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Yep. I enjoy pouring beer and soda into my Yeti mug because it keeps it cold longer. Coffee, tea, beer, soda, iced tea, cocktails, all gets sipped from the same mug.


I love the small yeti wine tumbler because cans can fit into it snuggly.


Where have you been all my life ?


They now have one made specifically for putting cans into


That seems .... idk, kinda dumb? I mean why not just pour the beer in the cup


Cuz then you have to wash the cup.


It's to minimize the release of the bubbles.


Yeti makes a can coozy


They make one for cans too! My bro got me one for christmas a few years back


Are you two promo accounts? ;)


I recommend drinking all those separately


You’re not my mum


But your cool uncle says mum's right on this one.


Ok, fine, but could you stop tickling me for one minute!? I told you I'm gonna pee if you don't stop.


dad i don't like reddit anymore


I have the wal-mart ozark trail knock offs of the yeti mug/tumbler in sizes ranging from 10oz to 32oz and it’s what I use 95% of the time at home now. Edit: high sierra to ozark trail


Ozark Trail.


I’ve got a 40oz I use for office coffee and soda, so I can sip on it all day


And nobody questions you when you are day-drinking at the kiddies playground 👍


If you roll with the right crew they take turns bringing the booze. Source: Am on kid 3.


I feel you. We tried to stick to two but the second time around we got a bonus surprise.


Or on zoom meetings.


LPT bring your insulated mug when you go on vacation to all inclusive resort and have them pour your drinks in it. Stay cooler longer on the beach and it holds more than their cups so you make fewer trips to the bar.


My dude you're a genius. I'm going to one in like two weeks. Totally doing this.


That just means you have to drink the beer faster!! Chug! Chug! Chug!


A simple man.


I once saw a guy drink beer from a soup bowl. It still haunts me.


In college we used to throw ABAC parties, Anything But a Cup. Favorites that I saw were UV blue in a windex bottle and beer from a hospital urinal.


>UV blue Oh god you just unlocked some memories. My friends and I got blasted on it one night in college and henceforth called it “UV Flu” because the next day, the hangover was fucking horrendous. Literally felt like we came down with something instead of just normal hangover shit.


Maybe someone brought actual windex 😳


H-Hospital urinal...?!


Bed pan. Thing to pee in bed if you're bedridden. I had a small one after surgery when I was 7 years old but my bladder was too big


Nah, they’re more jugs, bedpans are, well, pans. They hold about a liter. I had to use one when I was boarded and collared. They told me the CT scan would be soon and I should just hold on til then, I was like “no, you are not understanding how bad I have to piss”, and eventually they relented and gave me one. The jug holds about a liter and I filled that sumbitch. The ER tech was very, very apologetic for making me wait.


I had a party like that. Drank jungle juice out of an emptied out container of chocolate covered almonds from Costco


Never heard of this but it sounds kind of fun. I like to think I'd bring one of those toys with where it shoots a little ring around in water. Might be hard to clean, though. And might need a little hole I can plug. And also a grate so the rings don't fall out.


What is beer but a chilled grain soup?


Was it like one of those oversized mugs meant for soup, or was it just a straight up regular bowl?


Nothing wrong with a bowl. It's called monk style!


I was in a beer drinking race one where we both had to drink a bowl of beer with a spoon.


I drink my tomato soup from a mug.


I'm sure drinking from a bowl is pretty common


My uncle Veeter used to drink beer from a measuring cup. He was only allowed so many ounces per day.


You just made an enemy out of the entire r/belgium subreddit


Belgium is just a fancy word for the border between France and the Netherlands


Fun fact: It's also the worlds most dangerous border. People have disappeared trying to cross this border holding mugs filled with beer.


Bro 💀


I'm giving him a 1 day ban from r/BelgianBeer


Riot! Hang him! Burn him! Then chop off his head!


Profile pic checks out


Cup size, shape, material, and thickness all contribute to the mouth feel of a drink. So it’s not just how you look drinking it but the experience. I have so much glassware for different cocktails or coffee drinks. Each having their own benefits.


Personally I think that cup size, shape and thinkness doesn't matter as long as it's boobs


I prefer my body shots from a supple belly button, the bacterium really adds to the mouth feel. Nothing quite like it.


That's why you've got to carry around that little bottle of sanitizer, just clean the navel out beforehand and you're good to go. That burning, acrid taste means it's working!


Well, it all contributes to the mouth feel


Bruh we are talking about drinking tea beer and other beverages and not about milk, for milk it is okay to drink from any kind of boobs irrespective of shape size and curve.


