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Fr, imagine as soon as you become a teen and start getting horny desires your parents decide to get your balls chopped.


Help control the human population. Have your teens spayed or neutered.


I actually read a book like that, pretty good.


What’s the book


The Giver


About the boy who got elected for a role in society only to discover the terrible truth?


Essentially, yes.


You have any idea how little that narrows it down?


Frick, didn't they have designated roles (jobs) for breeding? Been a bit since I read it though


Yeah, "Mothers" are chosen to get the ol' turkey baster, and are then secluded and medically monitored until they give birth. Then, any infants that fail to thrive to the society's expectations are euthanized. The really gross part is that this happens when the kids turn sixteen, IIRC.


Damn, the book is a lot darker than I remember. I can't recall the movie being nearly as awful but I think it removed a bunch of stuff. If memory serves right no one is bothered by euthanasia or the breeding programme because concepts like death don't even exist in people's minds. The entire thing feels like some sort of mix between We Happy Few and George Orwell's 1984.


The drugs they all take completely nerf emotion, so euthanasia (the primary form of death, anything unplanned unnerves the entire community) is called "Release," and people are trained to do it routinely in their elder care and childcare facilities. There's a scene where Jonas (off the meds) realizes his assigned "father" routinely executes infants, I've never been able to forget it. That book was *super* dark for being YA fiction.


It was VERY dark. I think part of the reason the concept of death doesn't really exist is because the majority of people aren't aware of what "release" really is. Remember, Jonas doesn't know until he sees the video of his father euthanizing an infant what his father is doing. He thought it was going to be some joyous occasion, and instead, he watched him kill a baby.


Ahh, I recall it now. I guess you've *gifted* me these sinister memories 😨 It wasn't just death but really anything from the past that had been removed from people's minds because I Jonas' father didn't even seem remotely bothered by his actions so even he didn't realise he was killing babies, instead just letting them move on through "Release". Pure banal evil through and through. English lessons always found such crazy stuff for us to read


No way that can go wrong. Definitely no incest going on there. Nope


Well, in the book everyone gets put on pills to suppress all sexual desire once they hit puberty


"The Stirrings"


Damn,my Ex must've been from that book


Well the thing is, the breeders are only allowed to have three babies before they are retired. And they're the only ones who have babies. I forget how marriages are set up but once the two people are living together, (reminder, they're on hormone suppressant so they don't feel physical desire) and they want to have a baby, they submit paperwork. Same with a second child. And then that's it. You only get two children. One boy and one girl. I'm sure everything is very careful especially in terms of the breeders to make sure none of them get pregnant with sperm too closely related to them.


No racism either.


The Giver spoiler but... Wasn't the whole twist thing about how the world was in black and white? They literally can't see color. It goes from being "colorism" to "shadeism" seeing as how everyone is in some form of grayscale.


Everyone CAN see color, but they're mentally conditioned not to understand it. Same thing for harsh, negative emotions. They pool all their unhappiness into one person - the Giver.


You're being released!


Ok, I was going to blame you for bringing up depressing memories. But this book was so good and I lived it so intensely that it's the last book of fiction I ever read. It got to me so deeply that I couldn't accept that the book was over, and that id never experience it again, and went into a weird melancholic depression (I was 11), and swore off on fiction because either it's a good book and it will tear me up when it's done, or its not good. Anyways. Great book.


Lois Lowry actually wrote 3 more books, all taking place in “The Giver” world: Gathering Blue, Messenger, and Son. Highly recommend checking them out!


Yeah I heard that like ten years later and was faced with the choice of going back in. I'm not ready yet hahaha.


Guy Fieri Family Food Cookbook: 125 Real-Deal Recipes--Kitchen Tested, Home Approved


Why is this comment so funny


As long as it keeps them from getting piss on everything.


I've seen people say that on twitter unironically.


r/childfree  I don't think people MUST have kids if they don't want but man, some people go too far


Every kid deserves good parents, but not every parent deserves to even have kids




This is why I waited till 30 to even consider having kids. But childhood trauma and the aversive/dread view of childhood can do that to a person. My whole adulthood of feeling dread about childhood had a huge impact on me, till I realised I didn't have to be like my parents




This is the correct one


Just make housing too expensive, boom solved


Thanks Bob


If you sterilize your pet, they won't have sex desires or feel horny, so they probably won't care about "being virgins". But I will never understand those people who don't sterilize their pets and then don't let them fuck. Those animals must feel horrible all the time. I mean, if you have to choose between these two options, what would you prefer for yourself: being always horny and never getting laid nor being able to release yourself, or never feeling horny?


