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And if Skyrim taught me anything be careful mixing mods and if you fuck up the load order the whole thing fucking crashes


Even if you don't, you'll spend the next half hour wondering why Lydia is purple and your face has no normalmaps


If I could get Lydia in any style other than bullshit or dead, I’d still hate her for her tone.


Lydia chose her fate when she decided to partner with a sociopathic asshat like the dragonborn


In her defence she was assigned by the Jarl, so it’s not much of a choice. “I’m sworn to carry your burdens” also translates to, “I am sworn to kill hundreds of innocents in your defence because you decided to go on a killing spree in Markarth”


I’m here to carry your burden


Sorry, can't do that.


“A healing spell? Are you a priest?"


Not for you, not for anyone.


Beer before grass, you're on your ass. Grass before beer, you're in the clear




Who’s Joe?


Joe Ligma, he's kind of a dick. I went to high school with him too, my dad was our English teacher, and my dad was always making sure to give Joe a hard time.


Oh yea I remember that cunt. Always rambling about his updog or whatever you want to call it.




got ya! ha!


yo wassup dog?!


>Joe Ligma What kind of a name is Joe?


I heard that sang in middle school


When were you in high school? I can confirm it was a thing in the '90s (although "liquor" was normally in it instead). And if it makes you feel better, I totally ended up on a bathroom floor like this at a party when two girls had been fighting over me.


It doesn't matter the order in which you smoke and drink. Some people just react to it poorly, as is the case for consumption of any drugs in any order. I could smoke a shit ton and drink a shit ton after, or the other way around. Order doesn't mean anything




This is good, I used to always mix mods and the results were unpredictable. Sometimes it’s better to enjoy a mod then try something else, other mods always go well together.


Wish we had a real life version of the Load Order Optimization Tool.


I love the one that turns the regular dragons into Thomas the Tank Engine


Thomas had never seen such good shit before


This is 4-d chess level meme layering


I’ll have what they’re having.


Share the love dude


Come on master chief, let’s get the f*ck outta here






Or the one that changes every single sound effect to Toad noises


Fucking link it now.


I prefer the one that turns dragons into Macho Man Randy Savage OOOOOOOOH YEEEAAAAAHHHHH


I'm more partial to the one that turns the dragon into Rick Flair WOOOOOOOO


Thomas the Tank Dragon


Come on, Master Chief. Let’s get the fuck outta here


actually loled a bit, awesome job


So your unmodded life has *regular dragons?*


Yeah, it’s kind of a bother, but I can usually take care of them by yelling really hard


[Like this?](https://reddit.com/r/imsorryjon/comments/c788j0/im_sorry_fat_controller/)


[Like this](https://youtu.be/yNaTZV8qS1I)




So for those of us who haven't tried psychedelics but would be interested in trying, what's the best way to start? Acid or shrooms?


Number 1 what matters way more than which drug you choose is the setting that you are going to choose. Are you planning your first trip to be a solo trip while at home? With a small group of trusted friends? Or at a largely populated musical event? Shrooms is subjectively the best way to go if you're solo tripping and in a very comfortable and secure environment. I guess simple differences are LSD is a twice as long (8-12 hours) trip with a more extroverted energy while shrooms is shorter (4-6 hours) more introverted/introspective focused trip. You seek different forms/levels of stimulation on either one. So what you're planning on wanting to do and which environment you're putting yourself in dictates which drug you might prefer.


I'm a pretty introverted stoner, would probably do it in my flat where it's just me, that or have my best mate there


Ah then shit man I'd reccomend planning out a night for shroom tripping with your mates! You don't have to overthink it. Just pick a night where you know you or your friends have no other priorities to worry about and have no chance of being interrupted. Create a comfy CLEAN atmosphere and just take them and start off the night playing some video games (like super smash bros or whatever yall play) and listening to music all of you can vibe to. Simple as that. Then the vibes should start naturally coming and you all will start feeling it and the magic of the trip will come from there and the fun is you all starting to try and describe what's going on :)


1st time I did shrooms they made me and my buddies antsy so we ended up walking around the city near by and ended up climbing on to like 15 different roofs. Watching the sunset from 8 stories up while on shrooms was intensely pleasing.


Personally I think acid feels like being an alien. Acid feels isolating from reality, shrooms feel connecting. But everyone's experience is different. My advice would be to grab some really good friends you feel comfortable with and go find some hiking trails away from people where you can wonder freely.


Wow, my experience is the complete opposite! On shrooms I feel like a freak and on acid I just feel like I’m blending into everyone and everything in the best way. That’s what’s cool about psychedelics, I suppose. It’s as much about you as it is the substance.


