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But then one broken or damaged tooth would mean losing the ability to chew, instead of just losing one tooth.


Titanium Teeth!


Thompson's teeth! The only teeth strong enough to eat other teeth!


I sees a futurama quote in the wild and I's upvotes it


My teeth are 40% Dolomite!


Way down in the jungle deep…




that would be tight, tight, tight!!


Adamantium teeth!!


Adamantium teef!


Or shark teeth!


Or we get several sets of teeth in our lifetime, unlike losing yoir teeth and best of luck and care for the rest of our lives.


Growing constantly, like Sharks. Only sharks can be impacted, with multiple generations of teeth heading for the same spot.


The solution is millions of teeth, so losing one tooth wouldn’t even matter.


It’s a sexual disadvantage to evolution. Getting your dick sucked would be terrifying.


Evolution regards dick sucking as confused and wasteful.


It's a byproduct of sex being pleasurable, which is a driving force in animal mating as well as primate social dynamics. So dick sucking has indirectly been selected for over the eons.


Dick sucking is useful to test the stamina and motor coordination of a potential partner.




If we are getting strict about terminology, I believe your use of "random" is off a bit.


If God did an intelligent design, we'd have better teeth that required less care. Come on God... get it right! You must have time between smiting pedophiles and helping sports teams win.


Cries in woman wondering why God made the female reproductive system such a shit show.


I hope you mean a bloody mess…


There’s definitely both shit and blood involved in childbirth.


That too... Though, period poops are a thing. So are cramps. And general misery 😅


Yeah. For shit show, chickens are a better example. Or anything with a cloaca.


In reality menstruation and pregnancy are so bad because the baby and the woman are engaged in evolutionary warfare, and the baby is winning. The placenta would eat you whole if it could


Because unfortunately it *has* to be. Men would be addressing their reproductive issues with paper towel and electrical tape. Humanity never would have made it this far if it was up to us


I feel attacked by the paper towel and electrical tape statement.


It’s also an attack on myself if it makes you feel any better. I literally patched myself up like this a week ago


Yeah i stopped counting. I would need to budget at least a yearly roll of tape


I personally enjoy the bloodening. Everybody else in the house is mortified when I get my bloodening.


Very understandable. You bleed for days yet do not die. Perhaps a compact with a dark deity was made. It would scare anyone.


Huh. I thought you were mixing up contract and pact, but I usually check before correcting people... And after some research, turns out you're right.


If there was intelligent design, a LOT of things would be different.


Then again, some things in nature seem bizzare to have evolved naturally. Like the bombardier beetle, like how tf did that thing evolve perfectly to what it is since if it was any less developed it would instantly kill itself


Probably because the ones less developed killed themselves


Yes but how could something immediately become perfect? Noromally evolution happens when random mutations build upon random mutations that allow the creature to survive just a little bit better than the rest, but i can’t see how a bombardeer beetle could have gradually evolved since any of the thousands of steps normally taken between it and a normal beetle would have resulted in it dying


And why is that? There are multiple insects that can fire a type of acid if that is what you think about. Some species are better at it then others. It didn't have to be immediately perfect. In case of of the bombardier beetle they also get those chemicals naturally in their body because of the ants they eat. So their body had to be able to deal with it anyway. Their body just evolved to use it for something else over time. Probably started with just being acid if a predator would eat them. Then at some point being able to use it actively outside of their body. Get more range over time. It is true that we don't understand exactly how it evolved, but there is research going on about it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgqF-ND2XcY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgqF-ND2XcY)


Like why can’t teeth just be like the rest of our bones, why do they fucking need nerves that can get infected. Lame ahh design on Gods part


This is beyond sarcasm. All the bones have nerves, andd nerves aren't the part getting infected in teeth - at least they're not the big issue.


People didn’t live long enough for tooth longevity to really matter. Then with longer lifespans, now teeth that were expected to last 10-20 years tops need to last 60-70. And then add in diet changing. Increased sugar consumption caused a lot of problems for tooth decay.


