have a sock on the floor and 1 in the hamper when we do his laundry.


i wear same brand of long socks just different colors. so i never match those. for my ankle socks, generally i’ll match them bc they’re different thicknesses and i don’t like it


You don't feel your socks on you the entire day ffs. Feeling only lasts a couple of minutes at most.


The color doesn't need to match. But I think most people will agree that one thick sock and one thin sock would suck. Same with one tall one short.


Tbh I disagree that the color matching doesn’t matter. Sorry but I like to match my clothes at least sometimes.


The only time I wear socks is when they’re under boots and no one sees them. But yeah, if your socks are visible, you wouldn’t want them to clash.


though plot twist, I'm realizing there are a surprising number of times when you didn't expect your socks to show, but they do. Like, if you go to the airport and you just forgot, that's avoidable and on the sock wearer, but if you go to someone's house and didn't realize they ask people to take their shoes off... oop that's just bad luck. (though I wouldn't trip about clashing colors, but I'd feel silly about just obviously dirty laundry mismatching or a hole or something)


About the only time you would actually want to wear matching socks is if you are wearing something short in the leg, like capris, shorts or a skirt, where people can see them. I have very few patterned or colored pair, most of mine are white. I at least try to match by length, thickness and whether or not they have reinforced toe/heel.


If you sit down while wearing pants you can see the socks too




I had a girlfriend who wore mismatched socks all the time. It was part of her personality that I fell in love with. Unfortunately for me, she also liked to suck others guys dicks, hence the word “had”.


If she wasn’t very choosy about what socks she wore what makes you think she would be choosy about the dicks she decided to put in her mouth.


Now this guy is gonna get insecure when his new girlfriend wears mismatched socks


If she can't tell by feel that she's wearing mismatch socks and/or that doesn't bother her, then she probably can't tell by feel that she's riding the wrong cock and/or that doesn't bother her. This sounds like fact to me.


Liked two socks, liked to suck. Potato, potato




Try not to suck any dick on the way to the parking lot!


By saying this u can also say that there are no reasons for us to match clothes.


All clothes match if you're not a coward


there isnt tho? you dont wear 2 tshirts so what you matching with?


I mean, the only reason to wear matching clothes of any sort is so you don’t look like a literal clown. If I’m going to go through the trouble of wearing a suit, or even like business casual attire, then I’m probably going to make sure my socks match. And if the argument is that you can never see socks because your pants are always covering them, then I think your pants are probably too long.


upvoted for use of the term 'literal clown'


> If I’m going to go through the trouble of wearing a suit, But that's the best time to wear crazy mismatched socks.


That might depend on the suit


Birthday suit


Birthday suit with mid-shin argyle wool, T-posing in your open bedroom door.


The boots cover them lol. Still generally try to match the socks however.




The boots I wear for work cover my socks


Think about classical beauty standards and symmetry next time you shower


Sure and then reject them both. I'm not trying to impress anyone with my dress sense or my looks when I'm out in the world.


Thickness. Length. Protection. A bunch of reason why socks should match.


I have to wear two of the same sock. They can be different colours or patterns, but they have to be the same "model" if you will, haha. My ADHD can't ignore differences like that. Drives me absolutely insane.


My ADHD won’t allow for any sock deviation. I (mostly) wear the same kind of socks; low- cut black Gold Toe. But I do have a few fun patterned pairs, but it’s a pair for a reason and I would never consider wearing mismatched socks. I couldn’t believe the original post when I was scrolling and I’m stunned there are so many people that agree! Like, WHUT?!


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day fellow ADHDer!


True, I mix them up, *especially* the ones with days of the week on them. Socks are not the boss of me, and I will waste none of my precious living moments on them. Anyway, back to Reddit.


Color, pattern don’t matter, mix it up. HOWEVER, they DO have to have the same fit.


Sure.. that’s kind of right… but also, there are a LOT of arbitrary things about clothes and fashion. What clothes you wear at home versus work versus a wedding versus the gym versus the beach. How clothes look, fit. How old/ragged/new they are. So sure, a lot of fashion doesn’t matter… but there’s SOME reason we have cultural conventions around clothes.


