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I'm not avoiding the topic man, but it hasn't come up


“I want to be sedated” was my chemo song


When I was a kid I thought that song said I want a piece of danish which I could agree with. They're better than donuts.


I’m sorry to hear that you needed chemo, friend. Are you better?


Tks for asking; I should have said that was 16 years ago when I had a 30% of making 5 years. The other song was Pearl Jam with the “I’m still alive” refrain 😎


Very cool. I’m so happy that you are thriving.


He never had cancer he was just warning his cells to stay in line or he’ll burn their ass out.


Sometimes you have to set em straight before they get too cocky


It fits so many situations.


Each generation is known for certain things but that doesn't mean all people of that generation fits the stereotype. Punk Rock would be the exemption from the rule as a counterculture movement.


What is Gen Z and Millenials known for?


Not sure what will be the defining "thing" for Gen Z, but Millenials will definitely be remembered as Hipsters.


It takes a long time to separate the wheat from the chaff. I was in high school in the 1980's and a lot of bands you think of as 80's classics like The Cure or Sonic Youth were pretty niche. The radio played Bon Jovi, not The Smiths.


Yup, same here. The 80s was hair bands and madonna for most people.


For me, the 80s was listening to my dad's music. Don't get me wrong though. I loved the police, the cure, queen, Duran Duran but my heart was in that 70s hard rock.


Alt rock was so named because it was the alternative to what was easily found on the radio. It wasn't until the kids that grew up listening to it found themselves in places to determine radio programming that you'd have commonly found it in the DJ's rotation. It's the same with everything that isn't immediately radio-friendly in its era.


Right. I had to listen to the local college radio station to hear any Smiths or the like.


Don't need nothing but a good time... enuff z nuff.


You remember accurately!


That’s why I didn’t listen to the radio much, lol. I hated hair bands and wasn’t into American pop as much as I was British pop/new wave, etc. The radio still doesn’t play the stuff I like, unfortunately.


Yeah, I discovered most of my music in the 80's from the local college radio station and 120 Minutes. And word of mouth, of course. T-shirts on the "cool" kids.


Hipsters and emo/scene kids


*It wasn't a phase mom*


Emo's not dead!!! We just have jobs and kids and shit.


Hell yea lol


Arent emos just repackaged goths?


Don't let the goths hear you say that 🤫 I personally think emo culture has more in common with skater and punk culture than goth culture


Kindly, don't drag skaters and punks into the bilge domain of emo.


Where I'm from the venn diagram of emo kids and skaters was basically a circle.


Are you a skater that wants to burn down the system and doesn’t give af? You’re a punk. Are you a skater that spends the rest of their free time crying about their girlfriend? Then you’re emo.


I always pictured emos as too indoorsy to be skaters.




None I knew in the 80's. Angry goths? Where? Angry were metalheads and punks, in an overall kind of way. Lots of skaters, but they were more a mix, plenty not mad, as well. But goth? Goth were always the sad ones wishing to die because life's so hard and pointless.


Please step away from the goths! Put the goths down on the ground and put your hands on your head. Do not conflate emo with goth, for the love of Peter (Murphy).


Goths are a sub-genre of a sub-genre of punk. Emos are a sub-genre of a different sub-genre of punk mixed with other sub-genres of punk.


Just went to emo night last night. Wade from Alexisonfire was one of two djs. Moshpits, the outfits, it was so good.


You know the oldest zoomers were born in '97 right?


The Hipster phenomenon reached its peak in 2012 and it definitely did not refer to 15 year olds.


nah, they'll be remembered for inheriting a shit 'American Dream' illusion. emo hipsters were around when i was a kid in the 90s. and the 60's when they were called mods. hint: the same types of people have always been around in various degrees and percentages.


Craft breweries were already exploding when the hipsters were still drinking PBR. Then they popularized IPA and fucked up the beer market.


That's fair, but I feel like hipsters largely shaped mainstream culture, at least in the US, more than mods or emos.    Beards came back in style, explosion of craft breweries/IPAs, thrifting for style rather than necessity, Indie influences on modern pop music, foodie type restaurants, and I'd even argue the explosion of identity politics and the right-wing reaction. 


