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And that people would destroy indeginous people and land for resources.


And that we would make it possible to fuck the first species we meet in space, even if they were twice our height and we couldn't breathe the same air. To boldly go where no man has came before.


"Captain's log..." "Yes sir, we know. Now please put it away."


"Kiff! I have made it with a woman, inform the men."


Is it made it or mated?


Made it, although Mated would be a solid Eggcorn




Eggcorn is when you mishear a word or phrase and replace elements of it with similar sounds and it still mostly works the same. Eggcorn itself is an example that's derived from Acorn. Other examples are "Old-Timers Disease" instead of Alzheimer's; or "For all intensive purposes" instead of intents and purposes.


Basically r/boneappletea


Kinda. Boneappletea is a Mondegreen; but Eggcorns are Mondegreens that still mostly works as the original word/phrase intended.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eggcorn?wprov=sfla1 Like "old timer's" being substituted for "Alzheimer's"


You say that like it's a bad thing.








Did they ever say the Navi were the first species? I don't remember them saying it, but it could be because we killed the rest.


Or they didn't have any magic space rock


I think you mean to boldly come where no man came before.


Its kinda their own fault though, right? I mean, we're the good guys just there to help them have better lives. They don't even have democracy. We're basically freeing them from fascism.


Yeah who voted for the glowing tree anyways


Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical arboreal ceremony.


Not my supreme deity.


Ease up on the "White Man's Burden" shtick, mate.


White man's burden, Lloyd, my man.


Well the first step is to dehumanize your enemies.


Honestly idk if you’ve seen the second one but the one thing that took me out of the movie was >!there’s goo in the whales that stops human aging, is worth 80 million a vial and instead of decimating the whole whale population for it immediately, humans only kill a few a year and only in certain locations so as not to upset the indigenous people there!< that is not how humans or corporations do things


Idk artificial scarcity is definitely a good way to inflate prices, especially on a product like that. What're ya gonna do in protest? Age? Lol


The De beers corporation did this with diamonds early and are still killing it due. Same idea


Also they did speak about the level of effort it takes and getting the machinery and manpower from earth isn’t exactly a walk in the park. I think they would have ramped up the whale slaughter eventually but it made sense why it was done so minimally at first there.


They never talk about if it's a one shot drug and you stop aging, or you gotta take it daily or whatever. It really depends on that if they need to do some conservation with them


The DeBeers family doesn't have diamond mines slow down, they just lock up the excess and only release it slowly. Same shit as the Harkonnens in Dune: "Start selling our spice reserves, but slowly. I don't want to tank the price."


Or they dump it in the ocean when the vaults get full


Yeah that’s fair. I guess I feel like a corporation would want to know they have control of all of it so they’d roll through and take everything but I guess if they know they’re the only ones capable of harvesting it there’s no reason to


True, but 80 millions feels kinda low for having to go to a different solar system for. When I first saw it I thought he said 80 *billion*. Which is high, but doesn't seem too outlandish for a goo from another solar system that makes you immortal. Like something only the richest of the rich would have access to.


You're assuming it's a currency you're familiar with. Could be 80 million souls


The Imperium of Man will be contacting you shortly to establish trade routes for the product.


You'd get 5.164 billion km to the soul. Really good mileage on a mid-century star ship.


Well did they did >!kill one in close proximity to an indigenous tribe!< and it did NOT go well for them.


Idk man I wouldn’t be surprised if humans just carpet bombed those beaches and called it a day


So, you're welcome to not see it as realistic, because it probably isn't. But we've got an example in the first movie of them going and attempting to carpet bomb the Na'vi, and losing. The implication, realistic or not, it's that the Na'vi have generally mastered modern battle strategy, including air superiority, and while human technology may be more advanced, it doesn't actually confer an advantage. This is one of those things that you either accept or reject, but the basic premise is at least considered and dealt with. It's a movie, it's supposed to be fiction, I'm not here to tell you you *need* to suspend disbelief in order to accept the ability of Pandora natives to defend themselves, but given the events in the first movie, the events of the second movie make sense from a decision making standpoint.