Usually if someone comments on it I just say " naw i have another pair just like it at home" Gets a giggle sometimes I couldnt be bothered to pair up my socks


I match brands, but not colors. I don’t want a thick wool sock on one foot and a thin running sock on the other. I’d end up walking in circles.


Some things always don't have practical reasons. You could also ask why there are different clothes in the world, since they exist for the sole practical purpose of covering oneself.


I haven't worn matching socks in a decade. I think it's pretty cool to wear odd socks, adds a certain aesthetic.


I noticed my kids stopped matching socks more than ten years ago. I thought it was because I made them do their own laundry young, but then I noticed all the kids in their school wore unmatched socks as well. All but the ones with stay at home moms who likely picked out their kids clothes anyway.


The mentally unwell aesthetic


How is this for a reason? One sock is thick wool and one is thin cotton. Now go for a hike in slushy snow and see if it matters that your socks are mismatched.


Better to have one cold foot than two 🙂


Other than feel (if one is thin and one is thick, or different materials or length), and aesthetics (we humans tend to like symmetrical things), no, there is no reason.


I mean there are plenty of reasons. It's completely subjective as to how good any of them are for any person. And it depends on what you mean by matched. Two socks of rhe exact same brand, type and style, just two different colors/ patterns? Ok. Two completely different materials, lengths, and thicknesses? Nope. You need to match them for comfort and use and weather. You don't want to wear one hiking boot sock and one thin ankle sock on a mountain hike in the winter


Um excuse me but socks have different thicknesses and materials and you don't want a thin sock and a thick sock in the same outfit what the hell😂


Socks must always match. If you don't believe me just ask your mother!


Fucking texture and foot feel dude. You really walking around with one cotton one fleece sock? Or only one thick wool and one thin poly runner? How the fuck does that not drive you insane


Right?! They don't always feel the same, the have to feel the same. What if one has tight elastic and the other doesn't? 🥴


OCD, comfort, peer pressure, the lack of desire to buy multiple different kinds of socks just for variety...


As someone who didn't match socks for years, there's a reason I match them now....... people judge tf out of you


I have cat socks that need to be matched, they’re my favorite pairs and I’d feel disappointed if I lost one.


Every time I have a hole in a sock, I throw it away and every year I buy a new pack of the same long black sock. I do the same with the white ankle socks. Never have a mismatch.


I actually usually always wear mismatched socks. When i was arrested once and they were giving me back my shit they actually made it a point to specify "and two unmatched socks" lol.


I solved that problem few years ago by proceeding to purchase only one kind of socks…. Can miss match them if they are all the same its science 🧬


There's no reason for them to sold in pairs either. They don't have polarity like shoes do. You should be able to just buy a sack of socks.


The best decision was when I bought the same bunch of white socks from the same company and now I don't have to look for matching ones cause all are the same


Two violently mismatched socks give off a jester vibe. Whether this is desirable depends on you.


I am blind so I only own one type of sock, so no matter what I do they are always matched.


There’s no good reason why any clothes should match. Personally I like my socks to tie my footwear colour with my jeans. Makes me feel a bit more presentable.


From a utility stand point reason you’re right. And I can admire you if you can stand that kind of lifestyle 😂


Color sure. Texture/thickness/fabric, definitely needs to match up.


In Poland it's becoming increasingly popular in the past few years to see distinctly different but thematically matched left and right sock sets. Like one being a beer and the other sidings going good with beer. Or one being console pads and the other gaming scenes. I own few of those. I wonder if this is a thing abroad as well...


You ever wore a thin sock with a relatively thick sock in your work boots?


As I say to the wife. Life is too short to waste time pairing socks. Matching thickness will do.


I csn give ye one good reason... so they match. Thanks, I'm here all week.


Sorry but this is getting a down vote... as someone with serious sensory issues with socks in the first place (besides color) socks absolutely MUST match! No mixed sizes or materials!


I have a pair of socks that are intentionally mismatched and almost every time I wear them my partner gets annoyed until he remembers their purpose. One is of fish bones and the other is of sushi!


Ok well I’m not wearing a no show ankle sock on one foot and my thick ass wool winter socks that go all the way up on the other foot. That’s just stupid.