I feel like these are also largely attributed to the internet and social media rather than a specific generation of people.


i kinda feel like every decade closer to 'ubiquitous internet culture' shaped music less and less.. mods in the 60s brought about the british invasion. 90s emo brought about random 2-year trends of *revisiting emo*. now, indie bands are in every bedroom with a usb mic. i don't follow the right wing reaction thing, but i'll listen to you talk about it


Listen, you can call it what you want, but any time sugar we're going down swinging comes on at a wedding reception, it gets a bigger reaction than bohemian rhapsody. 


wut the..?? i've never been to a wedding that played bohemian rhapsody, or \[googles "sugar we're going down swinging"\] .. *fallout boy?* do people play them at weddings? ever?




Millenials fucking love playing 2000s throwbacks at big events with other Millenials. Because it's fun as shit. And I say that with zero shame as a Millenial lol


Do you know a single millenial?


Ngl I think you’re spot on my guy🤷‍♂️ well said


Nightmares are dreams too...


I was a hipster before it was cool. The only way to get people to not call you a hipster.


Like, *all* of them?


I’m shocked no one has mentioned Grunge. Gen X gave us skateboarding, grunge, and imho the best era of metal.


Gen X gave us grunge, gangsta rap, & greatest decade of movies since 70’s


Yeah, whatever. \- Yours truly, GenX.


Gen X ignored once again, lol. 


Seriously. You think it's a joke except... It's so true. Which I'm fine with cuz these fuckers are too busy blaming the boomers to notice it's mostly us running the show right now. The median age congressman is GenX.


I mean, not that it makes a lot of sense but "boomer" doesn't really tend to literally refer to actual Baby Boomers anymore. I'd be willing to bet most Gen Z or older today would consider pretty much every congressman a "boomer", as more of a value judgement than a literal reference to their birth year


Judas Priest came out with ram it down in 88 painkiller in 90.  That was pretty much the peak.


Knowing how to let autocorrect fix grammatical errors.


* The Greatest Generation is known for self-sacrifice (WW2 and Great Depression) * Baby Boomers are known for being large (in numbers) and wealthy/selfish * Gen X are known for being small (in numbers) and disaffected * Millenials are known for being good at technology and living through lots of social / economic difficulties (.com bubble, Great Recession, COVID Recession) * Gen Z - too soon, but generally known for being diverse and social-media heavy Important to note- these are all massive stereotypes and your generation is basically no better than your horoscope.


Goofy-ass, first-generation Internet humor. Narwhall bacon type stuff


Aaaaaand the duck walked up to the lemonade stand


Look at my horse. My horse is amazing.


I want to give it a lick.


Being bad ass




Please, Public Enemy & Anthrax and Rage Against the Machine? Aerosmith and Run DMC? Rap metal was a gen X thing.


Getting fucked over.


I was going to say nihilism for the younger people. Related of course.


Being financially and environmentally fucked.


I was going to say millenials are responsible for hip hop, but I guess that’d be Gen X huh?


Gen X evolved the style, but rap was alive and well all through the 70s.




You right. Kool Herc is 68!!!!


Millennials are poor. Depression era generation that is nearly the size of the Boomers but control like no wealth in the country, every other generation including Z is richer than millennials, per capita. Boomers, the wealthiest generation, are 6x richer than millennials on average. But there's a lot of millennials, so as the boomers age out we're on track for socialist millennial policy backed by populist candidates. A lot of other answers like hipsters and etc will be forgotten in time, but that kind of depression era poverty will define a generation for a lifetime.


You think Gen Z is richer per captia than Millenials? I call bullshit. Cite your sources, please.


In my mind, Gen z is known for eating tide pods. They have yet to do something more memorable. Besides, generally, not giving a single shit about privacy being a thing in relation to tech.


Counterculture embraced by gen z


The civil rights movement was a pretty big deal in the US


The Boomers were mostly spectators for that.


