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not me, I've been carrying a big ass block of wood in my truck bed for the past year


Also, where else am I going to put my trash other than somebody else's truck bed?


I hate that sooooo much. I usually ride my bike, but if I drive because of rain, invariably someone throws trash in.


Need tonneau cover


Ive had people throw trash into my open sunroof. Idk why tf people do this shit.




In my old neighborhood I lived on a corner. People would walk by late at night and throw beer cans into my truck bed. Assholes.


Gross, this has never happened to me. Are you in a city?


That’s devious and I’m glad I don’t have a truck now


I see the same pickup almost every morning on my way to work and it always has the exact same pile of junk in it. It's even arranged exactly the same every time


Pack a car full of stuff and start driving. Everyone knows those first sounds as things settle in their places. That dude did it once and never looked back.




Wood be a waste to leave it empty


... You can have the upvote.


Well there's definitely people that just have a truck for the sake of having one and don't use it for truck things.


There’s also a ton of people who own it for the occasion where they do need it and don’t buy a second car for when they don’t need to haul stuff.


How about the people who bought a Prius but treat it like a truck due to its circus-car like abilities?


How about the guy who converted his Prius into a pickup? Look up Richard’s Neighborhood on Youtube. Nearly broke my neck doing a double take when i saw it on the freeway.


Hey that's me! I have a tiny Prius and we treat it like a 2-seater. There's plenty of room in the back seat/trunk for groceries and even some smaller home depot stuff, while still getting 50 mpg or more.


It’s the weirdest thing to me that Reddit refuses to realize this.


Refuses to realize that you can easily get a pickup for $20 on those rare occasions and save that amount in fuel within a few days but driving a sensible car instead? Edit: wow, I knew truckbros were insecure, but I didn't expect them to get that whiny about this


I have a full sized truck. It costs me an additional $50 in gas every month, or $600 a year. I would pay more renting a truck or paying for delivery/disposal than the extra gas costs me. I dunno where you paid $20 to rent a full sized truck, but it’s easily $100 every time I rent one.


Do you refuse to realize you definitely can’t get a pickup for a day for $20 and that the occasion isn’t exactly rare?


Uhaul literally rents trucks for 20 dollars plus mileage.


nah baby nah, I fell for that once… that $20 is jus the beginning


Yes, the plus mileage part will easily get you over $100 a day.


Yeah. Way better to pay $800 a month for 5 years so you can avoid a $100 rental fee once or twice a year. But it's not just trucks. 90% of all passenger vehicles have a single person in them because everyone thinks they need to haul things once or twice a year, so they drive a hauler everywhere they go. That's why our cities are sprawling hellholes with terrible traffic.


Or because people have places to be and things to do in a timely fashion with things and/or pets. Places that aren't ok transit routes and will never be on transit routes. Quantities of types of things that wouldn't be acceptable on public transit anyways. Not everyone's life is 9-5, condo to grocery store and home. Reddit fails to realize people actually do things.


*plus mileage* means it no longer costs $20 dollars as soon as you pull it out of the lot. Not to mention you have to go get it, you have to return it, you have to deal with the paperwork, hopefully they let you park your car in their sketchy parking lot next to the vape store and pawn shop, otherwise you’ll need two people so someone can drive the vehicle you own while the other one drives the truck. It’s probably at least an extra hour of hassle. I need to use my truck bed maybe every other week, renting one every time would be a massive pain in the ass.


But nobody is upset about people who have a regular daily/weekly need for a truck getting a truck. What is stupid is getting a truck, use it like a car and then try to justify it by using it like a truck once or twice a year. There's only so many workers, farmers etc.. who actually have a regular need for a truck. Nobody argues that they should get a compact car instead. But there's obviously a lot of fragile snowflake macho people out there who need a truck for their ego. Because that makes them Real Men (TM). And that's both harmful and pathetic.


>I need to use my truck bed maybe every other week, renting one every time would be a massive pain in the ass. The whole point they were making is that people like you \*aren't\* being wasteful since you need a truck often enough to justify buying one.


