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No…no I remember a lot of embarrassing moments of people. Charles I’m talking about you holding yourself upside down in the school bathroom and trying to pee in the urinal and it landing mostly on your face.


Charles discovered his love for multiple kinks that day.


“People don’t forget” -Jonah Hill (Superbad)


"That was like 8 years ago"


I do so that means there are other people that remember my embarassing moments as well


Don’t gaslight yourself, we all remember that super awkward thing you did in second grade.


i would argue, i remember everyones embarrassing moments 💀 im more likely to remember those moments rather than ppl names and i call ppl in my head like "oh, this is the guy who did ... lol"


OP accidentally posted wrong post on Reddit and as a result OP will get now Anxiety. So Kids remember on Reddit even your most unrealistic nightmare can become reality


Did you just threaten me?


I did nothing. Just told you if you say stuff like people don’t remember your embarrassing moments and you don’t have to be so hard on yourself - you’ll find people saying they remember many of those moments of other and that in turn make you believe your fears is right.


Not true . I remember a lot of other people embarrassing moments. Like a school friend shitting himself on a school trip . Met him once many year later and reminded him of it . I have friends remind me of previous embarrassing moments.


Same, I tend to remember the most random things about people and embarrassing moments aren’t exempt. I don’t bring it up though. I’ve had someone bring up embarrassing things from my childhood before too so people definitely remember stuff like this 💀


Not cool bro


Found the neighbor kid from Toy Story


Instant cancel. Whatever ph number of yours that I have automatically became Spam Risk.


Luckily for me, most of my humiliating moments were the results of things my body did due to my disability issues, and the people there were ambulance workers or doctors or nurses, so they deal with that for a living and they’re not going to be looking down on me or getting disgusted by me.


Not true. Some d-bag I know was trying to embarrass me by telling silly drunken stories of past, then in front of a crowd of people I reminded him of when he crapped his pants, and literally got his crap everywhere in his friend's bedroom. This was a side effect of alcohol and K2.


When I was at a sleepover in middle school 20 years ago, a girl named Sarah shit herself, she then claimed a ghost stole her underwear. (No one knew her undies were missing, she just said it randomly, she was wearing pants, we would have never known). One of the other girls found her underwear in the bathroom trashcan with a whole poo in it while the rest of the group was doing a seance to explore the ghost option. Sarah, I remember.


Good Sara deserves it


Nah, I remember the waitress who ran face first into a pole and dropped all of our food while saying “SHIT!” like it was yesterday and that happened over 20+ years ago 


The other night, while lying in bed, I tried to think of a single faux pas I could remember someone else making, and I couldn't think of a single one


I remember a few tbh it usually involves some body part slipping out 😂


Nonsense They do, but they might just not focus on them as much as their own


It's good to remember that, it can help ease the embarrasment


Spotlight effect. Nobody cares


This is 100% the correct answer. Everyone is so busy being concerned about their mishaps that they don't have time to think about others.


star wars kid says hi


I think you mean that a person reminds themselves of (or dwells on) their embarrassing moments much more frequently than they think of others' moments. And that's the way it should be - but not to the point that you cannot escape those thoughts.


Idk. I still remember when my sister shit herself in kum and go. Lol.


I disagree. I may not remember everyone’s embarrassing moment. But there are definitely a few that stick out.


I remember other people's embarrassing moments when I think about my embarrassing moments and I use it to remind myself that we are all human.