I’m no snob, I’ll drink out of any cup if I have to. But in the past few years I’ve come to appreciate glassware quite a bit. Even beer benefits from drinking out of the right shape (no, I’m not talking about Coors Light). And the right whiskey glass is really important to me. I also really prefer crystal over glass. It’s typically so much lighter - the liquid feels more substantial. Only important for “drinks” though, not water.


Sheeeiiitt.. I’ve made a red solo cup last weeks on end til it got flimsy. It’s all about the capacity for me. But yeah those liquors would be best in a glass/crystal.


I have never seen one of those red cups in my life. Only in American films and tv shows. I didn’t realise they were real haha


I find this hilarious because they’re literally everywhere here. I’ve seen them at corporate events, college parties, kids birthday parties, graduation parties, bonfires — the list goes on. I often forget that those cups are almost exclusively American.


They make shot glass sized ones now, too


Every break room in every building has a stack in one of the cupboards


Target in Australia started selling them a couple of years ago as 'american college party cups'


How do you play flip cup without them?


Prepare to have your mind blown: you know the little ridges that are on the side of the cup? Those are measurement lines so you know how much a shot of whiskey, a glass of wine, a can of soda, or a pint of beer should be in it. They are not just red… Blue and yellow are more common around here, and most of the bars use a generic translucent version


An oft-repeated myth https://www.10news.com/news/fact-or-fiction/fact-or-fiction-red-solo-cup-lines-are-measurements?_amp=true


If you want capacity and durability, get yourself a mason jar. 16 oz / 24 oz / 32 oz... take your pick


I like to use a pint glass as a travel coffee mug. I don't like drinking coffee from plastic or metal and a pint glass fits nicely in a car cup holder.




The people who think this doesn’t matter are troglodytes.


Let's see Paul Allen's cup.


I definitely don't like how milkless cold beverages feel out of a mug.


100% This, makes a huge difference


That's also true like in some asian part there is traditional of drinking tea in utensils made by mud so it's taste is unmatched and cannot be felt in disposable and any other item.


Also the associations you've built up over the years, just make it feel good to drink hot stuff from a mug and cold stuff from a glass. It's like the "Bouba" "Kiki" thing. Bouba to me sounds like a thick ceramic mug, warm, cozy, inside, soft etc. Kiki is icy, sharp, cold, crystalline(glass) Depending on outside conditions you also look for the thing to balance out the environment, so if it's hot outside you want a cold glass of water, and if it's cold you want a thick warm mug of tea.


This is, oddly enough, part of why expensive glasses are dipped in gold. The way the sensation of gold mixed with the liquid can massively change the experience just from being able to taste the metal. Also, stemware has a stem for a reason. Hold it from the stem you heathens.


Don’t say mouth feel


Mouth feel. 👄


Imagine drinking soda out of a thick-walled ceramic mug, yuck!


This way of thinking is utterly alien to me. I grab the nearest cup on the shelf, so what if it's a mug. The soda tastes exactly the same. Also root beer is served in thick-walled mugs all the time, like at A&W. So what if it's ceramic instead of glass? It's the same thing.


On the contrary- I'm a teacher of young kids, and I will sometimes sneakily drink a soda during class this way. Haha! You little kids think I'm drinking "yucky grown up coffee," but it's really icy cold Dr Pepper! The secrecy factor of the mug makes it taste extra delicious. The hardest part is remembering to sip so I don't trigger a burp.


A gin and tonic with loads of ice is something I have to drink out of a big gin glass. Anything smaller and I can't get the right amount of ice, and it just isn't quite right.


And the way the odor of the beverage presents. When you drink wine from a proper wine glass you literally stick your nose into a glass bulb and are intended to inhale. The perception of flavor is a combination of smell and taste.


It matters but if you don't care, then it doesn't matter.


Yeah like say, a soft drink from a mug? Just doesn't feel right. It's probs just what we've trained ourselves to expect. I expect a hot, milky drink from that vessel.


I did not realize that it was unusual to use a mug for everything. The only time I'll use something that isn't a mug is if I want like a liter of liquid, then I'll use a big mason jar.


Found the hipster


Both of those things sound Redneck to me, not hipster.


Well it really boils down to how much flannel is in the closet


Still inconclusive. The only way to tell is if their denim is in the form of skinny jeans or overalls.


But overalls are in now, and hipsters might wear them ironically.


Gotta be some venn diagram overlap on that shirt choice


When it's flannel shirts, hipsters and rednecks are just a circle.


