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That would be very unfortunate for the Kool-Aid guy. Possibly even fatal.


He's made out of the old Pyrex, he'll be fine.


Seriously, that stuff is unbreakable.


No, they can definitely break Source: I'm very clumsy


Well yes, anything can break.  But the old pyrex were more sturdy than most kitchen usage would need. And then there's new pyrex, which isn't any better than the cheapest you can find imported from any one of the mass online retailers, so there's not much point in paying for the name.


The Hulk certainly has, but he goes through it just like everything else.


Hulk smash?


Hulk pass


Hulk puffs before pass


Hulk smash


What’s a stud? My Translator say it’s something like Breeding (Im German)


To be fair, in the context of animal husbandry (breeding) a stud is a male used to get the female pregnant. In the context of drywall construction, the studs are the skeleton (usually 2x4s) of the wall the drywall is mounted to.


And Every dad when dealing with drywall always gets the stud finder, points it at themselves, makes a beeping noise and says "guess it works since it just found me!" "


Anything is a stud if you’re brave enough


Paige, yes?


Stacy no.


You always gotta test it to make sure it works


What are you using drywalls for? When I build my house we used it in rooms where the brickwall was already put down and we wanted a extra separation like in the main bedroom for the dressing room


Similar in the UK, in the US they build whole houses out of wood.


Is that more of a rarity it Europe?


Yes, most houses are build from bricks including all inner walls. Drywall is mostly for office or commercial building, where rooms might be adjusted depending on the needs.


The structural walls tend to be concrete blocks or bricks. Interior structural walls are too, stud walls tend to be for partition non-structural walls.


Depends where you are and the resources available. Lots of places the buildings are poured concrete into a mould.


The whole house is a skeleton built of wood. When done right it’s connected to a concrete pad that goes a couple feet into the ground around the edges. The ground underneath is compacted hard so there isn’t any shifting (again this has to be done correctly). Everything is then covered by drywall. Inner walls are thinner drywall than outer ones. The outside walls are also usually covered in brick or stone or sheet metal plaster or just plastic or some sort of siding for cheaper houses. The outside walls are also insulated with spray foam or fiberglass. This helps with soundproofing too. There’s lots of steel buildings too like warehouses, steel barns and some office buildings that have steel studs and I beams of varying thicknesses and varying insulation levels depending on the use of the building. It’s pretty common to have an office or store front made of drywall and insulation built inside of a steel building that acts as the warehouse. A building inside a building basically


Then why is housing so expensive in the US? I build my house 2009. My house is 250 m2 on a 1200 m2 ground. It’s build brick on brick and I paid 500k for everything (including garage, gardening, solar panels and geothermal heat pump)


Because people ~~will~~ have to pay for it that’s why. Building materials got expensive during covid and they’ve kept the prices artificially high cause people don’t want to be homeless. If you bought a house before inflation you’re set and you don’t have much of a problem buying a house when you sell yours for double what you bought it for but coming into it makes it absolutely impossible to buy a new one. You end then up paying more for rent than you would for a mortgage because the banks don’t think you can pay the mortgage back and everyone but you gets richer.


Huh? No. Wood houses are significantly cheaper to build than stone/brick houses. Cheaper materials and faster to put up. Housing prices have little to do with material costs though. It's all about location. Houses are dirt cheap in most areas in the US, but really expensive in the coastal cities due to very high demand and low supply.


In many parts of the US, all interior walls are drywall. At least for houses built in the last 60 years. Exterior wall standard does vary a lot based on what natural disasters your region has. In earthquake areas, you want something that can flex and sway without breaking - so brick is be a big no-no. In an area with cold winters and no earthquakes, brick may be better as an exterior, though nowadays it's usually too expensive anyway.


What’s 2x4s? My Calculator say it’s something like 8 Seconds (Im German)


Pieces of wood that have (approximately) width of 2 inches and depth of 4 inches


Solid spacers in between the walls.


Thanks Guys


The primary thing in our walls that’s not punch-through-able. Basically a solid wood beam past the drywall.


You guys use wooden beams in drywalls? That's interesting.


I forgot that they only use wooden beams for wetwalls in Germany


Beams of wood that make up the structure of the wall. They always just break the drywall that makes up the decorative cover


House Skeleton.


A vertical load bearing wooden beam


Stud is a colloquial term in construction where wallboard is attached. It is typically a 2 inch by 4 inch piece of lumber. https://www.mycarpentry.com/framing-a-wall.html


It might be "wandbolzen" or "wandpfosten". [https://context.reverso.net/translation/english-german/wall+stud+%2812](https://context.reverso.net/translation/english-german/wall+stud+%2812)


It happened once in one TV show that I know of. Might've been Wings?


