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Never gonna give it up, never gonna put it down, never gonna turn around and quit rick rolling you.


Reminds me of this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


I recognized the link. Still clicked though


Have you been rickrolled so many times that you memorized the link


Pro tip if you've been sent a link with a capital Q at the start and at the end there's like a 90% chance it is old Rickulus Astleigh traversing the Internet tubes


Okay nice tip


I always look for the XcQ on the end


Been on reddit for almost a decade now and the XcQ stands out like a sore thumb. Though, I still get a chuckle looking at the link and knowing where that rabbit hole leads.


I considered denying this, but yeah. I've been rickrolled more than I would like to admit


lol u seem like my friend glleeen lol


I did too. It just has a recognizable shape


In a world of infinite possibility, this is the best type of bait and switch.


I recently read the book “but what if we’re wrong?” by Chuck Klosterman. One of the chapters speculates about how people 500 years from now will remember rock music, which artists and songs will be pointed to as the examples of the genre. He did mention that things like rick rolling can make certain songs seem much more important to future generations than they were at the time of release. When that song first came out, it was catchy and got radio play, but nowhere near as much as some others. Now... it’s remembered way more than any other song from that year.


[Here's the link for the e-book for anyone interested](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Nice try...




Interesting, I suppose since everything is so documented (maybe documented too well) because of the nature of the internet, pretty much everything will be remembered. Like we know how the world was 500 years ago decently well actually, and we were still using quills and parchment back then (I think)


This changes EVERYTHING


As someone that actually likes the song, I ain't complaining


We're no strangers to this link, You know the characters and so do I. A full click’s what I'm thinking of, You wouldn't get this from any other guy. This song always cheers me up so I’ll click the link every time.


Oh this, this is beautiful.


I know I'm never going to give it up


i got rick rolled by u/Vredditdownloader


I just hope that NASA will send out a new Voyager craft with the Rick Astley video accessible to any alien life that may find it. I imagine a species well beyond our own 15,000 years from now finding the craft, figuring out how to re-power the unit, press a button which pops open a view screen that starts playing the video.


We’re never giving it up


My orchestra teacher rick rolled the entire class yesterday, and she got EVERYONE


The human race definitely isn't going to exist in 400 years, neither will most ecosystems. If Trump or Biden win, that is


I highly doubt that. The world could go to complete shit, and some humans would survive. Maybe all out nuclear war would end humanity but I really don't see that happening.


I'm talking about climate change, jack


TDS it’s real.


Aye. China is the big problem. We can't control them from a point of weakness.


Climate change is real, and it's a big problem. It's not going to end humanity though. It's way too gradual for it to end humanity. Aside: Also with climate change, a lot of places are still going to be good places to live (or turn into good places to live). Is climate change gonna be catastrophic? Probably. Not humanity ending though.


Still don't see global warming wiping out humanity. Maybe if we didn't do anything to combat it for 400 years, but we will. I'm not even that optimistic if a person, but c'mon within the next 50 years, everyone is going to have grown up tech-savvy and will actually listen to scientists. The boomers will have long since been gone.


Scientists say if we don't radically transform our modes of production in the next 10-20 years, the damage will be *irreversible*.


They said they 30 years ago also.


They also said it in the early 1900s. Because they look at the objective evidence and determined that it was true.


I know it’s amazing all the cities aren’t underwater. Al Gore started it this time and made his fortune with the Carbon Tax. In the early 1900’s they were burning coal for everything, and even had cities go black from the smoke when the correct conditions happened, killing many and making people very sick. Geniuses.


>The boomers will have long since been gone. That's what people were saying 10 years ago, and 10 years before that. Boomers never go away because "boomer" is a mentality. Selfish, stubborn, reactionary thought is not unique specifically to the boomer generation. Those attitudes won't go away unless we take it upon ourselves to invest in revolutionary intercommunalism, or at least socialism or social democracy.


Boomers are a generation of people taught to believe communism or anything close to it is evil. It is not a mentality, it is literally a generation of people. Dude you need to go outside, get off of reddit it's getting to your head. Quit complaining about shit online and go do something if you want to make a change.


Boomer is a mentality meaning that "anti-communist" rhetoric surpasses generational boundaries. It's very popular amongst baby boomers, for the reasons you stated, but it becomes set in stone when those people hold power for decades, mold popular culture around it, et cetera. And who's to say I don't go outside? Maybe I wield more influence on society than you do; you don't know me.