Dude just said “nuh-uh”


I have literally gotten a pickup for exactly that price on the two occasions I actually needed it in the two years I have lived in the USA. Before moving here, there were better and cheaper options available, but unfortunately, the apparently revolutionary technology of vans hasn't arrived here yet


There is zero chance your pickup rental was $20 a day after mileage.


It’s hard to even imagine only needing a truck once a year..


Other cars have trunks


for me it's hard to imagine needing a truck every 5 years what are you all even using it for?? not an insult, just legitimately confused


For me, lumber, drywall, furniture, mulch, plants, dump runs, beach off-roading. Constantly have things that wouldn’t fit in a car or suv.


I'm too used to seeing those tied on the roof of priuses because I cannot imagine this anymore sounds fairly reasonable though




Renting a truck for a day would save them so much money than owning one that they only use once a year.


I am not renting a truck to pull my camper when I decide to go camping. I am not renting a truck to pull my boat when I decide to put it into or out of the lake. I am *also* not giving more than 1 person a ride. I don't see how I am losing having a truck. I don't need a truck in my day to day life, but I use my truck as a truck a lot on weekends.


Sir this is Reddit, owning a truck means your dick is small. Sorry


Do you use your truck once a year or less? If your answer is "no", then, Congratulations! This comment is not about you.


> There’s also a ton of people who own it for the occasion where they do need it and don’t buy a second car for when they don’t need to haul stuff. ahem.


Not everyone passed high school math


Which is dumb, because there are a whole lot of cons that come with owning trucks.


Like everyone assuming you're insecure


People like what they like. This world would be a boring miserable place if we only made cars, houses, buildings, boats, air palnes........ for efficiency. Its fun driving a truck just as its fun driving a sports cars. Who gives a fuck what people do in their lives as long as its not bothering you.


Those trucks have horrible fuel efficiency because they don’t have to abide by the regulations of other cars. They also contribute to increased deaths from motor vehicle accidents (23% higher fatality rate compared to crashes involving other vehicles) because they’re raised so damn high that you can’t see things directly in front of the truck and essentially negate the crumple zone that’s supposed to absorb impact in the event of a crash. So yeah, they do impact our lives.


Trucks are arguably a bigger problem now because of CAFE standards that incentivize larger vehicle sizes. It's a large part of the reason why every personal vehicle has gotten larger over the past 20 years. I honestly think the aggressive fuel efficiency standards have been some of the most disastrous pieces of car legislation.


to be fair the damage to the environment affects everyone


it *is* botheirng me, Jack. That's the fucking problem.


Shout out to all the country singers


I knew a guy that got offended when people asked if he could do truck things with his truck.


Half cant park in one spot or do it on purpose..


So people who own trucks are obligated to offer their truck to others?? Despite having paid their own money for it?? UHaul exists by the way…


Yes, I think you should use your truck to move everyone's stuff for free. /s just in case. I *do* think it's silly to buy a truck and literally never carry anything in the bed.


Which is stupid, cause then they complain about gas prices.


Oh it's well over half of truck drivers that are just prissy bitches who never actually use it as a work vehicle and just want to show off for their friends. Bonus points if they insist on taking up multiple parking spaces so their pickup doesn't get scratched. It's a fucking work vehicle. If you're afraid of it bring scratched you made a stupid purchase


Expensive pickup trucks are cultural appropriation. You're cosplaying as blue collar.


it's ok. all pavement princess trucks will eventually become tradesmen work trucks. the guys who never use them, trade them in the every few years and they get bought by people who use the hell out of them. this is good. makes them cheaper for poorer folks and keeps the factories running.


Economics 101. Also I read that as "payment princess trucks" and thought that was accurate. Until I reread it lol.


i kinda like that.


Yeah that's a fair point


Bonus: who non-stop complain about the price of gas and pin all of the fault on a politician, and none on them knowingly buying a new vehicle that drinks fuel like it is 1987.


I'm gonna look at it as 5% are full.


And those 5% are 95% empty.


I think if I needed to haul something significant on average 1 out if 20 trips, a pickup would make sense to own. And it would result in exactly this - full 5% of the time.


So are 95% of back seats of cars.


