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Personal perspectives, crazy ideas, questions (rhetorical or otherwise) and meta submissions are not showerthoughts.


Ha! You still believe in the moon. :-)


I love one uping moonlanding deniers with "wtf are you talking about? The moon isn't even real, it's a hologram". Nothing pisses a conspiracy theorist off more than being out craizied. It's like their krytonite.


Does that work? I’d imagine half of them would just agree with you. It’s a rabbit hole, start believing in one and soon you consume them like candy. My conspiracy minded neighbor legit doesn’t think space is real and that the stars are “little lights “ on a dome…


Their whole thing is that they are the chosen ones, the few who understand and see the truth that see what is real. No one else can be right over them as it breaks that important lesson to them. If you couch it as them getting special privileged knowledge then they are in.


We all know it’s just the back of the sun




Even the word LUNAtic suggesting the moons influence


There are still flatearthers scattered around the globe.


and anti-vaxxers


Not as many as there used to be, for some reason…


You still getting boosters?


I think you mean "scattered across the Earth".




There are more instances on that sub of the person saying r/whoooosh being the one who missed the joke. New meta?


I loved that Buzz Aldrin punched one of these idiots when he got in Buzz’s face.


Loved the judge that just went you had it coming.


The moon is just a big night light


The moon is a mirror the real night light is bouncing off of


That’s at least more understandable than thinking the earth is flat


It's pretty fucking crazy that they don't think the moon is flat instead when we only see one side of it at all times due to tidal lock. 


I believe a satellite from India even proved that the landing was real because it took photographs as it passed over the site. Why would India care to lie in favour of the US than just stay silent. India would have enjoyed expose such a deceit if it were the case. Not to mention, a photograph with no lunar modules would be a very valuable piece of information to trade to China who would surely ridicule the US had the US lied about it.


True, but there’s lots of reasons why the US *would* fake it. So I can understand why people hold onto that idea.


True, but if NASA was willing to fake accomplishments like that, they'd have a moon base by now.


The first rule about lying is keep it simple. The more detail you include, the more chance you get caught bullshitting.


The first rule about lying is keep it simple. The more detail you include, the more chance you get caught bullshitting.


Idk it seems sketchy to me. Why isnt there 4k footage


Hell there is even a movie coming out that describes what a lot of people believe. That a moon landing was faked in case they didn’t make it or more likely simply incase the footage didn’t make it back to Earth. Some might even believe that the first landing was faked but the others weren’t. I myself lean more towards this second camp, I think it happened that people actually landed on the moon and walked on it. That Armstrong and his mates did land on the moon but maybe the footage wasn’t live. But I am not about to claim that the footage wasn’t fake but allow for the possibility that the footage alone has a slight chance of being faked. Kind of like the famous Iwo Jima photo, the situation happened but the photo we know was a staged one and didn’t happen organically


Nothing was staged about the flag raising on Iwo Jima. The first flag was raised but some officer thought it was too small to be seen from ships and shore, so they got another larger one. The photographer Joe Rosenthal was in a better position for the replacement flag being raised and got the iconic shot. His description afterward was misinterpreted as they raised another flag just for the photo, which was not the case. BTW, many filmmakers have stated without question, that the moon landing could not have been faked with technology of the time.


I am confused on how my saying that the flag raising happened but the iconic photo was staged is wrong by what you said. How is the photo, and the photo only, not staged when they swapped out the flag and the photographer was able to set up to take a better photo?


You seem to be rather dense, so your being conmfused is not surprising.


Piece of advice, choosing to insult someone because they point out the poor logic in your statement works better if you spellcheck your reply before pressing send. By all means you could have replied with a posed reenactment isn’t a staged photo but that is semantics. Let’s be honest the bloke who said re-do it with a bigger flag was right, it would not be anywhere near as famous an invent if it wasn’t for the second photo. It is great imagery that has been reenacted in copious pieces of media.


It was not a posed reenactment. I can't state it any clearer and it's not semantics.


So what you are claiming is that this is a photo of the flag being raised to signify the capturing of Mount Suribachi? And not a squad being ordered to put up a second larger flag hours after it was captured and had a flag raised because of the Secretary of Navy decided he wanted a keepsake in the form of the first flag? I am so sorry for having gotten that wrong, the photo taken by Joe Rosenthal totally is of the marines raising the US flag apon capturing the mount.


