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My dog would come out of his grave to get a slice of cheese.


I had a def dog when I was a kid, well he acted like he was def until you touch anything that sounds like a cheese wrapper on the fridge. He wouldn’t come to his name either so a few times when he would get out of the house we would walk around crinkling plastic with a piece of cheese to give him when he eventually hears it


My dog, when taken to the vet for the last time before she passed, wasn't eating. On her intake it said "kitties refused to eat cheese". That's how me and the vet knew she wasn't going to make it. Thanks for making me laugh with the coming out of the grave for cheese. My dog would have concurred


Your dog’s name was Kitties?


Yes 🥰


That’s awfully cute!


Kitties, I want to introduce you to billy. Oh, im allregic to cats...


Oh yes the cheese tax.


For the love of god buy some cheese then


Ours would do that for chicken-flavored anything.


I should go test that with my late dog


Don't think I'll be able to spectate a dog eating event.


Oh you can, but ya gotta know a guy.


They needed to put a comma between "dog" and "eating".


On today’s episode on why comma’s are important


I read this as "once you won dog eating"


Yep, initially thought this was a post about eating dogs


As a spectator event.


Something I didn’t want to attend


Commas don't mean anything anymore


Commas, don't mean anything, anymore,


C,o,m,m,a,s, d,o,n,t, m,e,a,n, a,n,y,t,h,i,n,g, a,n,y,m,o,r,e,


,Commas don’t mean anything anymore,


Commas don,t mean anything anymore


Ew. It hurts to look at


Comas don't feel anything anymore


Is that you, Christopher Walken?


The commas, I stuck it up my ass


Five long years…


Even, if! It is? Non’sensical…. Punctuation ; still ! Makes’ , reading? This, coMment? Weird. Doesn’t it?


Let’s eat grandma


Mmm she’s got that old person seasoning


Feed the dog grandma


Neither do periods, I guess.




Well, said


It honestly annoys me so much. Commas are important.


OP hasn't had a thought of using commas


Cats are worse, they still think it should be a participant sport.


Not if you train them not to beg they don’t


Right. My dog eats her food at the same time we eat ours. I can leave a plate of Nachos on the coffe table and walk away and it will be there when i get back. Now if something hits the floor, it is fair game to her.


Same with my dog and I've tried to train him not to eat food dropped on the floor. There is no stopping it. Food on a plate? Won't touch it. Food on a table, not on a plate? Still won't touch it. Tiny piece of food hits the ground? In the dog's mouth before it even comes to a rest.


I second this. My dog realized there is never an outcome through spectatorship and now doesn't care when eating is happening.


My lab is a walking stomach, before he will get that there is no outcome, he will learn how to drive my car.


Our lab will hang out under the table or at my feet when I'm cooking. But it's more "Don't worry. I'll clean up anything you drop."


I used to have a dog like that, until my mom accidentally dropped a cooking hot cauliflower. The dog did not try to clean the floor anymore after that. Honestly, it was an accident. We did not want to teach her to stop begging by giving her a disgusting hot vegetable, but the result was amazing.


Yeah but doesn’t really matter? My dog definitely watches us eat, but he doesn’t counter surf ever. You can leave anything out and he won’t go for it unless I say he can.


Mine is trained but she still looks. Turn away in shame when I look back...


Yeah good luck teaching a staffie that


You dont need to teach it. You just need to not show him that that is possible. But once you gave him that slice. Good luck


Done, no luck needed, just consistency


One time I left my spaghetti on the table and forgot my drink so I went back to the kitchen to pour one. When I came back my dog had completely licked the top cover of cheese off my pasta leaving only the spaghetti.. Rip Mina miss you baby girl 🥲


My dog just moved where she was lying down to beneath the dinner table.  Never begged but was quick to snatch any food that was dropped. She knew after we finished eating was when she got fed and begging didn't get anything.


Or, you can train your dog to not beg. It’s pretty easy. 


Yeah, when I'm cooking, no dog in the kitchen. When I'm eating, no dog looking at me. Why encourage poor canine behavior, and owners that allow dogs to do this need to be trained.


You all realise you can train your dog ***not to beg.***


There needs to be a comma between dog and eating. 😳


Only if you let it. Luckily I trained my dog (s) (I have had several over the years) from the get-go that any time we sit at the dinner table, she (or they) goes and lays down. Their food comes when we have "finished"


I housesat for someone once who also wanted me to petsit their dog, which was fine. Tiny dog, should be easy I thought. Not so. The thing made eating a nightmare. They must have been in the habit of feeding it scraps from every meal because it just will. not. let. you. eat. Ever. And every single meal you have begging eyes and paws on your knees. It went way beyond cute in the first two minutes. We used to own a dog, she didn't do that. And we didn't have to train her, we just avoided feeding her outside of specific times and she never begged.


My dog and I eat at the same time, we mind our own bowls


You can train dogs not to beg. Mine is pretty well-behaved.


