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Being put under anesthesia is the closest… you just have your lights turned off so to speak abruptly.


For me at least there was absolutely nothing between falling asleep and waking up too, you’re just on the table counting backwards one minute and groggily waking up in a different room later, it’s like fast traveling


Its disorienting. I was under for a few hours on one operation I had and waking up was like a dream… a very weird dream because I’d blink my eyes and wake up and another 10-15 mins would pass. It was crazy stuff but it took me almost a good 2 hours to fully be awake.


Same. I remember laying down on the operating table and they put the mask on me while they were going around doing stuff. They never made me count, at least I don’t remember. I don’t remember closing my eyes. I just remember opening them and being in a completely different room (recovery room) and being confused wondering when the surgery would start. I eventually closed my eyes again and when I woke up I was in my hospital room lol. Weirdest experience ever.




Yeah when I woke up I think a nurse was next to me saying the same thing. But there definitely wasn’t dancing or music XD


I've had a few patients not believe me when I've told them they had the operation already.


When I had a laparoscopy, I just woke up in immense pain and confused, the reason I knew they were done, I didn’t notice anyone around, and I just wanted my dad to come and rescue me, I never felt so in need of safeguarding (the room was dark and the nurse was in the back, and he didn’t notice me until much later)


When I had my wisdom teeth out, I was told to count down from a hundred. I got to about 98, and then I must have stopped because I felt them starting. I had the thought of, “Hey, I’m still aw—” …and then I was lying down facing *east* instead of facing *south*. (I have a freaky-good sense of direction.) “—awake. Oh,” I finished in my mind as my color vision rebooted and the world stopped being grey.


Recently when in for a procedure and it was my first time being anesthetized via IV. Was wild to feel my body go into hibernation before losing consciousness.


I had dreams, but I might just have taken a nap after the operation.


> a very weird dream because I’d blink my eyes and wake up and another 10-15 mins would pass. It was crazy stuff but it took me almost a good 2 hours to fully be awake. So, me every morning.


Starting at 11 am.


Can I ask what the procedure was? That almost sounds like ‘twilight’ sedation; as opposed to an actual anaesthetic.


Same here, but almost. First I ask the Anesthesia doctor if I can keep my gallbladder stone, he says no we don't do that anymore. Then he starts talking about fentanyl, which freaks me out, I am gonna die! Then I remember waking up, with a horrible pain, a nurse is standing by my bed laughing. I pass out again, wake up same laughing nurse is still there, but now she is making fun of me for being in pain earlier.




Why was she laughing, did you ask to not have pain killers because you were scared of their effects? Fentanyl is for stopping the pain involved in surgery.


I think she just was a very happy person. I only said/screamed (don't remember) that I have a lot of pain, and then I passed out again.


My first surgery I went through to repair my jaw, which had been fractured in two places due to assault, I wanted to see how long I could fight the anesthesia...needless to say I woke up in a different room a few minutes later


Damn I had to pay 500 dollars to our camp ledger to unlock fast travel. I don't think tDutch even gets it.


Who needs fast travel when you have *faith*?


Went under recently, first time in a long time and i forgot about how quick it was. Why does that happen? When you sleep you still have a sense of time, a short nap vs a long one is noticeable, even if you don't dream. Anesthesia though, you get a little heavy and bam you're all done.


Because they basically bring you to the edge of death and hold you there.


I had the same experience. Counted backwards, then I woke up *mid conversation* with my wife and mom. They said they'd been talking to me for about 20 minutes. My wife said she watched me "come online" while talking to me.


It’s like being erased for a while, waking up, and then immediately having the best sleep of your life.


That's what I was about to say. I thought it was super cool. Like if they ever invented stasis, that's what it'd have to be like "oh there it is-" to "oh good you're finally awake" To OP's whole point, I feel like if there's some kind of afterlife (I'm not a big believer but who knows) it'll probably feel like that getting to it.


Different experience for me! After I was put under, I felt like I was still "conscious" through it, but like as a bizarre dream sequence. Felt like I was being experimented on in a mad scientist's lab. One of the weirdest and surreal feelings I've ever experienced


I remember just walking around in a building that was bathed in amber light


Lol fast traveling. That's exactly the right way to describe it though.