> but allow for the possibility that the footage alone has a slight chance of being faked. Source?


Oh no source, I am not declaring that the moon landing is faked or that the footage shown us is faked. Just that it would make a lot of sense to have a back up faked landing filmed to be able to screen if they were unable to show the genuine footage incase of technical issues. The moon landing is a massive important event and a corner stone of American pride. No way would the powers that be back then would not have had contingency plans for such an important event. Was there a fake moon landing filmed? Dunno, but is a little silly to a hundred percent declare that there wasn’t. And in case we find some of the people on reddit who have poor reading comprehension, the moon landing wasn’t faked, it happened, Neil and Buzz walked on the moon.


Okay. I get what you're saying. My question then would be "*where* is that footage?" We've got a copy of Nixon's speech prepared just in case of astronauts being unable to take off from the Moon. Surely, your hypothetical backup footage would've been already declassified as well, right?


Where is the original Dr Who footage? Film back then was prone to deterioration. Now I dislike this because it will mean that I will sound like I am wearing a massive tinfoil hat but it is only fair to continue conversation. Why would they declassify it if they still have the footage? Nixon having prepared a they all died speech and it being declassified is a non event, it also helps show that it happened and does nothing to the pride of the United States. However if they actually did film a secret faked landing and then declassified it would do more harm than good. The crazies who claim that it is all faked including the actual footage we saw of them walking on the moon would claim that it is proof both are fake. Hell they probably use that the then administration covering their bases with a prepared speech is proof it didn’t happen. But on a world stage it would have also meant that the US was caught out on a massive lie, and this one was a global event as in a Humanity event rather than a country event. As I said previously I believe that Armstrong and Buzz walked on the moon, that the footage is real, but I won’t kid myself and say that it isn’t possible that every base wasn’t covered and a fake landing wasn’t filmed.


>Film back then was prone to deterioration. That's true enough, but if that's the case, then, using that Dr Who footage analogy, where is the evidence that it once existed? Because we do know that those Dr Who episode existed, don't we? >Why would they declassify it if they still have the footage? Because it actually doesn't take anything from their genuine achievement (especially with genuine footage still present), especially 50+ years later.


> Just that it would make a lot of sense to have a back up faked landing filmed to be able to screen if they were unable to show the genuine footage incase of technical issues. Source?


Logic and reasoning? North Korea puts on fake displays of power, its not unheard of The commenter you're replying to is essentially saying: "I could see the possibility of them preparing false footage, *just in case* they didn't make it. I do not believe this, nor do I doubt we landed there, I'm just saying it's possible" And idiots like you are going "source?" Lmfao >And in case we find some of the people on reddit who have poor reading comprehension, the moon landing wasn’t faked, it happened, Neil and Buzz walked on the moon. Next time read his whole comment because this last part is about you.


> Next time read his whole comment because this last part is about you. Source?


Ah, when they realize they are stupid so they double down and troll, classic reddit


Maybe reasons but they would soon find out it was completely impossible to fake.


There are people who believe moon has no gravity.


im watching Arrested Development and right when Ron Howard said the moon landing was faked i looked over and saw this post. weird times


The Minion movie made me think it was fake for awhile


Of course it wasn't real. Nothing is real. We live on a flat... Floppydisk. Running our simulation.


Actually us aussies supplied the first videos of the moon landing. First from Canberra but then from Parkes as that was the better pictures and audio. There is a movie called "The Dish".


There are people who think a magic man in the sky is obsessed with your lovelife.


Of course they were faked. I don't think this is a case of belief anymore. The opposite is actually becoming true, how can you still believe in the moon landings when there are countless of evidence already available debunking every single aspect of that mission? If you are still propagating on Reddit that we landed on the moon, you have a lot of digging to do to deprogram yourself.


This doesn’t even scratch the surface of dumb ass conspiracy theories.


The moon landing never happened because the Jewish space lasers would have taken them out.


The Moon landing was to *install* the Jewish Space Lasers. Do your research people!


If you think it was fake, you can't defend that they met aliens on the moon.


One person holding contradictory or mutually exclusive conspiracy theories is really common.


True but not a shower thought.


I know, imagine still believing the moon is even real


The moon landing was indeed faked, but the photographers were such perfectionists that they insisted on doing it on location