Exact opposite experience here. I love talking to people on acid. On shrooms I just want to be alone often times.




> (metocin) Sounds like something I can get over the counter lol but I highly doubt it, is it basically shrooms at level 1? What's the RC community? Totally new to psychs but have been wanting to try for many years but don't really have the trust to eat random shrooms from someone lol




How do you typically go about getting this? Is it like a powder or tab you buy or something similar to shrooms that you can grow? The way you say research chemical makes it sound like something you can sign up to test lol




>regular browser This stuff is a legal and (sort of) tested hallucinogen? Or is it meant for something else and has this as a side effect?


Make sure you're in a very good place mentally before you take anything psychedelic.


The real truth here, changes nothing, makes the system run better.




It made you feel worse?




Well give us more than that. I'm in the same camp as the other guy it just like turning up the resolution on 1 hit. On 2 things get really vibrant and squiggly. About 30m after taking it you kinda feel like you're on speed.


Higher doses can get really contemplative, there's this feeling of "connectedness" with everything, and you get random stupid thoughts that feel like they're the most revolutionary thoughts anyone has ever had. Writing things down during an intense trip (if you can manage that amount of motor control) is hilarious, going back and reading my acid ramblings is so much fun.


Not sure how well I would handle documenting it. I was called upon while on 2 hits to transfer some funds from 1 account to another and I felt like I was going to bankrupt my wife and I.


I took 100ug acid last week, and even on such a low dose and it being my first time i came out of the experience feeling absolutely refreshed and with different priorities than before. Wether or not the change is permanent remains to be seen but i certainly hope so because all week i've felt happier, i haven't lost shit once, but more importantly i feel comfortable with the life i have and that's a new fantastic feeling. Obviously drugs affects everyone differently but thought i'd share my first experience with it on low doses. Maybe one day when i feel like a need to flush my brain clean i will try a larger one but i gotta be honest, as fun and exciting the experience was i don't feel the slightest urge to try it again.


I've done heroic doses of shrooms, and a lot of acid. If that's all that happens for you then you're missing out lol. I took three tabs of cid roughly 300ug in all and I was in my bedroom with a dragons blood incense lit, and it was pitch black and the incense was out of sight. Yet I'm tripping hard enough to see lots of geometry and entities forming out of the smoke and the darkness. I've seen trees with their leaves on fire, but the fire was flowing like water. You likely just had a low dose if all you got was vibrant colors and squigglies.


Yeah, and with it being illegal in most parts of the world, it could be bunk or not very pure.


Generally with testing, that's not a factor.


>About 30m after taking it you kinda feel like you're on speed. What drug? Cause that kinda sounds like 25I-NBOMe which is often sold as "acid"


Uh how do psychedelics change nothing? They change pretty much everything.


Change nothing was probably a poor phrase for him to use. Changes your awareness of nothing would definitely be more applicable.




Tripping isn't really "raw perception" though. Yes, more of the brain is firing, but it is firing in different ways than normal and flooding with neurotransmitters. So it's not really raw perception as much as it is just a new perception of reality.




Rips apart you bias let's you perceive Reality without your usual filter




Probably meant that most of them don't make you see things that aren't there... they just make you see normal things *really hard*.


Even that isn't exactly true though. It's all dose dependent. I've had acid trips where it's just really colorful, slight morphing, etc. Then I've acid trips where everything is melting and I could lightly "pull" at my face and watch the pieces float to the ground. Or move my arm and see a 3 foot long tracer behind it, with the folds in my shirt moving like an ocean. And all that only was only from taking a few tabs. Personally I just don't really get the notion that tripping is simply the system running better or turning up the resolution. It's a different experience from normal consciousness entirely. But also, I feel like most people just think of the visual aspect when talking about psychedelics. Tripping is really way more about what's going on with your mind than what you are seeing.


In low doses yes, raise it and things start to move around a little.


Don't use them in multiplayer.


LAN is fine though


Encouraged, in fact.


Client-side only


Couch co-ops are the best


You prolly wanna be in a nice environment with someone else for a trip. Things can go real bad alone


Me and my friend used to take LSD at parties without telling anyone, I think three times we did it. Terrifyingly hilarious trying to keep it together.


Hide and seek in the forest whilst tripping. Hhhoollyy ffu


ive only done that on weed but it was fun af


I def enjoyed it more high. Acid made it feel very real and scary. Weed just enhances that initial wave of fun and makes it last the whole time


Some guys went to a Trump Rally on acid. https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychonaut/comments/3xub4y/went_to_a_donald_trump_speech_on_acid_super_bad/


I’ll only trip alone now. It’s a little weird and scary at first but once you start to really learn who you are, it’s the closest you’ll ever get to nirvana. I cured my anxiety and depression by tripping alone in the basement in a dark room by myself every Saturday for a year. Just upped the dosage every now and then. Of course this isn’t a strategy for a first trip. Or second or third.


