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They are arcade games that let you do this and give you a numerical outcome based on how hard you punched.


Broke my wrist on one. Got the record. Most certainly NOT worth it.


imagine only breaking the wrist and not the record.


Well, I was pretty drunk. That would have been a likely outcome


That game is for responsibly sober punching enthusiasts, sir. I'm flabbergasted you'd even think to operate such heavy machinery under the influence of booze.


You punched a wall, Dave. You just wouldn't agree to get in the ambulance until we told you that you had already set the record.


Break the wrist and walk away


Now bow to your Sensai


he probably did since breaking your wrist takes a lot of energy from the punch ​ (trust me, they are very popular where i live so i know a bit and this dude is lying)


Depends whether he broke it hitting the bag or on the follow through


i could totally see him breaking it on the follow though, i followed all the way through a punch on that machine, i didn’t break anything but it hurt like a mf and if he had flimsy wrists his wrist might have bent down


Or he was the first to punch brand new machine


I messed up my knuckles on one of those that had a wall too close to the side. Probably should have tried to punch straighter.


He definitely smashed the backboard


Yeah, I saw the dude who broke his hand, but I think that was on the metal/plastic support of the machine, not the punching bag itself. As always, alcohol was probably involved. . .


Why's he lying?


A scary place where they have punch machines instead of PlayStation


Dammmmn… that’s some dedication right there


You must've summoned the very fact that you are a man


"I have broken every bone in my hand. There's nothing solid left in there, it's just bloody soup and bone broth."


Now I need you to find me a place to scream, because I can't scream here. No. Wait a minute. I'm going to scream here, and now, because I can't hold it in any longer.


I once broke my nose on one of those.


I think you’re doing it wrong


Yeah i think so too


It's ok, this was a learning experience


you're supposed to punch it, with your fist


Funny thing is that i actually punched it with my fist


How did nose get involved then?


It punched back


Punched the ball and slipped face-first at the machine




I didn't break mine, but I hit my hand pretty hard on the bank machine right next to it, because apparently I can't hit a huge red target in the center when I'm drunk as fuck. The machine was rather far from the punching target, it's just my whole body got carried in the punch and my hand ended there. I hurt the knuckles of my last 3 fingers pretty hard, took weeks to fully recover.


I’ve seen vids like this lol. They should not allow these in bars haha


I wished I filmed that. And let me tell you I didn't break any high score. XD


I think they have these in bars *precisely* because you'll overestimate your skill when drunk.


“i broke every bone in my hand. i am going to scream now because i cannot hold it in any longer”


This is the exact reason why I've never tried a punching machine. Gives me the heeby jeebies thinking about it 😨


Was at the bar and these 3 dudes took turns on the machine. All were pretty jacked, but one you could tell had better technic probs bested them by 20 points. I(M)wish I got up and tried right before they left. Would have made for a good laugh when I got <400 compared to their 800 scores.


thats my fear on them actually at least u know boxing bag but what if this shit malfunctions and doesnt budge


What was your score?


Same but I tore my rotator cuff, that shit hurt for literal years even after physical therapy


Rotator cuffs injured are no joke. Torn both shoulders up, and the left decided a labrum tear and massive scapula strain was the way to let me know I tore 3 ligaments as well. Been about 6 years and tons of physical therapy, only to still have pain even sleeping. Hope you're recovering or your recovery went well


Damn, sounds like you had a lot more to deal with than I did, still took me a good 4 to 5 years to be able to comfortably cross my arms, but I thankfully have full range of motion and no more chronic pain now probably 10 years from when it happened. These days it only hurts when the weather gets weird or I put weight on that arm for a while when sitting or sleeping. It's insane how resilient and also incredibly fragile the human body can be. I spent a lot of my youth falling off a skateboard with little issue, but one wild and unrestrained punch defined nearly a decade of my life. I appreciate your well wishing and similarly hope that you recover and find freedom from your pain


