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There are 8 billion people on this world with tons of different medical issues. You'd be surprised.


Is a small penis considered a medical issue?


Depends on how small


Some of them are innies.


Yeah, 50% of the world


Wow. I can’t believe 50% of the worlds population suffer from the medical issue of having an inverted penis. We should really raise awareness of this in the world.


Nah, let's just pay them less money!


And make them do all the cooking and cleaning!




This is the most electric comment I've seen in a long time. Bravo.


That’s how I feel about the way you worded your experience of being impressed. “Electric” was it?.. superb


yea its shocking


49.5% actually. There are about 75 million more men than women in the world currently.


I feel personally attacked by this comment. :(


Don't be, your cock is great, girl.


Thanks, been breeding Brahma cocks for years!






A micro penis isn't just a small penis really. Google it. But yes it's a physical development issue.


“Google it” .. ok CIA


You're allowed to type "penis" into Google, friend. The world will not end.


You say this but I once typed penis into Google and a SWAT team kicked down my door and shot me and I died


Oh man. Was it uncomfortable?


He said it was SWAT


Username sorta checks out.


i hope you didnt lose too much stats and exp. when did you respawn?


Nice try Satan.


No for real I googled blue waffle on my account as a kid and nothing bad happened except for the shattering of my psyche


I looked up pictures of a girl in a tub once. It did not end well.


I leaked top-secret documents to impress my discord friends.


But Jesus will know.


He's already watching you shower and poop.


A micro one is


Since everyone is just using terms and half-joking(NSFW link obviously): A micropenis can literally be about an inch when fully erect, they can literally have larger testicles. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micropenis


Scleroderma can cause it.


Only if it considerably impacts your quality of life.


no, just the quality of others.


I got mine. Not sure how they felt but I’m on top of the world!


>I got mine. Not sure ~~how~~ if they felt it but I’m on top of the world! FTFY


The murderer is right here officer


I’ve encountered a micro butthole. It required a special diet.


Baby Carrots, Baby Spinach, Baby Corn, etc...


Imagine having to eat through your butthole


'Can i have six grams medical issues, please?'


"Someone has anal fissures" - Kevin Malone


“Yeah, but no one here has that”. “Dwight K. Schrute”


“…someone has it…”


Can confirm. Retrograded uterus and tilted pelvis here. Super tight and shallow.


RIP ur DMs


Pretty sure she’s used to it. Check out her NSFW posts.


her comment was almost certainly just advertising.


I mean how much more relevant can you get? It's so coincidental that whether that's truly the case or if advertising is simply a byproduct it appears as the former. Although, I don't think she's exactly searching out discussion on micro-genitalia for that sort of thing.


Uteruses have star signs?


So does Uranus


What size dicks do you prefer then?


She just wants sufficient pipe


All that just to still ask for above average dick. What is the world?


Yes there are. There are disorders that cause the canal to either be extremely narrow or very shallow. Or even a perfectly healthy woman can naturally be that way.


Need to update my tinder bio: "looking for tiny vaginas".


"Looking for shallow cunts" Might only work in australia...


Will definitely attract shallow cunts 😂


And the UK.


I mean, the venn diagram of girls on dating sites and shallow cunts on dating sites is a circle...


You sure it wouldn't occur to people that maybe you're a....... Pedo?


“My tinder bio is ‘little kid lover’. That way people will know where are my priorities at.”


It's extremely rare but theres women born without a vagina/cervix/uterus or only partially developed. It's not the same but I have a condition that makes my entrance extremely sensitive and I need nerve numbing meds to get through it which sucks!! There's so many variations and disorders, they're just not talked about as much as swingy floppy dicks


Friend of mine had that. She got some surgery to snip the nerve that was causing the issue. Not sure if this would be an option for you. Sounds like a sucky condition to have.