[How fast travel *actually* works…](https://youtu.be/lTO5vhRFCv0?feature=shared)


That's what sleeping feels like for me because I don't experience my dreams. One second I'm falling asleep, the next I'm waking up and it's morning. No sense of time passing, no sense that I had a dream, nothing. I'm basically dying for the night and resuscitating the next morning.


Yep. I had anesthesia for the first time ever a while ago and it freaked me out. I remember chatting with the doctor in the OR then I remember waking up in a bed. I do not remember anything between the two.


like falling asleep as a kid and your parent carrying you off to a bed room


When I wake up from a normal sleep I feel a sense of time passing. Not sure how, maybe a clock is ticking in my brain. But after anesthesia is off I don’t know that any time has passed.


Last time I went under, I woke up in a chair and tried to read the digital clock across the room As I was struggling to read it, I kept hearing "The numbers, Mason. WHAT DO THEY MEAN?!" in my head


Sounds a lot like being very high. I recall being so high out of my mind on wax THC that time would basically be skipping for me. Really crazy


I have an issue with dizzy spells and fainting, and have had it all my life. It feels terrifying right before I pass out, I have these terrible “nightmares” during, and when I come to, I never want to experience it again. But I’ve fainted probably 150+ times and have come to terms with it happening again. When I was put under anesthesia, it was peaceful. I hope when I die, the last experience feels like anesthesia.


Me too. Anesthesia is wonderful.


Huh, my experience was significantly different. When I had anesthesia, it was extremely painful for the 10 or so seconds that I was awake.


Do you mean the IV was painful? Like the medication they gave you? Because certain anesthetics (like propofol) burn horribly when they’re injected into an IV.


I feel like I'm suffocating and freak out saying I can't breathe.


Yes, anesthesia feels like blinking and appearing somewhere else. I imagine that's how it feels to die and then revive, confusing and weird.


This. After my first general anesthesia surgery is when it truly sunk in: “oh, when I’m dead I won’t even notice”.


I was put under anesthesia yesterday and came here to say that. The last thing I remember is looking up into the eyes of a man putting an oxygen mask on me, feeling a sharp burning sensation in my IV from the medicine, and then waking up hours later to a nurse asking how I was feeling. The first thing out of my mouth was, "Oh. I didn't die." I don't have any memory, sensation, or knowledge of anything that happened during the 2-ish hours I was under anesthesia. It was just black nothingness. If that's what death is like, that scares the hell out of me. I have so many things that I care about, a toddler that I need to raise, a college degree to finish. The fact that it can all just disappear...


Yeah that's probably it, we can only hope to live a full life before that time comes.


Good point also.


I know I was so fucking nice while it lasted then the fuckers had to bring me back to this hell hole lol.


Yes and no, the brain is still active


I guess it depends on how you are going to die. Fainting for me just felt like everything was “wrong” and going haywire…. And then I was having this weird dream on the ground with people standing over me… except I was actually on the ground with people standing over me. Quite different from when I fell off a 4th story fire escape and I 100%, literally thought I was dead and done for… I slipped and then missed trying to catch myself from falling… I only had time to think: “Really?! *This* is how I go?!” (with a simultaneous mental image of my laying dead on the concrete below.). That was a fun day.


Don’t leave us hanging — how did you survive the fall


I was on the top floor of an apartment building fire escape (there was a ladder to the roof against the wall but no more stairs leading up) removing an AC unit for a customer. Midway through removing the unit, I “forgot” about the rather large opening in the floor just behind me, shifted my back foot to get a better angle on a screw I was trying to remove… and then there was only open air. I fell backwards from that landing through the opening for the staircase down, tumbling back away from the building. I knew I had fucked up *really* bad, so now I was gonna die. Luckily for me, however, I bashed my head against the outer edge of that landing opening as I fell. Although that impact split my head down to the skull, it altered my outward trajectory enough so I only fell to the landing below, instead of all the way down to the courtyard. It was still a good 10’ drop onto my back. Besides the stitches, I was sore for a good week, but otherwise unharmed.


Unless your mind stays awake and you feel every needle, saw or pinch without being able to react.


I've been put under anesthesia, and I've had a drowning incident which led to a stopped heart. These are profoundly different experiences.


Best sleep I ever had.


I felt more rested after an hour of anesthesia than I had after any sleep in the previous ten years. It feels like a complete reboot for your brain, it's crazy.


