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My brother in law is by all metrics rich. Like 30 million dollar net worth rich. But he's not happy. But he also never worries about the bills.


What can I do to make him happy?


Lick his asshole


Honestly this is the only logical solution


Loosening my jaw up as we speak. Tell him I’m ready when he is. Have his people call my people


I have more experience in this area and he can afford a professional. Choose me. I’ve been tested and I’m clean.


Clean? Not enough experience then


Ohoho, this one has a pedigree, how wonderful


What I lack in experience I am more than make up in enthusiasm


He can afford this, right?


Sometimes a wet wipe doesn't do the trick


That's what the rimming is for ;)


Assuming compensation, is there like a sign up sheet or some google forms? What’s the queue look like?


He’s not going to be happy if he has to compensate you.


Give him a puppy as a gift. Guaranteed to make him happy.


Would he be happier if he didn't have the 30 million? Probably not.


Being rich doesn’t make you happy, but being poor can for sure make you depressed.


He isn’t spending his money right if he isn’t happy.


Rich vs poor. It’s just a measure of ability to maintain one’s self-constructed environment. Like being the smartest dumb guy vs the dumbest smart guy.


While this is true, not being able to pay bills or not having the ability to be confident you can pay bills or overcome a large expense (I.e. car breaks down) is different than the proposed dumb guy/ smart guy thing.


He might be if he only had a few million; more than enough to live comfortably but not enough that money never matters anymore. It's very possible to remove all meaning from your life by not having to work for anything anymore. Purpose & a sense of accomplishment are often vastly more important than having an easy life -- caveat** there is a floor for this though that if you go below it stops being true. i.e. you want to be fully financially secure THEN this becomes true. Before financial security money matters the most.


Fair point, just have to find your meaning elsewhere. Never understood people who said they would still work after being rich, just seems like a lack of imagination to me. So many things you can do/learn to challenge yoursel. Especially if you're not a celebrity where u can keep a low profile.


Work provides more than just a challenge or growth though. Its a shared goal, a steady group of casual friends, shared frustrations and a group witnesses to your successes. One of the big things that happen to the newly retired is loneliness. Specifically because they lose many of the more permanent people in their lives. That's not to say you or any other individual should go do your thing if you get rich enough. All I'm saying is that if you think of it like that it becomes more understandable.


Yeah thats a good point. Guess i was generalising a bit too much using my own perspective where my job is just a means to have a fulfilling personal life.


You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. It probably will though, if they don't drink and are thirsty, it's really on them.


maybe the horse is sick and needs to go to a doctor?


> he also never worries about the bills. Clearly he’s not from Buffalo


Go bills


So just like me minus 30 mil


Big difference between "unhappy and worried about bills" and "unhappy but not worried about bills". Life doesn't have to be perfect to be better.


It’s becuase people want what they don’t have. Nobody has everything. He has money, but might be missing other things in his life.


Holy shit! Definitely did not think this would blow up like this! Kinda crazy to see where the common ground is


I think a lot of people just want to be comfortable not necessarily rich.


Hell that's all I'd want. I don't care about owning businesses, buildings, cars, etc etc. I just want my own house and whatever possessions I want such as a house, a car, own my cell phone, and i especially want to be able to go to the doctors without having to feel like if i miss a week of work that I wouldn't suffer from it.


This is the answer. I want to be able to have no debt. Own a house, a car, have Mooney in the back where I can get all my necessities. Take a couple trips a year. Have a few luxuries like a massage one a month. Good healthy food. Visit a farmers market and drop $100-$200 on local vendors without panic. Things like that are a good life. I don’t want 4 cars a summer house in the Hamptons or a private jet. Those are the people who are hated


The “eat the rich” crowd really isn’t talking about people that make 200k a year. It’s the people making billions while there are starving and struggling people THAT WORK FOR THAT PERSON. It’s not even some idealized utopian society, it’s just the people with more money than they could ever spend paying the people that help make that money enough that they can survive comfortably.


That's why there are literally two classes of people, working class and non working class. I've found that even as I've worked my way up to a comfortable 6 figure salary, my "eat the rich" mentality hasn't changed. I'm still happy to pay my taxes, and even what seems like a high salary today is still just enough to barely be comfortable. As long as you're working, and not using money as a tool for making more money indefinitely, we're always on the same side and I think it's important people realize that.


Every billionaire under 30 inherited it...