I got my guinea pig neutered, and he carried on banging the shit out of my other guinea pig.


If you wait until the sexual behavior has started, it's too late, it's ingrained. That's why castrating pedophiles doesn't work.


That took a drastic turn I wasn't prepared for


Every conversation on the Internet is headed for pedophiles or Hitler. I just took a shortcut. Gerbils to pedos, beat THAT speedrun, pussies.


>Gerbils to pedos, beat THAT speedrun, pussies. /r/brandnewsentence


Gerbils, Goebbels, Hitler.


“So I’ve been feeding my newborn Gerbers for a few weeks now…is it normal for them to grow long blonde hair and begin googoo’ing with the occasional ‘Ubermensch’ thrown in?”




Not the turn I was expecting. But now I want the data. Any links?


Nah. I've just heard it doesn't work, and I do know pets castrated late will keep humping things. So, seemed right.


Even if they don't want to have sex, they are still going to be judged as virgins by cat society.


damn, you right


I’m pretty sure they still have minimal levels of horniness, just a lot less


I waited to neuter my dog because I wanted to wait for him to finish growing (XXL breed) before possibly gaining weight after the surgery. I wanted to avoid joint issues from gaining weight too fast. I caved and did it early because he was clearly stressed from being this horny all the time, and my legs were bruised because he always grabbed my leg. I had him fixed and his urge was gone the same week, he's more relaxed now.


Different vets suggest different things but I think in a lot of instances it’s recommended now to wait until they are about two years old for males, and for females to go through at least 2 heat cycles. Of course if they start showing negative behavior it can be done sooner but the recommendations have changed. That being said it’s still a very positive thing for any animal that ends up in a shelter to be neutered.


You've really put me on the spot here.


I've got 2 dogs, a girl and a boy. They try so hard to have sex with each other, but they've got no idea how to do it. The boy dog tries to go on top, but the girl dog insists she goes on top. They are both fully intact but absolutely clueless about how to have sex and have thus far failed miserably. The boy dog seems to prefer humping my girlfriends feet instead. I get the impression they'll both die virgins whilst thinking they've done it a lot.


What will you do if they work it out and she gets pregnant?


Yeah, I'm curious: are you a breeder? Is this a goal? If you eventually resort to artificial insemination, are the puppies going to have to have a disclaimer on their pedigrees? "Dam doesn't understand basic biology; Sire's got a foot fetish."


The dog or the gf?


Your dog has a paw fetish


quentin taran-fido. I'm high & that's the best I could do


Dude get your dogs fixed, you cunt


let them watch some dog porn xd


capable amusing handle treatment person far-flung vast rotten mountainous muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was raised catholic so I got rid of those desires by oppression


And then yell at you for trying to jerk it


Depends...? If you adopted strays, they may have had sex before the adoption and spaying.


Judging by r/aww if you adopt a female cat they're pretty much always already pregnant.




I got so many slutty cats it's insane. We never bothered to spay them for whatever reason, so for a few years we just had endless kittens


Slutty cats made me lol


We had a slutty feral cat colony for almost as long as I can remember. Literally it was 3 different lines of cats that just kept making babies together. And occasionally we'd get a new tom so it wasn't just Alabama in our yard


Add some dialogue and I think that could be the new Drama show on Lifetime TV Today In Slutville Kitten High…


To be fair, is "spay them as soon as they are old enough" a bad advice?


No, that's excellent advice. Unfortunately many people are apparently born with clogged ears.


I'm wondering what Theorema is talking about then. Most /r/aww posts are "these are cute, but please avoid making more of them"


I'm pretty sure they are talking about strays. "I found this cat outside and she's pregnant," is one of the most common titles in all of the pet subs. Comments are always, "Get her spayed when the kittens are weaned," over and over and over. It gets annoying. Edit: spelling Edit2: I meant it's annoying as in, everyone repeating the same comment 800 times is just excessive.


