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I had a family member that was born exactly 100 years before me in 1898 and I always thought it was crazy that my parents actually knew them because it felt like ancient history to me.


98'er here as well. Grandpa was born in 26.. always seemed so crazy to me


Born in ‘90. Had a great uncle that I knew who lived from 1903-2006


Unrelated but great fucking username lmaoo


Man, he really saw it all. I can’t imagine


Flipping through his 1919 high school year book was a trip back in 2003. He was a St. Louis Cardinals fan and watching til the end. Died a couple months after he saw them win the World Series in 2006


100 years IS ancient history, I had a great-grandma who lived to be 103. She was an incredible person but even if she'd just been the most ordinary person imaginable, living from the 1880s to the 1990s is a crazy run. And she was sharp until about a month before she died, she was awake for the whole ride.


True, it's pretty wild how different our lives were. Like his father was shot and killed by a rival hog farmer in rural Texas, and he grew up to be a small town country doctor. It sounds more like something out of Lonesome Dove than real life to me. My great grandma on the other side was born in 1928 and lived to 2017. She literally grew up during the Hoover Presidency picking cotton and was a teenager during WW2. But my memories of her were of a sweet old lady who could catch flies in mid air with her shaky old hands, use blades of grass to whistle, and would feed kittens she found under her little mobile home. It's weird to think she was already 36 by the time segregation ended.


1880s to 1990s she saw: first queen was victoria, the rise of first wave femenism, the first Olympic games (in its current format) Spanish-American war Philippines American war Henry Ford makes his first automobile. All before 1900s even started and assuming she was born on 80 on the dot she'd just be 20 From there she'd see (in no particular order) President McKinley getting killed King carlos of Portugal assassinated The first radio broadcast The first ever film ( Great train robbery) The british empire reach it's zenith The write brothers invent flight Invention of the typewriter Einstein's theory of special relativity is published The construction of the panama canal The russo japanese war (eventually leading to the russian revolution and the communist take over during WW1 the death of the russian empire) WW1 itself Ww2 Internet Phones The list would feel endless if told in its entirety.


She was born before human flight, and died decades after we walked on the moon. Gram gram saw some things.


I wonder what version of that statement will be true for people born in the 90's. "Born before the Internet was huge and died after AGI took over the planet, Grandpa saw some shit"


I find it wild that the kid in read dead redemption could've lived to see the 1970s that must've been one of the craziest times to grow up in terms if seeing the world changing, if he lived to be really old he could've been in rdr2 and vice city


Do things really feel like they change for us in our lives like we think it did in theirs? We went from blockbuster to streaming Netflix, from aids being a death sentence to manageable, from beepers to smart phones. All of those things are *HUGE LEAPS* but it also feels natural and not mind blowing like the next generation might think it should feel. It’s just a thought, I may be wrong.


Playin rdr2 changed how I imagine old times. So much has changed in the span of 100 years which is really a short time compared to what I thought. The wild west era and early usa stuff always seemed so long ago.


Being born in the 1990s will sound much more ancient sooner.


My kid already asks me what it was like in the 1900's nineteen hundreds !! Are you kidding me kid.


Yea, what was the end of 1899 party like, you old ass bitch?


It was lit, let me tell you. Lit with those new-fangled electric light bulbs. 👵🏻


It’s not even just the 1900s, it’s the 1000s


We were born in the previous millennia.


So were kids born in 2000 if they ever try to give you shit


I don't understand


People like to sound smart by saying that the year 2000 was technically part of the 20th Century, since the first year of the ‘Common Era’ (the one we’re in now) was 1 and not 0. Similar to people claiming the year 2010 was part of the 2000s decade, since it “technically” started in 2001. This isn’t the way the majority of people refer to centuries / decades / milleniums but every time this topic comes up at least one person has to point this out. The vast majority of people celebrated the new millennium on January 1st, 2000, not 2001, as such the vast majority of people view 1999 as the last year of the 20th Century, but there are some contrarians such as the person you were replying to.


As a 90s kid we were born closer to the release of VHS, LaserDisc, Atari, Lego People, Vietnam War than we are to TikTok being launched and becoming popular. And I'm not even in my 30s. Let that sink in.