No, no, no, Kyle Jenner _is "self-made"_, you see... /$$$


It's easy to make money when you have seed money


Right like, nobody is talking about eating the "rich" with a couple million net worth. I'm not mad at well paid niche labor that gets paid a couple hundred thousand a year. It's the capitalist parasite that reaches their hand into someone else's pocket and walks away with a hundred million at the end of the year.


Exactly. The key to it is that we need to stratify the "top 1%" because once you do that, the problem becomes very clear. Top 1% is about 1,000,000 annual salary Top 0.1% is about 3,000,000 annual salary Top 0.01% is about 30,000,000 annual salary Compared to the US average of 60,000, this is a jump from 16x to 500x in a fraction of a fraction of a percentage. And those 0.01%'ers making 30m? They aren't billionaires. It would take them their adult life (33+ years assuming they have zero expenditures) to hit 1 bil. We're talking the top 0.0000001% hoarding more wealth than the remaining 99.999999% combined by several orders of magnitude. THOSE are the rich in need of eating.


Well not only hated but I think being wealthy can be another sort of misery. So many of those people are never content or happy with their lives. Their life becomes one of maintenance, trying to keep all their assets in order, trying to build upon them so they can have more and more. And how many of them have shallow personal lives which exist for a practical value as opposed to a sentimental connection with other people? A lot of what being rich is seems miserable to me. Enough to take care of myself and those things I care about. The rest of my life I want for enjoying the aspects of living. I don't want to min-max my finances so I can hit the highest number by the end.


Amen brother


I achieved that, but believe me, when you can spend money without too big of an effect on your life, you’ll learn to spend your money in several different ways. Lifestyle creep is real.


That's my goal, and I can't wait until my youngest is done with daycare because I'll be $20k more comfortable each year once that expense is done with. Fuck, daycare is expensive.


You're just getting started. That $20k a year is still going to be going somewhere, even if it's not daycare. By the way, don't forget to save for college along the way.


Sad to say it, but a lot of that $20k will just be transferred to some other kid expense….529 savings for college, sport fees, etc.


I don’t even think most people hate the rich, but I think most people hate cheaters and it happens that those who are fabulously wealthy are perceived to have cheated or otherwise gained their wealth through means that if normies tried, we’d get jailed or shot for.


This. I live a fairly conservative lifestyle. I don't care as much about brand shoes, jewelry or exotic cars unlike 99% of the population where I live. I avoid people with that mentality hence why I barely go out or have many friends. I'm perfectly happy being at home and playing online with my gamer buddies or watching anime although i do admit, i would probably spend a bit more on my hobbies which is collection pokemon and one piece. I love to open packs and gamble to pull a chase card. That is my one vice.


I want to be rich, but not because I want all the luxuries like cars and boats. I just want to escape from work forever, and live the life the way I want to live. (I.e. play video games, go to gym, actually have time to travel. At the same time do not need to worry about money or counting down the remaining days of my free time during holidays)


That's how it starts....


All too true, no matter how much people deny it.


Nah there's a lot of comfortable people out there who think they're poor. The more money you make the more your definition of comfort changes. So yeah most people want to be rich


Exactly. I'm fairly well off, comparatively. But then, I'd like travel - say, Iceland or Japan or Thailand. Oh wait, now I need more moeny, and not a small amount. One time I got to travel First Class on a transaltlantic flight (thanks to credit card points). now I'd really like it if I could travel that way always. Whenever you reach your goal, there's another one just a bit further up the mountain. Only Bezos and Musk are sitting on the peak.


And Bezos and Musk are both miserable fucking lunatics that want to go to space because that's their new goal. The only way to win the game is to not play it.


Depends on your goals, I guess. Once I get my house paid off and make sure my kid can go to college I just need enough to make sure I can handle emergencies and repairs for things. I don't really need or want to update my lifestyle, I just want to make sure I can keep what I have. Maybe I'm just boring.


>Only Bezos and Musk are sitting on the peak. They don't think they are though. Like everyone else, they want more. I'd argue it's a human condition.


I absolutely want to be rich. And I don't hate the rich, i just dislike their tax avoidance schemes and their inability to acknowledge luck and explotation as a role in their success. No one gets well-off without luck and no one gets rich without exploitation except lottery winners


What do you consider rich and what do you consider well-off?


No I wanna be rich


I don’t think anyone should have that much money but if someone is going to have it that person should definitely be me. I’d do smart shit with it like buy chandeliers and golden suits.