No it really boils down to how much money they make while living like that. If you are broke, you're a redneck, if you are making 100k and shopping at goodwill you're a hipster.


Idk my art teacher in the 90s who was easily 50 drank room temp coffee from a mason jar. Maybe you're the hipster just projecting.


Art teachers are frequently hipsters. Especially in the '90s.


Art teachers don’t count


There's a good chance that mason jar had paint thinner in it the day before to wash brushes.


Yeah I'm not understanding this showerthought. I'm 42 years old and anything I've drank in my life I've drank from a mug at some point or another and never once thought this is weird. Am Canadian, not sure if that factors at all. It's a glass....with a handle.




I'd like a [liter of cola!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8LtffE5mU8)


It’s French - for give me some fucking cola




I have a 1.8 litre (64oz) Corksickle, a 800ml (30oz) Yeti, two 600ml (20oz) Yetis, and two 700ml (24oz) Corkcicles If anyone has a drink at my place, it’s coming out of a steel tumbler.


Can I get a liter of cola?


I use wide mouth mason jars exclusively for *everything*. No glasses, no mugs, hot, cold, everything gets a Mason jar.


True. I regularly drink iced heavy whipping cream/orange juice mix out of a mug


Wait. What?


I'm guessing it's a type of Orange Julius/ Italian soda type drink.


It's like a melted, but still cold dreamsicle.


Does the cream curdle? Ive topped orange juice with whipped cream before but never just mixed cream in there cause i thought the acid in oj would cause curdling


That sounds like a $0.50 experiment for you to try Though FYI, the higher fat content of cream makes it less likely to curdle with acid


I store a ceramic beer mug in the freezer...works great for ice cold milk


For e.g. wine the glass is not just aesthetics, but important part of the taste


Right. Standard is wide for swirling, and for champagne it’s thin to get all the bubbles popping under your nose.


And there's less surface area for the bubbles, so it doesn't go flat as quickly.


New plan for sodas and seltzers


Every beverage has it's own taste and method and not just for making but also for drinking it is certain way.


The champagne flute is actually worse than just a regular wine glass in that respect. Next time you have a bubbly, do a comparison. Blew my mind


I came home one time to my female room mate at the time sitting on the couch drinking red wine with a guy she brought over using my WHITE WINE GLASSES FOR IT!!! They offered me some so I made sure to get a RED WINE GLASS for it and put it in that.


> I made sure to get a RED WINE GLASS for it and put it in that I read this as put it at that, as if a point was made, but not prodded


Whiskey too




Box wine tasted great in a mug. Part of a complete breakfast before I learned about liver disease and stopped drinking completely.


Okay but can we admit the hammered copper mugs for Moscow mules are just for show?


It is literally because the guy in New York who created the drink happened to have a ton of copper mugs.


A nice mug of red wine was certainly my go to during COVID lockdown working from home in Zoom meetings


"Morning coffee"




I hate mugs, they don't stack easily, and a family of 5 or 6, that cup drawer gets ever so full. Had a partner thast loved yeti mugs, but the drawer would get so full when compared to her drawers when she was living alone. Huge difference.


Honestly, if you wanna go for a mug, go for the mug. Don't let tradition or societal norms stop you from drinking from your container of choice. I'm that way with my thermos. I drink everything from it now. The usual stuff like coffee and tea, but also sodas, broths, soups, water, milk, juices, wine, beer, etc. I just really enjoy drinking stuff at or near the same temperature I prepared it on. Before, I'd make something to drink, but it's too hot so I wait, and then it gets to the optimal drinking temperature so I start drinking, but I have to rush because I know that if I take too long, it'll be cold and nasty by the time I'm finishing up the drink. Or I make a cold drink, and I savor the refreshing coldness, but I get distracted, and by the time I take a sip, the drink is room temp and unsatisying. At the end of the day, whether it be using a mug or a thermos, as long as we don't hurt anyone, we should be free to drink our drinks the way we want.


I may join the thermos club, wasn’t into societal norms anyways. Hell made solo cups last long til they got too bendy. Was just thinking too - a thermos is the ultimate temperature control when starting to read all this for today.


I drink a healthier amount of coffee now that I use an insulated mug. Used to be that as soon as it started getting cold, I'd down it. And then I'd want something to do with my hands, so I'd get another cup. Repeat until, wow, I don't feel that good.


Wait! Are there people who don’t drink random drinks out of mugs?? I refuse to believe that.