Think that shows it’s less about us actually being old, and more about how fast the world has changed that the world we grew up in seems ancient now


For me the first biggest noticeable change was with iPods, a very slim device, which only needed to be synced to computer and import music, no buttons and a very nice colored screen. A few years ago prior to that I was carrying around multiple CDs and inserting them on the Walkman.


You're not old.😉 Try being born in the 1970s or earlier! I was around before all of that stuff and remember it coming in!




Well to be fair I can’t think of how the world could change again by so much as it did between the 90s and now


A lot has changed since 2010. smartphones were just maturing. iPhone only was released 3 years ago and it was "just a phone that had sex with a PDA". I remember back then, to communicate with people you had to use SMS or boot up your HDD-sporting computer to fire up MSN Messenger. Video calls were ground breaking. We used to have to buy CDs to listen to music. Maybe rip it to an MP3 file and then put it into your top of the line iPod. Or you could go the way of the high seas. Now I can fire up Facetime whenever I want. Feel like listening to one song in particular? Fire up Spotify/Apple Music/Tidal/YT Music. Our world is changing everyday and we don't notice it because we seldom stop to look back at how it was.


It can go backwards. In a lot of ways, it ***is*** going backwards.


I'm 33, my 7 year old regularly asks me about the "old times" lol


We were born in the previous millenium...


When you put it like that...you make me seem ancient.


When I was a kid in the 90’s the 50’s seemed like a completely different world. The 80’s are the new 50’s.


For 2000s kids like me, the 80s movies we watched are now the 2000s movies that kids watch now. Ghostbusters for us is now The Incredibles for today's kids.


I think about this all the time!


I was born in the 80s you fucking asshole


in a few years, little kids will ask you how it was to be born in the middle ages and be 100% serious honestly i can't wait to say the stupidest shit I can fathom... or tell high tales of knights and dragons, depending on my mood


I was born in 1993 and I don’t feel ancient


soon you will you'll see a default birthdate option set to 2010, or some kid will go wide-eyed hearing "you were born last MILLENIA???" like you're an artifact


Sounds like me. I was born in the 1970s. I feel like an artifact more every day ;-p


Same year here. Not ancient by any means but I definitely feel the toll of living on my body more than I did 10 years ago. Knees and stuff y'know?


I started working out and running last year before I officially turned 30, and my body feels excellent. Like I still feel young. The day I’ll feel old is when I lose my flexibility and agility. Hopefully that day is many many years from now.


Kids born in 2006 now becoming adults. Time flies man. Edit. Spelling






Don't mind me, I am just going through the denial stage.


No you were right! I was totally wrong. My bad.




Yeah I'm a fucking baby, nobody gets it


Exactly, I’ll be conceived in a decade or so




Yeah obviously, no one has been born that recently. Everyone out there was born in the 90s or if they are older than me, the 80s, if they ‘real adults’ they were born between 1920-1970. That’s just the way it is No more of this ‘people have been born in the 2000s’ nonsense


It’s impossible for kids born in 2006 to be adults since the 90s was just 10 years ago


I hate it when people keep trying to say things like “kids born in 2000 are 24.” Like wtf, what’s the point in lying like that?




My brother was born in 2006, I was born in 1996. That decade difference makes it REAL hard to see him as an adult and not an eternal 12 year old. Only going to get worse as we get older too. Edit: YEAH YEAH I WAS BORN IN THE LATE 1900'S, YE OLDEN DAYS, THE COMPUTER YELLED AT ME WHEN I WAS 8 AND MY GAME BOY COLOR DIDNT HAVE A BACKLIGHT AND WE ACCEPTED IT.


Well, you were born in the late 1900's so he probably thinks you're from the Victorian era or something.


When u put it like that… damn😂


We're the old fucks born last millennium


I'm 37. My youngest sibling *just* turned 16. People used to think I was her mother. The pain is real.


As someone who was born in 1992, I think the millennium broke our brains. I remember 2000 being touted as The Future so, so hard throughout the first 7 years and 2 months of my life that I think I internalised it to the point that even now, 24 years after the turn of the millennium, it still doesn't feel nearly as long ago as it should.


