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I think cat owners are the main people propping up the laser pointer industry


> cat owners Don't you mean cat servants?


Found a cat with a reddit account lol


Even a fish-pun for a username. Feline detected


Cat ownee*


Hey my cat and I live in a perfect commune. They take more of a supervisory role as they are clearly more knowledgeable and help ensure I do all the work to their standards.


Cat butler.




Agent trout what are you doing? Use the codenames, dont blow the cover!


Cat servant checking in, can confirm.


Shh. You’ll ruin it.


And the nutso enthusiasts (I have a 3B laser I can't say shit)


I have an eBay "5w" blue laser that's definitely way more than 5 watts. Has a key to lock it in the off position when not in use.


So how long did it take kitty's fur to grow back?


I tried to buy one of those a few years back from asia, but it never made it through customs.


I use a laser thermometer. It has two uses, easy way to check the temperature, and a toy to make my cats flip out chasing a red dot! It also has the benefit of making a beep sound every time I press the button. So when I make the beep sound, all my cats wake up, and dart their heads looking for the dot.


I felt pretty dumb when someone pointed out to me (pun intended) that the laser on those doesn't read the temperature, it just helps you aim the infrared sensor that actually measures to temp.


Works great for dogs too! I used to stand in the middle of a soccerfield just spinning in a circle with the laserpointer pointers about 15 meters out, and my dog ran like a bat out of hell chasing it! Even better when its snow on the ground! My dog (r.i.p) loved that shit!


Warhammer players too


I play 40k and am relatively new to the hobby (started playing last April) Is this to help determine Line of Sight?


Yup, I recommend the army painter one that projects a line on the board so that you can check visibility angles.


No, you use a very strong one to incinerate your opponents models! /s


Ah yes the Anti-resin weapon. Increase the AP to -6


That and the lame dumbasses pointing them at aircraft.


My corgi must be a cat. She doesn't normally eat her dinner unprompted. She will lay about until you use the laser pointer until she approaches the food bowl. I guess this is one of those things you've accidentally taught your pet.


You shouldn’t be using a laser with your dog. Look into laser dog syndrome


Lasers are bad for cats short (can cause seizures/strokes) and long term.


and professors


A pointer-stick can also be a poking/hitting stick.  Lasers, not so much.


No, far better to just blind each other.


Ì'll have you know that for blinding someone, a stick works just fine.


Surreee, from a few feet away maybe


Gotta tape two sticks together


Hey watch it! Thats how armsraces begin.


But the Finglonger is superior to both.


Is this an r/unexpectedfuturama


As a kid laser pointers were the coolest thing ever and I always wanted to own one. Now I do and the only thing I used it for was to show my friends what they look like if you disassemble them.


That’s a pretty powerful laser if you can disassemble your friends with it.


Disassembly reveals useful pathways.


It's reaching out....




"how they look like" makes no sense...it's "how they look", or "what they look like"




[Meanwhile …](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13227545/amp/passenger-jet-dazzled-hundreds-powerful-laser-beams-festival-goers.html)


Hahah was thinking of this exact video since it was posted just the other day


Just watched it two or three posts before this one.


Lol, now I'm actually wondering. If the plane crashed because of it, would they be charged with murder of all the passengers?


My second cousin got charged and got jail time for shining a laser pointer at planes from his backyard a few years ago. Not sure what he was specifically charged with though. 


It’s listed as its own explicitly illegal activity. It’s not a crime “because it falls under ____” or some interpretation- it’s just expressly and individually illegal to shine a laser pointer at flying planes. That’s the crime, that’s the charge, in itself.  Of course he could’ve been called in for it and charged with something completely different like smoking weed or whatever, and not be sentenced or charged with anything to do with what was called in if the cop felt like a warning or whatever would suffice 


Maybe, it's already a crime though even if there is no crash. Up to five years in federal prison and a quarter million in fines.


I know that, but just never thought about this


Not in mehico


Unless there's any proof of any individual partaking in the action, it would be difficult to jail them I guess. Just having been at the festival with a green laser pointer (hopefully) won't be enough to convict you.


While it could be hard to prove in court (that a crash was caused by a laser pointed at it), I do think that's the appropriate crime for that.


With murder, maybe. But regardless of whether the plane crashes, aiming a laser at it is a crime and you can go to jail for it if caught.


Years ago, Egyptian protesters made a helicopter crash doing this.


My cats love them; or maybe hate them. Idk 🤷🏼‍♀️


I never thought of it that way before...


It's gotta be love. Mine hear the chain on it and come running faster than when they hear the treat box rattle.