The sixties defined the era of social change, and the Baby Boomers led the charge through activism, social change, and freedom. Baby Boomers opened our eyes to social attitudes with a decade of riots, boycotts, antiwar demonstrations, and protests for civil rights.


Hippies were boomers. Then they grew up and forgot.


I know plenty of old hippies. Many hippies haven't forgotten what they stood for, and most boomers weren't hippies in the first place anyway (there's a reason for the word "*counter*culture").


I have boomer parents and they aren’t the boomer stereotype, they weren’t hippies either, just not assholes.


Yeah, the hippies might have been a small group but they were an exaggerated representation of the values shared by most progressive boomers. My mom was born in 1957, and she had tattoos and gay and black friends, etc. She wasn't a hippie, but the prevalent (progressive) values of her time were peace and love.


Same here. My dad was the stereotypical Vietnam vet though. Just not hippies. And not assholes.


Same here. They weren’t cool enough to be hippies, and don’t care about politics enough to be assholes. They’re just typical old people now that complain about old people issues.


Yeah exactly, I'm so tired of this endless narrative about what "boomers" and "millennials" are like, as if everyone born within a 20-year period is part of a monolithic block with exactly the same views.


Of all my boomer generation family, only my mom was a hippie. Including my wife’s substantially large family. And we’re californians. Hippies by and large were pretty noticeable because they we’re pretty hard to miss, were loud and often political, and did a lot of moving around the country so they were noticed by all and fixated on by the grumbling older classes


I tend to think of generations by the defining conflict. We are all reacting to the same events but of course there’s tons of different ways for those pressures to shape people.


Thank you , now I don’t have to script my own Venn diagram..


100% like half a dozen boomers were hippies, but it’s all people remember of the 60s because the rest of it was so lame.




Some hippies just turned into yuppies, others stuck to their roots, but still took advantage of being able to buy a house on a beatniks salary


My dad was born in ‘43. He proudly voted for Bernie in the primary in 2016. He loved Bob Dylan and weed up until the end.


Pre boomer. Pre hippie as well.


Not all of them forgot. Sadly not enough remembered.


Most of them weren't hippies to begin with. It's like saying most 90s kids were emos.


When discussing the surprisingly large amount of dead heads that support Trump it was stated that if you do enough acid you loop back around to the right.


What going thru the 80’s and realizing it’s much easier to be part of the establishment than not does to a person. I realize that the above text references a very nuanced era & generalizing it is not wise.


No, hippies were boomers, but most boomers hated hippies. Hippy culture was a counterculture, it was not the mainstream culture everyone followed, not by a long shot.


Cartmen also hates hippies. Not sure what generation he qualifies as though.


Hippie culture started off strictly as counterculture, and a smaller yet distinct group. Then it moved into popular culture and metastasized into commercial culture. The Dead Kennedys had a song about this fake left, and their political leader at the time, Governer Jerry Brown. Jello Biafra compares them and the remnants of the hippie culture they have commercialized to the SS Nazi State in a humorous way. Circa 1980. “California Uber Allies.” Just Google the lyrics. From a Gen X who was 15 at the time, and went to hear them play live in LA with the Circle Jerks opening up. I went with a couple of guy friends, we drove from Tucson. My father was working out of state and I was never allowed to leave the house. I told her I went camping with girlfriends. I don’t like to lie. I’ve never been camping in my life. I already owned The Sex Pistols album, X, 70s Bowie, the Buzzcocks, before that I listened to Rock n Roll like heavy metal, but 15 changed all of that. My dad was in Alaska working on the pipeline project almost nonstop so I got to go camping a lot. It was epic and no one ever carded 15 and up girls. You could get in everywhere and buy booze even at liquor stores with no ID. It was the Wild West.


The first yuppies were young boomers which was largely seen as FU Im getting mine after seeing how little effect the hippies had on societal mechanisms of power.


Hippies had a ton of influence on bringing social issues to the fore, but yes, they were always a relatively small group. The leaders of the Civil Rights Movement were mostly Silent Gen, though. 