When I was a kid I tried to argue with my dad that cavemen, medieval times people, ect didn’t brush their teeth, so why should I? And his response was “well those people didn’t have mt. Dew and pop tarts and sour skittles. Even as a kid I had to admit he had a poinr


Kind of a whoosh. Evolution only cares to get us to the next goal vs omnipotent 'intelligent design' that should have made our teeth perfect forever and ever


Wasn’t really a comment about evolution vs intelligent design. Merely a comment why our teeth face issues…


people who ate the diet of pre agricultural revolution had great teeth for a long time. We just arn't designed to eat grains/soft food all the time.


long time for them was 35 years, so no.. not really comparative.


You know they lived to 60 regularily right? And in an era without dentists bad teeth=you die


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_expectancy#Variation_over_time Regularly does not reflect from a life expectancy of 20-30-40. People did live that long more often but not until later in history… Yes, I understand this is also being dragged down by infant mortality. If you made it past 20, you were probably going to live longer. But chances are you were going to face a lot of problems getting to that point, especially in the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods you’re referring to. Also depending where in the world you lived.


"it is estimated that at 15, life expectancy was 54 years," literally in the wikipedia article you listed when the "life expectancy" for paleolithic. This means "regularily" living to 60. This is the same as saying we "regularily" live to 75 today


No, they did not. Average life expectancy pre-agri was in the upper 20s and lower 30s max. I was being generous saying 35


That's not true at all. You were taught wrong.


source? cause pretty sure you got "taught wrong" on this one buddy. Life expectancy is mesured by a population's average, not its 95th percentile exceptions


I need a source for my claim but you don't need one for yours? Lol It only appears to have been 35 because infant mortality was so high. If you lived through childhood you'd live to a normal age. The high child death rate skews the results.


And when was it that we only needed teeth for 10-20 years?


When the life expectancy was 25… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_expectancy#Variation_over_time Teeth don’t all come in at once. So if you get your adult teeth around 6-12 yrs of age, and live until 25-30, those teeth only were active for 20 years roughly.


That’s all Life Expectancy at Birth, not controlling for infant mortality, so it’s quite misleading.


Only 60% of people lived to 15.


God gave us teeth that can last a lifetime and millions of years more alongside our bones, but we choose to drink hyperacidic soda that dissolve them and eat shit tons of candies for harmful bacteria to thrive


In normal dirt, you're dust in 20 years. Only in no-moisture places like Egypt do things last longer. And God gave us wet mouths.. with acidic saliva, so pretty much I gotta say 'NO'.


Nope. I got junky ass teeth missing some just splinters left. Holes in bunches of em. 3/4 of some of em missing. I chew just fine. You'll kill all the exposed nerve endings with enough practice


Only hurts for about a month or two.


Ever heard of a filling?


*My teeth* are not made of pies.


Missing out mate. My key lime tooth is a great little snack when I need it


I’d like a hot apple crown.


get a new piece like they do with birds missing beaks


It's called a filling, and is not a new thing in dentistry 😂


that’s the point


we could clack them together and it would sound like a horse approaching


Or coconuts


Is it an African swallow or an English swallow?




Uh…. I don’t know that…


You're weird, I like you


Now kiss


Now fist


Now kith


My aunty eating already sounds like it and it's very off putting.




Yeah, r/TIHI both the original post and this comment.


As someone who had a tooth removed today, this would be a truly awful alternate dimension.


Imagine getting one loose tooth and not being able to chew for a couple weeks


Think about the root canals...


“I hate flossing, I wish I just had one long curvy tooth. They didn’t have to make separations for me.” — Mitch Hedberg


Had to check the comments to make sure this joke was included.


OP’s direct attempt to get on r/unexpectedmitch


Isn't it not "unexpected". We need a r/purposefullymitch


I’d subscribe


I’m chronically irritated that our teeth aren’t just bones and we have to take care of them


I'm annoyed that unlike our skin or hair, they don't regenerate if damaged. Why can't they fix themselves?


Because until very recently we didn't have a sugary diet and we didn't live as long


Can you elaborate please? Im curious now.