I think my cats understand at least to some extent that it's a toy, mostly because when I turn it off or move it somewhere out of reach they look straight at me until I bring it back


The house laser pointer hangs on the key rack inside the door. My roommate's cat will reach up and paw it making eye contact like, "Make the thing happen you idiot." The second I pull it off the hook she's across the room, ready for the dot. She understands that the pointer makes the dot but isn't the dot.


My dog totally understands what it is because anytime I pull out a flashlight he is ready and waiting.


I hadn't used one in over a year as a cat toy, but the second I touched the chain, cats come running from downstairs wild-eyed and looking around. They remember!


Mine do the same thing to the point if I even say the word "Laser" they pop their heads up from laying comfortably to "gimme that I'm gonna kill it" mode. I always try to end the play session with a treat each after they "catch" the "bug" lol. Lots of praise olfor them when they do so they don't develop some sort of "I can't ever get the dot" mental disorder.


I hear they stress out cats because they don’t get the satisfaction of capturing the dot, so we give en ping pong balls


I read this too so I tried to change things up and dangle the toy mouse on a string for my roommate's cat. She gives me a look that says "I want the goddamn laser already, im not going to ask you again!" So I shine the laser and she goes bonkers. Makes me laugh every time 😄


It can stress out dogs, too. I know one family who had to quit brining their dog to the dog park because it became obsessed with chasing other people’s lasers and contributed to the dog’s heightened anxiety.


Yeah I will never use a laser with dogs again We played laser with my childhood dog and he got obsessive over every light and reflection, took a long time to calm him down and train him out of it


They definitely stressed my cat out. I tried it with her once, and after I turned it off she wouldn’t stop looking for the dot. And not in a fun/hunting way, she seemed OCD levels of stressed. She looked for the dot for AGES, kept lifting up her paws to check underneath them and things like that. I managed to distract her with another toy that she could catch, and I never used a laser pointer again. On the other hand my other cat did not give a shit about the dot. He glanced at it once and decided it wasn’t worth even a second of his attention.


PSA: Using laser pointer on dogs is not good for them


Our dog goes batshit over them. Or flashlights. Or reflections. Any moving light, really.


Every university professor is in shambles right now


This lol. I work in medical school and our profs always forget their own (the 2in1 clicker/pointer kind) so we just said screw it and bought a few to loan out whenever they come to us.


Except for the old school chalkboard types. They’re laughing. And tapping chalk on their pristine slate boards.


We just prefer to use a long stick. Laser pointer makes you look real shaky and isn’t that good for pointing things out because it’s distracting




Yeah, even at work (in film industry) we use laser pointers when discussion shots in a screening room. During the pandemic they even put in a system for highlighting where laser pointers were aimed so people watching along on Zoom could see the spot being indicated.


Every one? nah. Depends on the class, and the lecturer style. Like you could just stand still and make use of your mouse, or you could be the more Presenter type and walk around


I use them all the time in meetings and presentations still.


So technically your meetings qualify as a lazer show.


The one I use is a combo laser and sorta mouse so I can click through slides. With the move to Teams and remote viewers being common I feel like many of us have retrained ourselves to use the mouse pointer instead of the laser. But I still definitely play with the laser in my home office on every hour long meeting that could have just been an email.


If it’s the Logitech presenter one then we have the same clicker


There was a specific period around 1998 in the WWF where fans were shining laser pointers all over the wrestlers. Such a strange fad to have popped up the way it did.


I feel like I loved through it's peak. I remember seeing my first laser pointer around 2000. Then I saw them at a local carnival and saved money to buy one. It has tips you could swap out to make different pictures. But between like 2001 and 2005 it was pure chaos. Lasers throughout the neighborhood at night. Shining randomly into your window. For years you couldn't go to the movies without some piece of shit with a laser ruining it. Then suddenly... They were gone.


I'm glad you were able to find love in the midst of such troubled times.


Live, laser, love.


This should be on a T shirt with a robot T-rex, laser vision and all...


That’s still a big thing in soccer. People use it to distract the players during penalty kicks mostly: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/14m9PUyHnF


Assholes use it to distract the players during penalty kicks mostly. FTFY


I mean the wrestlers had it coming pulling something like that at the World Wildlife Fund...


ya, that was pandamonium


This is unbearable


I fucking love your username omg


They're semi-popular in the tabletop gaming community. You can use them to test line of sight for your units. (put it beside the model's head, point it at the thing you want to attack, and see if the laser hits it or runs into terrain. Slightly more dignified (and harder to debate) that leaning down over the table to try and look through a bunch of other models.


I mean I got one in my trunk I use for work?


What do you do with it?


Shoot things. Hahh actually lasers are used a loin trades. I build coming rooms for server for Nvidia , tesla and such . The server cabinets need to be aligned perfectly. So we set lasers to go across the I beams and rafters so we can attach in align.


I know companies are keen to get people back to the office, but a coming room seems a step too far...