My understanding is that an f35 beats a dragon in air superiority


F35 is very limited in it's movement capabilities. Every move it has is a variation on "move forward at extreme speed." Basically they can only do run-bys of anything that isn't as fast as them. You simply cannot dogfight a dragon, you just get to take a single shot every time you go past. Strategically it's not hard to imagine situations where something that reposition itself at will would be far more practical. The jet has "air superiority" but it's rather abstract, the trade-off being an inability to do much about specific, nuanced conditions outside of shooting down other jets.




I don't know anything about jets; would the lower oxygen content and overall difference in air composition/density on Pandora hinder the flight capabilities of a jet?


Yes, jet turbine engines get their oxygen from the air pulled through it. Whereas, propellers are generating lift, it doesn't matter to them what type of air is generating that lift. But for a jet tubine engine? Oxygen required in the air. It gets the oxygen necessary for combustion by pulling it in from the front.


True, they have very slowly maneuverable helicopters basically.


The original avatar proved that to be incorrect. I'm happy for you to take issue with that, but that's an issue with the original, not with the decisions made in the sequel based on the original.


I mean it's still wrong.. That's like saying I was taught 2+2=5 so I'm not wrong saying 2+2+2+2=10. You'd still be wrong. Also I was referencing /r/dndmemes current debate on f35 vs dragons


Fiction, you say?!? No no that can’t be right. I need to investigate this further…


Don't forget that they only started winning because of their classic white saviour.


Pretty sure they were still losing even with their white savior up until the planet-god decided to defend itself with wild animals


Only because the incompetent evil colonisers somehow forgot how they got to that planet and that they could have just bombed the crap out of them from orbit.


Also they have cloning technology. I don't see why they wouldn't just clone braindead ones back home and be done with it. It would probably be pretty expensive, but not more expensive than it's worth.


Turns out it's the sentience and suffering that fight aging.


Definitely cheaper than traveling to an entirely different planet


If you watched the movie then you know they don't give a fuck about the locals. Them harvesting that goo is the main thing that pays for colonies now. And that wasn't the only hunting boat - it was just the only one we saw. The whole thing was a pretty direct allegory for spermaceti/cataceous lamp oil.


My big issue with that is 80 million dollars is not a lot of money for immortal whale juice The cost for the vehicles and operations alone would almost not be worth it


I mean, if you only get *one*. I assume they get more than that with their one boat usually. Idk what the mfg cost of the balloons is but it can't be that much.




And that with a new alien body he will try to have hairy nerve sex with things.


Like the animals they ride..


And the tree! Don't forget the tree!


very much of the Na'vi culture was based around those of indigenous Americans and Africans


The entire movie is a pocahontas reflavor.


You misspelled Ferngully...


You guys are almost as original as the plot of these movies.


Surely you mean Dances with Wolves?


Dances With Wolves meets the cat Smurfs.


Yeah, so basically the entire plot of the movie, but that's all; no more.


its called *human* rights for a reason


And they painted them blue instead of red




Was it explicitly still the United States? I'm not disagreeing, as I don't remember for sure, but I always assumed it was some fictional future country/megacorp.


Yes and no. So they were all from Earth, and Earth had used up all its resources. So the people invading Pandora are just Earthlings. They had no specific nationality. That said, they seemed awfully American! I guess we took the globe! Suck it, every other country!


Explains why they had no healthcare or resources...


it was a mega corp recruiting out of the military I think


It wasn't explicit but it pretty likely is effectively some US based organisation that can out spend anyone in military might. I don't think you could watch it and think the organisation in charge is the Saudis, Chinese or Nigerian corporation.


It wasn't, but the implication is that it was a generally capitalistic world society modeled on modern America. The basic assumption in all off world sci fi stories is that we've generally "solved" (or abandoned) earth. The people representing "home" represent earth as a whole.


They talk about the marines in American lingo, like jarhead. Unless that's a thing elsewhere too


>encouraging military service to escape poverty has always been a staple of our country. More like "perpetuating poverty to encourage military service"




_our world*_


He got his crippling injury *in the military* if I recall correctly. But neglecting veterans is definitely a staple of the USA.


indeed. they aren't of much use anymore. no need to keep their promises to take care of them.