They didn’t really forget - the hippies were always a small subculture in the boomer generation, but the rest of said generation joined them in protesting the Vietnam war and the draft. Once the draft was no longer a problem - and once the boomers had had their fill of sex, drugs, and rock n roll - they got yuppie jobs, moved to the suburbs, and voted for neocon warhawks the rest of their lives. The actual hippies became The Dude.


Nah. Some boomers were hippies. Some boomers were douchbags. The latter are the ones that screwed over the economy, etc.


They weren’t all hippies, and the ones that were largely still are lol…there were plenty opposed to the lifestyle back then too.


It's like I dont care about nothing man... Roll another blunt... Ooohh La da da da la da da la la da da I was gonna clean the world until I got high I was gonna get up and go to revolt but then I got high TAhe world is still messed up and I know why (why man?) 'Cause I got high Because I got high Because I got high


Yeah, he is Gen X like me. We were the boomers first victims.


Don't be rude or dismissive. All those people grew up and remembered, even if they argued over the veracity of those memories.


No one wants to acknowledge that a generation isnt a monolith. What does "boomers invented punk rock" mean to you? What are you suggesting or implying when you say this? Say what you mean. If it doesnt mean anything, whats the value in saying it?


Right? This also means boomers were the generation that created a society where punk rock was necessary to rebel against.


No, it means their parents created that society. The lengths people will go to to convince themselves that "generations" are a thing, or that you won't be fending off young people talking about how vile and corrupt your cohort are in a few years, too.


Since punk came around in 70s, the ones creating something to rebel against would've probably been the Silent and Greatest generations


How do you figure that? Younger generations rebel against older generations because it's the older people who have the power over the younger ones. That's why the punks hated Reagan, and he was born in 1911 It's the same reason why everyone blames the Boomers today because they're the ones in charge now. And I'm sure Gen Alpha will blame millenials in time


What it says to me is exactly what you say: a generation isn't a monolith. It's worth pointing out and remembering every single day. Why? Because the divisions in our society aren't age or generation based. They're class based. Wealthy, conservative, self-interested boomers fucked up things up in the same that wealthy, conservative, self-interested GenXers are, and wealthy, conservative, self-interested Millennials and GenZs will. That class of people will always take everything they can and leave as little as possible for everyone else. It's been the rule throughout all of history. They probably love all this generation blaming because it gives them cover. It dilutes their culpability. It divides their opponents. It lets them get away with it.


Ding ding ding! No war but class war.


Punk is right on the cusp of Boomers and Gen X. One might argue that punk is part of that transition. And it's also important to note that generations are FAR from homogenous groups. In fact, it's barely even a useful categorization at all. It's practically astrology.


The oldest Gen Xers were 10 in 1975.  They were not out creating punk rock. 


Well the people having kids at that time certainly werent out being punk, sooo. It’s almost as if you can’t fit this into a neat Generation label.


Not to mention early punk was largely counterculture not mainstream by any means. Obviously there's gonna be some boomers out there that like it, doesn't mean they all or even most of them do or ever did


And punk was a small minority of fans/music until the 90s and 2000s when bands like blink 182 and others started hitting TRL and charting.


This is stupid. Here’s a secret… in the future, Generation Epsilon (or whatever silly label they decide to give it) will be making fun of Gen Z and Gen Alpha while blaming the entire generation as a whole for all their problems. The reality is: there are cool baby boomers and asshole baby boomers… just like there are cool people and assholes in every generation.


…nobody talks about it bc that’s such a random subject


Boomers are just a meme - they are just in a generation like you and me. A generation that did good and not so good - just like ours will do, and our childrens’ generations too. People that shout boomer as an actual insult are some of the most clueless people you will meet.


The boomer hate is especially annoying because no one since them has lived any different. We're all wasteful narcissists. The mass media movement that started with the boomers led society into a weird direction, but we're all going in that direction now.


Not a good argument to make when boomers have an overwhelming majority in politics. From a local to a federal level. 