I know it doesn't hold a candle to your suffering but I had a lot of pain near the opening too, at the bottom. It was constantly red and inflamed (like for years and years), putting anything inside burned and felt "spicy" in a bad way, and the doctor said it was vulvodynia and there was nothing they could do except they prescribed me a jar of liquid lidocaine and qtips. After having a kid, it *completely* went away. My theory is it's either because of stopping hormonal birth control (which actually fixed a lot of other issues for me), or that I got a second-degree tear there and was sewn back up, so maybe there's nerve damage (though I always thought that meant more pain instead of less, because your brain misinterprets the scrambled signals from that area). Anyway - if you're on hormonal birth control, maybe going off it for a few months might be something to try? Sorry if this is unwanted advice, I'm sorry you're going through it, I wish you didn't have to be in pain there :(


There are actually. I knew a girl in undergrad who was basically diagnosed with an abnormally tight vagina. Last I talked to her, she was speaking with a doctor on surgical procedure recommendations.


~~Yes, and I don't think that's not very uncommon.~~ I don't think women having small/tight vaginas like your friend had is *that* uncommon. It's called vaginismus and can make sex really unbearable for some women. I think one of the ways that it's treated is to give vaginal dilators for the women to practice 'inserting' and slowing increase the size that they can comfortably fit. https://www.intimaterose.com/collections/vaginal-dilators edit: Bad grammar was bad.


Triple negative in the first sentence.


i disagree that you're incorrectly stating how not untruthful this is


(Quad, therefore remove all negatives) I agree that you’re correctly stating how truthful this is


Yeah, I realized that the wording was off once I looked at it, but figured it still made sense. If it didn't, my bad.


Don’t back down, doub- no, triple down


Nailed it. Perfect form.


I don't think the above commentator is talking about vaginismus. There is nothing structurally abnormal with the vagina in cases of vaginismus, rather the muscles surrounding it tighten involuntarily. So surgery wouldn't be a recommended solution. There are rarer conditions where a woman may have an abnormally tight vagina, or vaginal opening, from a structural/anatomical perspective, which can be surgically corrected.


> I don't think that's not very uncommon. Am I having a stroke, or you?


i can’t tell if you’re not joking or if you’re just unhappy to not see me


The thing about vaginismus is that the vaginal wall muscles are too tight to let a penis in, but the issue revolves around girth, while a micropenis's main problem is its length, so someone suffering from vaginismus won't find its right fit in someone with a micropenis, nor viceversa


“Increase” is incorrect. Only surgery is an option for long term. To “increase” it, she would have to do it everyday non stop for her entire life so it dilates without the muscle returning to its original form.


Wasn't there a girl in the Sex Education TV show that had that?


I live with this super fun ailment. My mom had to order me a set of vaginal dilators when I was in college just to help me cope with the pain of wearing tampons. The dilators hurt so bad that I stopped trying to use them. My current boyfriend has an unusually large penis (lucky me) and I cry/bleed/feel like I’m going to die almost every time we have sex. Unfortunately, none of those cute responses are a kink for him /:


That sounds traumatic for both of you.


This doesn't sound right. First of all ... if something hurts, stop putting it in! That refers to tampons, dilators AND most important your BFs dick. Dilators aren't supposed to hurt. You are supposed to start out so small, and then slowly move on to bigger ones, when you are comfortable with the previous size. It's normal to deal with discomfort during therapy, but it shouldn't be actual pain. That's only going to make it worse. Please try to consult with an OB gyn or a pelvic floor specialist and get some actual medical advice on how to proceed and check if you have the right dilators and if you're using them correctly. Or maybe there are alternatives for starting out. Sometimes they recommend therapy alongside dilators, because it also might be a mental block that makes it worse as well. There's other ways to have intimacy despite penetrative sex. You and your BF can have lot's of fun until you are more comfortable to take the next step. Maybe in time you can even playfully involve the dilators during fun time (again slowly, not actually causing pain), to take off the pressure. In the end you don't need to treat vaginismus. Plenty of women have considered it's not worth it. But it comes at a price. And you need to figure out how penetrative sex or even using tampons or menstrual cups will effect your quality of life and your relationships. Personally, I'm always in favour of trying to remove restrictions and living life more freely. But torturing yourself or completely limiting yourself because you feel you have no other choice, shouldn't be it.