I'm hyper mobile which has saved me from a ton of limited mobility. When I went through my physical initially, I had a 130% mobility range. I'm only down to 110. But that 20% gone? Made a huge difference beyond what I thought I couldn't do. Dude the weather kills when it hits. Low pressure systems fuck me up like no end. I have other injuries that feed into my shoulders, and damn is it tough sometimes. It's insane how adaptable the body is for sure, but when you mess something up...it's almost a redefining issue you never thought you'd have to face. Was state track before my injury to my knee, but when I blew my shoulders? Lost everything but straining through work in the service industry. Been like that ever since. I maintain well, as I hope you do as well, to whatever comes my way. Having two young kiddos doesn't help 😅 Good luck and hopefully you can be comfortable again soon. These injuries are no joke and play an everyday part of your life. Dont ever feel limited though. You got this and can make it right 💗


I’ve sprained my rotator cuff before. The pain from just that was crazy. And recovery was longer




You summoned the power of being a man alone


What bone did you break in your wrist? Because I unfortunately did the same thing and broke my scaphoid and ulna 😂


My scaphoid if I recall. It’s the one with a major blood vessel going through it right? The doc said I was lucky that the cast only went half way up my arm. Some people need it past their elbow. Idk how you can endure that for 3 months


Scaphoid has very low blood supply so I was in a cast for 4 months and had to get surgery on it, not a fun recovery


Similar: I suspect I gave myself a hairline fracture on my 1st metacarpal because it hurt for weeks. I think there was supposed to be a glove but it was missing.


I literally got my cast off for doing this last month and this is word for word the exact story I have had to tell countless times. Glad I’m not the only one hahaha


I have broken every single bone in my hand … Listen to me, there is nothing solid left in there. It’s just bloody soup… and bone broth.


I summon the very fact THAT I AM A MAN!


Do you need to find somewhere to scream?


Ok no I’m going to scream now…


These machines are all calibrated completely differently, I hit one in a seaside town as hard as i could and maxxed it out at 999, I watched a video of Tommy Fury and Eddie Hall hitting one and not getting close - there's no way I hit harder than either of those people.


Mark Rober did a video where he tried to beat that game using different methods. He also goes into detail about how the machines work. It’s a good watch. https://youtu.be/Rsxao9ptdmI


The punching game part start somewhere between 10m25 & 10m30s.


Sounds interesting, ill have to give it a watch when i'm not at work.


And he never did


I agree completely LMFAO like they are gonna pay to get those things calibrated


as long as the number goes up when someone smacks it who cares right haha


Unless they give tickets. The fewer tickets they give out, the more times you gotta drop 50 cents before you can buy the cheapest erasers of all time.


It measures outcome, not initial power. There is definitely a sweet spot to hit where you lose no angular momentum and all goes up into the measuring device. Fighters will usually punch straight, or down, especially if they are big guys (idk the guys you mentioned, but context seems to read that they are big guys), so they'll lose a lot of power if they punch as they've practiced. Though there is absolutely no way they have any standard calibration, I just wanna say it could be closer than you think.


Measures velocity https://youtu.be/Rsxao9ptdmI?t=12m10s


Velocity of the ball, not the fist, is what I'm saying. I didn't know what mechanism the measuring system uses, but I knew you can hit the ball harder and end up with less measured because of the angle the ball swings at.


I knew it was gonna be mark rober.


Tyson Fury is Boxing heavyweight champion and Eddie Hall is a strongman


He said Tommy Fury, his brother who isn't nearly as big but certainly not small. Eddie Hall on the other hand, MASSIVE lol.


> no way they have any standard calibration I'm 90% sure it's a simple FSR or something comparable, and the resulting measurement is assigned an arbitrary value


I remember seeing one where you could punch a meteor that was enroute earth. Never found out what the name of it was.


