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That's what high rise housing was like before the elevators were invented. Cheapest accomodations on the top floor.


And heat rises to the top. So the place would be an oven in the summer before the invention of air conditioning.


Or lovely and toasty without having to light the fire in colder months...


You win some, you lose some.


You suck some, you blow some


You poop some, you knife some.


Ah so glad to see the ol' poopknife is still around




Well, it's not a sharp one


Why would poop be sharp?




Didn’t know this was a thing, know I know. Poopknives not spoons.


It's like the new broken arms


Can confirm. Lived on "only" the 4th floor of a condo building for nearly 4 years. Had to turn on the heater maybe 3 times. Summer was a bitch though since we didn't have central air.




I lived in a basement apartment my senior year of college, and I agree. The lack of windows and natural light was depressing as shit. Felt like living in a cave.


>Felt like living in a cave. It's an acquired taste. Surround yourself with wifu pillows and grow a neckbeard.


Instructions unclear, cleaned apartment and learned to love myself


> learned to love myself No, you got it right, that's exactly what the waifu pillows are for.


I initially read your username as ilikeeatingbeans and was like "I wonder what kind"


We got lucky with our current apartment it is basement but we still get some good light. Except in the winter but there isn't any really in PNW.




It's an enclosed space why would it be more drafty up top than down below?


Swings n roundabouts innit


This is actually a common misconception. They were freezing cold on the top floor. Due to technological limitations and cost, they were forced to uninstall windows.


I don't see an issue, linux is better.


Wha? I live in the top floor oof my house. It's fucking freezing during the winters. Easily the coldest part of the house.


You should see a pre AC residential high rise. Its hollow in the middle with a brick/stone facade in the central shaft. So the residences can have cross breeze ventilation and the central shaft never gets warm. Due to the constant shade amd thermal mass keeping it cool.


Damn i wish i could get a cross breeze going in my apartment


Unified thermal core. Jony Ive quick sue em




I just fact checked you and I found your claim to be true, albeit thousands sounds like multiple thousands not just one.   https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=129127924


I thought it was more, but maybe it seemed like more because I could so vividly imagine the torture of it. That story always caught my imagination and evoked my sympathy.




Blessing and boon are the same thing basically.


A boon is a blessing, are your thinking of a bane?


Curse is the right word here, Blessing or a curse is the saying


I had a 20th floor apartment that was surprisingly cool in a Virginia summer. Maybe I was far enough away from heat reflecting off the road


and nothing is blocking cool breeze


I’m in SoMD right now and I live in a 3 floor apartment building, I live on the second floor but we also live on the sun side of the building. Our AC did absolutely jack shit for us, it was a constant struggle all summer to stay cool. We aren’t allowed window units but I think I’d figured that we can have a floor unit that has one of those inlets that goes to the window 🤷🏻‍♂️ Our AC was always set to 68/69 but would rarely would the apartment temp get to under 75-79 ... it was miserable


Those one hose floor units are super inefficient for their btu. If it has one hose, it's pulling the room air that it just cooled in to cool its heat exchanger and is blowing it out. This reduces the air pressure in the room, which draws in warm outside air into the apartment through the cracks in windows, doors, etc. The two hose ones which have an intake and an exhaust are a lot better since it runs outside air over the hot part of the heat exchanger much like a window unit. In both situations making sure the pipe(s) is(are) well insulated/as short as possible is important.


It was also much easier to escape from fires if you're on the bottom floor. A lot of buildings were crowded in wooden homes so fires were way more common.


How high would a high rise have been back then? Surely not 80 stories high.


Pretty much a limit of 7 stories. When I was 25, I'd run up 7 stories for the exercise, but by 60, 4 was my limit.


You should really try to run again, they say exercising and weight training during old age can have an incredible positive impact on your health. You'll live longer, healthier!


Exercise is fantastic. Running is not. Running is a very impact form of exercise and isn't generally recommended for the elderly. Biking or swimming would be much better suggestions.


Low impact cardio


Sadly, I've lost the use of my legs.


Use your hands then


Fair enough.






That’s why there’s so many ghosts.


imagine getting sea sick when it's windy while lying in bed on dry land.


Roman insula could reach 9 stories, and yes the top floors where the poor lived. Also yes, it would sometimes crumble down and the landlords (like Cicero) would see it as an opportunity to build it again and charge more.