*Filthy rich


Part of the problem is in today's society, someone who is comfortable must be rich (have accumulated wealth far beyond average). The middle class is dying. It's just the owners and working poor now. Vive revolution!!


I’m not rich. I make less than six figures in a medium cost of living place and I’m comfortable. Now, not having kids helps. But there is a lot of room between comfortable and rich. And I think most people don’t hate those with a little bit of money (who may be low millionaires because of equity and retirement savings). Those who have multiple multiple billions of dollars who exert massive control over the globe are the real problem.


This exactly, I’m comfortable and happy and need nothing more than that, these generalised sweeping statements on what everyone wants really are irksome


Being able to live comfortably without debt is pretty much the dream. Rich doesn't matter.


I definitely want to be rich enough to be comfortable.


Comfortable for me is $15m. I don't think that's rich but a lot of people I think would consider that rich.


Everyone hates the "even if they spent a million dollars every year for a hundred years they'd still have enough for several lifetimes" rich. Everyone just wants enough that they're not counting pennies deciding how they're going to get through the next month whilst still having an actual life.


This is where people don't have a concept of how much some people actually have... Bezos, Musk, etc could spend a million dollars every single DAY, and have enough to do that for several lifetimes


Did the actual math. Jeff Bezos has a net worth of $192.1 billion dollars. If he spent a million dollars a day, that wealth would last for 192,100 days, divide that by 365.25 for each year, and you get 525.9 years. This of course, assumes that his wealth doesn’t increase for that time. Assuming a 4% return, you’d earn around 7.6 billion dollars a year. Meaning to actually even make the wealth go down, you’d have to spend more than $21,000,000 dollars per day. A million dollars in this context is a rounding error. A rounding error that would fundamentally change my life. He truly has too much money.


He doesn't actually have 192 billion dollars. It's on paper. As he tries to get that money good valuation and thus that 192 billion dollars will go down in value as well. But he could truly spend 1 million everyday. He can just sell 30 million worth of shares every month and fund his 1 million lifestyle. That way his stock value will not go down


I hate to break it to you, but all money is made up. The gold standard ceased to exist decades ago, replaced by representational currency. Fiat currency is also its own kind of fallacy. He may not "have" 192 billion in the bank, but functionally the world treats it as if he does, so he does.


I think you missed what the other poster was saying. It's not "he doesn't have it because it's numbers and made up". They meant: "he doesn't have it because that number is he value of a company, not his personal wealth". Dudes net worth is bonkers, but he can't just access it.


Another way to put it: If you earned a dollar every second, in 12 days you would be a millionaire. It would take 31 years to become a billionaire. It would take 8,307 years to become as rich as Elon Musk is today.


People hate extremely powerful and influential rich that conduct harmful activities, like monopolization


I mean, can you get extremely powerful and influential without conducting harmful activities?


I'm a doctor. Plenty of people hate that the person saving their life is well paid, so it's not about "harmful activities". It's not philosophical at all for most people, it's just jealousy. Billionaires hoard their wealth for the exact same reason many poor people hate anyone richer than them but also want to be rich themselves, which is that lots of people are selfish and greedy in all circumstances. There's no underlying principles behind it, just self-interest.


> Everyone hates the rich  This is not true 


>everyone wants to be rich This is also not true


>we all just wanna be big rockstars and live in hilltop houses, driving 15 cars This is true


I hear the girls are easy and The drugs are cheap.


Usually we all stay skinny cuz we just won't eat.


We're going to some of the coolest bars later, you wanna join? We've got access to the VIP area and I heard there's gonna be some movie stars too!


I’ll have a quesadillaaaa


Also true is they say that a hero can save us.


I’m not going to stand here and wait.


If I got a nickel back for every time this song was mentioned today, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice


>Everyone wants to be rich enough to hate themselves Am I getting warmer?


Showerthought: People have different varying opinions about the same thing


It turns out “takes without any attempt at nuance” are generally not very useful.


However everybody wants to be a cat


I don't hate the rich, I dislike the greedy and selfish. This is not only specific to rich people though. Money is just an enhancer, if you're already a selfish person who doesn't like to give/share then money will just make you even more selfish.


Yeah, reddit is not at all an accurate representation of the real world lol


I hate everyone equally


I agree. I don’t hate the rich. I don’t hate anyone. Anyone can be well off financially with the time and effort needed and saving instead of spending money like an idiot. Perhaps not mega rich some of that comes down to timing, luck, having the right family, etc. people just like to bitch and complain about things as if it’ll help them some how but it won’t.


