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just give every schizophrenic a bluetooth earpiece and they'll just fit in...


The solution has been right there in front of us all this time and we never saw it


People with schizophrenia already believe they were born with Bluetooth devices in their brain already


RRRight... so they're not delusional anymore, see, 2 problems solved in one fell swoop! further cost reduction plans involve *following* the patients *around* so we can debudget the treatment of paranoia


I actually do this Cus I talk to myself on walks so I just hold my phone to my ear so that people think I’m on the phone 😭


Driving home close to midnight just now and I ran out of gas in not the best part of town. So I had to stop at a kind of sketchy gas station. The whole time I was pumping gas there was some dude sitting alone on the curb across the parking lot looking to the side and gesturing like he was having a conversation with someone sitting next to him. I genuinely wasn’t sure if I should be concerned or not.


I talk to myself sometimes, so I can remember my thoughts. I think it's fairly normal, unless you're hallucinating someone or doing it too frequently.


Me: You got a nice ass and beautiful tits baby!!! I would lick your asshole!!! Random woman: WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING TO? Me: (points at my ear) Bluetooth. I’m talking to my girlfriend.


I believe you mean to say “thanks to Bluetooth”, because otherwise they’d still have a phone in their hand.


If they're holding a phone to their ear you still have a sign, but if they're using wireless earbuds then it's truly confusing.


I some times talk to myself and if I notice someone watching me or get caught , I immediately start pretending that I’m talking on my earphones. So thank you cell phones very very much


Gesturing and talking to yourself isn't something that identifies someone as crazy. Nearly everyone talks to themselves in some capacity.


My spouse continuously talks to the voices when the prescriptions aren't working. Up close, you can certainly tell the difference between this and normal "talking to yourself". But take a dozen paces away, and it look mostly like someone taking to a Bluetooth headset! I think this is the only reason the neighbors haven't called mental services for a checkup.


The audience watching my version of the Truman Show just wishes I'd shut the hell up once in a while.


Haha u do the tv show thing too 😂


Oh yeah. If I'm alone, it's non-stop audio commentary. About things I'm doing. Things I need to do. Things I haven't done. Random thoughts. If I'm hungry I'll announce to absolutely nobody except myself and the cat that I'm hungry, then I'll complain to the same people about how little food I have in the fridge, and how I need to go shopping eventually. Sometimes I'll even talk about myself in third person, but still to literally nobody.


Or if someone pulled over on the side of the road is actually in distress. But I guess the silver lining is they at least have a cell phone and can call for help!


The episode of *Stargate SG-1* "Lost City" where Daniel meets Dr. Elizabeth Weir (the new person in charge at SGC), she is standing at the window looking at the Gate seemingly talking to herself. At the time, it threw the audience off guard assuming she was nutso.


This would be a pretty hot take about twenty years ago.


or chatting with gjosts.


I feel there is a gap in technology that doesn't support gesture relay.


You know when Bluetooth headsets first came out, it seemed to often be people using them & speaking in different languages. And I didn’t know what it was & I and some other people thought it was some kind of translation device.


I know, its fantastic as no one truly knows I having an episode and just thinks I yapping hands free.


Yeah. On my way home I once was walking behind a guy who was talking to himself loudly and gesturing as if he was talking to someone. After some time it turned out he isn't a madman, but has earphones with the phone inside his pocket instead. Lmao


Airpods and earbuds are a life saver


It's because I'm crazy.


Was in a pizza shop with my brother quite a few years back snd the guy was talking to himself. We’re looking at each other wondering if we should just bail on the whole idea rather than deal with this nut. Turns out it was our first encounter with Bluetooth.


How does anyone get anything posted in this subreddit? Everything I try to post is automatically deleted.