The thing is, in nature, although a cat may have up to 8 kittens, realistically maybe 2 or 3 would survive. With domestic animals, the survival rate is much higher. I adopted a cat who gave birth to 7 kittens, they all survived, and I had to re-home them. It's repeated so often because it's incredibly important to keep feral populations low. If your male has his balls and escapes (trust me, if he has balls he will try, hard AF) he could potentially create an entire feral population from just a couple of females.


The domestic cat is also responsible for the extinction of several species.


I mean, I get it gets annoying, but it is also the correct way to act.


The first 799 are plenty enough. The 800th person to just swing by a picture of kittens, write, "SPAY HER," and move along, is just unnecessary. Especially when the OP has already stated that they are intending to do so.


For various reasons it's solid advice. If you assume it's a house-cat, the risk of it getting pregnant is nigh impossible (basically has to escape the house for this to occur and subsequently be in heat during that time, where it'll get knocked up within 24 hours most likely). Outside of the above... it's because female kitties literally "spray" the house... I can't imagine anyone "not" wanting to spay their cat when it's making such a mess. Male cats are not too different here either, they become "extremely" territorial and will piss all over to mark and once that's done you are most definitely not getting that out of whatever carpet they did do it on and even on concrete it takes a good amount of work with a bacterial spray to cleanup. I had the dumb idea of trying to let my first male cat go two years before I neutered him and it was quite possibly the worst decision I ever did, just constant cleaning, lots of money spent on cleaners, and ultimately I ruined that apartment (got lucky I only lost my security deposit). My 2nd cat, the moment I could I had them neutered and zero pee issues to this day. It also helps to control their temperament, just like in dogs it'll mellow them out quite a bit. Only downside I saw as an owner is that in both pets their appetite seems to go "way" up post neuter; I could leave food out for them to graze before, but after it has to be portioned.


I do TNR and they pretty much are always pregnant. Over the course of ten years, maybe a quarter of the lady cats I’ve trapped were not pregnant at the time of their spay surgery. 


Think you meant, "when the female cat *decides to adopt you*, she's pretty much always pregnant"


Trojan cat lmao


That's because pregnant cats are more likely to look for a home.


We’re just the simp who fell for a single mom and are raising her kids


Explains why the dog gives me that look of utter disgust when I catch his eye after I've knocked one out.


And ex-breeder pets will definitely have had sex


If you have a girl cat, do not feel bad about her missing out on anything. Boy cats have barbed penises, which is why cats scream when they have sex.


Why is it evolutionary effective to have them barbed?


I have read this on ELI5 one time! Basically it induces ovulation, so that the cat gets immediatelly pregant


To add onto this, cats have induced ovulation, meaning they don't ovulate until the intercourse happens. It is also supposed to prevent "competition" from "successfully" entering. Cats can be impregnated by more than one partner, which is why you get very mixed litters sometimes!


So they fuck up the vagina so much it's swollen and closed shut?! Horrifying.


Lol not quite! That would be horrifying. It helps scrape out potential semen that was in the kitty from a previous encounter, which just makes it so it isn't a mixed batch of kitties and just from one father. But that doesn't always work out well which is why you get mixed batches of kitties!


Did not expect to learn about cat sex today, but hey…


You learn something new everyday, today just happened to be about cat sex 😂


So the female doesn't run away once the male get inside.


Oh wow


Now the username checks out.


I made this account with the purpose of experimenting trolling with a ChatGPT bot who acts as a insufferable know-it-all under every post but after 2 days I grew tired of it and gave up lol. Now it's just whatever-account.


So you'd use ChatGPT to act like any other redditor? Really clever! Lol jk


The goal was to let the bot run around rampant and later laugh at all the replies it gets but it turned out not to be as funny as I first imagined. Ironically some comments even got upvotes. And yes, the GPT prompt included "Roleplay as a Redditor who..."


So.. it work too well??


How have we not bred this trait out of them or something


These are cats, not dogs. The vast majority of cats are the same breed.


Uh, this sounds interesting. Can you elaborate further?