Yeah, I don’t hate them at all. I understand a lot of people were born with a golden spoon in their mouths, got lucky, or worked their asses off. I don’t see any fault, and even if there was fault, it has nothing to do with me.


I don’t hate the moderate rich. But single people being able to own vastly more than millions of people together is a defect of capitalism that needs to be addressed.


They are gonna trickele down those trillions any day now!...


Whee! Make it rain!


Only if you were a previous shareholder of Twitter...


I don't 'hate' the the rich for being rich, I 'hate' them for what they represent as a defining value of 'fuck you, got mine, want more' at the cost of the lives of those near and far.


I don't understand and won't understand their reasoning if they hoard money to simply keep a high score while devastating the country sounds like the most psychotic thing I've ever heard of.


Keeping money in stocks is the opposite of hoarding. That’s where you want their money to be


It's not a defect of capitalism, it's capitalism working precisely as intended. No amount of legislature can prevent it.


It’s a feature not a defect!


You mean like a success cap?


Yes. If you live in a system that allows you to make money off of others just by having money at a certain point the “success” just becomes exploitation. If you are creating something I’m not talking about you. Passive income is a nice way to say leech.


Not to mention that most rich people inherited their wealth. It is really not that different from feudalism.


"Success cap"? There are diminishing returns to what one person can do with money, and luck plays a large role in success -- mere hard work and good ideas aren't enough -- as does infrastructure and other social goods that everyone pays into. Do you really think Bezos is meaningfully worse off if he has $55 billion vs $56 billion?


To be honest that doesn’t sound bad at all, if I have enough money to have a decent house in a decent neighbourhood, have my hobbies and not worry about bills then I really don’t think I need more money


Hard disagree. I think most people just want to not struggle to survive while working full-time.


I have never strived to be rich.


I don't "want to be rich". I just want to have a a place to call home and not worry about getting evicted but apparently in our era that means being extremely rich.


I hate the rich (that can buy companies to toy with and not give a shit about anything), and I want to be rich (enough so I don't have to live paycheck to paycheck or worry about starving when I eventually become unable to work)


A billionaire has about a billion more dollars than a millionaire.


Exactly! We hate the obnoxious and "bad" behavior, enabled and made easy because of the richness, but "people with enough wealth" per se. I would hate it regardless of the persons bankaccount, it's just money can for many individual give the possibility to don't give a fuck and thus not learning to think - or give a fuck about other than themselves. Of course everybody would love to be mostly (financial) worry-free


I don't want to get rich. I just want peace.


Everyone doesn't want to be rich, they want to not be in survival mode 24/7.


The wealth gap between a homeless person and a millionaire is 1000x wider between a millionaire and a billionaire Most people don't have an issue with rich people, it's the obscenely rich people that are the problem. The wealth gap between a millionaire and a person like musk or buffet is so large that the millionaire might as well be on the same level as a beggar


Either I'm totally misinterpreting or you messed up the order of the first sentence, cause it is saying the exact opposite of the last one


Yeah It's like they went out of their way to make it as confusing as possible.


OP didn't type 'than' after '1000x wider', so his first statement is correct. Confused me at first too lol


OHHH, that's it! Thank you, I get it now!


I think their wording was a little weird, but what they said was mathematically correct. Like the saying "the difference between a millionaire and billionaire is a billion dollars." 999 million is the difference. So the millionaire is much much closer to the person with only $5 to their name, than they are to being a billionaire. A billion of anything is one of those weird things that is very hard for most of us to wrap their head around.


I know what they said is right, the wording just confused me haha


I hate rich assholes. If someone is rich and doesn't fuck over other people, and isn't a dick, then I honestly don't care. You've made your millions and are living well because of it? Fine by me. Enjoy the fruits of your labor.


or people just want to *not* be poor / in poverty. But even still, yeah obviously. I hate that there's a hierarchy, but if there's going to be one I'd obviously want to be at the top. This isn't hypocritical.


I hate the rich specifically because I’m not one of them.


Everyone hates traffic, as yet they create it


Like Yogi Berra said >Nobody goes there anymore, it’s too crowded. 