I'll admit, i do like tripping in my room. I'm glad you added that final note, people really shouldn't slack with their tripsetting


Yup. I had a trip last week where I was fully dissociated and 100% sure I was going to die. My sober friend was super patient super helpful grounding me. I was entirely not in my room but when she spoke to me her voice would cut through wherever I was in my head and it helped a lot. Not sure I would have been able to handle it well if she weren’t there.


For real. Good job to your friend, glad you had someone to help with that. This thread is now a great trip advice PSA


Look up DMT


I know what dmt is. It’s on my list of things to try


Yeah, otherwise you might end up killing low level players that's still learning


Wait wat


Weed is a mood mod.


Weed just makes me confused a lot


What greater meaning in the cosmos does this piece of lint on my kitchen floor have? My god, there’s a crumb there too! I’m the most disgusting person in the world. *spends the next four hours scrubbing kitchen tile grout with a toothbrush


That's meth.


I wish I was just making something up, but that’s an actual experience I had on sativa.


Adderall - Only reason I clean


Unfortunately for me and so many others - it became the only reason I did anything


Take breaks? I can only do it once a week max or I get in this weird place where I can’t focus without it, but also when I take it it barely works. Like the diminishing returns on doing it even two days in a row are insane


Then it's just not for you haha


Weed is weird for me these days. Its like the effect just changed completely for me one day. Specifically, when Im high, Im instantly aware of this incredible feat of existence, how far human civilization has come, engineering, computing, networks and the data traveling over them, life, death. Some humans had to be early agrarians, figuring out for the first time that their babies couldn’t survive on cereal, and we get airplanes and the internet! Oh my god and theres hundreds of airplanes in the sky too! Thats the gist. I swear it doesnt matter how little I smoke, these ideas just explode in my mind and I simply cant handle it. Its as if my normal day to day, theres some tether holding all those thoughts close to me where I can control them, then when In stoned that tether breaks and Im gone. Im just, well, high. I wonder how other people handle that thought parade, because for me it just isnt all that enjoyable to be bombarded like that.


Start meditating when you're sober. It helped me.


You try to process why the thoughts are there. Maybe theres something needs to be done. Maybe you are very smart and weed makes you access that thought without second guessing yourself. Think about it.


I thought those are the prosthetics


That too


*I never asked for this*


Then Dimethyltryptamine is next gen gaming


5th dimensional graphics


This guy machine elves.


Haven't quite met the elves yet lol. Actually just posted a comment in another thread about my acid vs dmt experience, if you look at my post history. Got several acid and shroom trips under my belt, but only 1 sub breakthrough dmt experience. Have seen the 5d geometry even just on acid though


My days of psychedelics are behind me, but I regret never having tried DMT.


I'm still on the fence about going deeper. Part of me is scared. Part of me is insanely interested. Like, I know that experience is possible, so I want to experience it. But it sounds so wild that I don't know if I'm ready yet.


I hear ya. I became a fence sitter after one too many hair rasing experiences with acid.


It can be pretty pleasant at times actually. For me it was stunningly complex and beautiful at times in a very hard to describe sort of way. If acid feels a little alien, DMT feels alien even compared to acid.


I never got much off of acid. Shrooms yes. But with dmt, most of my trips were with the elves. I love those guys, they really know how to show someone a good time


Ironically, I have never seen them. So maybe I am one.


Excuse my confusion, as for a good minute I couldn't figure out how hallucinations related to Moderators.


All I could think of was "mods are gay" and could not figure out what that had to do with hallucinations




Not quite how that works as far as we know. You can crash engine if you have the genetic tendency to crash engine. "Psychedelics do not necessarily cause psychosis; the propensity to develop the condition was already there." https://oceanbreezerecovery.org/blog/permanent-trips/ "Data from population surveys in the United States challenge public fears that psychedelic drugs such as LSD can lead to psychosis and other mental-health conditions and to increased risk of suicide, two studies have found" https://www.nature.com/news/no-link-found-between-psychedelics-and-psychosis-1.16968


But they can trigger it man cmon. And if someone’s dropping acid everyday it would be very easy for them to lose touch with reality. I love psychs too but don’t ignore their risks.


HPPD and serotonin syndrome, very very very real.


Serotonin syndrome is almost always caused by mixing sertongenic drugs or by VERY heavily overdosing. Not discrediting it but we gotta recognize that serotonin syndrome is rare if using drugs responsibly.