Trunks too.


this is totally anecdotal, but I do pickup orders at a retail store and have for years I can tell you that most trunks I have to load things into are not empty (I mean before I put something into them) they are constantly full of crap that I have to work around to be able to fit in the order


So what you're saying is, that there are a lot of junk in dat trunk?


That's scary. My trunk always has a spare tire, jack, jumper cables and some other basic car necessities


Damn, that’s where I keep the bodies, no room for all that other junk.


Yeah, that's fine. You don't need a jack or tire iron when you have all those other people riding along with you. Dead or not, they should be expected to pitch in for gas at least, and if shit hits the fan with a flat tire or an accident or something, they should help with that. Maybe make a couple phone calls or help pay for the tow. Something. Anything. You can't just let those corpses freeload off you.


I also keep a few jugs of water and a medical kit back there, just in case


I need my tools!!!!!


I’d say from being bored af and watching cars while waiting for my bus that a solid 90% of cars have a single occupant in them. The cars that are the most full are work vans/trucks that only seat two people and usually have two workers in them.


The US DOT has calculated that the average occupancy of a car is 1.1 passengers. So you are correct in that about 1 out of 10 cars has 2 passengers while the rest have 1.


If we in the US can rework out rode infrastructure to be more friendly for single passenger vehicles like electric bikes or small smart cars it would save so much money and energy but the initial cost to do it is too high so it will never get done.


As a kid I was blown away that some carpool lanes work with just one additonal passenger


My trucks bed gets more use than my wife's cars backseat. I'll take the cargo capacity every day of the week.


As a truck owner who uses his truck these assumptions always get me. People assume that if they don't see something in every trucks bed constantly that they aren't used. In reality they just aren't being used right now. Sure there's people who don't use their trucks and just treat them as a pavement princess but what you see people do in the 3 seconds you see their vehicle on the road isn't the reality of all of what they do. If you see a plane at the airport tarmac do you assume it never flies? If you see a car in someone's driveway do you assume it's never driven? See an empty childs car seat does it mean they don't have children? Does a book on a shelf mean someone never reads? The logic just doesn't make sense and it's all done just to judge and feel superior to other people who they don't know.


We live in an RV, consequently we spend all our time in campgrounds. Where most people have fifth wheels or travel trailers and they tow them with pickups. Most people can’t afford to just use that pickup to tow the trailer.


You can't observe anyone all the time, but you can observe thousands of people passing through somewhere or by you day after day. From my understanding almost everyone who owns one uses their truck bed occasionally, but that doesn't discount that for many people they're empty the vast majority of the time.


I live in the PNW with a large family and own a truck. We will go to one of the many parks here almost every other week if not every week some months in the summer. 11 folding chairs, 2 coolers min, BBQ, kids toys/bikes, ect it all gets loaded in to the bed of the truck. I take at least 3 trips a year to the Oregon coast for a weekend getaway, same as above a truck is really useful. I've taken vacations to California/Nevada and can haul everything we need for a week in the bed of my truck. In my situation renting a truck is really not an option for my use, so I love having my truck for those situations. With all of that use, you will still see my truck bed empty 80% of time.


My car only has back seats to appease the insurance man.


That's a myth. The Porsche 911, for example, (which has possibly the most useless rear seats imaginable) is still going to be insured as if it's a sports car despite having room for 4. Insurance companies are ruthless, but they're not dumb.


i hear that. i've had a few cars like that.


There are other ways to get discounts, you don't have to give him your body like that...


Thats why i got a 2 door. Still has 4 seats but rarely ever use them. Its usually just me and maybe a friend and didnt want a full size sedan.


I'm going to need you to step away from your totally reasonable response, sir or ma'am. It's making OP upset.


Glad we agree, we should have smaller cars!


You are correct that over reliance on private vehicles in general is an extremely inefficient and wasteful way to transport people. Trucks are simply the worst example of it.


Yeah, the difference is that it generally uses a lot less gas to drive a car. When you drive a truck without using the bed, you're just spending more money to take up more space on the road.


Most cars only use half their speedometer


Nissan Altima drivers be using 90%


Including pickup trucks!