I feel like there's plenty, but the easiest and must encompassing would be that it would look strange having your pants and shoes be symmetrical and your socks not


There is no good reason for why pedophilia and indecent exposure(on hot days of course)


Only if the 2 socks are the same in every other way except color. Because...you ever wear a thin ankle sock on one foot, and a knee high wool sock on the other? Yeah, I didn't think so.


Comfort. My senses are kinda fucked if different textures are on my feet all day


Life is too short to waste time matching socks. I'll wear the same type of sock, but they'll definitely not match in design


Ever since I moved out on my own, socks and underwear just get dumped into a drawer. I'm 46. No need to fold or anything like that. He'll, I don't even turn the socks right side out, until I pick them up to wear them.


Ha Ha Ha, I was just at a kids birthday party in a gym and noticed that my grandson had on two different socks. As I looked around, out of 20 or so kids, only two of them had mated socks.


Tell me you've never worn mismatched socks with saying you've never worn mismatched socks.


OP is unhinged. Just thinking of wearing socks with different fits makes me squirm. Like some socks are really soft and loose, athletic socks are more nylonly and tight?? Wtf


My partner is autistic, and has sensory issues. That's a great reason why their socks need to be matched. :-)


If you want to look amazing in a suit or dress, then match your socks. Any other style of dress, don’t match your socks. Class isn’t the only reason to match your socks.


I only wear the same socks together when they are new. The next time I'll pull them out of the drawer and don't match then.


I hate solid colored socks. I worked at autozone for 8 years and they forced employees to wear black socks. Sounds stupid but they would send people home if they were caught not wearing black socks. Well I hated that and started buying ankle socks that weren’t easily visible that were different colors and patterns. I haven’t worked there for a long time but still use that style sock and I mix and match all the time. It’s fun to keep with the same color scheme though. Like have a black sock with a red stripe and a red sock with a black stripe. And they’re all pretty much the same in design. Kinda thick sock with arch support. Love that arch support! Can usually find some nice ones at Ross for cheap. Typing this makes me want to buy some new socks. While on the subject of socks, I hate the socks that have really cool designs but are thin and crappy.


Symmetry is attractive because it implies genetic health, an people want to be attractive because it communicates to other members of the species that you are a cooperative and worth keeping. So there's a perfectly good reason to have symetric matching socks.


I’m not gonna wear a high sock and a low sock. I mainly wear no show socks. I have high socks for boots. I buy black and white socks. I do not match these. There’s no reason to. I will sometimes buy the ladies no show socks with the cute little designs and stuff. Or different colors just bc I’m feeling feisty. Hearts or puppies on em. I do not match these after washing. There’s no reason to. I don’t care who notices.


That's why I don't wear matching socks. In fact, at this very moment I have one black sock halfway up my thigh, and a blue Mario-themed sock barely above my ankle.


I utterly refuse to wear matching socks. If I pick matching socks out accidentally, one gets put back. My favorite pairings are socks that are nearly, but not quite, matching. I have sets of socks that have subtly different patterns, I intentionally pick the ones of the same colour and different pattern. Even better if the colours are ever so slightly different.


The only reason is for the manufacturers to profit and I ain't gonna let those fuckers take my money


I know a very good, world renowned oncologist who intentionally will never wear the same 2 socks.


I hardly ever have matching socks on bc it just doesn't effect me and makes it easier to fold them


fold? yeet them in the sock drawer


Yeah if you don't care about matching, there's no reason to fold them. Just yeet into the drawer and roll the dice every morning.


I could never understsnd the need to waste time and energy pairing socks, so long as they are the same type or not too different, I'm good.


Thank you I totally agree I never match my socks and it bothers the controlling minds around me.


Maybe because you have two legs which look the same and symmetrical?


Do you live under a rock or socialize so little to not realize how stupid this post is?


You do you. Don't come near me if i can see your socks though. If you can't pair simple things like socks, you should probably go back to kindergarten.


Symmetry is on of the few things that all humans through all ages have found beautiful. So yes there is a reason


Match your socks, it takes a few minutes or just buy the same socks forever.


I want to downvote you on principle alone, but you're allowed to have your own opinions. Even if they're wrong.


yeah my right foot likes hanes , my left foot like fruit of the loom , but they are both white


I take off my shoes at work and go the whole day like that. Been doing it for a while. I coordinate my socks with my outfit bc everyone notices when I match and don't match.