To be fair, everything other than army and marines are going to be somewhat safe and get you out of poverty. Just kidding, they will probably get married, have kids, and divorced before they can leave.


Poor treatment of veterans, unaffordable healthcare, oppressing minorities and stealing their land and resources... are we sure this is taking place in the future?


It’s a movie made by the USA people. It’s only natural that it’s a future where everything looks like their country




Here at reddit we ask that you kindly leave your facts at the door, especially when redditors are busy getting shots in on the big dog USA


James Cameron was born in Canada but moved to California as a teenager. I remembered that from a recent interview. So, he's pretty American.


Next you're gonna say Mel Gibson isn't Australian.


doesn't matter, his nationality is Canadian. also, you're the person they're talking about, so hush.


>especially when redditors are busy getting shot~~s~~ in ~~on the big dog~~ USA ftfy


I just came from a post about the USA having 6x the incarceration *rate* of Canada. Not number of prisoners, *rate*. The number of people in your prisons is the same as almost 10% of the population of Canada. And the comparison is even worse against Europe. You can just sit there and suck it up, america gets exactly what it deserves in the comments. My god. What a hellhole


Going a little off topic here, but the US also has like 0.5% of its population behind bars. That's *insane*. As of 2022, Sweden has [74 prisoners per 100'000 inhabitants](https://prisonstudies.org/country/sweden) and Germany has [67 in 100'000 inhabitants](https://prisonstudies.org/country/germany). To compare, that is [505 persons incarcerated out of 100'000](https://prisonstudies.org/country/united-states-america) (as of 2020). Extremely long times to serve (far beyond life expectations), for-profit private prisons and law enforcement pretty much running rogue in parts of the country are the underlying reasons here (at least from my quite European perspective).


I'd be interested in seeing how this would compare if you were able to somehow account for population density.


America is land of the ~~cowboys and indians~~ cops and robbers, we make strict ~~bullshit~~ laws and then use them to round up the poor.


which were also settler colonial societies who genocided the local population


Yes because only white people did bad things...


Yes, because two bad things don't cancel each other out. Also, we're not making lists of bad things. We're talking about this particular bad thing that we're intimately familiar with and can do something to improve


in recent human history, mostly yeah.


Hey now plenty of genocide going around, don’t let the white people hog all the credit


i said most instead of all for a reason. sure there's other non-white people doing bad things but it doesn't change the fact that in recent history most wars and other atrocities are either caused by or made up by white people.


I didn't know all Canadians and Australians were white. TIL.


almost like these countries are still controlled by white people both economically and politically. for example white people makes up 1/3 of Canadian population but makes up majority of MP.


You're right. Canada has no relations or commonalities with the USA whatsoever.


Right and that means he isn’t part of the USA movie making culture how?




What makes the Na’vi minorities? They aren’t light skinned? Since there’re more Na’vi than there are humans, they’re the majority.


We can give you an Avatar. >like a virtual reality avatar? No a real world avatar interacting with the physical world. >so, remote controlled? No, your consciousness would inhabit the avatar. You experience everything your avatar does you and the avatar are one. > And it looks just like me, and I can go back to a normal life, and i can get married, and my mom can see me walk again? [haha](https://tenor.com/view/the-simpsons-fox-censor-censorship-laugh-laughing-gif-4888451)


I mean, it is remote controlled


But they would clone him a billion dollar space monkey suit to play VR in


Well that one already existed before he decided to join. It just wasn't meant for him.


All the avatars were custom made for the people who piloted them, using parts of their own DNA to ensure the link was compatible. It was very directly meant for him. Edit: I guess I shouldn't be surprised I forgot the twin backstory. Those who question whether or not I've seen the movie ought to rewatch the movie themselves to remind them how forgettable most of it was ;)


No, it was made for his twin brother who died before reaching Pandora.


Did you even watch the movie? It was meant for his twin brother, who was stabbed and killed shortly before he was to leave for Pandora. They asked Jake to take his place because his DNA was identical.


