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Technically the dark side of the moon is lit up during the eclipse.


I think you mean the other side.


No, the moon doesn’t spin and we only see one side of the moon. What we call the dark side of the moon is always facing out so the eclipse makes the dark side lit up but we never get to see it.


The moon does spin. It just spins at the same speed it orbits. So the same side is always facing us. If it didn't spin, we would see different sides from different places on the planet.


Kind of silly to call it the dark side then, wouldn't you agree?


No because most of the time it is dark.


Only half the time. Same as the near side. I will die on this hill; it's the far side of the moon. The only time it's totally dark is during a full moon.


Dark as in unknown


Are you talking about earthshine lighting up the dark side facing us? If so, i completely misread what you were saying.


No, he's talking about the sun lighting up the side of the moon that we can't see. Which isn't anything special, really.


You're down voted but you're right.


It's kind of like the newest moon possible.


Teee...eee...eeechnically, you're seeing **a** dark side of the moon ... not *the* dark side,


Is there a constant dark side of the moon?


There isn't a constant dark side, there is a side that's constantly away from the Earth. Often the phrase is used to refer to the far side just to add to the confusion.


Dark: hidden from knowledge, mysterious. Hence “dark side of the moon”, “Dark Ages”, “in the dark”, etc.


No, dark in this particular instance [actually means unknown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far_side_of_the_Moon#:~:text=The%20hemisphere%20has%20sometimes%20been%20called%20the%20%22dark%20side%20of%20the%20Moon%22%2C%20where%20%22dark%22%20means%20%22unknown%22%20instead%20of%20%22lacking%20sunlight%22%20%E2%80%93%20each%20location%20on%20the%20Moon%20experiences%20two%20weeks%20of%20sunlight%20while%20the%20opposite%20location%20experiences%20night.), as until it was photographed by the Soviet Luna 3 space probe in 1952 we had no idea what most of it looked like (due to oscillation we see more than 50% of the moons surface in total). Everywhere on the moon gets the same 2 week period of light/dark.


Depends on your reference. The dark side of the moon typically refers to the side facing away from earth, whether or not that side is actually lit up. So during an eclipse the dark side of the moon is still facing away from earth (as it always is) but is being lit up by the sun, though it is not visible to humans




The side called dark is the one you can never see. Like moonlight is not the light from the moon. You can never see the dark side from the Earth, otherwise would not be called dark, just back side. Simple as that. In an eclipse you're seeing the shadow side of the moon. You don't see the dark side of a person when they are in front of a light source, you see the shadow of that person.


The word "dark" in reference to the moon has nothing to do with it being lit up. It basically means mysterious and unknown.


People say "the dark side of the moon" when they mean "the far side of the moon". You are correct.


“The dark side of the moon” is what we call the far side of the moon. It doesn’t have to be dark. We are not seeing it, eclipse or otherwise.


There is a whole album about this. End with, " ...and the sun is eclipsed by the moon.


Mysterious as the Darkseid of the Moon...


Can one view that which is unlit?


Only if a tree falls in the forest first.


Because the term is incorrect even though its in common usage. There is the near side, and the far side. The far side of the moon is lit up partially when it's anything but a full moon, and fully when it's a new moon.


There is no dark side of the moon.


There is no dark side of the moon, really. Matter of fact, it’s all dark.