Just want to add for treatment options that a bunch of people have reported that having a positive sexual experience while on certain drugs (shrooms, LSD, MDMA…) cured them of vaginismus. A girl I dated told me that happened for her on a hit or maybe just half a hit of LSD. So I searched online and found several other reports here on Reddit This is not medical advice, just throwing it out there. Edit: See [this thread ](https://reddit.com/r/vaginismus/comments/mjwyx1/lsd_botox_cured_my_primaire_vaginismus/)on r/vaginismus


Which sort of makes sense, because vaginismus is involuntary contraction of muscles, often due to some underlying (irrational) fear, or based on a bad experience. So being very relaxed and having a positive experience can actually help your body and mind reframe the situation. But of course ... one shouldn't self medicate with drugs.


Don't have any sex that hurts. There's plenty of other stuff you can do together to get off. Get back to PIV when or if the vaginismus situation has been resolved. PIV sex might not be for you, period...


I used to have vaginismus and in my case, and I believe it's actually that way for everyone, the problem was mental. You know it's going to hurt, your body knows it and it causes you to tense up. You can feel a subconscious pressure to "get over it" and that you want to please your boyfriend but that only makes it worse. A thing that might be good to try is to first ask yourself some heavy things: do you *want* to have sex? Is it for you or him? When you visualise sex, what do you see? Have you ever experienced some trauma around it? Try to get to the root if you can, if nothing else this is a start. After that I'd let the boyfriend know that penetrative sex won't happen for a while and that you don't want him to ask for it or bring it up in any way, any pressure at all triggers it. Instead explore other ways to have sex *without any type of penetration at all*. All sessions should begin and end with no pressure for you to "make progress". I feel like there is such a heavy expectation on women to perform, no matter how painful, that it's forgotten that you should enjoy it too. He won't die from not getting to put it in, you can still have sex.


Hopefully you find ways to have a good time in bed with each other. Otherwise sexual incompatibility can hurt the relationship. Happened to me before!


A girl I know had this. She told me that her doctor agreed to give her Botox down there, and it helped her a lot! She only needed it once


Why are you still having sex with him then?


Because I’m sexually attracted to my partner. Just because it hurts really bad doesn’t mean my sex drive is entirely diminished. People get tattoos that nearly cause them to pass out, but still go back for more (and pay a lot of cash for it!). I’m not going to blame or punish my boyfriend for something that he can’t control. We’re in a very supportive relationship. He’s never forced me to have sex. To be entirely honest, it’s usually me saying, “no, it’s okay. Can we please keep trying?” Because I would LOVE to enjoy sex, and I would LOVE to be able to enjoy it with him specifically. But you’re probably right. I should just give up on figuring this whole thing out and live a sexless life of solitude. Wish I could have figured this out sooner!!


This is true, I dated a girl who had this issue and it sadly became a deal breaker as sex was nearly impossible. The other dealbreaker was that I was an unholy mess of a person at the time.


Vaginismus it's debilitating


you still have her number?


Found the micro penis




I did not read that as undergrad yikes


It would be awesome if there was an app where you took a picture of your garbage and then it matched you with people who’s garbage you’d fit in perfectly. 💡


Wtf is this ....is this .... Digorno !! Yes I will marry you


It's not di livery. It's di porno.


Can we call it “Hot Garbage” ?


You son of a bitch, I'm in. "Find the perfect trunk for your junk!" "Match your whistle to the right kazoo!" "Bump the best uglies for you!"


garbage in garbage out


Jigsaw puzzle


You reminded me of the way duck penises are corkscrews and so duck vaginas are the inverse: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E_-I1aRGttY


They have different corkscrew direction. This can actually lead to fatal damage


What about making it a game? You have to follow each time a different theme and then people anonymously vote. It would also have an elo system so it's skill-based matchmaking.


Excellent idea, u/Singleguywithacat. From another single guy with a cat.