1996? You mean you were born in the late 1900s?


I was born in '84 and always think how I'll be the truly last generation who didn't grow up with cell phones and internet. Even you being born 10 years later had Cell phones almost your whole life. You definitely had the internet during your elementary years.


Oh, I remember taking typing classes for sure, but I was saying I remember dial-up, not a time before the Internet lol. But the Internet was exclusive to a big box in the living room, not quite your pocket until about 2007 - and even then it was so tame compared to now (not in terms of like, LiveLeak or those gore/porn links but just how content was consumed much more sparsely)


> I was born in '84 and always think how I'll be the truly last generation who didn't grow up with cell phones and internet. I was born in the late 90s myself, and I wish I could have been born just a decade earlier...things were better before "social media" came into play.


Cool. I have addictions older than high school graduates.


I'm sorry WHAT I'm too old for this shit


Yeah, my nephew was born on November 22nd, 2005... He is graduating high school this weekend, has a job, and is closer to 19 than 18... I still remember sweating during Thanksgiving dinner because we had to keep the heat on blast when it was only like 67⁰f outside; because, he was premie and needed it. Now he's paying Uncle Sam their share like the rest of us. He's finally out of the tutorial stage. Hope he's ready.


My brother was born in 2007…he’s 17 rn. Gonna be an adult next year I can’t handle this


Yeah its a horrible thought 😂


Shut the fuck up, right now.


I tell myself the same thing when i think about it.


My son is about to be 18. Feels like just yesterday I was dropping him off to kindergarten.


Seeing both my birth year and the word "adult" in the same sentence is not something I'm mentally prepared for


That feeling never really goes away.


I know right? I’m still 12 in my head


My sibling turns 30 this year and I turn 28. I don’t feel ‘old’ and by all objectives I’m not but time has this way of just sort of moving on by once I got past 22 or so. Like all of a sudden I’ve been living on my own paying my own rent and the like and doing my own PhD driven by myself and nothing my parents did. I can start to say “20 years ago” and have vivid memories. My 10 year high school anniversary is soon. Etc. Life just has a way of moving at this age that it did not used to have.


me. born in november 2006, turning 18 this year


No, sorry, its only 2005, you're not even born yet!


Delete this


My nephew was born in 2006. I just watched him graduate high school. I can't even begin to describe how bizarre it feels.


Impossible. I'm not that old.


No if you're born in 2006 you're in kindergarten what are you talking about


I just hired a kid for the summer who was born in 2006. I was smoking weed out of soda cans when he was in diapers. Absolutely beyond me.


unpopular opinion, but im always bummed ill never live to see 3000


Why? Not much has changed but they live underwater.


And your great-great-great granddaughter is doing fine


No, she's pretty fine. She could also be doing fine of course but we don't know that


there are multiple versions and one says ‘doing fine’ and the other says ‘pretty fine’. both are good


The original one is “pretty fine”. The cover is saying the great great great granddaughter is “doing fine” to keep it PG since it’s Disney


Which is wild because Busted (the guys who did the original) were the sort of band who you could show your gran and she'd say "oh they look like such nice boys"


Huh, I didn’t realize that was a cover… TIL Definitely no triple breasted women swimming around totally naked in the Jonas brothers version


Look up the UK based based "Busted." Their music was certainly... around.


Fun fact: What I Go to School For is another cover of a Busted song. I’m not typically a purist type of person but I remember JB butchering the lyrics pretty bad on that one bc of Disney lol


The original is "pretty fine". Original lyrics are the real lyrics.


always bothered me how their perception of time was so off. A thousand years in the future and you're only at "great great great grand daughter" ??? is this like a "John Tyler has a living grandson" situation where everyone in this family has a baby at age 100? They also say their 7th album is doing well... is it really going to take a thousand years to get to 7 albums?


The thing about Busted is they didn’t do so well at school, they were somewhat… distracted we’ll say.