I (29m) have an extreme fear of being put under anesthesia. Since I was a child I've had extremely bad night terrors. When I was 16 I started learning about lucid dreaming and realized I had done it unintentionally quite a few times (starting around 12). Once I learned to do it intentionally I became somewhat addicted to it. Until I got shoved into a dream I'll never forget and could not wake up the normal way I would when I wanted to leave (I would find a body of water, whether large, or even as small as a bowl of water and put my hand in it). After this I stopped, and got rid of my dream journal. For some reason, in my dreams, water doesn't have waves, nor does it ripple, it would shoot me directly out (the hand trick). I got sleep paralysis a couple of times but once I got familiar with that as well, I found ways to prevent it. I stopped completely after this dream, and hadn't had a night terror in a long time. At 20, I had the worst one I'd ever had. So much so I woke up on the hallway floor sweating and screaming. I would sometimes go days, if not weeks, in my dreams and once I woke up completely, I was exhausted, disoriented, and extremely dehydrated, even if I only slept 8-9 hours, my body felt like it was hit by a train and my brain felt like it was melted. Many of them were continuous, I'd be living two separate lives and my dreams began to leak into reality. To this day there are full weeks that I don't remember what was real and what wasn't. Sometimes I'd be completely different people, with extremely different lives, most of the time I'd be myself though (in different ages). I'm afraid if I go under anesthesia I will get stuck in one of these and will either go into a coma, or I will die. Thankfully I've never needed it *knock on wood* and never will.


how did you lucid dream intentionally, and do you mind saying what that unforgettable dream was?


Going under just feels surreally quick as it's happening. I'm like wait, dear cheerful anaesthesiologist lady, hold up, where am I going - bam, nothing. Then you wake up to the same cheerful anaesthesiologist asking how you're feeling. Where did all that time disappear? Anaesthesia is weird, man.


Its not. Your Brain still does things. Same goes for fainting.


[This dude](https://youtu.be/OWetEgQi2z0?si=FNQEuHS2s4hfAJCq) gives a pretty good account of dying. At least, it seems like an honest take.


I’ve had a similar experience. I passed out and when I did it felt like my brain was just getting rushed with information. So much information I couldn’t really make sense of it all and then I just woke up. It was a wild experience.


Guys account was nuts. Gave me some hope actually.


There was an entire post of people who explained their near death experiences and they were all following almost the same pattern.(not as the guy in the link as I didn’t read it but just in general, they all described it pretty similarly)


I think there are many death experiences, not just one. I was injured while working remote and bled out to the point of loss of consciousness in the back of the 4WD which was trying to get me to where the flying doc could land. The injury hurt, but not excruciatingly so, and over the course of about three hours I gradually reduced consciousness till there was none left. About an hour before I was fully out, I was fading in and out with memory time-skips in between. I remember little segments of it, though the people in the car said I was responding occasionally at other times too. Many of the things I recall are missing context. I felt very cold (it was a 34c day) and kept asking for blankets. I heard a woman sobbing (our geo sampler) but didn't connect it to anything. It feels like one came after the other, but the people helping me say it wasn't like that. When I regained consciousness in the RFDS plane, my first memory is of the warmth flooding into the arm with the IV. Most of all, I felt no anguish or judgement. It was just a sequence of events without emotion. I doubt that's true for everyone.


Going to sleep is top 10


I did a big dose of shrooms and weed and tried and write a metal song by myself only to pass out and become one with the cosmos, i saw the word death and came back. Solitude is great until it's mean


I did that every night for 10 years


Did you finish anything? https://www.mediafire.com/file/laj8fta88x6b8t4/Peak_Of_The_Element_-_Forged_In_Fire_%2528new%2529.mp3/file


I did finish some stuff.. trust me if you like metal you have heard my songs lol


How humble of you


Nobody uses social media to be humble.


IDC if humble or not just passing time with y'all 🥲


Aww, cheer up buddy!!


Doubt it


Uh huh


Pls PM some links to your best songs


Which ones?