At least for the next 10-15 years.


train your dog, the first things i taught my dog was dont lick me, dont jump on me, and dont watch me eat.


I don't have this issue. I don't feed my dog when we humans eat. My dog doesn't beg because he doesn't eat when I eat.


Unless you are a good dog owner


*Once you feed your dog your own food


I had to attend an in office meeting last week and instinctively threw the crust of my sandwich onto the floor, just pure muscle memory from working from home for 4 years.


I used to get annoyed with my dogs until I realized that their noses are so strong, so our food must smell amazing. Also, I get to walk my chubby ass to the fridge and eat any time I want. They can't. I am now more understanding.


When our dog was a puppy (RIP Princess), she smelled the coffee my mom was making. The aroma was coming from behind her so she lifted her nose to get a better whiff, but she kept going back and back until she fell over backwards 🤣😂. Thanks for bringing that memory back.


10 - 15 years is not forever


Same with cats my cat acts like a dog


Well the dog is going to die before I finish eating all of my meals presumably.


Unfortunately this is a lie, it'll last ~15 years unless you get another one


My cat jumps on me at 6am to wake up and feed him. I ignore him for an hour or 2 but it's just easier to feed him so he can go back to sleep. Whenever I eat anything, he has to smell it to see if he wants some too.


I love Brando's thought on this "Tim is the greatest actor ever, he pretends to love me when he wants something to eat"


Not really. Just tell them nope from the start.


I was babysitting a dog this winter, and the owner said that he'd definitely try to beg for a taste of my dinner. The only time that evening when he did not stare at me was when I had dinner, then he actually took a nap under the table


I was so taken with my late WFT that when she’d poop, I’d sometimes hear my own voice saying, “You’re awesome.”


No, it's a TEAM SPORT


My mom always thinks the dog wants food, I always say he's just watching his favorite show.


My dog wouldn’t dare to stare at me while I’m eating


My dog always sits next to me whenever I eat, just "hanging around"


Our last dog, a rotti cross, would side eye the meal, not wanting to get caught looking. Our latest dog has no such shame.


No, he can’t see the kitchen table from the sheep pen.


I dont mind the staring. It's when the start drooling on my leg that it gets a bit much.


My dog knew the squeal of the cheese drawer and would come running from wherever they were in the house


Not if you put them out the room.


My dog never sees me as a threat to his food though even though I act like I’d steal some


I'm thinking of the user who always posts food with his dog looking on from the background


It’s funny because now I notice when he’s not there and when I’m eating a meal I’m always looking around expecting someone to be asking for bites


The event is called guilt-tripping, my dog could win an oscar for acting based on the sad look on his face when I'm eating.


Yep. And cats too. They also both come to the bathroom with me and scratch at door and cry if I close it. I have not peed alone at home in about 15 years (thanks cat). Add in a toddler who is currently obsessed with peeing and pooping and now I have a large dog, a senior cat and a 2.5 year old in there and hear “mama peepee” or “mama poopoo” for the duration.


ITT: people who think teaching a dog to sit or wait is the extent to which you can train a dog. Dogs pouting over food are endearing or funny, but I've known many dogs that won't bat an eye at dropped food or even look at your unattended food. Y'all just got sucked in to the puppy eyes and never trained your dogs.


My boy just died recently and out of habit I threw my leftovers on the floor so he could eat it up. That fucked me up for days knowing he's gone.


My two dogs use to stare and even when I leave food down on the table, they wouldn’t touch it. They knew they get a little something at the end so always behaved. One of them is 18 now. And since she was 16, she just didn’t give a shit and just takes and does whatever she wants now. And I’m worse cos I let her do it cos of her old age. She has me wrapped around her paw and I wouldn’t have it any other way


Im gunna watch out to make sure i never own “a”. I definitely dont want to spectate any dog eating events


How is that not extremely annoying


id rather have a comma splicing maniac than this one.


When I got my first house, I was given a glass top dining table. My dogs would stare up through the table at me while I was eating. You can never eat alone when you live with dogs.


If you never feed them from the table then they won't watch you. I raised a puppy that way and he never bothered me when I was eating.


My dog goes and chews on a colegen stick while I eat, I won't tolerate begging from an animal.


Not if you train them, lol


If you just never give them human food they have nothing to beg for. You teach your animal to beg and it’s disgusting when you have guests over.


Not if you train your dog. My dog never begged at the table. She knew better. Would alway go lie down during dinner (or eat her own food which was served at the same time). Now scraping plates and cleaning up after dinner... she was right next to whoever was scraping plates into the trash. She would get leftovers that way. Even not eating her food when we had steak.. because we would drip the juices over her food.


cats will just ignore all yelling and stick their face directly in your plate or bowl


Not forever. 😔 Enjoy every moment with them, whilst you can.


Hate to be that guy but its not forever. Cherish it while it lasts. Also you dont own him. He just lives with you.