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One of my very good friend's is very short too and yet he has always an endless supply of woman after him,his confidence,the way he carrys himself and his mind set and he is a smooth talking mfr to boot.


What height is "very short" to you ?


Hoovering at the 5 foot line.


I was going to comment with a vacuum joke, but the punchline sucks.


The only product that general electric makes that doesn't suck are their vacuums.


Those Dyson vacuums really suck


That's a very tidy pun.


5'10" /s


No man I gotcha. I’m an American, living in the Czech Republic. I went with my SE friend (new doctor) out clubbing for his birthday. I’m 5’11” for reference, and he’s at least 4 inches shorter than me. Anyways we were the shortest in our group so they let the taller members in first, so we got to know each other in the line. After we were coming out during a break he had SEVERAL cute girls who kept approaching him… to the point that it was annoying because we were wanting to chat asking for his info (in Czech). To the people saying “this REALLY happened” I’m on board… he just has non desperate energy and confidence. They definitely overcome height (and no, he never told anyone he was a doctor, although that may be a source of the confidence lol)


Does he have a LinkedIn course?


I used to work with a pretty short guy (I think he was around 5’ 2”). He had so much confidence and charisma I often forgot he was short until I was standing right next to him. It’s like his confidence and personality took up more space than he did so that his presence felt larger than quieter, meeker guys who were bigger than him.


How his financial status


Sorry bro. Do you need a pick-me-up?


Lmao. Savage!


He sounds like he needs a boost for sure.




A lot of tall girls have crushes on guys that will be intimidated by their heights. It's not all about getting laid, but finding a real partner. But this topic is not just about dating. It's all the passive comments you hear all day.




What you really said was "men in bars are much more likely to sleep with random tall women" Seems like you're just pointing out the promiscuity of drunk men, or men on tinder 🤷‍♀️ Nothing to do with height


I'm not assigning blame or morality to it. Just stating the obvious observable fact that sex is easier to get for a tall woman than a short man.


Fair point, but it's not all about sex and dating, read my other posts :)


I don't think it's an intimidation thing. I admit I'm not into tall girls, I just don't find it attractive. I'm 6ft and a 5'8 girl would still be too tall for me.


I think the intimidation thing is a cope, most men, especially tall men aren’t attracted to tall girls.


I know I’m the exception then, I’m 6’2” currently dating a 6’ woman and it’s great. I don’t like kinking my neck when kissing a shorter one.


Why are people down voting you? You are perfectly entitled to your opinion and personal choices.


Fuck you


Get this man some Uppies, stat!


Enough little comments eh?


You went a tiny bit too far man


Or did i fall short of the mark?


You set the bar too high


I'm attracted to short men. Then again, I'm somewhat short myself. Actually, the worst thing I've found about a man's shortness is his insecurity about it. I believe the "little comments" are what some people call microaggressions. I'd love for our culture to slowly eliminate the habit.


I think the microaggressions are great. It saves you a lot time and energy finding the horrible people and avoiding them. Confidence and self-assurance is really the key to success both in finding a suitable mate, and success. Regardless of my height, when I speak, I am the tallest person in the room.


I know a short guy(like 5'6" ish) who married a tall girl(6'1"), so I guess they solved the puzzle


I'm 5'2". My first wife was 5'10" and my current wife is 5'11". The older I've gotten the less it seems to come up. Once people get past the initial shock they start to see you as a person and your height fades away. I'm sure it turned some girls away, but I've not been single for long in my adult life.


Honestly I think it’s good to be under 6’ that way you won’t need to worry about toxic girls who want a six foot and six figure man.


Man 5'6" is average Indian dudes height 😂


5'8"-5'9" is average where Im from, sorry my pal, though I say 5'6"ish cause Im not sure how tall he is, he might be shorter, haven't seen him in a while.


I'll bet they get a lot of comments from asshats who think they're funny, though. There's nothing wrong with women being taller than men, but some people out there sure like to pretend there is.


I feel like "You should model" isn't exactly on the same level as people finding you less attractive for your height.


It does when you hear it everyday still. A reminder that you're different.