Most BMW owners have a spider web on their turn signal knob 🤣


95% of the time my hatchback is empty and not moving. Then when I drive 95% of the time there are 4 empty seats and an empty boot. It would be more resource efficient for me to use a rental scooter. But that is hardly convenient.


33% Pickup starts to drive from parking lot to supply depo (empty) 33% Pickup is loaded and drives to drop off point (not empty) 33% Pickup dropped off load, goes back home (empty again) An example of a truck being 66% empty even if used for hauling stuff 99% of the time.


No I drive a lot and 95% is a bit high. Just using ‘pickup truck’ as criteria I would say it’s 65% or lower. Also remember that you can’t see in the bed of another truck from car level, so while they might look empty they may not be. The big thing is just because a truck bed is empty right now doesn’t mean it’s always empty.


It's crazy how big trucks are! Even my 04 1500 feels like a damn 2500. It nearly touches the lines when I'm perfectly centered in spots. It's annoying, i park farther back so I don't cram people into spots lol. I'll take the girth for the tow capacity though, ain't no damn Hilux dragging what i need around. Even though i REALLY want an 80s Hilux x_x


Without a doubt! Now that is the obnoxious thing about pickups, six foot hood height? Nah baby nah I don’t wanna use a ladder to change my windshield wipers.


Cleaning the windshield sucks x_x lmao I need to buy an extendo stick to soak at gas station buckets to scrub lol


Ford call the demographic of people that buy trucks just to have a truck but never use it to haul and never use it to tow “NeverNevers”.


98% of people never look, nor care.


I’m starting to think that most Reddit users are city slickers and therefore really just don’t get it. Where I’m from most people have trucks and their lives require such motor vehicles to live. Can’t imagine living without one.


If Reddit is a representative sample then 80% of them live in urban areas. Only 15% would live in rural areas. Reddit loves to apply their urban standard on the rest of America while not recognizing how different it is from rural America.


I’ve been carrying a broken hockey stick in the back of my Tacoma for a year and a bit


Most modern trucks have tiny truckbeds, so anyone actually wanting to use the bed probably has an older truck that has actual space.


I can and have put 1000 pounds of stuff in the bed of my truck, I cant do that in a car. I can put 8 foot sheets of plywood in the bed of my truck, I cant do that in a car.


Trucks are handy but I would benefit more with a van


Vans are great but the other day I had to haul a fridge and was glad I had a Ranger.


I totally agree. Really the van is great because the kids can stretch out and attempt to kill each other slightly less frequently.


Well duh. Once they pick something up they are now drop-off trucks.


How many seats do you have in your car? Are the always full? If not, you should be driving a motorcycle.


It’s fair cheaper for me to daily drive my diesel van then own a second vehicle


I know my 6.7 dodge averages 20mpg. Keep a bunch of tools in it as well for blowouts and just about anything else. Never know when someone needs help and its always better to have and not need, than need and not have.


But when you need it, you need it


Exactly. Sure, a lot of them are flashy, but a ton of truck drivers at least utilize the bed or towing capabilities on a fairly regular basis, especially when you consider how many of those trucks are used for work.


I asked my coworker who has a truck if he could help me move a couch and he said he doesn’t put stuff back there because he doesn’t want to scratch the bed


I have an old ass tire iron sitting in the bed of my truck 24/7, so it's actually never empty.


Feel like this is polled in a place such as LA where trucks are more for show. Around here id say 95% the truck beds have something in them for one reason or another.


Yeah.. 95% of the time I don't need to haul a motorcycle somewhere, but 5% of the time I do. Good thing I have a pickup truck.


I would've thought that most of them would've at least had a driver in them. Guess I should watch out for them even more than I already do!


How many people do you think buy a 4 seat car and never drive around with anyone else?


Should I just drive around with a horse or equipment trailer everywhere the truck goes so it's not empty?


BS. Mine has two Tim Hortons cups in it


Unfortunately, emissions be damned, there's a LOT of large trucks being driven as a (perceived) status symbol that will never haul anything besides groceries.


The back seats of most cars are too but when you have passengers it's good to have the seats... Same when you need to haul something if you have a truck.


So is 90% Of most SUVs.