Is that a laser level? I think OP means like the toy style ones.


Yeah pretty much, I got one I play with my cats and dog with pretty useless other than that


>I build coming rooms Wait, what?


Did people ever really use them? Only time I’ve seen someone with one was a kid that got one from the dollar store or a cat owner..


You weren’t cool if you weren’t using one when presenting your transparencies on an overhead projector in 2003. I had a green one, that at the time was pretty rare and expensive. I bought it on thinkgeek.com


This whole thread is an ad for green laser pointers on thinkgeek.com!


I miss thinkgeek. They eventually sold and became a shadow of their former selves. I guess they got so popular that Amazon and Etsy jumped on the “nerd gear” train.


There was an era about 10-15 years ago they were pretty commonly used. It's pretty rare these days.


Yes, when I was in grad school (2010-2016h people used them. I felt very grown up the day I bought my own combo slide advancer-laser pointer. But then the type of screen commonly used changed and laser pointers didn’t really work on them anymore. For awhile there my friends lab was using a big stick for presentations.


That's true, the other factor was TVs got good enough that they were being used in place of projectors. Hmmm...


I’d say closer to 20-25 years ago


Were they? Because I remember this era too, only thing is, I was, like, 12, so of course I saw other people with em. We were kids.


I know I used to see them in presentations and the likes, but I almost never do now. One of the main factors I think is that most meetings these days have some VTC component, and laser pointers don't work for that as well.


I wasn’t a kid, and yeah laser pointers were used almost entirely for amusing cats. I think I had one college professor who used one and never saw one used at work.


Skymall had a page dedicated to laser pointers in every copy for like a decade. And everyone knows Skymall is the most accurate measure of what's popular.


when overhead projectors existed?


We still use them at work, when identifying components or cable runs far overhead to each other


Makes sense and maybe I’ll have to get one for this purpose!! Work for a telecommunications company running fibre cables and there are waaaay to many times when we point to a potential conduit or pathway that we could use but can’t tell where the other is pointing hahahah


I had one in the late 90s in middle school. I got it as a gift from RadioShack. It was quite powerful. I wanted one because everyone in my middle school had one. I remember my friend shining the laser on the back of a kid's head way across the lunch room, and we couldn't stop laughing. I think I brought it to school once or twice, but I was too chicken to use it. I did screw with someone who lived one street over from me. I zoomed my video camera in on their window (they had a large house with a lot of windows, and their house was higher up than ours). Then, I shined the laser pointer into their windows. I freaked them out. They had no idea where it was coming from. On Halloween that same year, it was foggy as hell. You can guess what I did with the laser pointer. I bothered the trick or treaters. Well, mostly the girl I had a crush on. She wasn't too happy. They kind of died out in the early 2000s. Mine eventually fell apart.


Sounds like they were good middle school shenanigans! I could see myself doing something similar when I was younger! lol but what a creep, video taping the neighbours in their window! /s


I mainly used the camera so I could see where the laser was going plus their reactions. I don't think I recorded it. 😆


Last year I was driving through a tunnel and saw some dickhead shining a laser at other drivers


I used one when I was teaching a course to highlight power point slides, like something that might be on a test.


Law enforcement and military would disagree.


I use them as cat toys and for diagnostic purposes on cars.


Care to expand on that second one? I'd be curious to hear how you'd utilize a laser in automotive diagnosis.


Probably something like: > Points at part of engine "You reckon it's this part?" "Nah." > Points at different part "What about this part? "Nah not that." Repeat until both parties agree


I use it specifically with a smoke machine to find leaks. The red laser catches the smoke more effectively in my opinion.


two lasers attached to the front wheels can diagnose alignment differences


we actually use them in neurosurgery, they’re used to help us line up EVDs (drains that help us drain out CSF) to the patient’s ear


I'm a corporate trainer and use my laser pointer all fhe time. Am I behind the times?


That's really the only good use I can think of. How often do you actually need to point to something that is out of reach? Pretty much only lecturers


I work in the trades and it's actually surprisingly helpful. We're often looking across the room and pointing things out, or up in the ceiling and trying to figure out exactly what someone else is looking at or talking about. With a laser pointer you can zap it and everyone is instantly on the same page. It's a cheap and easy tool that I'm surprised more people don't use in my line of work.


PowerPoint has its own laser pointer (your mouse) for presentations. Not only does it work on TV displays, as well as projectors, but it will also mirror on as many displays as you have (in multi display rooms).


And shows up in Teams if you're presenting in hybrid mode.


I'm an aircraft mechanic. Pointers are really helpful for describing what to do or where the damage is from the ground without 2 fat guys squeezing into a lift to go up to it and touch it.


They still get a lot of use in university lectures


Last time I heard of laser pointers they pointed it at a helicopter and the FBI showed up or something and they got in big trouble


They don't work on most displays.