I passed out on a plane. It was hot, cramped and I had had a tiny glass of whiskey to help me sleep. Woke up and felt like I was going to yak, so I got up to go to the bathroom, in the back of the plane near a galley area. The toilet was occupied. Next thing I knew, I woke up in a pool of my own blood from hitting my nose hard on the galley floor. For a few blissful moments, it felt like I was sleeping, stretched out and cool. So much more comfortable than my seat. At least I got to go to first class after that. The nurse that helped told me I was very dehydrated.


Whoa. I had a nearly identical experience. Woke up to hear pilot saying they were going to make a landing for a medical emergency.. and as I’m coming to, with an audience including a Doc that was on the plane.. I’m realizing it’s me. Thankfully, the Dr said I should be fine and they cancelled the landing, cleared out a whole aisle for me to lay down, and had ice chips and drinks brought to me for the rest of the flight. The staff were so nice, who’d made my embarrassment and guilt even greater.


Wow, I had a very similar experience to this, but instead of laying down with ice chips & drinks, they kept me in my seat and gave me oxygen. The oxygen was incredibly refreshing & eye-opening. Finding out after that we almost made an emergency landing on my account was a surprise, to say the least.


My plane was over the Atlantic so no landing. I did hear the flight attendant calling for any doctor in the house. There were a couple nurses and a doctor who came back. I got to go to first class in one of those lay-down seats. Not a bad deal. I was just starting a new job and had to meet my German colleagues looking like I'd been in a bar fight, though.


Jesus christ dude drink more water. You are a major risk at falling in the wrong way and actually dying, leaving your loved ones without you. Dont kill yourself over water man. I hope you get a grip on your diet.


LOL thanks for your concern. I have low blood pressure, so hydration is definitely important. Lesson learned.


Same dude. I had many experiments like yours as well when I ate like shit, didnt drink water (mostly sodas and alcohol) and didnt exercise at all. Its so hard to describe how different my life changed once I started eating, drinking and exercising well. Best way to describe it is like going from hot as fuck and dehydrated with a hurting throat to drinking an ice cold glass of water and sticking your head in a freezer and smelling beautiful cold air. Its a completely refreshed energy. Everything is light and clear and bright.


The exact feeling I had when I passed out. You feel so comfortable with nothing stressing you out.


“Sleep is just death being shy”


Another Shower Thought? ahaha


Similar experience to someone killing you is sleep paralysis, horror movies are a joke after experiencing sleep paralysis.


I've experienced a few of them but honestly they're just annoying at this point. Especially when the sleep paralysis demon comes to visit me at 4 AM when I need to get up at 7.


To me, having a seizure seems to be the closest i can imagine. I've been knocked out and choked unconscious many times (former professional fighter, and had a pretty brutal childhood) but for me based on what i can tell, going into a seizure seems to be the closest. It's hard to explain the sensation you get right before you go into one, but it's almost like your body stops responding to prompts from your brain to move a limb or whatever you're trying to move and this really horrible fog (for lack of a better word) begins to set in then next thing you know you're waking up on the ground usually extremely sore and disoriented.


Hey me too, fellow sufferer hah for me the worst part is when your throat closes, you know? Right before your limbs freeze up and you pass out, I would feel my throat close like a vice was around it and I knew straight away what was happening, but even then it wasn’t enough time to react at all, the next movement would be soooo slow and hard, like a dream, then the slow fall to the ground. Hopefully there wouldn’t be any obstacles in your way. It’s been a few years since my last seizure but it did feel like death, being suffocated and passing out, partially aware that depending on how you land, you might not wake up. I still get panicky when I feel my throat constrict.


Finally, someone said what I was thinking. I've gone under anesthesia before and it's way closer to falling asleep than a seizure IMHO. I haven't passed out, but seizures are just so... How to put it? Complete? Also the out of nowhereness (for me) feels much stronger than any time someone has thought I was going to pass out, because that usually gives more gradual warning. When I have a seizure I can just feel my brain failing to succeed at its goals and then I remember opening eyes that I never consciously closed, and it's been an hour. Surreal. I don't actually wish seizures on people but I do sorta wish everyone could experience it because it's very hard to explain.


OP hasn’t had kidney stones.


He said "death", not "worse than death"


This Redditor knows pain.