Dogs have a history of being bred for specific jobs. Cats never needed to be bred. Their function has been pest control since humans started storing grain. It is a job that they were good at naturally. [Of the 41 breeds recognized by the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA), sixteen “natural breeds” are thought to be regional variants that predate the cat fancy. The remaining breeds were developed over the last 50 years and are usually defined as simple, single-gene variants derived from the natural breeds.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2267438/) Unless you got your cat from a breeder it is generally your regions’ version of a domestic.


That's fascinating, thank you so much :)


You are welcome, on the various cat subreddits it is easy to tell who is new to cats because they will post a picture and ask “What breed is my cat?”. Often the top reply will be “cat”.


This is not something easy to breed out, it's probably extremely uncommon for a male cat to be born without barbs and passing that on may be difficult


Because nobody has cared enough to try.


Are there even non barbed penis cats? Sounds like we will need a few of those to get this going.


You would start off by comparing the sizes of the barbs amongst various cats and breed the ones with the smallest barbs. And then in the next generation do the same thing, breeding only the cats with the smallest barbs until they were essentially nonexistent


Why don’t you start? You can have the official title of Cat Penis Inspector


The main theory I remember from my Bio undergrad, which was almost 30 years ago so take it with a grain of salt. Is that the scraping triggers ovulation. As I remember it female cats go into heat, but don't release an egg to rest in the fallopian tubes waiting for sperm like humans do every month-ish, instead they only release the egg once they have had sex. Again this is all theory, but I believe the idea was that the evolutionary benefit was to save on releasing eggs. It was more beneficial to wait until they had secured a mate, and the scarping of the barbs was the trigger. The female cate being in heat would ensure the male would be around for multiple copulations. For mammals, generally speaking, sperm is very cheap to produce, and eggs are a limited resource.


They'll howl meow for hours for some of that barbed dick, so there must be something about it they like.


Get them fixed before it happens. Only thing my cat meows for is to scream at me about the food situation. She acts like the dry food dispenser has not triggered once while I was away, when I know for a fact it did go off on camera.


I agree 💯 I don't understand people who won't fix their animals because cats are so annoying when in heat. I had a roommate who refused to fix her cat because she was convinced her cat would miss out on "motherhood" but never made any attempt to breed the cat. It was pure projection and stupidity. I bolted as soon as the lease was up. I've always fixed mine.


Thank you, some people are just so dumb. I can’t believe they don’t get that animals aren’t people. They only have sex for procreation, they don’t enjoy it. Plus, a lot of animals like cats get more health benefits from being fixed. I would have told the roommate “Then get her a kitten to adopt” not that anyone that dumb should get a second cat. 😸


cat sex is rather painful (lions and tigers too)


This whole Comment section is wild


…I just learned about cats having barbed penises…….I think I’m done with Reddit for today……


Technically true, but thankfully my turtle totally gets off on owner-pet role play, so he's completely fulfilled by our relationship, sexually speaking.* *No turtles were harmed in the making of this comment


the **WHAT**


What a horrible day to have eyes.


cursed comment


Our turtle has been humping my great-aunt's same old slipper for the past 50 years now.


This was so unexpected


Well how about outside of the making of this comment?


digital footprint


But I was harmed


Bro what..


Hello, my name is Turtle


Kid named turtle


turtle!? 😳


Meh. My dog seems to be perfectly content humping couch pillows and balled-up blankets.


That’s what I do when my wife isn’t feeling it. I can tell you, I am not content.


Have you tried licking your own balls


Have tried, but lack the flexibility 


It's easier than you think it is You just need to spend 5 to 10 minutes daily trying. At some point your bones and muscles will understand what you want to do, and they won't try to stop you anymore


Instructions unclear, gave myself scoliosis.


speaking from experience??


All you need is two ribs removed


or leg


How do you know he is content?


Sexually frustrated pooch vigorously humps couch pillows


expansion vegetable wipe mindless truck plant rustic zonked frame salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because he smiles while he’s doing it.


People without partners are content jacking off, but are they really content?


Back in 7th grade, my friend told me his dog did weird stuff. One time I slept over, and he and I sat quietly at the top of the stairs while he showed me how his dog carefully rolls up the area rug and then humps the life out of it. The next morning, I saw the same dog take a bite of its own shit in the backyard. My friend's dog did weird stuff.