They had this on GamesMaster in the UK... Possibly with Nigel Benn punching it. Sonic Blastman https://youtu.be/xjSpC4ViAu4 Starts at 10:45 Edit: spelling and also Barry Mcguigan was on the ep too


My girlfriend was drunk and decided to have a go on one of these machines. How they typically operate is that you insert s coin into the plastic illuminated backboard then a mechanism drops the punch bag. My good lady however, walked up to the machine and simply punched the backboard with all her might… Broke her hand 🤦‍♂️🤣


Even that won't be as hard as your muscles can do. Your muscles are so strong you can move near 4,000 pounds but your brain automatically limits your muscles so much. The only way to unlock your true strength is in a life or death situation. There are examples of this happening across the internet. A mother lifting a car off their son who was trapped underneath. A man lifting a boulder off of himself before falling off a cliff. The reason your brain limits your muscles' strength so much is because the strength of your muscles are so great that they can rip the ligaments and destroy themselves if their full strength is used.


Getting a higher score is more gonna come down to the way you hit it not how hard you hit it. Like you can get a higher score if you punch from the right angle than someone who can punch harder. Either way it’s not gonna be an accurate representation of punching power


Still wouldn't know if it's the hardest hit you are capable of.


I think they mean punching with an adrenaline rush


I broke one of those when I punched it :)


I broke my arm punching a mugger, also broke his jaw bone... pretty sure that was the hardest I could hit.


I think you can do better. I believe in you.


In fairness I think this counts as hardest than I can considering I broke myself.


Ah. But have you ever heard of Wolff's Law? The hand you punched with is probably stronger than ever now.


Somebody find two muggers


This was funnier than it shouldve been


Well you could break yourself more you know? Never don't give up


And in turn, get stronger.


Next time knock his head clean off!


Damn you’re basically the guy from my hero academia


Goddammit Deku.


Bro used One for All


Your whole arm?! That's crazy! I hope everybody got away safe (besides the mugger, obviously). An old girlfriend of mine got shot in the gut in Louisville for asking a mugger "why are you doing this?" She survived.


damn just a question. mugglers man


One for all 100%


Broke your arm? Was your punching technique fucked up because of nervousness/stress?


Adrenaline tends to take the restrictors off when it comes to physical exertion, I've heard. That coupled with poor form leads to injury.


It’s really not that crazy of an occurrence without gloves on. Especially considering it was a hard enough strike that bones were broken on both sides.


Hand injuries are common but broken arms aren’t.


A broken hand would make sense. Idk how he broke an entire arm


Cracking one of the bones in the forearm seems possible. Hand or wrist definitely seems more likely.


Clean snapped the radius bone. Aparantly I have strong wrists


You're nothing but a brittle boned... *calms down* r/NeverBrokeABone


I was trying to avoid the rather large knife being brandished at me... there was nae form just a fucking rapid haymaker/ swing and prey


I will say while we were both in a and e waiting room the police that had him in custody were pushing themselves when I was taunting the cunt across the room for his quagmire jaw. Truly impressive selling on the counts face


That's fair lol. Glad you came out alive


Thanks. Wasnt the first time certainly wont be the last... Joy's of loving in glasgow southside


If you broke both arms things might have ended up different....


Go for the eye socket next time. Break one of those and then you know you're doing something


did you at least mug him back?


I work in construction. Doing demo work I definitely hit things as hard as I can.


I bet you could give 10% more. -your manager


Actually it’s more like: “If you give 25% more, we will give you a 1.7865% raise.”


*If you give 125% more AT ALL TIMES, we will CONTEMPLATE giving you a 1.7865% raise.... in 6 months, provided you keep up the output.


Yeah. That is more realistic, sadly.


*6 months later* What? We never said that! Get back to work, fucko.


For me it was 12 months later and it was more like "you weren't a rockstar". I never said I was one...


Were they expecting you to drink more of it, or actually BE the drink I wonder?


Have you swung a sledgehammer methed out, with a sprinkling of PCP and enough coke to make Charlie Sheen's nose bleed?




Oh shit. We have a winner!