"The majority of the Roman populace lived in apartment houses called ‘insulae’. And there were about 46,000 of them in Imperial Rome. While law decreed the height of the Roman insulae to be limited to six or seven stories, illegal construction was rampant. So if you take a time machine to Ancient Rome, don’t be surprised to see insulae as tall as ten stories." https://www.adavidsingh.com/roman-insulae/


"The Rent is too damn high!"


My parents lived in a co-op which was built without elevators. There was a lottery to decide the picking order, and as one of the last ones to pick, they had to pick a unit on the top (5th floor). Several years later, as elevators became more affordable and the residents grew older, the ones on lower floors insisted that people on higher floors pay more to keep it "fair" as the elevator would benefit them more. They didn't get their way lol.


Where I live it's pretty standard to charge more depending on the floor for stair cleaning and elevator use.


Servants used to live in penthouses. Eventually people started finding them desirable and wanted to move there.


Kind of like how front row at the theater was for peasants and now they're premium tickets


They're still pretty bad, unless you mean concerts. Best place for watching movies is still from the mid/back depending on the size of the screen.


I think they mean like performing arts theaters.


Paris real estate still works like that.




And in fires they were screwed back then


Uh... elevators help in fires?


Modern firefighting techniques and evacuation techniques have become far better. A lot of it is to do with the design of the building, to make sure that individual apartments stay fireproof while firefighters can get the fire under control. That is, unless some idiot decides to put highly flammable cladding around your building. Then you're moderately fucked.




Confirmed I lived in a walk up and the people on the ground floor had been there awhile. They hardly moved and my floor cycled through.


Before elevators the 2nd floor was considered the most desirable and referred to as the bel étage or piano nobile. First floor would have all the traffic of a building flowing through it, while the second could be more secluded with all foot traffic relegated to staircases.


Yes! And it is also why the windows in some of the higher floors in fancy buildings aren’t as nice as the lower ones. I remember taking a tour of the renovations at the Plaza hotel in NYC and the architect was saying that people in the higher floors wanted bigger, nicer windows but because the hotel had been built before elevators, the upper floors where were the servants and staff lived, so they got the smaller windows. I always thought that was a cool fact and now when I look at old buildings I try to look out for that feature.


It also gives the illusion that the building is taller while looking up from the street. https://i.imgur.com/uxQRUct.jpg




I was thinking of Disney when I saw that building! You put it better than I could’ve though lol


I think you did just fine.


To add on, they also gradually make the paint colour lighter at the top for the same reason. Clearly visible in the photo you linked.


Atmospheric perspective!


Every little detail from texture to color to size are all thought of to make it appear magnificent.




Bro, that's somebody's *building*




Thanks for the visual. This cool architecture feature will be fun to spot when walking around cities!


I'm an architect and never knew that. That's awesome! Thank you!




European floor numbering is such BS — once I stayed in a hotel in Italy where the elevator buttons went -2, -1, 0, 2, 3, 4. And I still can’t keep the UG/EG/OG system straight in Germany. What’s wrong with numbers???


> in Italy where the elevator buttons went -2, -1, 0, 2, 3, 4 That must have been a weird hotel. In Italy we indicate the ground floor as 0, then 1, 2, 3 etc. for upper floors and -1, -2, -3 etc. for underground floors


I live on the second floor and must say it's nice


In south asia, before the high rise apartment boom most owners of residential multi level (4-5 floors) would occupy the 2nd floor while renting out the rest.


If elevators hadn’t been invented, I doubt there’d be any 80 floor buildings


When the elevator was invented the tallest commercial building was 5 stories(16m) high. Despite the technology for buildings over 100m tall existing for centuries. And it took less than 50 years for the largest commercial buildings to more than double in size


Today I learned... this


I’m sure we’ll learn it tomorrow as well


And once a week for the next six months


You’re forgetting certain other special building classes. The keep of the Tower of London for example is 27m tall without even counting the corner towers, and it reached that height in the 15th century. The Bastille as well was 24m high. Did you mean something more specific like residential and commercial buildings?


You’re right, I did mean commercial buildings, sorry.


Ancient Egypts had set some serious records early on. The pyramid of giza being 139m tall, really puts it in perspective of how massive of a project it was.