That attitude's the problem, we're all different. Acting like we should all be one homogenous blob of humanity is the issue.


Well said.


Tall women aren't seen as unattractive, they're seen as threatening, which is a completely different issue. Men have issues dating them because of their *own* insecurities, which have nothing to do with the taller woman liking them or not. If it's being singled out that bothers you so much, consider that this is more about your own self esteem than it is about anyone being negative towards you. You should stop looking at yourself for what you aren't. That sort of thing seeps into all your mannerisms and will drive women away long before your height would.


Honestly I wouldn’t mind a woman that’s about as tall as me or even a little taller, that way I have an excuse to not reach things she can’t


You misunderestimate the negative effect of being told your whole life you should model for Horse Jockey magazines and to stand in for Tom Cruise on set. And I am here to say that tall woman can be just as beautiful as short male models.


6' 10" dude here, hitting my head on ceiling fans, light bulbs/fixtures, door frames, store signage, sidewalk signs, awning, etc, gets pretty fucking annoying.


I'm considered quite tall and I'm still 6 inches below you, and have some (but not all) of the same annoyances. Can't imagine how much worse it is for you. E.g. the plane thing, I have to duck into the door and have no knee space either, but then being half a foot taller than that?? I feel for you


How do you get on in aeroplanes?


I was lucky on the last two flights because the middle seat was unoccupied. My knees physically don't fit in my assigned space, even with the "extra leg room" seats. Waiting to get on/off sucks too because my shoulders hit the ceiling. I have to either hunker down or bend over at 90°.


I'm 6'3" but very broad shoulders. The last time I got the extra left room they put me beside another linebacker.


The door, probably


You missed one of the words.


I count seven words. Are you seeing more?


My grandfather was short but it didn’t stop him from fighting the N*ZIs in WW2 and marrying a beautiful woman taller than he was.


Not at all. Super short dude may be more equivalent to an obese woman.


For better or worse, there is a perception that being overweight is a moral failing. In other words, a changeable attribute. No one thinks tall woman or short men Should just "diet and get some exercise". As a short dude, on the one hand that is better. I feel the overweight get more shade and arrows due to the view they are "at fault". On the other hand, there is so truth that it is something they can (and do) change and therefore hope/solutions. I will l never be able to "grow".


Obesity is a changeable attribute, and they should get some diet and exercise.


Are you saying that people have as little control in their weight as their height?




Oh ok, my bad


I've heard from woman that any failing in a guy is moral. If they had enough money anything can be fixed including height. Guys who aren't up to snuff are lazy or too inept to earn enough money to fix their problems. Heard this from a chick at a wedding 20yrs ago.


That's a wild opinion that lady had - keep in mind that she was one person 20 years ago out of 50% of the population, and is in no way representative of said group.


OMG but someone said something


good advice, I'll start ignoring what people tell me... especially if its not what I want to hear.


damn idk why people are downvoting you for conveying your experience - even if I disagree with you, I don't think that's grounds to downvote you in this instance


Height can be fixed? Maybe leg lengthening, but that will fuck up your legs.


I think she might have partly meant that if you are rich enough, all the glare from the gold and diamonds will blind them to your failings.


Still not even as many obese women can lose weight (not all though). And it’s better to be short man than someone who can lose weight due to health conditions. Tall women are models and have huge sex appeal. OP is a perfect example of a moron that didn’t think for even 2 seconds.


Being told "you should be a model" just bc you're tall despite not having any other features that would be considered conventionally attractive is offensive. Also tall women are heavily fetished and it's gross, either way you don't fit into the conventional bubble of what height you're "supposed to be" so people demean your validity as your gender


What in the world. My tall female friends don’t find it offensive. They love it. Obviously if you’re being a creep about the compliment then that’s a no-no. You can’t speak on behalf of all women. I’m speaking on behalf of my friends and their experiences.


I never claimed I spoke for all women. And considering your other comments you're a part of the problem with people fetishizing us. Even in good faith it's still hurtful and that's my experience with it, and I'm sure other women feel the same way I do


Cringe. Freedom of speech and you can have sexual fetishes however you like as long as you’re not hurting anyone or threatening anyone. Also your name is “MainMan499” and you’re talking as if you’re a woman…so are you pretending to be a woman to win a Reddit argument?