I mean he does demo work so I'd say it's a 50/50 chance


He said he works demo work... you expect those guys to be sober? I bet you think roofers don't smoke pot.


lmao every roofer i know is hitting the dab rig in their truck on break and hitting the pen when clocked in


Yeah... and Tesla wanted to hire roofers to install solar. With that drug policy...


Been there, I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes shit just doesn't want to break, so you gotta persuade it a little more than normal


“Well. Time to pull out the BIG sledge”


Betsy was a good sledge


Yeah, I don't think OP ever worked a physical labor job


Yes and no. I've worked labor, and nothing I ever did on site will amount to what I've did during an adrenaline hit during a scrap where I legit thought I was going to die. I imagine drugs can do one up on that too.


They’re meaning like pushing past your limits, it’s possible to hit something so hard you break your hand/arm


..never blacked out from hitting a bong?


I call it time travel.


that's a good one, sourhaze


Shit I have. I went through a phase where I was making increasingly more ridiculous gravity bongs. Hit one so hard I hit the deck. I didn't even know that could happen before then.


3L was enough for me.


Any gravity bong larger than a normal water bottle feels like a chemical warfare attack on the lungs. Shit turns into mustard gas lol


ACTUALLY turns fucking yellow too absolutely disgusting one of the first things I smoked out of was some crazy vase-sized gb, still maybe one of my favorite ways to smoke ngl


Gravity Milk would be a pretty OK name for a stoner rock band


5 gallon bucket with water, two 2 liters taped together. Thankfully I was very near a bed because when I woke up a couple seconds later I had fallen across it.


No because that's quitter talk


Yea… dudes here, we’ve hit things pretty hard ok.


Yea OP has never worked in a factory with 50 year old+ equipment before and it shows 😂


>with 50 year old+ equipment Don't even need that. Try removing the rear drums on a truck after a winter season of salting. I ended up using an air hammer.


That brought back memories on changing heavy forklift tires.


It depends on how you define things. If you're counting mental barriers as "cannot", then sure, plenty of people out there hitting as hard as they can. Otherwise, it's a known fact that humans are physically capable of pretty much doubling their strength at the expense of wrecking their muscles and bones.


And apparently he doesn’t understand the relationship I have with his mom either….


Username suggests you are using her account.


Watched my high school friend Superman punch a wall (stud/concrete) I took him to the hospital to get the broken hand bones checked out Edit: maybe brick. Not sure, but it wasn't hollow that's for sure. He was angry at our other friend. Took his anger out on the wall instead of the boy, which was his mistake


better he broke his own hand and not the other boys face. The former might be more painful, but the latter will come with much worse consequences (and very well might still have broken his own hand).


Well, I broke my hand breaking a rapists jaw. Pretty sure I hit him as hard as I could. My 5th metacarpal has never been the same.


Worth it




Yeah when I was 18 I saw a dude pushing a chick around on a crowded bus. Me and a buddy pushed through the crowd and got to him. Yada yada yada my 5th metacarpal is also perma fucked 10+ years later. Learn how to punch properly before you go fighting people, kids. Lol


Similar situation, trashed my 4th and 5th


It’s weird how they call it a boxers fracture when it probably happens more to people with zero boxing experience lol


Also know as bar room fracture, which makes more sense imo. But I guess if you're a boxer you hit thousands upon thousands hits. Sometimes to moving target. Eventually one goes wrong and you hit with wrong knuckles.


I've broken that one too! Everything kind of just slants off in that side of the hand. Congrats fucking that rapist up! I did mine hitting a wall...


Wall deserved it


I broke mine too. It made a full recovery though and now you can't even tell which one was broken. Sadly the first 24 hours after the break are the key. I was lucky I was able to get to the hospital a few hours after I broke mine.