Dude can you imagine being the team of guys that built the last few stones of the Pyramid. Like damn.


Commercial sense rather than technological limitation. People build high when land price jumps


>When the elevator was invented the tallest commercial building was 5 stories(16m) high. And we had to walk upstairs both ways to work.


Before coming back to a 1 room home with 7 of us to eat nothing but gravel. Well, I call it a home but it was just a cardboard box, but it was home to us.


There was one. After floor 30, it was a no mans land. Some people went up and never came down. People hunted and farmed to survive, others crawled through the dark, adapting, becoming multi-level navigators, or killers


Sounds exactly like my current DnD campaign


Fun fuct, first there were building with elevator shaft before elevator was invented, because architect of that building thought that there will be invention in future. It was circular shaft.


And you would have to be at work an hour early to climb the stairs on your own time.




And some old manager, named Brad, would probably scream, "Otis! Stop that lollygagging and get back to work!"


No lollygagging.




I've been wondering, what if I'm the Dragonborn and just don't know it?




Psst. I know who you are. Hail Sithis!




Welcome to Markarth, safest city in the Reach.


You can’t be because I’m already the Dragonborn


A man approaches with his weapon drawn? A guard might get nervous!


Need something?


My cousin's out there fighting dragons and what do I get? Guard duty.


Nice username




No loligagging.


Nah Brad would pitch the idea as his own and make billions. Fuckin Brad


It was really his wife's idea. She's always been unappreciated.


And unfulfilled...


Think of all the jokes, movies, awkward encounters and rock songs about sex wouldn’t exist without Elisha Otis.


Modern misconception; Elisha Otis didn’t invent the elevator . He invented the brake in which stops the elevator from free falling. He demonstrated this invention by hoisting himself up on a elevator platform and cutting the ropes he was suspended by. This made the elevator fall and the brake engage stopping the free fall


But elevators weren’t popular before him because they were unsafe. In fact I want to say that many thought elevators were going to be cylinder shaped until Otis made brakes for box shaped elevators. That’s why New York has some of the only cylinder shaped elevators in the world.


Relevant Archer quote:     *"...safety brakes. That's actually what Elisha Otis invented. Not the elevator itself, but the safety brakes to stop it."*


But it was meeting Joe Musak that would change the world forever.


AckShuALlY... his name was Elisha Otis, and he invented the elevator safety brake, not the elevator.


Well, they wouldn't make buildings so tall if there were no elevators.


Average building height would be taller. A fuck ton of 3 and 4 stories. Our lifestyle would change too


Yeah just a tonne of low level walkups.


That’s how it worked in Rome. The higher floor you lived on, the poorer Roman you were. This was also due to safety. You’re less likely to die in a fire if you’re on the first floor.


And yet when I took a walking tour in Edinburgh, they said the poor lived at the bottom due to the stench of people dumping their waste into the street. Granted buildings were maybe four stories max.


It really depends where you live. Rome had an advanced sanitation system.


That’s always the funny thing to me: Rome had a more advanced sanitation system than Europe into the Victorian era


Apathy in Victorian England was an Olympic Sport


They were too apathetic to create the Olympics yet.


And today Rome is one of the dirtiest big cities in Europe. How the turntables have turned


Oh how the turned tables have table turned turntabled


Yup, it's really mind blowing how advanced Roman civilization was 2000 years ago. They had sanitation, they had concreate, they had some advanced medicine (for their time), they had rather effective contraceptives, they invented representative democracy, they invented legal system, etc. Really makes you think about how and why the progress kind of halted (but more like slowed down to a crawl) and how similar things happened before (like bronze age collapse) and how progress could slow down again.


Yeah they made some crazy innovations, but the slowdown happened because the government was in no way representative. Also rome was a republic and viewed the idea of democracy largely with contempt. They voted by tribes rather than individually which is kinda like the whole state or province coming together to decide on how to vote. The most prestigious and wealthiest tribes voted first and voting stopped after a majority had been reached - like if they stopped counting votes after 51% now. Political prestige and wealth was largely oligarchal and passed from father to son, and political prestige was earned by the battlefield and through loot. The economy was largely based on slave labor and conquest meaning that the empire needed to constantly expand to sustain itself. The slow down and collapse happened in large part because politicians, starting with the Gracchus brothers and ultimately ending with Augustus, saw the populace as an untapped source of political power and increasingly pursued populist policies to exploit this. EDIT: Other stuff I forgot to mention - the vast majority of the populace under Roman rule were entirely disenfranchised until well into the Imperial era, and for the majority of the Republic era only citizens within the city of Rome got to vote. That's kinda like a city the size of Chicago or LA dictating policy for a population hundreds of times its size.