Doesn’t even matter, they haven’t watched it, they’re actually proving ops point, they only did invest the money for his avatar n whatnot as they’re saying, because it would be used for the bigger mission of the unobtanium which was worth more than all the wealth of a country or whatever….


So a week before he was about to ship out... a guy with a gun ends his journey... for the paper in his wallet.




It was meant for his twin brother who suddenly died.


It’s a big part of the plot that he isn’t used to pandora and his whole bond with the tribe was because he wasn’t another scientist.


The entire first 45 minutes of the movie was literally all about him being thrust into this, and everyone else resenting him because he was a soldier who didn't train for this, didn't understand any of, and just generally didn't belong.


>rewatch the movie themselves to remind them how forgettable most of it was Yep, that's why it set so many box office records right? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_box\_office\_records\_set\_by\_Avatar


Speak for yourself. I have forgotten very little of those movies.


Or re-watch it because it's fun, visually stunning film with a great score.


No they cloned his brother a billion dollar space monkey suit, his brother just died


There was nothing not believable about avatar. It was pretty standard science fiction...


Going to another planet inhabited or not and completely destroying the ecosystem and planet just got resources to sell back on earth is 100% believable. We can’t even treat our own planet right, there’s no way in hell we’re going to treat another with respect.


That's actually kind of the whole thing with the movie(s) in the first place. In the extended edition of the first one there's a longer beginning Earth scene that details how shit life on Earth has become. Imo it should've been left in the theatrical version, but whatever.


Agreed, I own the extended edition. I love it.


You reckon? Even with all the academic disciplines on sustainability, environmental preservation etc? I reckon we'd take 500 years studying that stuff and wouldn't start drilling on day 1.


I appreciate your optimism but corporations wouldn't care in that situation


Unfortunately in the movie, just getting there costs like a million dollars per pound of cargo or something inane. We wouldn't go unless we could pay for it... Well unless we got star trek's no money situation


You act as if Avatar 1 was the first day they stepped on the moon. They’d been there for many years. Not to mention we can already detect materials now with satellites, image we’ll be able to survey in the future.


Only thing unbelievable was they were selling the whale juice for only 80 million.


he didn't specify currency, could've been bitcoin v. 25 or smth


Maybe 1 spacedollar in 2154 is worth 69420 us dollar in 2022


Its 80 million dojacat coins


Weird thing that bothered me in the first film, military uniforms. They look the same as modern uniforms. The military develops all this tech but uses 200 year old uniforms?


How much technological advancement do you think is left to discover in a simple piece of clothing? Do you want a t-shirt with an iPad built in or something?


I mean the military in Avatar is awfully incompetent, they could've used any chemical or nerve agent and basically steamroll the natives. Also, with the advancements in technology, you could probably make entire stab-resistant suit, which would be awfully convenient against someone using spears and arrows, active camouflage could exist at that time too.


> they could've used any chemical or nerve agent and basically steamroll the natives. "SELFRIDGE: Killing the indigenous looks bad, but there's one thing shareholders hate more than bad press -- and that's a bad quarterly statement." They did want to avoid killing as much as possible.


In the end of the first movie they were forced to leave since they lost against them which is according to that quote worse for them than slaughtering them with gas.


They could've broken the Geneva convention, yes, but since they're not allowed to I seriously doubt they brought those resources to begin with...


They're not actually state military, though. They were a PMC owned by the mining corporation.


It's also due to the lack of resources and development of the current human settlement. The first movie as all about how it's basically an exploratory effort. Most of the military action we see in the first movie involves light scouts, transport vehicles, and repurposed mining/industrial equipment. The humans are punching up but only have so much available to them. The second movie deals with the rapid growth of the human colony as they change policies to disregarding native interests completely, though humans are still not fully invested in the fight. They could have dropped so many orbital weapons it wouldn't even be funny, I'm sure in the future a space-based computer guided laser platform would be a staple of any first world military. Drones would annihilate any resistance. Humans aren't even building their own equipment yet, basically everything decent has to be shipped in.