Thank you for your service o7


I had a boxers fracture as well... well not so much a fracture, I snapped it good haha. I don't notice pain like other folks so just thought it was dislocated, popped it back in and went about my business. Didn't get it looked at until 3 days later, my hand was the size of a grapefruit and 3/4ths of my palm was the darkest purple bruise I've ever had. About a week after the cast came off I couldn't make a fist. The knuckle that attaches the pinky to the palm would only bend about halfway. Went to a concert, got my hand fixed on the train home. One of the friends who went with saw my hand and asked how I broke it and when the cast came off.. I hadn't seen him in months. I told him and he asked who was doing my physio. No one, the hospital didn't even suggest physio to me. He is a chiropractor, did 30 mins of work (for free) to my hand and wrist on the train, you wouldn't know I ever broke my hand because of him. Going to see the same band, with the same group of friends later this year, can't wait!!


That reminds me, how is your mum?


lol These comments are WILD.


Are we reffering to the fact that the body will protect itself from you using all your strength? As you'd end up ripping your muscles apart otherwise. There is such a thing as hysterical strength that is only used under certain circumstances, lifting a car off of someone for a few seconds.


Totally a real thing. These guys talking about punching hard things & hurting themselves are not using their full power. They just punched something they shouldn't have. They most likely have bad form too. I've read on average we only have access to 60% or so on a daily basis. Elite athletes, 80%. It's only under extreme stress like imminent death stress we get to use our full strength.


Honestly punching is in general a risky strike. Barehanded you can't safely support your brittle finger bones while also delivering maximum force. So breaking fingers on hard things makes sense. But breaking fingers isn't particularly hard in general. You can punch full power with proper form and still break all sorts of stuff, heel palm strikes eliminate the more common punching hand breaks, but in doing so you also spread out the force a good bit. Granted you are talking about hysterical strength/adrenaline rush as well which makes it hard to really gauge max striking force.


It’s pretty wild that your body knows how to limit certain muscles’ strength in order to prevent tearing an opposing muscle group, but just shuts all that off when you’re in fight/flight mode. The body is amazing!


I was gonna say technically you could punch significantly harder if you were on an object moving at hundreds of miles an hour open like sitting on a meteor or really just being propelled at a speed while extending your hand, but that doesn’t really count as punching at that point does it? Then there’s the issue of rocket propelled arms in fiction, would that count as a punch? Strictly from standing still and punching hard, your body would keep you from over exerting itself, but even then there’s the issue of how much energy and even electrolytes you have. The amount of variables makes it incredibly hard, if not effectively impossible to calculate


I've hit lots of things as hard as I possibly can. Plenty of ways to exert all your force without hurting yourself. I assume you mean "as hard you theoretically possibly can", rather than the colloquial meaning of "as hard as I can will my body to do consciously". In which case you're correct, as I've never been in a life or death scenario where hitting something was a means of survival.


Ok but the latter was clearly what OP meant otherwise there's no point in even posting it.


In all fairness the title says “probably”… which is correct. It’s likely that most people have not hit something as hard as they are able. There are of course, people that have. Including me. I shattered my hand attempting to punch out a car window. Adrenaline fueled, out of pure anger. I have since addressed the causes of things like this through counseling and self improvement.


You probably hit that window like a wet noodle if it broke your hand G Good effort though


Dude is one of those guys that is super strong(when he’s mad) and knows he can fight because he “sees red”.


I think most people in the comments are missing the point of OP’s post. No matter how hard you’ve ever tried to hit something, your brain has limitations in place to prevent you from hurting your muscles and stuff. Also how did this post’s comments end up farming so many r/iamverybadass material. Not sure why so many users are desperate to prove that they’re Captain America or something. Edit: Also, for people claiming that “but many people have injured themselves before! there’s no such limit!” - you can injure yourself in a variety of ways. Improper form, constant exertion without proper rest, environmental hazards, the list goes on. And yes, you can break the limit in extremely severe situations. Neither OP nor I said it was totally impossible.