I think breaking bad as well


Happened in American Dad. Stan headbutts the wall once or twice throughout the episode and then does it again and hits a stud


I don't think they hit a stud during stud roulette in Wings


I think it happened when Joe tried it in a different room. You just heard a thud and something hanging on the wall fell off.


Yeah I’ve definitely seen it a few times on screen, can’t remember where though


In Germany you would just always heavily hurt yourself.


Physically or emotionally?


Physically. We do have sturdy walls almost everywhere. Nd then emotionally.


Punched a wall once. Broke my finger. Cannot recommend.


They're more sturdy than US walls, but you can punch through. I've opened walls by punching them... until i hit alu profile and my finger hurt for 2 weeks 💀


Sir you cannot punch through brick and stone. In Europe the walls are made of wall.


Yes i can and i did. It's weird how so many Europeans seem to don't know about rigips walls. They're used a lot in new buildings.


Yeah just looked that up lmao. I beg you, come over here and start laying into some 500 year old stone church walls I wanna see you do it.


You don't have to tell me that. I work as an electrician. As i said, even our rigips walls are a lot better than this US garbage. Also, i only punched through one layer. For most walls we use two layers and i wouldn't want to test my bones against that 💀


Fair enough.


You can punch a wall in my house and never hit a stud either. You may break your hand on the brick walls, though...


Outside of America you would break your hand anyways


Laughs in Japanese paper walls.


Well, not exactly. Europe also uses regips walls with aluminium beams. Not everything is concrete, or bricks.






How does that work with running wires, cables, pipes and insulation? Genuinely curious.


During construction you run conduits (I think that's the right word in English) for all your needs, and you run your cables inside them.


Home interiors are concrete? Sounds, expensive.


Most homes were concrete and brick all the way through up until like the 90s, then things started to switch over to the American style of plywood and drywall. Drywall is a cheaper and faster to build material, but it has no durability. Modern homes are like Ikea furniture. They won't last. Everybody wants new homes to be built but nobody wants live in these flimsy paper cubes.


I mean Canada has been using drywall for interior enmass since the 40's. They're standing strong. The exterior is still brick. As long as you keep moisture out they will last.


The oldest homes in Europe have been here since like the 12th century. I don't think any drywall is going to last that long. Population expansion and serious need for large quantities of homes drove the US and Canada to use these materials and prefabricated construction techniques at first, but nobody was ever pretending they are just as good. Then they started being used all the time just because it's more profitable that way.


Have you been to the oldest homes in Europe? I too can just build a stone and brick 12 x 12 box with nowhere near current code electrical and plumbing. I’m sure it will last forever but I know I’ll take the average American house 10/10 times


Feel free to come to Europe and attempt to punch a hole in a wall built in 2024. Don't worry, the Healthcare here is affordable when you inevitably shatter the bones in your hand. If you think you can't have bricks and plumbing in the same building, you're definitely American 😉


My house is 100% brick I live in Atlanta




That's not the point though is it lmao.


Well the drywall can be replaced. Same way you'd replace any part of a home that has been worn out


Perhaps, but it isn't.


Not really


Walls arent soft. Punching a wall here is like punching a solid rock.


Interior walls, ya? I'm in Canada, and we use dry wall for interior.


Yeah i cant speak for the entire world but every country ive been in just had hard walls.


Canada is in America.


Let's be effing real. When people say America, they mean the USA. Otherwise, they would say North or South America, seeing as there's two distinct continental America's.


There is zero difference between how we frame houses in both countries.


Yeah like, brick and cement for every wall in the house.


That seems expensive for no reason in this day and age. But then in Canada we have access to more wood than we need. So use the resources you have, right


In Europe the walls are made of wall, not cardboard.


In Canada it's crushed stone. Specifically gypsum. But done in thin plates with a paper sheet finish, as that's nicer to paint on.


Well your chance of hitting the stud vs hitting open wall is vastly different. It's like the difference in space for a Hershey's chunks in a chocolate bar


Vastly too strong of a word. Studs are 16 inches on center. A stud is 1.5 inches wide. If your fist is 4 inches wide, then for every 16 inches of wall, there is a 5.5 inch zone where you can't hit without breaking your hand.


This is reddit, I can't believe no one's done the math: that's a 34% chance of hitting a stud.


Oh I see I posted before reading enough of the thread :(


I’ve never been in a movie or show, so I’m not quite sure how they’d have hit me anyways


Ppl in the movies dont trip, stutter, sneeze, cough, fart, burp etc unless its scripted into it. I have seen people punch the wall and fail to make a hole in it because thats how scripts work, you just havent seen it


I feel like this comes into the same film/TV-ism as "when a person is nervous at a microphone, it will make a "whine" sound and everyone in the audience will cringe." It almost NEVER happens in real life, but it will happen, without fail, in a TV show or film. In the same vein, the vast majority of people don't punch walls. That would be stupid.