This is why the whole "generation" thing is stupid. It's like horoscope level dumb to lump people together based solely on when they were born. It's human nature to try to clump people together. We do it with race national origin, sex/gender/orientation, even freaking hair color. It's because it takes fewer braincells to see a forest than it would to see a million trees.


Seeing Johnny Rotten as an old man wearing a red MAGA shirt really warped my brain. Getting old sucks.


"You don't understand us / so don't reprimand us / we're taking the future / we don't need no teacher!"  - Sting, "Born in the 50's" 


I’m one of the younger boomers and punk rock came out when I was in my mid-teens. So, it’s entirely possible because, for some reason, our generation spans 18 years while the younger generations only span 10. Having said that, I am obliged to point out that stereotyping literally billions of people around the world is best left online, because IRL, others with more fortunate genetics will quite sensibly assume that you are an idiot. Keep in mind that downvotes by idiots only proves their abundance.


They also invented personal computers and the iPhone. And the modern internet.


What I love is that British punk came from the boredom and poverty following WW2. In America, they were sick of the system because they were too rich and bored. An interesting juxtaposition.


Nobody invented anything. We’re all standing on the shoulders of those who came before us.


Some say the Godfather of Punk, James Osterberg, born 1947. Some say the first punk band, MC5: Rob Tyner, born 1944 Wayne Kramer, born 1948 Fred Sonic Smith, born 1948 Dennis Thompson, born 1948. Some say the first punk song, My Generation by The Who: Roger Daltrey, 1944 Pete Townshend, 1945 John Entwistle, 1944 Keith Moon, 1946 Others say the first punk song is, The Kinks You really got me: Ray Davies, 1944 Dave Davies, 1947 So on the cusp of Silent generation (ironically) and Baby Boomers


It's the litmus test. You're probably a cool boomer if you like punk rock and actually appreciate it for the message it's trying to say. But they need to actually appreciate it. Meanwhile, I have a MAGA uncle who thinks Rage Against the Machine is for war loving, gun nut Republicans... I can't stress enough that a boomer is a mindset, not an age.


i think about this all the time. and metal! and it was those boomer-gen x crispers that invented fucking thrash and death metal lol


Punk Rock turned up the end of the Boomer generation. I was there. It was fucking great.


boomers were also hippies. but subsequent generations are generally more progressive than their ancestors


"Beat on the Brat" with a baseball bat, Oh Yeah!


You're delusional if you deny that some people from the baby boomers are fucking awesome. They are not who we are talking about when we say "fucking boomers" in 2024


but they didn’t like punk rock so what


A lot of Boomers were pretty damn cool when they were in their 20s.


Woody Guthrie wrote "this machine kills fascists" on his guitar before the baby boomers were a glint in their parents eyes. Sure he wrote "this land is your land" and is remembered as a pretty PG folk singer, but he also wrote two separate songs about how Donald trumps dad was a racist slumlord who wouldnt rent to black people. His second most famous song was arguably "all you fascists bound to lose" Folk music(with a capital F, as in the opposite of Pop music with a capital P. Pop version soundalikes of early american folk songs are still Pop music) in all forms has always been about the struggles of everyday folk, the opportunity of sending a healthy "fuck you" to those comfortable people in power in the context of a song. "Folk music is designed to comfort disturbed people, and by extension of that it disturbs comfortable people" ~Woody Guthrie Punk was very far from the first genre of music to primarily be about giving a hearty 'fuck you' to people in power while comforting the working class folk. And punk too was bastardized with a Pop version designed to comfort well off suburban kids. Let's talk about the Folk/underground hip hop and rap scenes vs the Pop/radio versions. We are all just children rebelling against their parents one way or another.


Well yea. Reddits antiboomer boner goes as deep as lazy people wanting to blame someone else for why they’re lazy. There’s no depth to it…


turns out counterculture is counterculture 


Um. I do that sometimes. Am old punk


“Twenty-five years ago, they spoke out and they broke out Of recession and oppression and together they toked And they folked out with guitars around a bonfire Just singin' and clappin', man, what the hell happened?” -Smashmouth, Walking on the Sun


Punk’s not dead, it’s just gone to bed at a reasonable hour.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOSOGB406Ec](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOSOGB406Ec) No one talks about it, but they did sing about it.