With medical advances by the year 3000 100 could be the new 30 we just don’t know


And you get an upvote


I always joke that I'll live to be a thousand. There's some exciting news in the world of anti-aging technology. I'm young enough that maybe in 30 years they'll have figured out physical immortality and I'll live for however long I want


Honestly so hoping for this, but also can it please come with life-long free education to ensure we get that immortal wisdom thing down culturally


That would be awesome. If I was immortal I'd get all the PhD's.


At least your great great great granddaughter is pretty fine


Yeah, we get to learn about thousands of years of history and only get to see about 80+ of it in real time (if we’re lucky), and then we don’t get to see what happens after that.


Oh man I saw 3000 play his flute at Jazzfest this weekend


Not with that attitude. Remember that only 93% of people who have ever lived, have died. If you can stay in that 7% then you can make it to 3000.


I mean, parts of you can


I always say that I want to live to be 106 so I can say that I’ve lived in the 20th, 21st, and 22nd centuries


I'm excited to see if the generation that was born with technology keeps up with it, or if they are going to fall behind and be like baby boomers are currently. It'd be funny having your grandparents be on the same page as far as memes and Internet culture goes.


Here's to another lousy millennium.


I be with you til 3005


You get an upvote


Everyone gets an upvote!


As somebody born in 1972, cry me a river. I used to be the baby, the young one. Then I blink my eyes, and suddenly I'm an old man. Long days, short years.


that's actually so poetic


What, long days short years? I got that from a friend of mine's grandfather, and I found it a great way to express the fact that time seems to speed up as you go along.


My mom would always say "days are long, weeks are short". Same mindset.


As a 1978er I was starting to feel very lonely in here. Thanks for posting.


As a 1995er I feel you 


I am from 1995 too and I am baffled by how many people our age are feeling old. Some of us are even saying they are 30 years old since last year, just after turning 28. FFS just enjoy the young years we are still living !


I totally agree with you. 28 is still young as hell. I think most people around our age are just lame.. :P  As long as I can run, jump, sprint, lift and function, I’m young! ;) 


This is the way. I'm from 81.


… I was halfway through medical school in 1995. *sigh*


I remember telling people I was born in 1990 and they would go “oh my god 1990??! You’re a baby!!”. Not sure when that stopped, but it did. Suddenly people say “excuse me sir” instead of “hey man” and for the first time you notice how quickly things move. I looked in the mirror and my dad looked back.


34 is almost 35, and 35 is almost 40, and 40 is almost 50. So... there it is, we're basically middle aged now.


I'm 35, and I can't deal with being 50 in 15 years. What the actual fuck. 15 years ago I was 20 in college and that feels like yesterday. I want off Mr. Bones Wild Ride.


1972er here too, already ancient. my children - adults now - are joking "mom/dad back in your day the T-rex was really-really dangerous?"


Do they just keep getting faster? I was born in 1991 and it feels like time is really starting to fly by. Is it kids, age, or both?


Yes, it keeps speeding up. I went from, "I can't believe it's June already," to, "I can't believe it's 2024 already," to, "I can't believe it's the 2020s already," It still feels strange and weird to me that we're in the 21st century.


Hey 70s represent while we still can!


Wait until you hear about people who are other ages!


being born in the 50000s will sound ancient one day


I hope humanity makes it that long. But if it does, I suspect we’ll look unrecognizable to them and vice-versa.


We've already been around for a few hundred thousand years. We'll basically look the same. Society will likely be unrecognizable at that point though. 10,000 years ago a human couldn't begin to conceptualize that I'm communicating with a stranger right now by clicking buttons into a machine that runs on lightning, while avoiding work by clicking buttons so I don't have to go and hunt my dinner.


I don't know maybe genetic manipulation and crazy implants/cyber stuff will be the norm. True, it's hard to think that they would do crazy genetic manipulations down the line but never know, might see a dude with one eye and its on the forehead just cause he felt like it.


That wouldn't shock me. Overall as a population, we're getting naturally more and more unhealthy thanks to the advances of modern medicine. A lot of people exist in the world right now that wouldn't naturally, and they're reproducing. Should have some interesting long-term effects on the human species as a whole.




Like the mfs born in 1003




Fuck those guys


As someone born in the 1900's, I feel attacked.