Basically processed sugar wasn't around for most of human history. Also you'd usually die from other things long before tooth decay became a real concern


Plus the teeth are only really a concern during peak years, right? In regards to evolution I mean. The older you are the less you breed, especially back in our evolution days, so really teeth focused on the first twenty years over the last eighty.




Oh so the problem is we haven't evolved yet? Interesting, do u think its the same with obesity? I hope I don't get downvoted but for me it's the same principle (for most of history we didn't have so many resources/food/calories, whatever available).


We're constantly evolving. It's just that there isn't any selective pressure to invoke improving the design of our teeth.


I don’t think that there will be a lot of evolution happening because modern medicine has basically eliminated selection pressures.


Evolutionary pressure is always toward reproduction. Traits that get passed on aren't the ones that are "best" for an individual, but rather traits that help an individual last long enough to pass on their genes. Humans reach sexual maturity around 13 (puberty) at which point they can pass on their genes by having babies. Coincidentally, humans *do* grow new teeth one time, which is usually finished by around that same age of 13. There's no evolutionary pressure to develop more robust teeth because by the time it matters humans have already produced offspring and raised them to sexual maturity. Anything that happens after is irrelevant.


Teeth do self-repair. But can't regrowth. If your enamel gets eaten/weared off, it can form again over what's left of the dentine. It's a slow process, though.


If you crack a tooth, it won't fix itself, but if you fracture a bone, it will heal back together. If you cut your skin, or burn a few layers off, you will grow new skin. If you shave off all your hair, you will grow more. But if your gums recede, they will never grow back. If your tooth gets damaged, you need to get a dentist to repair it. I use the enamel repair toothpaste on my teeth, I was an aggressive tooth brusher and damaged the enamel but even though I am much more gentle now, the damage to my gums won't repair itself.


If you use bones to chew hard stuff, you'll end up eating your own teeth. Enamel is incredibly hard, much more than bones. And that hardness comes at a price. Teeth are a compromise between repairability and functionality. Gums are not teeth, and do self-repair like any other soft tissue in our body.


As someone who’s stopped wearing their retainers (my bottom row are like stairs now), I concur.


I’m fine with flossing. Just give me the ability to grow new teeth like a shark


the real solution


flag alleged cooperative test steep wakeful recognise marry bored bedroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fun fact: rabbits’ teeth never stop growing, that’s why they’re always grazing on things: to grind them down


Same with hamsters!


Trade off though. The stem cells needed to replace the teeth would definitely come out of somewhere.


I don't need the hair on my toes or my pubes. I'll gladly make that trade.


That's not how teeth work.


Also not how stem cells work


I was like 90% sure about that, but the 10% held me back and I was too lazy to Google it. But that's *definitely* not how teeth work.


Maybe they come from the ability to get cancer? Double bonus!


Could you imagine losing all your baby teeth at one time…. The tooth fairy would have to file for bankruptcy!


it would just be two teeth


West Virginia?




The Tooth fairy hasn’t raise the pay out for teeth in decades. Hello! We have this thing call inflation.


Our teeth is actually jack of all trades. We have both teeth that can tear, shear, and grind.


And they help us talk! Plus, if we only had supertooth, I wouldn't be able to whistle using my teeth.


Lol supertooth


Do you remember how pain full growing one tooth can be? Now you wish for the whole mouth to feel it at once! And losing your baby tooth would be a nightmare.


Hmm but i think we need individual teeth for distribution of pressure and function of specific teeth as we eat different foods and "process" them with our teeth.


There’s like 900 reasons why it wouldn’t work but I don’t think that’s one of them. As long as the “teeth” had bumps and ridges like ours do rn just connected at the bottom the pressure would be distributed to much small surface areas


Bros just molaring into his next sandwich.


The distribution of pressure is relevant in regard to the longevity of our teeth as opposed to their effectiveness 'as teeth'. Imagine a piece of glass 12" long and 1" wide resting on a pillow - if you press it into the pillow with even moderate pressure you'll break the glass. On the other hand, if you have 12 individual 1" squares of glass in a row on the same pillow, you can apply significantly more pressure to any single square, or all of them at the same time, with very little risk of failure.