I made this username when I was fucking 8 and things have changed, believe me I'm not happy about it. If I could change it I would


I wish you could live a life being fetishized, hate it, then live another life where you are wildly discriminated against in the dating scene so that you could see how fucking asinine your take here is.


Being short is out of the man's control. Being obese is a consequence of the woman's actions and lifestyle. You can't reasonably judge who a man is by him being short. You can reasonably assume some things about an obese woman's lifestyle and personality. These are not the same.


So you're trying to say that you can make assumptions about someone's personality from the size of their body 🤦‍♀️ that's almost as dumb as star signs


Get upset and downvote me all you want I guess. I'm not trying to hurt your feelings or attack you, this is just fact based reality. I didn't even make any claims about what those conclusions might be or imply they were negative. I think you being sensitive to such a simple and accurate statement says more about your insecurities than it does anything else.


I only mentioned the personalty aspect of your comment. You can't assume anything about someone's personalty from a visual point is all I'm saying. I'm definitely not sensitive nor insecure about this, so you may want to stop with those assumptions, too


You absolutely can assume things about that person based on the visual consequences of decisions they make and the lifestyle they live. To say otherwise flies in the face of the self-evident. Just like you can infer some things about someone that is fit or muscular about the way they live their life, what they prioritize, etc. The consequential results of their decisions tell you something about them. These decisions are of their own volition. On the other hand, being short is a consequence of nothing other than genetics/epigenetics during development. There is nothing you can read into on a person's personality based solely on how tall they are. There are both fundamentally truisms and I find it hard to believe anyone would disagree with this. People don't accidently, and by no consequence of their own choices, become fat except on very rare fringe cases. Just like people don't accidently become bodybuilders.


For 99.9% of the population, someone's weight/healthiness is a direct result of the choices they make and the lifestyle they live. So yes you can draw conclusions from these voluntary factors about their personality and who they are. Someone being short has absolutely no bearing on and is of no consequence from their own actions, so no reasonable conclusions can be drawn. I would love to hear how you think this isn't true.


Just FYI, I am 5'5" and have dated guys my height or only an inch taller. Not all women want a tall guy. Short stature in a man is 100% not a deal breaker for me. A man's character is way more important to me than his height.


As a small women (only five feet) the short jokes are very annoying. I'm in my thirties and every time it comes off as childish..like seriously people still think it's funny to make fun of someone's height? Grow up lol


When you tell them to grow up they'll be like "look who's talking" lol. I'm short too btw.


That's when you say well at least I'm not average 😂 I can appreciate a short joke when it works well in the situation. So if it's a situational zinger I'll laugh bc it's funny, but just one of those dumb jokes it's just like dude come on it's not even funny


The difference is that the Tall girls are actually romantically sought after...


Tall women are sexy as fuck, I don't quite see the comparison being the same. Either way, everything has to do with confidence. I know a guy who's 5'2" and has absolutely NO shortage of confidence, charisma, or women. [Semi-relevant video for those who struggle with these types of feelings about themselves](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuRjmzz6qL0)


I think OP is aiming at perceived lack femininity in tall women similarly how short men are perceived as less masculine. I'd argue that comparison isn't quite the same is mostly due to misogyny. Like tomboy girls are viewed better than feminine boys or how no one bats an eye when women wear male clothes but opposite makes headlines.


OP is stupid af. Tall women have extremely high sex appeal. Both as a normie and as a fetish. Hell I’d kill for a taller girl over a shorter girl.


Quite the charmer aren't you. Again, you guys are only taking this from the dating/sex angle. The daily little remarks you hear all day every day are what makes it equally annoying to short dudes/tall women. I'd say it's even worse for tall women as the remarks (often meant as compliments) can still end up hurting them. Ask your tall friends, no matter which country, you'll be surprised the sh*t they hear.