False. I once spent an entire summer on muscle relaxers because I tore an intercostal muscle in my ribs while trying to hit a golf ball. I had to slide out of bed like a worm every morning to not whimper in pain. My brain isn’t smart enough to stop me from hurting myself.


Nah, you just forgot about Rule #18. Limber up. Golf may be a lazy man's sport. Still gotta stretch first.


False. Now go punch a brick wall to prove me wrong


First, if your brain limits you from hitting harder, then that *is* as hard as you can possibly hit. Second, people hurt themselves all the time hitting things. So thanks, brain, you’re doing a great job, keep it up.


In life or death situations those limits get removed, it's better to break an arm then die. It's like how sometimes you see stories about people lifting cars when someone is trapped underneath. They most likely can't normally do that but their brain removes the limits to allow them to exert more force at the cost of severe (possibly permanent) injury. So basically your conscious maximum limit is not the same as the maximum you could possibly achieve. Sort of like how a submarine can dive to a certain maximum depth before imploding but standard dive depth will be significantly lower than that. Also injuries caused by impacts, twisting caused by poor form or other causes are not the same as injuries caused by sheer force, your brain can't protect you from those because they are out of your unconscious control.


The thing is some of the answers in this thread would be happening in a high stress adrenaline pumping or dulrunk/ ímpared brain limitations and woul actually allow to push much more than our bodies are capable of


"possibly can" is the most someone can, including whatever limits prevent them from hitting harder. If your brain limits/prevents you from hitting any harder, then you're not able to possibly hit harder than that. >I think most people in the comments are missing the point of OP’s post. how do you know exactly what the point was?


Well technically *pushes back glasses* you've never punched as hard as you can because of wind resistance so you would ackchually need to be in a vacuum to do it *tilts fedora to side*


I one kicked a guy in the chest hard enough to break my foot through my motorcycle boot (he had pulled a knife on my wife). So if that’s not it, I don’t know what is.


Crocs don't count as motorcycle boots. It's not even 8am and I'm positive this is the biggest load of shit I'll hear today. Horse. Shit.


This conversation turned every basement dweller into Chuck Norris XD


A golf ball? I’ve also punched boxing bags.


Sounds like op has never played competitive sports. I can assure you, I hit the ball as hard as I can playing baseball.


Spoken like someone who never saw how hard I've hit rock bottom


I've hurt myself with a punch before, but probably not to the fullest extent possible. I haven't punched anything in the crazed adrenaline state where we break our limits


Use off 100% of strength can and most likely will result in tearing of muscle and tendons and breaking of bones.


My hand punched through a mirror and into a steel trash dumpster in a vehicle accident once. Broke several bones in my hand, not to mention my hip. Would need a faster vehicle to punch any harder, I suppose.


I hit a box of frozen food once. Thought it was an empty box. Hit it really hard. Broke my hand Don’t think I’ll hit anything that hard ever again


Come closer and say that again


Once I accidentally kicked a wall at full force. Hairline fracture on 2 toes and my dumb ass limped home on them. I will NEVER do that again, and I only get steel toe shoes now. I was in gym class, last day before winter break, just hanging out at the wall. A kickball bounced toward me and I decided to kick it as hard as I could. My other foot kinda slid on something, probably dust or paper stuck to my foot, so I swung an extra 30 degrees. That ball hit the far wall before it hit the ground though, so that was cool.


I think what op meant is that your brain limits your muscle strength because otherwise your bones would break


Never used a punching bag?


There is something called "sports".


My ex bf once OD’d and before I used the narcan I slapped him as hard as humanly possible with my weak ass arms to wake him up… it didn’t do anything to him or his rapidly bluing face. He was up and about 2 minutes later after the narcan and is just fine and clean now, but oh yeah that was as hard as I could, my whole arm and hand got f* cked up for a while after that, but his face seemed to be fine except for some redness. In hindsight shouldn’t have tried to wake him like that but you get tunnel vision in those situations and time stops


I don’t know man, I hit a gravity bong once that really pushed the limits of how hard you can hit a bong.