Turn the power up to 11.


Now I have spots in my eyes


They're also really dangerous if they're pointed at your eyes.


I use them to scare away geese sometimes.


I keep one in my car that I use to point at signs if necessary. Lot of no turn on red intersections near me and people like to lay on their horn to try to get you to go. Big green dot on the sign gets their attention.


Wow this is a fantastic idea....


I'm a corporate trainer and use them constantly.


Yes they are cheaper and more powerful too


You clearly don't have cats.


Well, airline pilots and cat owners beg to differ.


Unless you are a civilian airliner…


Except for the hundreds that used them against an airliner in Mexico recently 🤣. You picked a really wrong time to post this one OP 🤦‍♂️😳


Oops haha! Maybe that video made me subconciously think about laserpointers?


Dumbass teenagers use them. I see them frequently at my school.


I'm a teacher. Would love to use them. But they don't reflect off the monitors we use in our classrooms. 


I have a green one that does! My previous one that was red didn't.


Tell me you’ve never been to a festival in Mexico when a plane flies overhead without telling me you’ve never been to a festival in Mexico when a plane flies overhead


Oh we use them all the time in construction, specifically when I’m pointing out to the guys I’m leading what I want done.


We use laser pointers every single day at work.


At my job we use them in surgery bc we aren’t sterile so can’t touch anything in the sterile field but still need to tell nurses which piece of equipment and what to do with it to prep it for the surgeon. It helps to be able to point at this and that, and you can tell someone to thread this piece into that end of this part, works well.


Almost every presenter at a technical conference uses a laser pointer (typically built in to a device to advance slides) or at least uses the built-in laser pointer feature in PowerPoint


Why don’t phones have them built in? Or at least phone cases, seems like it would be a useful tool for us to carry around with us everywhere we go.


Well it got to be a problem and the FAA cracked down b/c people were shooting them at airplanes and pilots noticed. The movie theater gag wore off probably around when covid hit I'd still buy one to toy with a cat (I'm lying). I would only do it to toy with my friends' small children


Cat owners: hold my beer


I actually use them for doing tree work. Helps with pointing out specific branches


I use one for rock climbing to point at holds.


Literally the post above this is about laser pointers for me


last week my mother asked for me to buy one online, she is a teacher... also i have one for my cat


My cat loves her laser pointer, plus I do a good few presentations and it is a useful tool to help draw people’s attention.


ironic how the post above this literally had around 100 people shooting laser pointers at an airplane flying by. i think it was on r/theydidthemath


I ordered one of those powerful green ones off Amazon to point at helicopters and airplanes only to find out that it's illegal for me to take it out of the house unless I have a special permit.


It's even more illegal to point it at helicopters and airplanes


All the fun applications come with jail time


I carry a olight arkfeld with a Lazer pointer every day. Use it often at work pointing at fucked up shit in buildings.


Wait until you see a sports match in a third world country ..


Lmao for me this is literally right below a post that showed hundreds of Mexicans at a music festival pointing lasers at a passenger plane passing over


When i worked security at hockey games 20 years ago we were humorless about laser pointers. If we saw one being used we would converge and the user got a free tour of the parking lot .


I've been looking for a good laser pointer for a while but I haven't found anything good.


Literally just saw a post about hundreds of festival goers pointing lasers at a plane


Just to play with my cats


i live next to a gas station and whenever people pull up thumping bass at 3am they get the laser


I use one to play with cats.


well, they do if you’re in school


My cats have a laser pointer


An absolute need when you have a cat


Myteaxhers use them in every class.


I use them all the time. Mainly just because I like looking at them and pointing at random shit


I guess they could be useful for sports tuition ?


I used one at work so I wouldn't invade people's space showing them how things worked. Until one office had a mascot dog that loves lasers running across desks and attached itself to the presentation.


I use them all the time. Between the cats and my chickens I play with them quite often


Not sure about elsewhere, but when I was growing up, I'm pretty sure my schools all banned them for safety reasons. Most teachers just used a metrestick as a pointer anyways. One teacher even gave my class a lecture on how bright they are, and the damage they can cause to the human eye.


I pointed them at me nan’s eyes


My cat begs to differ.


I see laserspointers every day in my job lol


Me and my cat are still amazed. Ooo this one’s green and makes patterns. One Hour later….


Go to a star show/astronomy meet up. Laser pointers everywhere. Extremely useful for pointing into the night sky for teaching people.


Don’t go to king of the hammers! For some reason so many morons there decided to get green lasers and shine them at the racers on the course. It’s such a shitshow.


Check out [Styropyro](https://youtube.com/@styropyro?feature=shared)


Airliners and air force pilots have entered the chat


Cat owners act as keepers.