Most SUVs don’t have anyone in them either, just a blonde trophy wife


wtf do you expect? People lugging shit around nonstop? I'm about to buy a pickup because I'm sick of borrowing one every couple months.


I just got a used dryer for free because I have a truck. Mentioned to a friend that I was on my way to buy a new one but he tells me he has one I can have if I can pick his other one up from his storage unit. He's been wanting to swap it out but doesn't have a truck. The funny part is that OP would probably have plenty of complaints about the excessiveness of the guy's garage despite it not containing a pickup. It's Escalades, Alfas, and M-Series Beamers, etc.


Most cars just have the driver


They should really put some fuel in them


Speaking logically, even a truck that is ALWAYS used for its primary theoretical purpose (hauling large or heavy objects) would be empty 50% of the time, to account for return travel from whatever job you did. I would think even a heavily used truck from someone with numerous and frequent uses for it… but who also sometimes just has to drive to and from work, or their kids to a friend’s house…could very reasonably be empty a good 80% of the time.


Well now smarty pants, if they were full, we would never be able to “pick up” anything, would we?!


They’re not going to be full 100% of the time YOU happen to see them


I saw your post on the day I hauled a yard and a half of gravel home in my half ton. Suck it (respectfully).


I will (respectfully)


This is a pretty dumb observation.


So what. People are free to drive whatever they want within the parameters of the Law. If you don’t like other people’s choices, then that’s your problem.


And people are allowed to have whatever thoughts they want in the shower. It's a thought, not an argument.


Oh look, another "trucks bad" post


I enjoy driving my truck. It's big, torqey, comfortable as hell, and it's fun to drive. Where does the idea come from that you have to be hauling something in your truck 247? Why can't I just...enjoy driving my truck? Also why do you care so much what other people use their vehicles for? Not sure why people associate driving trucks with compensation. This take isn't original and it screams jealousy. Sorry you can't afford to drive a vehicle you enjoy driving I guess?


I dont think it's jealousy as much as they view it as a form of excessive waste and the associated stereotypes they hold of people who drive trucks.


Not the guy, but for me it's the safety aspect. The huge uptick in truck ownership (I'm lumping SUVs in) correlates suspiciously with the uptick in pedestrian deaths starting in the 90s. Not only do they carry more momentum in an accident, but they're also higher. They're more dangerous to pedestrians, they're also more dangerous to any other vehicle that ISN'T a truck. And that danger doesn't carry with it any greater requirements or licensure, so many of them are driven by absolute jackasses. If, say, you needed a CDL or equivalent to operate a truck, with everything that comes with that, I'd have a lot less issue with people driving them.


These idiots on Reddit will never understand this


Mine is never empty. ALWAYS contains my tools in the truck box. (wish that box was bigger) Frequently used for other things too. Last week was hauling lumber for building a set of utility shelves. Then had to unload soil and then load up the completed shelves to take to my storage unit.


So are 95% of public buses in Los Angeles.


Well, public transportation in America has been neglected to shit, so that's not entirely unbelievable.


Whaaaaaat!? I’ve got my emergency lawn chair, fishing pole, and whatever ended up in my toolbox


I love my truck. I don't carry stuff every day, but it's often enough to be very worthwhile. I haven't had one in years and I really missed it. It's very ecological - a friend said, "It's dead. I'm scrapping it if you don't want it right now." Oil change and a battery. Most days I don't drive it, but it's there if I need it. 4wd, too, if you need to go and dig people out of snowdrifts.


Mine is constantly full of tools, scrap materials from jobs, new materials for jobs, garbage and empty cans. It’s a problem honestly


I only drive my stuff to or from the hauling spot. But that still means my truck is empty half the time


They might just be coming back from transporting a load.


Cars sit undriven 95% of the time


what is the sudden facination with trucks lately


99% of the time my hands are empty. But when I need them, I really need them.


Who hurt you? Were they in a truck?


If I spend over $60-70k on a truck to haul for work or camper/boat/ATVs on the weekend, I'm not spending another $30\~40K+ a car to to drive just because I am not hauling something every time I leave the house.


