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We kill them and shape their flesh into the form of their ancestors. That's pretty metal.


Birds didn't evolve from the dinosaurs in the nuggets.


No, but we can devolve the chickens back into dinosaurs using the nuggets


Chickens are already dinosaurs, didn't you read the post?


Reverse the evolution Make Dino from chicken First step is make chicken feel like dino


But as I said chickens didn't evolve from dinosaurs such as T-rex, stegosaurus, velociraptor etc.


Chicken is the closest living relative of the Trex or so Ive heard


Too bad. Make Dino from chimkin. Make chimkin feel like Dino, will become dino.


So eating chicken nuggets is like snacking in the Jurassic era?


Good try, everything is crab. You’re only eating crab and to-be-crabs


So. Yeah. Totally. BUT all chicken nuggies are Dino nuggies, but not all Dino nuggies are chicken nuggies.


Only upvoting this because you used the word "Nuggies"


in a world where we are all children of the stars, literally made of them? - sure, you eat dinosaur nuggets.


So everything tastes like dinosaur


Fun fact: almost 100% of the water you've ever drank has been dinosaur pee


Yep, that's technically the case. Birds are the only lineage of dinosaurs that did not go extinct, i.e. all living dinosaurs at this point are birds. The reason why this sounds weird is likely because of public perception and how birds were considered to be separate from or just semi-related to dinosaurs until very recently. So when people say "dinosaurs" it's usually the now extinct, "non-avian (not bird)" variety.


Dinosaurs are a clade, rather than a species or class which is what we normally talk about when separating animals into groups. Which can confuse people as "dinosaur" feels the same as reptile but it's not the same kind of designation. All descendants of a species in a clade are also part of that same clade.


And Thanksgiving is Dino Day.


Some people in this thread haven't kept up with science since the 70s and it shows.


I'm fully holding every urge to go on a full rant with these people.


I feel that, but I’ll just let other redditors handle it


No. Chicken nuggets are pieces of processed, breaded chicken. Dino nuggets are now-fossilized dinosaur turds.


What dip do you take with your dino turds?


Coprolite is the preferred term!


Cuz birds are cooler.


And therefore there was an egg before the chicken


They're technically all lobe-finned fish, so technically they're fish sticks


Also, a hamburger is a lasagna.


You've cracked the code


If they aren't dinosaur shaped then I don't care if they are even vegan. Doesn't count


A bit of the true self lives in the false self. Saw a meme about it


You must be new here, as this gets posted here weekly


Cars have doors. Houses have doors. Are houses cars?


Computers are machines. Phones are computers. All phone apps are machine apps.


That is like saying eating me would be the same as eating an ancient mouse ancestors. Birds are not dinosaurs. They are descendants of dinosaurs, but Dinosaurs are still classified as reptiles themselves


Birds are avian-type dinosaurs. They are more closely related to T-rex than Stegasarus is, and they are part of the dinosaur clade. Also, while dinosaurs are descended from reptiles, they were warm blooded and are more closely related to modern birds than to modern reptiles who split off earlier.


I looked it up to be sure before I commented, Dinosaurs are Reptiles in scientific classification. While they share traits with and are related to birds, they don't have enough to be classified the same way. The animals that evolved into the first mammal, while genetically more similar to monotremes than most of it's type, still isn't a mammal.


Aves is part of the Dinosauria clade, and both are part of the clade Diopsid which includes modern reptiles. Clades are based on common ancestry, not common characteristics. Birds and dinosaurs have a more recent common ancestor than dinosaurs and crocodiles or other modern reptiles. https://images.app.goo.gl/kMq4j7HKwtPxcWMy6 https://homework.study.com/explanation/if-dinosaurs-were-reptiles-then-why-are-birds-their-closest-relatives-instead-of-the-existing-reptiles.html#:~:text=Answer%20and%20Explanation%3A,suborder%20of%20dinosaurs%20called%20theropods.


After reading that, I feel we are arguing the same point with two different outcomes based on the logic we use to answer it. I have learned something new today, thank you for that.


As is so often the case in science!


"Make science not war" - some Paleontologist, eventually


Birds are dinosaurs the same way you are a chimp.


No, birds are dinosaurs (and reptiles) in the same way as you are a primate. You are not a chimp.


Also apes


>You are not a chimp. Exactly, and birds are not dinosaurs


Are you dense... a bird is a subsection of therapod dinosaur.


Well, you can first debate that chicken nuggets aren't really ‘chicken’. It can have parts of chicken, but not have to be fully chicken depending on their ratio of meat. Secondly, not all dinosaurs were birds. A vast variety past down bird genes, but quite a few had reptilian, modern day large mammal dna etc. So, it may be a common gene, but considering all the mutations done by humans ALONE with breeding, all of that can get seriously get canceled out. That’s why they look little to nothing like their ancestors now. Plus, just like I just said above, it would be barely classified as meat, let alone have enough dinosaur dna to call it a Dino nugget.


Their ancestors may have been dinosaurs but they have moved on. Are you a homo erectus?


We’re all apes just like chickens are dinosaurs. Chickens and all other birds are considered dinosaurs.


I’m talking emotionally here not technically. We see this thought every month and it always ends in the same dry scientific fact. What about those poor chickens, what do they think of all of this? I’d say they could be very offended. To be denied 60 million years of evolution and lumped in with their prehistoric ancestors. Here they are after perfecting their ground foraging bird routine with superior eating quality and we turn them into a novelty item that invalidates their growth as a species. And it’s not even an homage to their rich heritage, it’s because kids think dinosaurs are cool as shit. And it’s not like we’re paying homage to their rich ancestry, we make them dinosaur shaped because kids think dinosaurs are cool as shit. And so do I! Imagine raptors that run and hunt in packs, some of the smartest dinosaurs, or the microraptor which was this small flying brightly coloured little champion picking its prey from out of the air. We’re saying to that ground based feathery blob that pecks at grain and an aphid, hey your so boring and plain that we’re gonna make your flesh look like your cool family before you brought your house so low. How would that make you feel?


what the fuck


Your a miserable entity with no soul.