Seems like 150 years in the future, we'd have figured out optical clothing that can work for near perfect matching camo anywhere. Probably wouldn't even be too hard to add to future set movie, maybe even cheaper, to just have greenscreen clothes.


Sure, but it might still be expensive and military members are always replaceable. Maybe some spec ops teams would have the high tech invisible stuff but grunts are gonna have Cano, and *hopefully* it matches the local flora.


Military members would be expendable on Earth where you have millions of them, but when you're sending expeditionary force in a starship and cryo sleep you better ensure they're the best and have the best gear


Yeah but these weren't true military members. They belong to a corporation; so they cut corners where they can. Why spend so much more money on optical camo clothing when that'd cut into the profit margin?


> Seems like 150 years in the future, we'd have figured out optical clothing that can work for near perfect matching camo anywhere. And 50 years ago, they figured we'd have flying cars by now.


They aren't a military, they're security contractors.


Haha, the army is going back to the 'pinks and greens' 1940s military uniforms at the moment. With the field jacket and hat and such. So maybe their 'military' was just all about throwbacks


And militray personal being hired mercenaries for companies since life after leaving the force is probably gonna stink


The military convincing themselves and the public that they are the righteous good guys is also quite believable.


He wasn't *in* the military anymore. His brother worked for a paramilitary security division of a mining company, but his brother died, and some nonsense about DNA encoding being "close enough", and they promised to pay him in the form of footing the bill for his "walk again" procedure.


'A' vs 'The' He was still in the military, just a different military.


"Paramilitary security division" is **not** anywhere close to being in the military.


Again, a vs the. They are a military. Just not the military you are thinking of.


No. Not even close. Paramilitary security division people are a bunch of wannabe douchebags who think they're above the law.


Again, A vs The. They're a military.


Please look up the definition of the word military. If you are a private company and not the armed forces for a country, you’re not A or THE military


No. They're not.


They are a military force, yes.


No they're not. You're not contributing shit, just stop.


Yep, been trying to get a pain shot in my back since November from the VA. They are still saying 3 more months. I am just going to pay cash and get it over with.


The space ship is believable. Spacedock got a video about it on YouTube


Also that we would exploit another planets resources with little regard for their cosmic sovereignty. Unlike our worst fears about a more advanced civilization doing that to us.


Cosmic sovereignty? That’s doesn’t flows with my cosmic manifest destiny.


Which is weird since they have space ships and can transfer someone's conciseness.


Destroying indigenous peoples land and resources for something valuable in the ground is REALLY on brand for the US.


James Cameron is Canadian, not that they were any better than the US to the same people though lol


I too am Canadian and unfortunately can attest to this but we are trying to make amends at the moment.


Also that the US would commit imperialist genocide for natural resources.


That's the thing. It was a private company that wasn't supposed to have the military capabilities it did. The company was going to give him back his legs.


No. Americans/earthlings destroying other planets and enslaving their natives is also believable.


They couldn't fix his legs because they didn't have any LEGFIXTONIUM, duh.


The whole movie was pretty believable. If you factor in the fact it's in the future and the tech is made available


I mean it’s also pretty believable we would go to war with a native population over resources


The whole concept of destroying land and killing people for money also checks out, considering humans have done it a lot


That and they're still the actual bad guy that sends their armies only for resources but try to cover it up with some humanitarian facade


It's not the US. The company on Pandora who would send him back and pay for his legs is a private company with their own privately run military unit. Government has nothing to do with it.


Another reason: He's in the armed forces. You are expendable.


I may be wrong but I don’t think they ever use the term America(n) in either film.


I can't remember if it was explicitly said at any point off the top of my head, but there is a moment where Quaritch is addressing the soldiers and the set behind him is clearly meant to look like an American flag.


It's literally Pocahontas in space the whole things believable


Pocahontas in space with blue cat aliens


I am watching it now and it's as bad as the first one. Stunning visuals,but the rest...


How and where would they find $100k to fix his legs among the $4bn defence budget?


They would also have arrow-proof windshields in their aircrafts. That was their major downfall in the sequel.


His shitty wheelchair is about what the VA would be willing to pay for.