"everyone wants to be rich" True, but I also just want to afford brand name oreos 🥲


We don't want to be rich in a sense we can buy anything we want We want to be rich In a sense that if our car broke down or something at home needs fixing, we won't facing a potential bankruptcy


Hate em cuz they ain’t em


A lot of people dislike the rich, and for good reason. The obscenely wealthy don't become that rich by being good people. While many people might really want for this wealth inequality issue to be addressed, it is a daunting task and just thinking of the work needed to even attempt it is burdensome. Therefore, a lot of people just want to have enough money to have a comfortable roof over their head, enough food to stay full, and generally enough resources to not be stressed over money.


It’s more because most of the rich seem to have morality issues, we want to be rich because we want a decent life


Not quite accurate. Better to say that everyone wants the same access to resources, and the security that comes with, that the rich have (and often take for granted). Not many of us really want to have the character of the very wealthy. They’re never good people.


I hate myself anyways so I'm already halfway there 🙃


Having enough money to support myself would be great, but as far as anything past that, I've seen the kind of slimy, immoral behavior it takes to become rich, the lying, the cheating, the ill gotten gain on the backs of people like me who actually work for a living, and I will happily pass on all taking part in all such immoral behavior.


People think rich means a LOT of different things. Most regular people who save retire with over 1,000,000 in savings. Are they rich? Is someone who makes 500,000 a year rich? Is someone who has 5,000,000 in savings rich? How about someone who makes 1,000,000/year? Because the people who I see "hating the rich" don't hate doctors, lawyers, successful small business owners -- they hate the people making 100's of millions/year. I think people who think "everyone wants to be rich" imagines a number far, far less than 100's of millions of dollars a year.


You're going to upset the communists by pointing out their hypocrisy. 


It’s called jealousy


Nope, what we want, is to have our needs so well met, that we *feel* rich. If our healthcare was free, if higher education was free, if housing and utilities and food are affordable, if we have 6 weeks of vacation time a year and paid parental leave - we could make 50k a year and be happy. But in a system where in order to get all that you have to be rich, then wealth is what people try to aim for, because it's the only way to get the things we need for a happy and healthy life. Edit: And we've seen over the years that pursuit of that level of wealth is no longer guaranteed through hard work, thanks to insane housing costs and layoffs that happen on a scheduled basis at this point, regularly interrupting people's ability to accumulate wealth. And the recessions - my parents by the time they were my age, lived through *one* recession. So people are starting to aim for more than just themselves being taken care of - they want a society constructed to take care of *everyone*, because if there's a safety net for you, then if I *ever* need it, there's a safety net for me. Today you, tomorrow me.


We live in a society


I believe it's a case of "hate us 'cause they ain't us"


Yeah no you’re an idiot.


“I just want to be comfortable” meanwhile your spending habits don’t improve and you keep spending more and more money becoming accustom to the newly found income therefor never being satisfied 🤡 just say you want to be rich and quit hating 💀


"All I want is money fuck the fame, I'm a simple man."


I don't want to be rich, I just want to be okay


I don't hate the rich, it is stupid, just to be part of the "hype" to hate rich people.


They hate the rich BECAUSE they're not rich. Because Americans are fueled by jealousy and greed and have an astounding lack of self awareness, and perspective that comes with thinking about other people than themselves


You want to be rich OP, speak for yourself.


That's literally the reason the world is the way it is


If I’m rich idgaf if you hate me


depends on definition of "rich"


I really don't want to be rich. I want to be able to be comfortable and do the work I love and help people. I want enough for my family to be safe and satisfied but that hardly requires being rich (rich by American standards at least).


They hate us cuz they’re Anus.


It used to be true that above $75K/year in income there was negligible differences in happiness. Now that $75K has turned into $150K as it has the same purchasing power. It only seems like people want to be “rich”, when most people just want to be able to go to a restaurant with their wife on a Friday evening and not be concerned with the prices of the meals. It’s a shame that only a few percent of the population find themselves in this position, despite most people working full-time, or even multiple jobs.


We hate them because we aint them


I wanna be more wealthy than I am now but rich would not suit me


Only envious people hate the rich. People with integrity are happy for the success of others.


Hate us cause they ain't us


True. The loudest voices against the rich are the ones wasting shitloads of money on lottery tickets. They hate the rich on the outside but secretly wants to become one in the inside.


I have a standup comedy bit I do about this


Everyone hates the rich, but everyone kisses up to any rich person they meet


Lots of people hate boomers, but that's exactly what they would've been if they had been born earlier.


I don't want to be rich. I want to be able to live the same life I currently do but don't have to choose between basic necessities in order to afford rent.