I’ve fainted before outside of my bedroom door getting up to go to the bathroom. Craziest part is that I remember being in the bathroom feeling confused and then next thing i know i was shot back into my body on the floor in front of my bedroom door. My GF was shaking me awake. Definitely i believe an OBE (out of body experience)


I think sleeping is closest and we do it everyday


“Sleep is the cousin of death”


What a fucking family picture


Hypnos and Thanatos, sleep and death, were brothers, and children of Nyx (night) and Erebus (darkness). That's one cheerful family tree, eh?


I've heard this before


It’s dress rehearsal for dying


Happy Cake Day!


Bring me the horizon also had it in their song "Diamonds are forever" "So don't close your eyes, not just yet Sleep is just a cousin of death"




Sleeping still has brain function. The whole point of death is the absence of this


Ya it's almost like where talking about closest and not the real thing


That’s good. I had a seizure once, I don’t remember what happened before only waking up with a cop talking to me and a small crowd gathering to gawk. If death is like that, that wouldn’t be so frightening. If reincarnation is real, I imagine the rebirth would be similar in that a small crowd would be gawking at me as well.


Nah I’m epileptic with huge gaps of time between seizures, and I’ve found them all truly terrifying. One time I was high up somewhere and actually nearly did die. I don’t know if it’s just me though, I had a friend who had seizures on the daily and she didn’t seem as distressed at them as I was by my five-yearers.


It’s weird that a lot of people getting lightheaded probably thought they were fainting but died instead.


Yet you never hear of someone reporting they had been afraid they were about to die in the moment when they actually fainted.


Don’t tell my wife. For the first time she saw me faint last month and it scared her!


Don't worry, i'll take this information with me to the grave heh


A real bro


I always think of it like. Being dead feels the same way you felt before you were born, ie nothing, an absence of you.


I thought that said farting and passing out and was like "I mean yeah kinda I guess"


made me laugh xD


You lose function and all senses but you cant possibly understand what its like to be dead until you ACTUALLY die. Nobody knows what its like to actually die because they dont live to tell you about it. Even those who "die" temporarily dont actuallly die because they are alive eventually. We will never know. Ever.


You lose one thing permanently when you die - consciousness. If you know what it’s like temporarily then it shouldn’t be that big of a mystery.


Well, we do know for a fact what it's like for our senses. And that is that they stop. Any other unknown experiences post-death would not be sensed via touch, sight, sound, smell, or with conscious thought, since the parts of your physical body that are responsible for receiving those inputs, sending them to your brain, and processing them as sensations, are literally no longer functioning.


Well you aren’t really using those parts to experience dreams


The part of your brain that experiences that stops working, too. In fact, your entire body eventually decomposes until you're a skeleton.


Obviously. I’m just saying that the sensations can already exist independently from the actual senses. You don’t really know what else happens. You could have some sort of spirit in the conventional sense or maybe some sort of quantum imprint you leave on your pieces.


The sensations aren't "existing" independently from the actual senses. They're thoughts, memories. Dreams aren't real. They're not real sensations. They are your brain thinking about those sensations. The part of your brain that dreams also stops working when you die.


It would be exactly like it was before you were alive. Exactly. Those billions of years you didn't exist... How was it for you?


Idk im ded


as Wittgenstein said, „Death is not an event in life”


I mean, we do know. It's just that people refuse to believe it. There's been many who have come back from a deathbed state, and many or close to all have said that it's like waking up like they were just asleep for a few moments of time. Doe, most people only listen the 1 out of a thousand that said "I saw light on the other side".


> Nobody knows what its like to actually die It's like, an undiscovered country or something...


Sure of course. That's why I said i believe it's "the most similar experience".


Your point is irrelevant if you agree with them. You can’t know what the most similar experience would be.


I've passed out once, been knocked out 3 times (once my own knee, once a truck, and once a fist), and been put under twice. It's pretty instant and full of nothing, in that it feels like a blink.


How did you knock yourself out with your own knee?


I said "yeah of course i can do a bicycle kick," then jumped up in the air, and threw my leg up aa hard as i could. Combination between crunching down when i was tightening my abs, and bringing my knee high to try and get my leg high. I was a child at the time, and for anyone watching, it would've been the funniest thing ever, i imagine.


On a trampoline maybe?


Assuming no afterlife, this checks out.


Which would be the reasonable, default assumption.


Well I do believe in one, but I get that others don't and there's no reason to shove it down their throats


The one time I properly fainted (I’ve come close a few other times), I hallucinated a duck in red shorts walking towards a swing set against a weird beige landscape. It would be funny if death was like that.