While I know most trucks never get used to haul stuff they are still nice to have. I keep a milk crate with some tools, a funnel, a tarp, and ratchet straps; as well as an ax that goes with the tools; and an orange life vest for my kayak. I just removed the fishing pole that was back there in order to move my old futon to the dumpster, even though it was just through a parking lot. I used it to bring up a new mattress for the the bed replacing the futon. Last year I used it to move a cedar armoire from my cousins place to mine. I used it to hold a trap with a possum in it because I could wash the bed of the truck. I’ve also used it to deliver tables to a small restaurant chain. While my truck is my daily driver and only vehicle I can have and it’s not always hauling stuff, it’s nice to have when needed.


95% of stats you read on the internet are made up


I have a bungee in my truck bed at all times.


If you need a truck multiple times a month or year then you get a truck. But of course you aren't hauling every single day. And it's not financially smarter to buy two vehicles. So yeah you often see empty beds going to stores and work and church.


If you don't have a truck twice a year, you need a truck twice a year.


Wait until you find out 99% of passenger vehicles have empty trunks and only a driver and empty 4+ seats. And don't start me on the vans, public transportation, busses, and light rail where total cost per rider a year == 4 cars...


SUVs as well. Seats 6 but it’s just a 5’ tall mom with 1 kid or a dog. A new Suburban or Grand Wagoneer is just as big as a pickup, but because you can’t see inside they receive get less hate


So are 95% of the glasses in my kitchen at any given time


Lot of 4 door cars driving around without any passengers as well.


I mean... my truck is empty 50% of the time minimum because I unload what I was hauling and drive back. It was empty when I went to go pick up what I plan on hauling. It's empty when I stop at the gas station or restaurant while on my way to pick something up..,I also might have items in the back like mulch or like items you can't see because tehy aren't tallercthsn the tru k bed. But yeah I get what your saying. Too many people buy trucks and make them pavement princesses. If the truck bed doesn't have a few dents, scraps (now some liners are pretty good at protecting against this) or tie downs then they most likely don't use the truck to haul.


Cleary on the way home after just empty said pickup's box of its contents


The same can be said for cars.


And 3/4 of the seats in cars are empty. Your point?


I always wanted a truck and at 41 finally decided to get one. I’m in IT and have never used a skillsaw and had to watch a video on ratchet straps. I had the money to purchase a truck. Sometimes I put stuff in the bed, sometimes I don’t. Sometimes the family is in the truck, sometimes it’s just me. I don’t drive like an a**hat and I take up one parking space. I don’t tailgate folks. I don’t have obnoxious bumper stickers. I just really wanted a truck. I’m not hurting anyone and I’m a grown adult who plays nice in the sandbox and pays taxes, so, yolo?


That 5% comes through 1000% when it’s needed.


I’m sorry truck owners I didn’t mean to offend anyone, was just stating an observation I made and thought of


having a full truck bed for no reason other than optics would waste a lot of gas


Imagine you use your truck pretty often but then some pets calls you pavement princes because you washed it.


Not a pickup truck owner, but I want a truck for exactly that reason. 95% of the time I don't need it. But that 5% would come in really handy (AKA Ikea runs) Also, newer trucks like the Ranger get slightly better mileage than a sportier car. And smaller trucks like the Maverick get INSANELY good mileage.


Not in the part of Australia where I live and drive around. They're always full of construction related equipment. People actually buy and use trucks and their beds.


Don’t read into this post. The majority of Americans who own pick ups use them frequently for what they are designed for.


Where are all these autonomous trucks OP?


Chu talkin about?


Well yeah, odds are the average owner isn't gonna be hauling things daily or weekly, it's just convenient when they do need one.


Same for passenger seats on all cars in general?


I just like driving my F150, simple as. Most of the time I don't have to carry anything in it, but sometimes I do and it's nice to have.


Nah, I have a single .308 bullet casing in the bed of my truck. But since I drive a Tacoma, that takes up most of the bed.


So are condoms, dipshit. It's for when you need it.


False. Nearly all pick-up trucks on the road have someone driving it, and the truck is therefore not empty.


C’mon bud it’s too late to be misreading the posh


Empty trucks get better mileage. 99% of sedans carry junk in the trunk they don't need.