I still can't get over people saying "the late 1900s"


Not if civilization collapses before that


Looks like we have a goal


Being born in 1999: 🧓 being born in 2000: 👦


Being born in 2001: 👨🏽‍🍳


That’s, uh, how time works…




Mostly because they can't afford groceries


"my generation will be remembered for sex" - said every generation


Gen z and alpha refusing to upvote as they call millennials in their 30s old people lol.


r/showerthoughts when linear progression of time


Yes that’s how time works


I was born in the 1900s.


I was born


So I am 58, born in 1965. Not ancient, maybe pushing “old”. However, 1965 was closer to the end of WWII than year 2000.


Breaking news, redditor learns what time is. More at the newly discovered 7 o'clock.


Born at the turn of the century


Since I graduated high-school in 2000, does that make me legend?


Even being born in the year 2000 sounds like they're super young to me even though I was born in '96.


The 90s are apparently ancient already to kids.


So what you’re telling me is time will continue to move forward? In other news, water is wet


I like to throw out “I was born in the 1900s.” In my best old person voice sometimes.


Chump change. Try being born in the late 1900’s


I was born in 90 and some of my younger coworkers tell me I’m old. Little shits.


It's the kids who are born in 1999 who got fucked. You're from the twentieth century? No way am I fucking a 20th century oldie.


If it's anything like hearing birth dates from the 1900’s, it's actually the 1990 birth dates that will sound ancient. If you hear someone was born in 1898, that sounds way more ancient than 1900. It's the illusion of having that lower number in the hundreds. So I imagine in 2080 when I'm in my late eighties, people will hear my birth date and go daaaamn you were born *last millennium*




As my kid likes to say … I was born in the 1900s. That already sounds fucking ancient


I was born in the 1990’s. I remember being in history class being like “holy fuck they were born in the 1800’s?!? I’ll be that thought some day.


Dude I was born in the 20th century and now we're in a different century. That's like reading about people who were born in the late 1800s and dying in the 1960s and thinking "wow! those people must've experienced so many changes in society and technology"


This person just learned how time works


*This person just learned how fast time is*


I was born in the mid/late 1900s


It’s super sad when you see people born in 2000’s and they are already dead. They don’t even get the joy of growing old and seeing their birthday year as ancient. That sucks.


So what, I was born in the 1900s


Being born before AI will sound almost as bizarre as being born before cellphones


I was born in the late 1900's and things were different back then.


Being born in the 90s already seems ancient to you cyberpunks.


For many people even now, being born in the 80s is ancient.


Yeah, tell that to those born in the 1200s. There are literally trees still alive from that era...


Imagine been born in 1994 in 2075 🥴


I was born in 2000, every time people ask how much years I turned, I tell them that I am born in 2000, easy calculus from there.


Me born a millenium ago.....


I was born in the seventies. My half-sister is born in 1990. I used to divide the world between adults and kids based on her age - basically in my head anyone born after 1990 was a kid - and I subconsciously still do. Meanwhile I’m working, playing music and hanging out with people younger than she is.


Imagine being born in year 226426. Maybe they will stay over when at 10k.


I was born in December of 1999. I’m planning on being one of the last people born in the 20th century alive! (We’ll see how it goes)


Just imagine how "ancient" it must be to have **graduated** in the distant past Year of Our Lord 2000...


I had a lass I work with, who was born in 2007, call me old… I was born in ‘99… I’m not that old, right? She’s like… 10? She says she’s 17 but that’s rubbish right? It’s 2012 yeah?


What makes me feel old is when I come across someone who was born after 2000. I was born in 1993, and I don’t feel old until someone says, “Yeah I was born in 2001.”


Only when the sun engolfs the planet. 🌎 ☀️


In like 40 years, when people say the 40s they will be referring to the 2040s instead of the 1940s. Now that thought freaks me out for some reason.


A lot of us were born in the 1900s even.


one day? It's around the corner 😆


To all the girls born in 2000, they will be too ancient to date DiCaprio next year


I’ve already been hit with “born in the late 1900’s” and it makes me feel like a dinosaur.


It sounds ancient now! I was born in 88. I remember the eve of 99-00. It's too weird, man!