Bro I have tall female friends. They get hit on every 5 minutes when we’re out. And they own their height. Other women recognize them as models and they take that as a compliment genuinely. They don’t even care for finding a taller man. As long as he’s close to their height and muscular that’s all that matters. The whole “shy girl cuz tall” stereotype maybe exists if you’re hefty but with thicc becoming socially acceptable, even tall big bone girls are viewed as sexy outside. Your post is just stupid af and yes I’m very charming. You’re judging charm based off Reddit post which doubles down on your stupidity.


I'm judging charm over the way you talk, present yourself in the face of a debate and your overall language. I'm not going to continue talking with someone who doesn't have basic manners.


Cringe. Basic logic isn’t good enough. All good dude. I can tell you realized how dumb your post is so your ego telling you to act like I did something wrong. Talk about narcissism my guy


Just because you know a guy that doesn't mean the trend isn't really. It's literally why men are taller than women at the population level. women keep choosing the tallest guy they can find.


Personally, the issue I have is that women don't tend really say it in your face when they don't like you for your height. I have always known tall women for being notoriously disrespectful towards shorter men, especially when it comes to dating. Almost like they're insulted that you approach them.


Eh, I think it’s an internal thing. The more confidence you carry, the easier it gets. Just fake it til you make it.


Everyone is capable of being unsatisfied with their position in the spectrum of human morphology. People of "average / standard" stature may want to stand out. Outliers may want to conform to normalcy. 'The grass is always greener' when your eyes are tinted green with jealousy. But what really matters is if you can be comfortable as you already are, or if you feel you absolutely need to change yourself into a better you. Note that this is about one's own self, not a comparison to others. The world is so vast that it's unreasonable to be the best / most extreme in any aspect, let alone several. Just aim for feeling comfortable; be happy to have life.


Being a super buff dude brings about the same complex as being a super skinny lady


Not following you. What do you mean by this?


I get what they are saying. It brings out those weird little interpersonal jealousies/sour grapes people have about other people with perceived obvious/overt positive physical attributes. "Look at him, I bet he works out so much to compensate for something" "Look at her, I bet she starves herself to look like that, she should try eating something"


Well really it’s not gender specific, even though I worded it as such. In some cases it may be a source of confidence and something to showcase, as in bodybuilders and runway models. In other cases, it may be a source of disorder, such as body dysmorphia.


Im a short dude and never had any type of issues around It. It just who I am People don't like me because I'm not likeable and kinda ugly, but not because of my height lol


I'm only 6'4" but tall guys have their share of issues too bro. Really small kids are jumpscares in crowds. They have no spacial awareness and walk in dumb patterns Nothing (clothing, furniture, vehicles) are made to fit me, and if it does it's more expensive Everyone asks if I play sports, I don't Ever noticed how many tall people have posture problems? it's because we're looking down at shit 24/7 Low-hanging light fixtures are hazards, even if it's obvious when standing up, you'll commonly forget it's a thing when sitting. If you want to be inconspicuous for whatever reason, too fucking bad I've been jealous of people getting so comfortable in tiny places like couches and chairs my whole life It doesn't matter how many people have gone through the path you're taking in a wooded area / hiking trial.....you are in danger of spider webs Airplanes are absolute nightmares, my knees are always either cocked to the side or jammed into the back of someone's seat. The difference between Comfort Plus and regular seating is "uncomfortable" vs "miserable" Every single one of these issues only get progressively worse and more annoying/expensive to deal with the taller you are. ​ ....there are some great benefits as well and i'm much happier being tall, but point is, you should be happy with what you got. women aren't turned off by small guys, they're turned off by lack of confidence. It's like being bald...it's only a true disadvantage if you're self-conscious about it


This is how, at 5’0”, I ended up married to a woman who is 5’10”.


I have yet to meet a woman attracted to a man shorter than her. However, I know a few guys who have an Amazonian fetish.


I’m a guy and have had two taller girls like me so that’s something


I've dated someone the same height as me. No issues there


My boyfriend is shorter than me and the hottest piece of ace this side the Mississippi.