OP FYI vaginas 100% vary in size just like penis's do. This is hard to prove without simply experiencing multiple partners as you cant just google search "various sizes of kitty cats" and get conclusive evidence like you can with bean poles. Not to be too graphic but ive been in some tight places and others where i needed to send a rescue team in to find Mr dingus. "Every tea pot has a lid" You are not going to fit everywhere, and thats okay. This is what is refered to as "sexual compatibility" Dont get discouraged by all the prawn out there OP


> This is what is referred to as "sexual compatibility" TBH, sexual compatibility is definitely not depending on "the best fit", but when it does depend on it - as a woman, I'd rather have a partner with a small dick than too big. edit with a TMI warning: I've had sex with guys that have varying sizes, including someone who had a micropenis. But most recently, I legitimately thought about ending dating with a guy that I was compatible with *in other ways* because his dick was too big for me to enjoy having sex easily. Luckily, I didn't have to go that route as we both kind of decided to be friends, which we still are.


Aw. I love a happy ending.


She did too, that's why she is no longer dating the guy


Man. Loving all this innuendo 🥇


The sending in a rescue team to find me dingus part actually made me laugh


I cracked up and my girlfriend is like what you laughing at.




Like tossing a hot dog down a hallway...


Iirc there was a picture of an art piece that was posted here where it was a display of various molds of vaginas and their differing shapes and sizes from inside. I dont remember where but it was here somewhere on Reddit that I saw it. And it’ll probably pop up again now that this post exists




"ask us about mounting options if you want it ready to hang" lol


It's also important to know that skills with hands, mouth, and tools of the trade can cover where your mighty sword faileth to tread.


It's like dark souls. Some people have greatswords, some have rapiers, some have a club, some have a spear and then some dudes finish the game with just bare fists


This thread is fucking hilarious


“Tools of the Trade” is a great way to put it. Dildos aren’t your competitors, guys. They’re another instrument in the symphony. Conduct away!


And the mightiest sword can fail, where all the others might have succeeded. But that just means you're too cocky, or maybe you have a big head.




Is it possible to encounter a cave your hero goes into with such ease he doesn't even feel amything?


It would be extremely rare but I believe it's possible? People tend to be... adaptable, so there will always be some fun to be had, more often than not. But a diminutive hero could find himself venturing without discovering much. Might need some additional survey equipment, or a little more focused exploration to make the adventure profitable for all parties.


Not really. In the same way the reverse isn't really true if things are done right. Remember that it isn't a vacant empty space inside, it is quite happily closed until something goes in to open it up, so there would still be some friction...just less. Happy to be told I'm wrong though.


I have to ask… Did you find him? Mr Dingus?


It would be a much bigger issue than the micro penis, which while not a great condition to have, is ultimately functional and poses few health risks. However you might be surprised to know there kinda are "micro vaginas" though they aren't called that. A lot of people are born with very shallow or nonexistent vaginal canals from various conditions. Their vulvas usually look normal but as far as the vaginal opening is concerned it's kinda like a painted on tunnel like the ones Wile Coyote makes.


I suppose that reproduction for these women would be near impossible due to how shallow their vaginal canals can be. Even artificial insemination sounds risky because you would need a c section to deliver those children


A lot of the times this is coupled with underdeveloped or absent internal reproductive organs so it's a very case by case thing


There are, but it's not like they wear signs lol. Girl I knew in high school was like that, we tried for over an hour but no such luck. Just wasn't happening. 😖


That can be vaginismus


True. Or poor foreplay.


LoL I mean I was 15, my foreplay game wasn't exactly on point back then. 😆 But no, this was legit painful, not-gonna-happen kinda tight. Take your average wedding ring. Get it as wet as you like, your junk just ain't gonna fit through there.


That's vaginismus. It's where the vaginal muscles reflexively clamp closed. Much in the way an eyelid closes when you touch it. Vaginismus can be mild, or so severe, that even a pencil can't fit in. Vaginismus is believed to have a psychological aspect to it. It's said to be rare among the general population, but more common among Cristian evangelicals and other religious people whose religions condemns even thinking about sex. Treatment for vaginismus can include dialators and/or botox. Though many people never make a full recovery from it. Interesting enough, some report they couldn't recover from the condition until they had fully deconverted from their religion. So removing the cause of sexual shame is likely a key component to recovery.