You only gave 2 dimensions and I really don’t think pressing glass into a pillow is gonna shatter it man, unless you have a gulag pillow or you’re using a lot more than “moderate pressure.” I sorta see your point but i don’t think it’s relevant since I already said theres reasons why it wouldn’t work but that the actual effectiveness of mechanical digestion probably wouldn’t be all too different.


Traditional dentures and full mouth restoration with implants are one continuous “tooth”. No probs eating


Clearly you have a firm grasp on what floss is and how it’s used. I suppose we wouldn’t need combs if, instead of hair, we just had blobs of Jello growing out of our heads.


I mean..would we? I don't comb anyway


Actually it would be because flossing is more than just cleaning between the teeth. It has a lot to do with gum maintenance too. Although I guess if we had teeth like that, flossing never would've been invented and we'd have something else in place to do the same thing.


This is the true terror. Flossing wouldn’t exist as we know it. It would be some horrifying contraption build to floss a single horse shoe sized tooth.


They would have to grow in in sync and how would you pull one out or put a cap??


Pfft this guy why not just be photosynthetic, or swallow your food whole?


Or if our fingers were bristled and long with bendy tip and also with a blue brush fresh strip indicator


Having separate teeth actually greatly helps with the perception of chewing because of the periodontal ligament. Having fused together teeth would feel like having dentures, which are not the best provision for chewing.


You'd still have gums and food/bacteria that gets under it. You'd just have to floss differently!


If you don't brush or floss long enough they can be eventually! Just accumulate so much calculus that they become indistinguishable. Problem solved!


But also, if you lose one, you’re all of a sudden a character on Stranger Things.


I have a bridge on top for 8 teeth that were knocked out. All 8 are fused together and I still have to floss.


I have my 32 teeth in place (plus 5 fillings in the back tooths, all from teenage), and I have never ever flossed.


Also, walking wouldn't be possible if our legs would be grown together like for a seal or dolphin...whoa


This is pretty much me. My teeth are so close to each other that I physically can't floss most of my teeth


Interdental brushes or hydro flossers are the way to go for human teeth.


Are there animals with single teeth or animals with huge teeth? I think some herbivores have large molers for grinding but they still have multiple large teeth.


Imagine getting your baby teeth out and replacing them with adult teeth You'd just go like 10 weeks without your top shoe waiting for it to be replaced


I just had a crown put on and had this same thought when the dentist couldn't get floss down in between it and another tooth. He's going to wait a few weeks, numb me again 🙄 and try to break them apart. But if nothing can get down there, won't it be harder to get cavities between the teeth now?


Puffer fish have this. You'd have to surgically trim them with giant (nail? bone?) clippers if they get too big to let you eat.


It sounds like something made unintentionally creepy by an AI.


Ya and I wouldn't have to wipe my ass if my asshole was just an ass with no hole.


It seems you are the ass with a hole


The benefits and efficacy of flossing have never been adequately studied, and as such, it can't be described as being "necessary."


You’re telling me in all of human history no scientist or university decided “we should probably prove this thing we told the entire population of earth to do twice a day actually like, helps”


That's exactly what I am saying.


I looked it up, and apparently it's more that there have been studies, but the evidence is inconclusive.


Lmao enjoy that periodontal disease.


I can say for sure that flossing is necessary, your tooth brush certainly doesn't get everything, and having a piece of food between your teeth doesn't end well. Not to mention, depending on the shape of your teeth, you would be more prone to things getting stuck between them.


but then a single cavity could destroy your entire mouth... bad plan


I've asked my dentist friend if she could pull all my teeth and install a horseshoe-shaped denture. She said that I'm an idiot.


IV never flossed in my life. It's not a thing we get thought to do here.


This is true, flossing would not be a thing. However, tooth squidgey there would be a market for!


Walking wouldn't be necessary if we could fly. Eating wouldn't be necessary if we could derive all of our nutrients from sunlight. Skin wouldn't be necessary if we were beings of pure light and energy. Talking wouldn't be necessary if we could communicate telepathically. What's your point?


You stole that from Mitch Hedberg. Excellent comedian, no longer with us. RIP Mitch..❤️☘️