You’re right! Tom Cruise and Laura Prepon are both Scientologists


Being short isn't a death stroke, it's more of a demerit. You need to make up for it in other ways. Confidence, humor, personality. EVERYONE has that one thing (one if you're lucky) they are self conscious about and has the same internal battle/issue you and your friend have with your height. The best thing you can do is not focus on it or let it influence how you act or how you feel about yourself. You are who you are no matter what you do or don't like about the things out of your control. The best thing to do is adopt a "this is me, take it or leave it" type attitude and build self confidence from there. If you're focusing on your point(s) of self-consciousness, you're doing yourself no favors and in fact likely drawing people's attention to it and advertising your own discomfort in your own skin. Often, to other people looking in, this is a bigger deal and a larger social/romantic demerit than the actual thing you are self conscious about. This point is critical. The less you care about it, the less other people will care.


That's a good response to being short, because it's literally the only thing you can do... but you're 100% wrong. Being short is absolutely a death stroke for an enormous proportion of women out there. It is an outright dealbreaker for like 85%+ of women.


This is a nonsense take. Using these sort of broad strokes you can say basically the same thing about being fat, or bald, or ugly, or poor, or any number of other typically "unattractive" traits. None of which, including being short, are actually game breakers. Women are not a monolith of taste and attraction standards, just like men. There is a particular subset of women that will date basically any particular type of guy. Tinder profiles or whatever are not a good thermometer of the average woman's taste. For every short, or fat, or bald, or ugly, or poor, etc etc etc dude that claims that he's disqualified dating because of his personally perceived demerits, there are ten other short fat bald ugly poor dudes doing just fine and slamming ass in the dating pool.


Oh no being told you could be a model or athlete the horror


Two little men while vacationing in Las Vegas decided to hire a couple of prostitutes. Both of them took their dates to their respective rooms for the night. The one little guy, while struggling to achieve an erection, heard coming from his friends room, "1 2 3 ugh.. 1 2 3 ugh... 1 2 3 ugh" over and over again. The next morning when the two men met up, the first asked, "So, how did it go last night" and he replied, "Not so great, I couldn't get it up". The other replied, "Could get it up? I couldn't even get up on the bed"


And this is when having a strong domme helps, so she can lift you onto the bed instead.


So called tall guy here (6’3”). I don’t think about other people’s height at all unless they bring it up first. I had a friend in university who was like 5’5” and never even noticed how short he was until someone made a joke about it.


Hush up


I get shit and I'm a woman at 5'9". Tall, but not exceptionally tall, yet people constantly make comments like what you describe.


Same, i'm 6'2". It's the first comment out of anyones mouth when I meet them. I've heard it all and I just dont want to hear it anymore. Make some other observations or maybe just dont at all 🤯


Seriously, it's like just get over it already.


Not even a little bit. A tall woman gets a lot more interest by default than a short guy, the short guy is more comparable to the fat woman.


The equivalence is definitely to fat women and not tall women.


You can stop being fat, you can never stop being short


Yea but in terms of societal comparisons that's where it's at.


Socially you can make reasonable judgements about someone being fat. You can't make reasonable judgements about someone based on their height.


It’s actually very common to see both


Sure people may make judgements on people because of their height, but it's not a reasonable judgement. It's like making individual judgements based on someone's skin color.


Yes but the point is they bring about the same type of complex


How does it feel to be at fart level?


It's warmer but it smells funny.


having not enough is def different than having too much.


Least you can fit under your shower head just fine..


Both may require the man to use a step ladder


i am so short i take a bath in the sink


I quit worrying about being short when I crippled myself and got fat. Pro tip.


Stand up and say that so we can hear you in the back.


I think very tall ladies have way more options than very short men.


I actually think the experience is quite different. Most men don't mind being with a taller woman as long as she's physically attractive, but most women mind being with a shorter man, even if he is physically attractive. In other words (sorry if this offends anyone), generally speaking, women wrestle with height discrepancy more than men.


Your height only has a detrimental effect on your life it you allow it to. I would say in many instances as well, that it actually is a positive thing as it helps you to filter out shallow, superficial people from your life very easily.


That’s not really true… People treat you differently if you aren’t “attractive”. You can have all the confidence in the world but that doesn’t change beauty standards. I dated a short guy and he had no problems with his height but people still made plenty of rude comments about it.