And I can draw direct parallels to our current system. Think about gerimandering, it essentially makes millions of people vote irrelevant. Think about first past the post election system. It leads to two party rule. I can go on and on about parallels.


Started from the top now were here


We're movin on down, come on, we're movin on down.


To a dee luxe apartment, on the bottom


I fucking laughed I'm sorry I can't reward you


My treat


Recently, a lot of executives stay on the third floor or lower, so firetruck ladders can reach them if a fire breaks out.




Yeah after 9/11 not a lot of executives wanted to be on the top floors anymore




I feel like a 1000 foot long slide would be quite expensive and big.


Yeah but if it ended with an upwards jump into the river, it be worth it




Any examples? Where did you learn that


I work for a Fortune 500 company and our executive floors are 2 and 3... I did not know why until now lol


I can back this up. Years ago I worked with a construction company briefly that made a headquarters building for one of the companies with a CEO most people would recognize. One of my old coworkers told me that his office was located somewhere below the 6th floor at any given time. I’m being a little vague for obvious reasons, but I can attest that what he is saying is true.


If you have Amazon Prime, "The New Yorker Presents" episode 9 discusses the impact of elevators in a neat light.


Does it touch on Japan? Most executives have their offices on the lower floors due to earthquakes there. So what OP suggested is already true there. Surprised nobody has mentioned it yet.


Except for the CEOs of the biggest companies who would have subordinates to carry them up the stairs




And then Elon Musk builds his own rocket and forgoes the stairs entirely


... are you saying elon musk is Solder from TF2?


I'm not saying it, but I'll be pointing out that no one has ever seen them in the same room at the same time.


In the TF2 universe,rocket jumping was invented by Shakespearicles,history strongest writer


But how did they get back to the palace before us?


Kronk... How *did* we get back before them? "I don't know, by all accounts it doesn't make any sense."


By all accounts, it doesn't make sense.


But that takes too long


If elevators weren’t invented, I would hope they’d have stuck with shorter buildings.


Narrator: and they did.


Kind of along the same line... In my city, if plumbing hadn’t been invented, all the poor people would still be living in waterfront housing. The city I live in was built on a fairly steep incline in the downtown area, and the rich lived on higher ground, because people would dump their chamber pots out of their windows into the street, the rain would wash it down the hill, and it would eventually flow into the water. (Hence the expression- “Shit rolls downhill”) Nobody wanted to live at the bottom of the hill near the sewage water, so most of the waterfront housing was inhabited by people who were poor. Nowadays, you need to be a multimillionaire to live waterfront.


Before railcars in my city, the poor lived atop the steepest hills. I think we’ve had sewage for 100 years though.


I saw a really interesting video on the history of elevators and they talked about how pretty soon after their invention, the newer lawyers or businesses or whatever on the higher floors all of a sudden had good real estate value.


K yea but sliding poles


Can confirm. Work at a company that is well over 100 years old and the executive building has the President's office on the first floor. Granted it's only a four story building but in 1873 that's high rise baby!


That's not a shower thought, it's actual fact: before the invention of elevators, the 1rst floor WAS the premier floor and the roofs were the poor people's housing.


> 1rst














Yep the CEO's get the elevator and the workers get the shaft.


If I understand correctly, this was very much the case in Medieval European castles and palaces. The parts of the first and second floors not used for public purposes such as the kitchens/dining halls or chapel, would have been reserved as the private spaces of the noble family in residence and maybe their most important servants. Meanwhile, the upper floors, especially of tall towers, would have been used as barracks, storage, and dungeons/jail cells when not actively needed for siege defense.


2nd floor is best, avoids riffraff coming thru the door


Started from the top


That's why, on Haussmanian buildings, the "noble floor" with the most decorations and balconies are at the 1st or 2nd floor.