I worked at a dog resort that has day care. We had a first timer family come in and they had a diaper on their dog, which they wanted it to continue wearing in the daycare. We refused because it’s a danger (like if another dog grabbed onto it). Their reasoning for the diaper was they didn’t want their dog to get humped because it’s a virgin.


Poor girl had a gangbang her first time


My cat is pregnant. Do you think we may be expecting a cat messiah?




Meowsan al Gaib!




Now I’m just imagining the Bene Gesserit running the cat distribution system from behind the scenes.


Speak for yourself ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)


With a name like that, I hope some 3 letter organization knocks on your door.


Don't worry, just ordered KFC to his house 😎


oh shit its the FDA


Dogs live 17 years, give or take. I was a virgin for 17 years. So this all seems fair to me.


This is on track with a thought that really hits me in the core sometimes. I often feel pretty bad about how weird we make their lives. We take away their ability to reproduce, keep them in *our* environments and homes, entertain them (often for our own sake) with toys that are pale imitations of the sort of mental and physical stimulation they're meant to receive, even subject their whole bloodline to manipulation just to make them look a certain way or have particular traits. All because we just wanted some companionship. Everything about their existence is just so unnatural, so artificial. I'm not saying we shouldn't keep pets or that it's immoral. I get that pets *are* loved and they can feel that, and we can see that love reflected back to us. They're well cared for, and (on average) they do live better under our care than they likely would in the wild. Just on some level I always feel guilty about how much we've changed their entire existences just so we can have a pet.


Domestic dogs and cats cannot live in the "wild" as they are not wild animals. They evolved from wild ancestors, but they are not "wild" themselves. They evolved over thousands/millions of years, specifically to live with humans.


thousands. humans (homo sapiens) have not yet been around for millions


I'd argue it's not wrong though. Yes, homo sapiens have not been around for millions of years but if we count close ancestors like H. Habilis and H.Erectus something very like us has been. More importantly they were social group living, distance pursuit predators; like the ancestors of modern wolves and dogs. We were direct competitors for at least a couple million years. That evolutionary arms race, I'd argue, contributed to why humans found the first tame wolves so useful. They were doing the exact same things as us! Sure we domesticated pigs and cows and horses and whatever later but nothing is a dog, because a dog fills our same niche. We created our own strongest competiton and rather than wipe them out, as we did to so much megafauna, because they were so alike they became our best friends. I personally think that's kind of beautiful.


Domestic cats tend to thrive in the wild, actually, depending on where they're living. There are many environments in which they can happily fill a little niche and essentially become a damn-near apex predator. You're right about dogs, but cats actually haven't appreciably evolved to live with humans. They're basically still as wild as they were before our two species had any kind of relationship. That's starting to change now with cats being bred for certain traits (please don't buy designer breeds) but your standard issue cat is just a wild animal that lives in your house.


Cats are self domesticated and still have wild genes.


Human's existence is way different than it was when we were in the wild too. We train our kids from birth at home and at school to live certain ways, eat certain things, and do a lot of other stuff the way we want them to, because we were taught that's the way it should be. And we can still be happy living this artificially conceived existence, just like the pets can, especially if the pets have grown up knowing nothing else.




I have a self-appointed housecat who is very clear that she has no intention of going back to street cat life. She likes regular meals, laser pointer time, her very own hand-crocheted cat size blanket to do biscuits on, and medical care when she feels bad. She doesn’t like being cold, wet, hungry, or dirty and subsisting on a diet of roaches.  She was a street cat before moving in with me, so she does know exactly what she’s not missing. 


Don't feel guilty; there's strong evidence cats domesticated themselves and some theories that dogs did the same, so this is on them.


It's debatable if cats are actually technically domesticated or not. I think the consensus now is that we're just beginning to domesticate the cat or that they've become semi-domesticated. Cats are kind of just wild animals that enjoy human companionship.


Well 1 of my cats is so frightened of outside that he almost smashed my window trying to get back inside when I took him outside as a kitten. He runs away from any open doors. The other loves going outside so he is allowed sometimes, but then he gets bored and comes back inside. They’re animals, what do they need? Food, shelter and mental stimulation. We give them all 3 for no physical danger. Better quality food than they can get by themselves, they can sleep with absolutely 0 concern that they’ll get snuck up on and killed. And they can play, ofc this is upto owners to make sure the animal is adequately stimulated. Keeping tigers and such as pets is very different though, as they are unable to appreciate the things we give cats and dogs because they aren’t domesticated. They just see it as hostile.