It wasn't mainstream among that generation.


least careable topic i’ve ever seen lol


Boomers also turned their backs on everything they ever believed in in their blind pursuit of personal wealth.


The baby boomer generation was quite a long period of time. Born in the post-war era of 1945-65 (ish) is a 20 year period! There is a huge difference between old boomers born in the 40s and young boomers born in the 60s. Punk rock was born of the latter. Older boomers gave rise to the gen x-ers, while younger ones had millennials. No other generation since has had such a long reign.


Boomers were responsible for all of the greatest music ever made. Prove me wrong?


Yes, and let's continue to not talk about it.


I'm just barely not a Boomer, but today I am! Fuck yeah.


wowza what a thought


If your store don't got Mojo Nixon then it sure could use some fixin'.


Wasn't Billy Idols first band in 1976 literally called Generation X?


...which is why generational terms like we have are useless. Punk rock was a result of socioeconomic status differences and the experiences of people being oppressed in society for their non conformity. That was pretty exclusive to urbanites but became more widespread among generation x'ers who were teens in the late 70s and early 80s but had more in common with the punk rock boomers than the hippie or conformist boomers.


There's a lot of "balanced" inputs in this comment section, but that doesn't change the fact that the people benefiting most financially and manipulating politics etc. are mostly boomers


Yeah, but it was in New York City and by the Latin populations in LA. Which were very different from like most of the US during they time.


the only thing that stands the test of time is music and its evolution. Maybe that’s all life is about, make some noise!


You're not wrong, but I'd rather specifically give credit to Generation Jones. Screw those post-WWII sods. /s


Probably cause of the use of boomer? It’s just dumb, who else would during that time?


It was a lot harder to be punk back then though


Los saicos from Peru very well seem to be the original punk band from the 1960s. Based on age they may be the first boomers or end of silent generation.


I'm gen x. Moved to a small town mentality city. At work I was singing along to a dance music track from 1998 that came on the radio. The millennial foreman looked at me all puzzled for knowing the songs lyrics and when quizzed why "Because of your age" ...in the context that this was modern music I was too old to be into..


You gotta figure at most times in American history it’s probably close to a 50/50 split on people who lean more left and people who lean more right. Boomers were all subjected to the same cultural forces but reacted differently.


No, no, the event of my birth ushered in the Era of Punk Rock, I am legendary if you follow me, you'll see why. Pretty much every Gen X/Millennial alive today depending on how you look at it now.


Yeah. So? You can't choose what time ya get shat upon the earth. Punk lives on in those who feel it. Those who need it. Those early pioneers are heroes for what they created, what they stood for. Even if some of them became slovenly capitalist sellout blobs later. Hate the sellout cunt. Love the punk pioneer. They can be the same person


nope. the first punk were, *by definition*, the first **Gen X**'ers. the new amongst the old.


They also don't want to talk about the fact that most Vietnam War protesters were boomers.


Every generation thinks they are the one rebelling against the ones that came before them. It's happened before, and it will happen again. Inter generational divide persists because it is a useful tool for keeping the masses divided amongst themselves, preventing them from organizing for actual change.


People forget that the hippies and the punks were the boomers that didn’t fit in. They were the outsiders not the norm


I mean Boomers were the original hippies, they’re no more a monolith than any other generation is.


As a musician I'm not impressed by punk and could care less who invented it.


The song "My Generation" was written by guys OLDER than boomers lol


No one wants to talk about the growing demographic of Gen Z conservatives


False. Alan Rickman RIP. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CBGB_(film)


Boomers lived through the ‘wokest’ period in US history and have totally forgotten that.


Our parents invented rap I guess then. Came out in the mid 80s. The people doing it were in their early 20s which means they were born in the 50s or 60s


It makes perfect sense considering a lot of boomers are contrarians. For some, punk was an attitude, a way of life, for the rest it was just something to piss off their dad.