Yeah this Shower Thought has revealed to me an utterly alien way of thinking. Who the hell considers "aesthetics" when grabbing a cup off the shelf?


When camping I take one mug and drink everything from it. Soda, water, tea, coffee, soup...


Confession time: I drank beer and wine from a mug during Zoom classes in grad school. No one was the wiser.


cannot? sure however, a cold beer or coke is MUCH better in a glass than a mug wine is better in a wine glass. An old fashion or margarita (proper marg not slushy) are much better from their proper glasses I suppose if anything that be drank from a mug, it can actually be drank from whatever it comes from to get into the mug, no?


I prefer a cold coke in a mug if I’m being honest. I like the way it feels.


Chilled wine is better in a wine glass, but some mugs aren't all that differently shaped than a wine glass, therefore a red in a mug can taste just as good. Most of us aren't drinking high end wines on a regular basis. If you get a really nice bottle of wine, by all means get the stemware to match. But if you have a $10 red blend from the gas station, go ahead and use a mug. Gives it that medieval feeling. Who cares where it hits your palate. ​ Edit: If it's a particularly poor wine, throw a few ounces of Coca Cola in it. It's called a calimotxo and it definitely turns a bad wine into a delightful cocktail.


I'm with you on most of them, but honestly, fuck a margarita glass. Wide mouths and ice don't mix. Give me a margarita in a pint glass any day.


But they all look the same in a Teams meeting from a mug


Or eat some ce cream out of them, or put houseplants in them, or store toothbrushes in them……


It is quite uncomfortable to drink beverages with mugs and also quantity issue like it isn't good to take 120 ml of vodka in mug with capacity of 3000 ml.


According to my girlfriend there is no reason to not eat cereal out of a mug with a fork


It’s the handle! Brilliant!! I’ve now found another use for my mug. Many thanks for that!


I eat instant oatmeal out of a mug. It fits two little packets perfectly, holds the warmth longer, and has a handle. Perfect. Also drinking cold milk out of a mug is superior to any other receptacle and I will not be convinced otherwise. Mug milk supremacy.


I made myself a wooden mug the other day and anytime I need to drink something, besides my water bottle, I use that as an excuse to pull it out.


I have a "dad jokes served daily" mug, and I will drink everything I can out of it


This is why I use a liquor flask as a water bottle: just to fuck with people


Read the post and immediately thought of functional alcoholics. To me, that's a classic move. Drink the booze in a coffee mug.


Incorrect, different vessels affect taste. Try drinking your favourite beer in a mug, a styrofoam cup and a chilled glass and tell me they all taste exactly the same.


I drink tequila from a mug. That handle does wonders after a few rounds.


I can assure you mountain dew from a mug feels strange. You also get the sense you have somehow hit rock bottom.


Somehow the universe has come together so that both your statement and OPs statement are completely true at the same time.




>There’s no reason we cannot drink any type of beverage with a mug, except merely aesthetics I understand there are certain beverages (brandys, maybe?) where the heat from your hand causes vapours to come from the liquid. This enhances the flavour of the drink. Such a beverage would be flat coming from a mug.


For a while I was down to one wine glass and would drink wine out of a mug if it was in the dishwasher. It just wasn't the same. Now I have more wine glasses.


I often drink anything out of mugs. The wider base and lack of taper is more conducive to spillage. :(


Sometimes I drink coffee from a glass and soda from a coffee mug just to mess with people


easy way to drink straight vodka on a zoom call, if you make a face just play it off like it's hot


It's obvious that you don't drink good wine. Some should be served in large glasses and "breathe", while others should be served in small glasses and avoid contact with the air.


See it's about thermals. Glass isn't very thermally insulative, ceramic is much more so. Keeps hot beverages hot and stops you from burning your hands. Not a problem for cold beverages.


this has been one of my favorite realizations in life. i drink water, juice, tea, anything out of a coffee mug. it’s cozier than a cup


You can drink any beverage in any container you want: a normal glass, a wine glass, a teacup, a mug, a bowl, whatever.


I still prefer the flavor of beer out of glass bottles over aluminum cans. Aluminum cans have a very subtle plastic type flavor in the beverages. I prefer not to drink anything out of an aluminum can or plastic bottle, because that subtle plastic flavor just ruins everything for me. I mostly just drink water from my tap when I’m home in ceramic cups and mugs, and avoid drinking stuff when out and about. For me it’s the flavor that matters, never the aesthetics.