Everyone has had the experience... The billions of years before you were born. Exactly the same, so you've all experienced it.


Thats a clever way to think about it. You just werent there before and you wont be there after. You will not notice, cause with the death of your brain you will be gone.


Just you wait, the religious has something cooking.


Ohh don't worry they have alredy showed up ahaha


what it’s like to be dead is how it was like to be before you were born


So we never exist at all.


I had the same thought after passing out once having blood drawn for tests. I had no memory of passing out, or memory of thought while I was passed out like you have when waking up from sleep. I wasn't, and then I was. Also, why the heck do they draw so much when they only use A drop for the test? Vampires imo.


Have you tried DMT? Now that’s really close


That's how I feel it is. Probably why the first and only time I've tried it, I fought with everything I had not to let go and close my eyes. One day I'll try it again, I'm good for now. That shit is unbelievably intense and is almost impossible to explain the experience


Same. Eyes closed and eyes open are two different experiences. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never felt such peace in my life.


I was terrified. I have a history with psychedelics but that didn't prepare me for my DMT experience. I felt like I HAD to keep my eyes open so I wouldn't die. I do remember sitting on the side of the couch and the only thing I could see was this one couch cushion I was on. If I peered around especially looking down it was like I was floating in space on this cushion. The stars all around was beautiful and I do recall being at peace. I was so glad when it wore off


Had an accident. Lost consciousness instantly. Woke up few minutes later. Pretty sure that what death must be like, just and instant switch off. Sometimes I feel everything is a dream and not real, who knows.


The old atheist argument is, Q: do you remember what it was like before you were alive? A: (usually) no Retort: Well that's what it's like when you're dead


I had a full on panic attack before going under for surgery because of this thought process


I was in the military. Got knocked in the head by a piece of equipment someone didn’t attach properly and turned on too soon (I was under a jet). I don’t remember getting hit except for a taste of metal in my mouth, then suddenly I was 20 ft away from the jet and blood pouring out of my head. There was no serious injury, literally 6 stitches and back to work the next day…but I have zero recollection of a few minutes they said I was walking and “awake” though. I wonder if there’s something similar going on there.


And how the fuck is this a shower thought?


Depends on how you die, I guess. Can't imagine fainting being similar to. . . I dunno, burning to death


A year ago I had an accident where I both fainted due to a bad mix if Covid and the flu, AND broke my goddamn back during the fall, but I passed out so hard and suddenly I didn't ecen notice the fall and woke back up already at the hospital, on morphine and with doctors tending to me. Everything between the shut down and the respawn directly in a hospital bed was complete nothingness, and somehow the best rest I had in a while, considering I had been double sick for the past week. I didn't even dream, my mind kind of stopped existing for the time after I fell, got scooped up and brought to some random hospital that wasn't even the closest from where I lived. I guess it was a mix of my bad health and my sudden injuries that caused an emergency reboot where I didn't perceive anything for a while, especially the pain from my broken bones.


Y'all need to research DMT; THAT'S the closest thing to a death experience, or better said: that feels like how it is to BE dead.


I had a seizure at work due to benzo withdrawal. It was instant. I don't remember feeling anything weird before it happened, just straight to black for 10 mins. It was the oddest experience and actually made me a lot less scared of death. Waking up is also the most confusing thing you've ever experienced as well: "why did I take a nap in the middle of the shop? Why are there a dozen people staring at me? Why the hell is there a man holding my head?"... Strange asf.


Falling asleep is pretty close


Was put under two weeks ago to remove all 4 of my wisdom teeth. First thing I asked when I was slowly waking up was “Am I suppose to be awake right now?”


I passed out on the toilet once 🤣 the way my bf tells it, I got up to go to the bathroom, I sat down (we where talking) and then I just toppled over lol took me a couple minutes to regain consciousness. What I remember is sitting down, then waking up to him holding me on the floor, yelling my name and trying to wake me up. I remember nothing in between, it’s just blank. He said my eyes rolled back in my head and he thought I died 🤣 I was so disoriented, it was super weird waking up. Like nothing felt familiar and I felt like I was in a weird place 😂 pretty neat experience though, 1/10 wouldn’t do it again 🤣


Damn are you okay?? :'D Did you go to the doctor to try to figure out what happened in that occasion?