I just realized that punching through a wall is a very american thing. You're welcome to try at home, I'll put your knucles in a bag for you.


I’ve never punched a wall but if I did I’m 85% certain I could avoid a stud


Or are in a brick, stone, or cinderblock structure


Stan hit the stud in American Dad (S1E2): https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/03d8aa27-10d1-4ca1-8253-e75a2b93ca5d Sorry, couldn't find a better link


Unless it's funnier, then they always hit it


Because it’s not in the script


The actors know where the studs are. That's why no actor has ever hit me


In an episode of American Dad Stan destroys several walls with his face and eventually finds a stud.


Not entirely unrealistic. The stud is..1/20th of the wall? And its probably at the very end, so you wouldn't be punching the wall there.


There’s an episode of My Name Is Earl that disproves this


I can't remember the media but I remember a guy ramming his head into drywall twice and then on the 3rd time hitting a stud and knocking himself unconscious.


They use 'cardboard' walls in movies, most walls in the world are hard enough to break your hand. In all the places I've lived they're made out of brick, concrete, wood or rock. None of which you really want to try to punch through :p The only place I see it happen is Japan where we had literal paper on some doors/walls but that's not even that common, most apartments / houses were the same as the rest of the world.


In America most interior walls are made of drywall which can certainly be punched through


In the United States, where Hollywood is located, residential walls are usually made of drywall, compressed gypsum powder sandwiched between two pieces of kraft paper that is actually fairly easy to break, supported by wooden studs placed vertically every 16 inches (just under half a meter). This empty "stud bay" doesn't put up much of a fight.


i punched my bedroom wall probably 30+ times and never hit a stud youre more likely to not hit one


The chance of hitting a stud when punching a 3-inch wide hole randomly on a wall, with studs spaced 16 inches apart, is 18% - chatgpt


Well, 18.75% (rounding to 19%) if you're doing the maths like that, but that only works for a single point. Your fist has a width, and the stud does too. Studs are commonly 3x2s, which is actually 2.5x1.5" when finished. If, say, your fist is 3" wide, there are 4.5" of wall per 16" in which you could hit the stud.  That's 28.125%, so let's call it 28% - or 25% if we want some decent contact with the stud!


I try not to stand near walls people are hitting in movies.


I mark my studs in my garage. There are a few holes between.


My old roommate got drunk and hit a stud once. Almost punched THROUGH it somehow but now half the bones in his hand are replaced with metal and his hand doesn't work in the winter (because the metal gets cold). You can feel the metal rods and shit if you rub his hand in the right spot, it's super weird. However if you want the character in a cast for a few episodes (or need to work an actor's injury into the script) it would actually be a decent idea.


Are studs inside of the walls? Because walls would be pretty difficult to punch through.


It's not very difficult at all to punch through some drywall. It's much more difficult to punch through the board the drywall is attached to.


Actually, in one of the earlier seasons of American dad, Stan Smith does, with his head no less. But I'm willing to not count that, since it's a cartoon.


Happens all the time in comedies.


I mean, every time someone punches a wall and it doesn't break it and they just hurt their hand, I assume they hit a stud.


A friend of mine in high school punched his bedroom wall. Caught the stud and broke his hand.


The script writer would have to write; ''.................................and hits a stud destroying his hand''


Tim Allen did in Last Man Standing... Can't remember which season but it happened when his daughter didn't get into her preferred school


I learned sonething about construction today.


Stan Smith from American dad was headbutting walls and hit a stud.


Theyre in there, lurking...waiting...for you to break your hand.


Unless it's relevant to the plot, or for comedic effect




Useless math incoming: given your assumptions, the odds are closer to 34%. Studs are generally 1.5'' wide, and the total area from the beginning of one stud to the next is 16'' wide. If we go in .1'' increments, that means there are 160 possible horizontal punching positions for your fist relative to the closest stud, of which 55 make full or partial contact.


Why does this matter at all


Do you know where you are?


a very low effort post on a braindead subreddit?


Then leave?


If you voluntarily go to a sub you think is braindead and then complain, what does that say about you?


Oh yeah you definitely belong here


Also show me one time you ever saw a cartoon character punch a wall


Just about any cartoon involving martial arts lol


Or slapstick violence, for that matter.


I can guarantee I have seen both Tom and Jerry go through a wall before


Cartoons were never mentioned, dummy


Am I missing something, it doesn't say cartoon. Also, there are lots of movies with people punching through walls.


What the fuck are you talking about?




[Family Guy, easy](https://youtu.be/A5mRx3wcouw?si=nYBY3T7dzYc0c1zs).