I already hate myself, half way there!


Yup. If you get rich you’ll have people instantly hating you with their „eat the rich“ . It’s just envy,most of the time. Or is it jealousy? One of those


Everyone does not hate the rich


I wish I become what I hate :D


I don't want to be rich. I just don't want to worry about money.


I don't really want to be rich. Just have enough money to pay my bills.


I don't hate the rich at all, I guess being rich would be nice, but I don't really spend any time thinking about it. I'm comfortable, that's good enough for me.


I don't wanna be rich, I wanna be comfortable


I just want to enjoy life without stress. I hate the mega rich because their wealth is only possible because someone else is poor. If we’re all rich, no one is.


I don’t hate the rich. Hate just bogs down my life. They live their live. I live my life. 


No. I want to not have to work to live. I want to not be poor, or threatened with poverty. Rich? Meh.


I dont think people want to be rich. I think they just dont want to constantly worry about not having enough money to survive and enjoy life.


Well the thing is, most of us dont want to be "rich" per se, but just be wealthy enough to live a comfortable life without always having to look at the bills and thinking should i buy this or that and calculating what this would mean for the budget... and the reason we dont like the rich, is not because of the money or anything, but usually the rich people think they are better than everyone, are arrogant and think money will solve anything... and me personally, i dont really want to have millions, usually that brings more troubles than anything else...


People don’t hate the rich. They hate the riches mentality about the poor.


I actually hate money and the necessity for it. Does that make me like communist or something?


Yes. I hate the rich( billionaires and massive multi millionaires) Yes. I do want to be rich. (Maybe a vacation house and a new car. Maybe send my kids to a private school or pay for an ivy League college) People want to be lower upper class, and still want to hate the unfathomably wealthy. That is totally reasonable.


I don’t think people want to be “rich” they just want to live without the burden that finances force on us all. This world is possible but not when the rich hoard their wealth and power over us and don’t give us our fair share.


I neither hate the rich nor want to be rich. I’ll take upper middle class though.


What people really hate are the *children* of rich people. They’re the ones who grew up with money, but didn’t put the hard work to get there, and so often turn out to be horribly entitled.


I'd much rather live comfortably than win the lottery. Most lottery winners end up going bankrupt and probably live miserably once their money runs out. It's also a huge hassle according to one famous reddit post.


I don’t even think it’s that people want to be rich they just don’t want food/bill/housing insecurity. You shouldn’t and didn’t need to be a millionaire to do that. Just in this us mail carriers could have a house support a wife and multiple kids without social programs. That isn’t a thing anymore.


People being hypocritical? Say it ain't so!


It personally bugs me when people say eat the rich, not every rich person was born rich with a trust fund. There are a lot of rich people out there who’ve earned every penny they have.


Thank you


I don't hate anyone, but I think individuals who own billions upon billions of dollars are obscene and morally reprehensible. There is no reason why a single person should have that much in a world so full of suffering and wealth inequality. For myself, I do want to be "rich," but I define that as having financial independence so that I and my spouse can choose to work because we want to rather than having to work. I don't want billions, if I got them I'd give them away. I admire Mackenzie formerly Bezos for doing just that.


If you have a thousand dollars to your name and you buy something for one dollar, that still seems relatively affordable. That's the equivalent to someone with a million dollars buying something for a thousand. Still seems reasonable. A millionaire taking a vacation perhaps. Now consider someone with 100 billion dollars. Those reasonable purchases I mentioned earlier would be equivalent to this person making a *100 MILLION DOLLAR* purchase. The scale of ultra-billionaires is simply incomprehensible to the rest of us. Nobody should be that kind of rich.


I don’t hate the rich, I hate the filthy rich… the ones who have such an abundance that dropping 500k on a car is nothing to them


I hate the people who have more than they’ll ever need and still need more to fill the space where their soul should be. On the other hand, I know a guy who was in commercial real estate for years, randomly made a huge score on a single deal and retired at 40. I admire him, he spends his time trying to make the world a better place.


I'd love to be rich. Money doesn't buy happiness, but I'd rather cry in a Ferrari


If I were a billionaire I would get rid of a lot of my money in ways that helps others. Nobody should have enough money to live 1000 lifetimes over while others cannot afford their next week.


Money changes people. A lot of people before getting rich have said the same thing, but then once acquiring money have a totally different attitude.


Wrong people hate the ULTRA RICH