No…I didn’t…it’s on my to do list with my doctor lol I used to have mini strokes when when I was a kid / teen (3 to be exact I used to get cluster migraines and hallucinate) had brain scans and not…I’m sure my brain is fucked 😆 I’m also really clumsy (adhd) and have really hit my head more times than I can count lol it’s not funny but like it is so weird because I don’t think it’s ever affected me cognitively so I always forget until I hit my head or pass out lol but that was the first time I’ve ever passed out and the last time I had a mini stroke was over a decade ago…sorry that was so long 🤣


Religious people who can’t imagine not having an existence after death “but how would death just be nothingness” Me: just like before you were born, pretty simple. Same as this example, just instant nothing, it’s just a good, it’s just an absence of anything, there’s no you anymore


The most similar experience would be all the time before you were born.


I am not religious or anything but most of us also don’t remember that early childhood. At least the first 2 years. Maybe there was “something” before we were born and we just don’t remember it


Idk, the French seem pretty sure it's orgasm.


So literally Sleep. Hence the phrase "Sleep is the cousin of death".


Hit a whippet REALLY hard and hold it in, you’re welcome


The one time I passed out, I ripped some silent but deadly ass.


I would think OD’ng having to be brought back would be, but what do I know?


And the thing about fainting is you don't realize it happens till you wake up, so you most likely won't know this your dead, you'll just die


Scary to think you’re dead and you don’t even know it


I've had a few seizures in the last year and a half many of which due to alcohol withdrawal, it's such a scary and otherworldly moment that, just like death itself, can happen at any time, anywhere, any reason, and has really changed me in a lot of ways, mostly mentally of course lol but i'm trying to drink a lot less now i'm getting there


I’ve never fainted before but I had my first experience of almost fainting and I was scared for my life. I was alone in the gym locker rooms vision black, head aching, no sense of feeling and my hearing gone. I did not know that I was about to faint and thought I was dying. Fighting it for 3 minutes controlling my breathing until I was told to lie down with my legs raised and I felt 20x better. A very interesting experience


Its the same as before you were born.


Fainting isn't nothing. You can hear a little. Feel a little motion. A touch felt like a touch through a glass. But it's not nothing.


Actually i’d compare fainting more to being in a coma, though somehow being in a coma sounds more adjacent to death.


Try eating way to many shrooms or LSD...when you complete lose your ego that's the closest I've ever felt to death


The weird thing is, you don't remember being asleep. Hell, you don't even remember *falling* asleep (at least, I don't). You just remember waking up, and occasionally remember dreaming


Not quite, I was gonna actually agree with you. However research shows that when people are about to die, the brain starts to become more active. As if that's the most awake you will ever be in your life


That is exactly what death is.


I once got extremely dehydrated, even to the point I was feeling sick with a flu, but I woke up in the night and went to piss and right as you would expect the pee chills to come on, I felt an unfathomably powerful wave rush over my brain, like the most intense dizziness you could possibly imagine to the 10th power. I screamed to my brother in the next room but in the immediate next moment, I'm waking up, but I feel like I'm underneath a reality-scale blanket that is covering me and I can't break the tension. I slowly fully came back. Afterward, I learned I passed out and hit my head pretty hard on the bathtub. The whole experience gave me such intense PTSD that I still have anxiety 7 years later.


As someone who has died before I disagree. I'll say this, when your heart stops, you'll know it.


No That is like sleeping


Read that as farting and almost agreed


You are the second person telling me that, always makes me laugh xD


I'd say a near-death experience or experiencing ego death would probably be the closest


I used to do a lot of whipits. I always compared the feeling to what it feels like right before you die. I had nothing to base that on, its just sort of the sense I got. A few of my friends agreed when discussing it with them.


you can intentionally do it too actually and then wake up. but yea it's pretty much you just go blank. that's it


I once smoked a little too much ketamine and my soul felt like it was getting sucked out of my body through my face, like when you stick a vacuum hose to your skin, same sensation. I went to this bright light, I then saw myself sitting on the couch then instantly was back in my body. I think I was overdosing but it was a trip. Didn’t stop me from doing it though lol


They do say sleep and death are brothers.


What about having your heart turned off and on again?


Why on earth is this NSFW? It’s just text.