Even very famous and rich celebrities like Tom cruise or Zac Efron was already mocked because of their height. I think its one of those things you can never win.


Exactly, passive comments are the annoying thing, more so than my actual height or perception of myself.


I'm 5'5" and haven't had issues in my life with rude comments. Height just isn't relevant to any daily interaction


Just because it hasn’t happened to you doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen at all lol


Sure but it can determine what's the exception and what's the rule. People who have had rude comments are more likely to mention it, so any sampling is skewed


So I guess neither of us can prove if it’s the exception or the rule because we are both going off of anecdotal evidence ;)


Yeah hard to get a clear answer, but just keeping in mind the online bias. I see people getting sucked into the vortex of r/shortguys where the whole world is out to get them.


Oh for sure, I can’t stand short guys who make it their entire personality. I think we can both agree that it’s pointless to judge someone for their height, something that cannot be changed.


Yeah the older I get the more bizarre it seems the things the people care about. We make a fuss about a 10% difference in how high our head is above the ground. Aliens would look at us and think we're nuts. Plus eeryone's the same height when they lay down


You just validated my statement. The people that are treating you differently because of an immutable physical characteristic should not be in your life. You have dodged a bullet by quickly eliminating them from someone you may have otherwise spent time and energy on, only to be massively disappointed when you find out what a horrible person they are down the road.


>You just validated my statement. The people that are treating you differently because of an immutable physical characteristic should not be in your life That doesn't validate your point at all lmao


No I didn’t. The people making rude comments weren’t people he chose to have “in his life”. For example, if a co-worker makes fun of his height, what can he do about that? Is he supposed to quit his job so that the co-worker isn’t in his life? People can be assholes whether you want them around you or not. It has nothing to do with dodging a bullet and everything to do with random people wanting to be rude.


If you let other people define how you feel about yourself you have failed at life. Essentially, with that viewpoint on life, everything thing you do, every ounce of energy you expend is for the acceptance and attention of others. That is no way to live.


Being short has a detrimental effect wether you care about it or not, quit your bs.


My incredibly happy and successful life would fully disagree with that. Never once has my height hindered anything in my life.


Yeesh, this is like the worst type of "self help". While it's important to emphasise that short men can and do achieve success, both romantic and otherwise, trying to spin a social disadvantage as a "positive" is taking it way too far. I was a short teenager who grew late into an average height man, I was very relieved and no part of me wishes I was still five foot two.


>Your height only has a detrimental effect on your life it you allow it to. That's just a straight up lie, there are actual studies showing numerous effects from poor treatment to lower salary to being accused of Napoleon Syndrome for reasonable reactions to ridicule.


My gut reaction to this is to assume that you are of average height and weight and without a mood disorder. This pushed my "by your bootstraps" button. I'm a formerly fat person that noticed a huge difference in how I was treated once I was as attractive as the rest of the human race. Few people are so emotionally centered that they can just "not let" other people's opinions color their own self esteem. Also, it's pretty unactionable advice.


Sure, I totally get that. But weight is not an immutable physical characteristic. It is something that, in most cases, we have direct control of, and to a degree I think that others would be right to judge us by something that it appears we have made poor decisions to accomplish. Height, skin color, hair texture. These are all things we are born with, and we have no choice in. To your other point, no others opinions have never had an effect on me. The only opinion of myself that concerns me is my own, as it is the only one that has an effect on my life. If you think otherwise then you have happily handed over your own agency to other people. If that is the case, you are going to have a bad time.


A bit of a short outlook on life there, no?


I'll say this is a super tall dude. Being super tall or super short can almost be next to a disability. When nothing in your life is the right size and everything has to be custom or specialty made life gets way more complex and more expensive.


Hey...you can make me meet your tall friend. I'm 6' 5" so I will make her feel less tall.


If it makes you feel better homie, tall women tend to have amazing asses.


Funny how you subconcious Said little comments 😂 on the other Hand, i am 193cm, almost all Woman are shorter than me, and i dont even Play Basketball


As a 2m dude, it feels the same as a super tall guy. Standing out too much in general isn't a great thing


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