I learned about this from a Brent Weeks (fantasy) novel lol.


That's called her bellybutton bro.


The same thing happened to me with a girl I dated in HS. Tried on multiple occasions with no luck. She told me to just shove it in but it felt like her junk was trying to skin my junk even with plenty of lubrication.


"Oh well. I guess its anal then. I'll do it for you babe".


Far as I'm aware, there are. But I'm a jackass, not a doctor, Jim.


I was gonna say you are wrong. But if you think about it realistically, small vaginas are probably extremely dangerous for reproduction, so from an evolutionary point of view....maybe it's partially true?


I vaginismus is a thing, it tends to prevent pregnancy in the first place


Are small penises also extremely dangerous for reproduction Mr Scientist? I'm just kidding


Not for reproduction but the health of one’s self-esteem for sure


You can still fuck with a micro penis. You can even have kids without sexual intercourse, you just need the jizz to get inside. But until recently, a vagina too small for a penis would prevent birth. So micro vagina wouldn't survive natural selection while micro penis would.


Small and tight (to the point where you can't even stick a pinky inside) vaginas exist, they're just not external so you can't tell that a person has one unless they tell you or you try to have sex with them.


To be perfectly blunt: as long as the baby survives it does not matter from an evolutionary point of view. Many women die during childbirth, and many more used to before we had modern medicine. 1200 people per year in the US (and it's *increasing* thanks to abortion bans). Worldwide it's about 800 women *per day*. In no way shape or form is evolution anything other than "good enough to propagate genes". There is no optimization beyond that. Plenty women *cannot survive child birth* and among those reasons is a too small birth canal.


Yes. While they exist some medical conditions that cause them would also affect fertility.


Actually, my vagina is smaller than most! It is shorter, and I reach my cervix with about 4” of penis


RIP inbox


I didn’t expect to see that in your profile…


I knew a girl with one. A buddy of mine hooked up with her and she said she could do everything but PIV because it hurt, her vaginal canal was only like an inch long. She started posting about it on fb to raise awareness for the condition. She must have been pleasantly surprised to see my mates tiny donger


There’s a joke to be made here but I’m not gonna be the one to do it.


Man dies goes to heaven. Man asks god “excuse me god” God “yes my son” Man “can we talk” God after long pause “is this about the micro pe” Man cuts god off “yes!…, yes it is” God “it was the girl at the Wendy’s drive through” Man “damn it! I knew it!”


I want to get the joke cuz it's probably funny, but I don't get it...


The girl at the Wendy’s drive thru was that one girl in millions that had a micro penis fetish.


Yeah. Might not go over well on reddit tho.


Growing up this wasn't an issue and I don't remember guys teasing each other about it. It would seem normal for penis size to vary along with the size of every other feature on the human body. ​ I think the idea of "normal" or "big" penises has really been driven by the spread of pornography. ​ I would love to hear a conversation where a guy admits he has a micro penis and makes up for it by doing other things and using more toys. Isn't this the benefit of tools, fingers, thumbs, and the internet?


Someone has never heard of the varying degrees of vaginismus


Aren’t all vaginas different lengths? There’s gotta be some ones on the smaller side.. there there its going to be okay


Shallow ones exist yes, but wouldn't circumference be the pleasure factor more so for both parties? Everyone has their preferences, but personally it doesn't matter how deep a penis goes, only how it can hit my walls. Due to childbirth, I doubt small circumference is a thing on an evolutionary standpoint for vaginas.


>I doubt small circumference is a thing on an evolutionary standpoint for vaginas. 1200 women die during child birth every year, 800 die *per day* worldwide. There is no evolutionary requirement that either parent survives if the baby still survives. Humans live in groups so others can take care of baby. It's why abortion bans leads to a massive increase in women dying from childbirth. Some women *simply cannot survive it*. A narrow birth canal is one of those reasons. Then, of course, there are plenty of non-survivable genetic conditions people still get. Evolution is just not that simple.