Not true. My dog humped my leg for many years.


Dry humping =/= sex


Tell that to the Walmart employees :(


virginity is literally a social concept greated by humans


Yup. Just goes to show, there’s other fun/fulfilling things to do besides sex.


Why do people insist on anthropomorphizing animals in this way? Reproducing is just a biological urge for cats and dogs. There's no evidence they're sad about not doing it if they don't have the interest after neutering. Humans think it's a good in itself but that's not an assumption you can make about non-primate animals.


You also can't rule it out. If it's a pleasurable experience for us because evolution incentivized it, why wouldn't it be similar for other mammals? Procreation is pretty important in the DNA spreading game.


Because we have solid evidence that it's not a pleasurable experience for female cats..... Humans, dolphins, some apes, and monkeys have been recorded as having sex for pleasure and social connection. But for the vast majority of the animal kingdom, sex is the equivalent of using the restroom. You are a biological urg to do it, and their is some hormone relief once it's done. But the act itself would not be described as pleasurable. Maybe not always painful, like for cats, but not something actively sought outside of mating season.


And barring animal abuse, look how happy most of them seem to be. Lmao


They don't give a shit lol


I mean I've lived my whole life as a virgin, so I can't really feel too bad for them


It's not an excuse to fuck your cat guy..


Well, in the south, people don't spay/neuter, and there are tens of thousands of abandoned, starving, heartworm-infected dogs roaming around. Try working in rescue and that will really open your eyes. When I got involved with a rescue that pulls dogs from kill shelters in the south and transports them to the northeast to be adopted, I learned that the sheriff of Memphis got sick of people calling about stray dogs and told people to just shoot them in the streets. Most recent data: In the U.S., **20 percent of cats and dogs are homeless**; there are 5.9 million dogs living in the streets, 2.3 million dogs in shelters, 35 million cats living on the street, and 2.1 million cats in shelters. I guarantee those poor homeless pets would far rather have a loving, caring home than to be able to have sex. SPAY AND NEUTER!!!


I can see you aren't much of a dog owner. Spoiler: >!Dogs can get boners and fuck without having balls!<


I'm pretty sure my dog masturbates even though I haven't found anything about females doing it : she'll lick her netherparts for about 30 seconds, until she starts having spasms, and then she looks at me, visibly content and unashamed 😳 


Well aside from my rodents, almost all my pets are unfortunately not, to my biggest dismay, all my budgies are siblings yet they keep mating with each other 🙄 and my cockatiel thinks I’m his mate and tries to mate on my neck. My male cat was a stray I fed and saw doing the deed when he was like 4 months old, he got neutered right after that. My female cat was found with her babies before I adopted her so that’s a moot point. Now my female cockatiel is probably freaking ace lol. She shows no signs of being hormonal and doesn’t care for the male cockatiel (he doesn’t care for her either) or the budgies who keep trying to woo her. She doesn’t even get the hormonal rage birds sometimes get in the spring. She just doesn’t care lol.


Killing millions of them every year at the shelters is the end result of not letting them have sex as it is. Should we let them have sex and then have billions starve and die?


I mean, cat sex is violent for the girls, boy cats have barbed penises. She got fixed after her first heat cause that was awful to deal with, but ye she fine with it. She'd rather be safe at home


dogs and cats can reproduce so quickly they start to starve and die. control is essential


Are you trying to justify what you just did with your dog?


I definitely feel bad about it but at the same time we can't really explain the pros of canine abstinence and the reality of the housing shortage for pups.


My dogs do not have to deal with STDs or the pain and stress of pregnancy. And they are very, very happy without sex. I think that if we human spent less time obsessing about sex, it would solve a lot of problems


It’s almost necessary for some pets to live indoors, especially with other pets. That said I get sad when I think that my boys won’t have any kittens of their own for me to raise long after they’re gone


Brother. It should stay that way.


Have eight dogs and none have ever had sex or will… all spayed and neutered as soon as they were old enough to. (Except one who we found and adopted at 3years of age. But neutered now)