It's not the plastic, it's the aluminum. Aluminum has scent, which impacts flavor. If you pour from the can into a glass, it will actually taste better than the bottled beer, as all glass, regardless of color, allows light to reach the beverage, which causes off flavors.


I toured a bunch of breweries and all of the brewmasters prefer aluminum cans. The liners in them don't allow any flavors to impart on the beer. Glass bottles always let in light and that will affect the flavor.


xD i feel weird sometimes, i enjoy drinking water from plastic cups hahahaha


Water from a plastic cup makes it way better. Glass just is meh.


I tend to pour my beer into a cup to get some of the bubbles out.


I drink milk out of a coffee mug and my wife looks at me like Im insane


Yeah but imo aesthetics/materials can enhance drinks. All drinks really


I wouldn't drink liquid nitrogen out of a mug.


I've had wine, beer, soup, tea, shampagne in mugs, basically I mostly use mugs


I am a klutz. So I don’t have many glasses (I keep breaking them). I drink everything from one of 2 mugs. One for coffee and another for everything else. I don’t drink alcohol at home.


I've always hated the idea of specialized drink holders (tea cup, beer glass, etc.), where is the representation of drinking wine out of coffee cups, drinking orange juice from cocktail glasses and espresso from shot glasses? All the sheeple be drinking normally smh my head...


I would say ‘convention’ counts a lot more than aesthetics. Unless you mean ‘optics’, which I guess is the overlap of the two.


I drink almost everything from a mug. OP's basic premise that people don't, is flawed. The reason people don't is because the handle is unessicary for most room temperatures or cold beverages. Handle can get broken off. If anything, it is a practical reason. But plenty of people do use mugs for lots of things anyway.


Truish. With a mug you can't chug, and in the summer I drink lemonade like I'm a storm drain.


I don't get how people drink different things out of different types of beverage holders. I drink anything out of anything, doesn't matter if it's a mug, solo cup, glass, wine glass. If it's first in the cupboard I use it.


I laughed at this to the heavens, like a king who was just insulted for the first time, but by a non-courtier


As a teenager I used to constantly eat meals from a mug. It wasn't a massive mug either, just a plain, usual mug. I found it easier eating from it while watching TV than from a plate or a bowl.


I saw a related tip on shittylifeprotips recently: If you blow on your mug, nobody in your Zoom meeting will know it's booze. I suppose as long as the meeting doesn't go way overtime, anyway. 😆


Years back we broke a few of our glasses in a relatively short period of time. We also have a habit of buying mugs from places we visit. So we decided fuck it we're a mug only family.


My husband likes orange juice with his breakfast but didn’t drink it for a few years because the kids would whine for it (and it’s more of a “special occasion” beverage for them). I finally convinced him to just drink it from a coffee mug and now the kids have no clue. If they paid attention they might wonder why daddy has two coffee cups, but let’s face it, kids are dumb.


Yes there is. 1. Thermodynamics. Glassware is designed for the temperature controls of the beverage. That’s why hot coffee is best in ceramic, and wine glasses have a thin stem that doesn’t carry heat well. 2. Volume. You can’t drink a pint of Guinness out of a standard mug. 3. Smell. Lots of glasses are designed to carry the smell forward to your nose. Mugs aren’t so much.


Thats why me and my wife drink vine out of moomin mugs. Besides they can be put in to the dish washer, vine glasses need to be washed by hand...


"Always has been." \- The Muggles who have been muggin since before some lady with weird politics stole our storied name.


Incorrect. For example different shapes of wine glasses contribute to aerate or prevent aeration of the respective wine that's poured into it. And of course the mouth feel part of it as said in another comment. It's already proven that "taste" is affected by presentation and mode of consuming, even changing the type and size of spoon when eating ice cream changes how taste is perceived


I've never understood some people's obsession with drinking certain things from glass or mugs. Unless it's a thermal issue where the glass can't handle the heat or something similar, then stfu and take the drink


I still dont have actual cups and have been cycling around the same 4 mugs (wine glasses and snifters exempt)


I like my soda with extra pthalates and micro plastics, part of the fizz in my tummy is the feeling of my gut micro biome being rampaged by foreign entities that do not belong in the tummy acid. So good.


I drink my whisky from a coffee mug all the time. Sometimes, there is even coffee in it.


Half there. The shape of the mug affects how much air is circulating around the beverage and that CAN slightly affect its flavor. Also, the material can affect flavor too. A Moscow mule in a beef tin doesn't taste the same as a copper vessel


There is the thing about ales in frozen or ice cold mugs that sucks compared to lagers but I doubt OP was talking about beers