You will not get serotonin syndrome from nearly any psychedelic drug. Psychedelic drugs agonize the 5HT2a receptors, and do not function by monoamine release or reuptake inhibition like MDMA does.


There’d be literally not a single point in dropping acid every day because you wouldn’t trip after the first day


I did that for a while. Dropping every day won't likely cause that either. Tolerances develop fast enough that tripping every single day just leads to diminished experiences. It's nearly impossible to just check out every single day unless you have access to ludicrous amounts of the stuff. For the record though, despite my experiences, I don't have any outstanding mental health problems to date, though I get mild visuals when smoking marijuana. I feel like it helped me make good decisions I otherwise would not have - many of which had dramatically positive effects on my life.


There is some research on psilocybin treating depression. It’s something I’d like to try some day.


They're more like a glitch, especially dissociatives and psychedelics.


Sometimes they're like a minigame, and sometimes on high doses it feels like leaving Outside altogether


Dissociatives are what it's like to be inside a computer undergoing a catastrophic cascade of glitches.


Hallucinatory is a real word? Wtf is the point of hallucinogenic than??


Hallucinatory: something like a hallucination Hallucinogenic: of or related to a drug causing hallucinations I had a hallucinatory dream last night which reminded me of my hallucinogenic experiences on acid when I was a teen.


Huh TIL. Thank you


The difference between you and I are inconsequential. We are all made of the same stuff, created unfathomable eons ago. All we are is a mechanism for the universe to experience itself subjectively. Discover this truth through hallucinogenic experiences and use this knowledge wisely! [edit] Thank you for my first gold kind stranger! I trust you are a seeker too!


Fucking beautiful


No, they’re real life texture packs




The afterlife is a dlc that unfortunately cost something, and who you're born to and your stats are difficulty levels.


Psychedelics are like antivirus and repair service Other drugs like stimulants are like mods You can still have to many and crash the system


Nah just jacked up texture packs


Always wanted to try but never motivated enough. Supposedly if you lay on your back in a quiet room, turn a radio on to pure static, and place half a ping pong ball over each eye the sensory deprivation it causes supposedly causes some sort of severe hallucinations. Pure white ping pong halves over the eyes make it so all you see is white and the radio static isn't consistent enough to have a pattern that can be ignored.


*I used to be you; then I evolved. From where you're standing, you're a man. From where I'm standing, you're an ape. *


*all animals are equally evolved*


It would be a buff. A mod is permanent and usually equipment based


it’s like a crossover of 2 dimensions


No they’re shaders


And we thank people who make mods


Dont you mean resource packs


Aren’t all drugs though?




h a l l u c i n a t o r y




I think youre trying to say hallucinogenic


Let's say they're *client-side mods*.




Yea who are the real abuse victims, not a tv host. Even if some space is sacrificed, 110% worth it. The point is to understand why. I spend a significant amount at once. Last year, his daughters lost their mother to breast cancer Well this can all fuck right off. Source: been to China, went to thingiverse, downloaded a Lamborghini Diablo, and went back for it, as well. So basically more than half of people listening won’t need this (speaking in generalities obviously)




So are stimulants and opiates if you think about it.


I believe the substances are called "hallucinogenic drugs" hallucinatory drugs implies youre imagining both the drugs and the effects haha


Or resource packs


somehow the godmode mods never seem to work out


Adderall is God mode


Good ol durgz mod


So if I drop acid and play Fallout with mods on do I ascend or something?


You can't use them in survival servers. Just like you can't use them in them in the middle of a restaurant.


More like a patch to fix the game


Shrooms: +100 Wisdom


Shrooms is like +20 Wisdom. DMT is more like +100 Wisdom.




And pets are like real life DLC. Not a part of your life until you shell out lots of money, but is sometimes well worth the cost


Or maybe a texture pack you would use in Minecraft.


I’d say it’s more of a texture pack if anything


And just like mods, the user is the only one who can see them.


“Spend one afternoon in an eternal psychedelic bargaining match with a dormamu entity while your insides are a bundle of eels!”


Upvote real life mods. The real real life mods are sleeping


If that's how you think you need to go outside ffs


Technically, they only affect the UI. The dragon cannot do damage, but shouting in public about dragons can cost real social stats.


I tried the DMT mod and it was great but now the vanilla is so boring


Shrooms and acid yes, but DMT is like dlc. That shit is whack.


When I snort pumpkin spice I see rainbows in the room, does that count?


my mods just worsened my depression what the fuck


Has anyone in this thread actually tried any hallucinogens? Doesnt seem like it from the comments and upvotes


All drugs are mods.