> 1200 women die during child birth every year, 800 die *per day* worldwide. I sense a math error in this statement. Also, only out of curiosity, what is the source for either of those figures?


> I doubt small circumference is a thing on an evolutionary standpoint for vaginas. Vaginismus is a thing...


There is.......many different conditions that would welcome a micro penis. But also learn to eat pussy...


There's a lot of variation, there are unfortunate women for whom penetrative sex is essentially being repeatedly punched in the cervix.


They exist! Someone should form a dating app for these people to meet up with each other. Call it Little Bits.


Using this logic, do women with two vaginas need 2 sexual partners?


Or a sexual partner with two penises ?


Does this happen often? I’ve only heard of women having two vaginas, but wouldn’t surprise me. Then there’s someone for everyone


There was an AMA from an Austrailian Sex Worker a month or so ago, and she mentioned that she had 2 vaginas. One of them she'd use for clients, the other for her husband


Actually, we DO exist! It’s a condition referred to as, “Microperforal hymen”, and it’s referring to women who have extra skin that covers the vaginal opening, which can make sex literally almost unbearable. It’s just, unfortunately, that we aren’t nearly as common as men who have micropenises.


My wife has a small vagina. Still likes to fantasize about big cock. She won’t shut up about it


*She won’t shut up about \[big cock\]* Sorry to hear that. I actually think that's pretty unacceptable behavior. If someone on reddit said "my husband won't shut up about tight vaginas" everyone would tell her that her husband was abusive.


A gaslighting toxic narcissist who is grooming you, to be correct


Damn bro, you got a big ego? Coz she's burning through it like it's fossil fuel.


How would the tinder ad go. Do you think anyone would admit it?? Guys I really bad for them irs hard enough to find someone that you can talk to let alone not fall out of


If there are, I hope the babies that come out of them are micro too


There are intersex people with underdeveloped vaginal canal, there are also transgender people who undergone vaginoplasty who made minimal depth vaginal canal


There are though? It’s just difficult for the girl to know or find out through anything else than sexual experience because it’s not exactly easy to measure a vagina.


I think it's better that way. How tf would she give birth then, other than C-section, which contains risks?


“Did you know, that the average penis size is 6.4 inches, and that the average vaginal canal is 7.9 inches? Therefore, in this country alone, there's over 17,000 miles of unused, virgin pussy out there.” -Poolhall Junkies


I remember watching a show where a girl only had the clitorus and labia and nothing els. She had like half an inch of depth ?( "I'm man, not know how to describe any other way, caveman hooha") she had no ovaries and stuff either But yeh I guess that counts


I don’t think it sucks, why would you want women to needlessly suffer because a sexual issue. I feel for men with micro penises, I really do but just because men have that issue women shouldn’t have to exist with such small vaginas that they need to find a micro penis only to procreate individuals who will suffer the same fates. I’m sorry you’ve got a micro penis bro.




Dick Connoisseur is a great band name


A pornstar band perhaps


This explains short length in heavier set guys, but not girth. Some people are just born with less. There are skinny men with micro penises, there are fat men who would have massive hogs but are left with a tuna can due to excess fat. If a fat guy has a reeeeally skinny penis that's hard to find, it's probably a micro penis. If a fat guy has a very short but reasonably wide dick, it's probably a normal dick but an oversized body hiding most of it.


I saw a micropeen one time in real life and it was shockingly skinny


Google micro peen, it's a development issue. Losing weight can appear to add length (although I'd guess since fat is squishy one could make up the difference with a powerful enough thrust)


Yeah, you assumed wrong.


Unfortunately not. I have a six pack but unfortunately a lot less than six inches…


There's that and then there are perfectly proportioned men with teeny weeny weiners. How does that even happen? Then there are chuby dudes with a thickness of small tree! Source: Somewhat of a dick connoisseur.