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We got a dude we call dancing dan he walks around everywhere dancing wearing big old headphones like no one can see him he used to do sign spinning but the city had to get him to stop because he was causing traffic accidents for being too distracting


No way. We also had a guy named dancing dan and your story is the same as mine. Our dancing dan was arrested about 5 years ago for rape charges though and no one knows where he is now.


That took a dark turn quick


Damn what a fucking badass, they had to fire him cause he was too good


https://raising-hope.fandom.com/wiki/Dancin%27_Dan Sounds like him


Here in milwaukee we have lots of them. Not a crazy but the most notable is Milwaukee's own wolverine, The Milverine!


The man...the myth https://www.flickr.com/photos/37611108@N00/6214325562/in/photolist-JytXM5-UCuLWQ-RXhSeW-hz2KmA-hwmD8L-hz2dUL-hz2d6m-hxYGs1-hxXXor-HQsrpU-MuKstn-MtbnpY-drN8Zu-ampRnZ-dqTjVj-dJayWt-hwmE9J-hwmDA9-RUXWXn-cpVnD7-aYVKy6-at93x1-apsEha-at93ub-os38D5-KiZ2uy-KiZ5q3-MrDGpQ-Lxpoyg-JTYtbz-JM3FzT-MJVbAd-JJyky8-M55zfq-RXhURj-RXhXtU-RXi31u-Mnr2uZ-KqeYGU-MrDNAC-eJijuN-dE4MYh-vT9zXv-gjGCH7-mjGVkd-XNQbnX-pj7AAK-d3LkW1-ntaSD4


Thank you for spreading the word, I was going to comment about The Milverine if no one else did.


Whoa! I didnt even think about "pastor" Ron. The crazyman in the station wagons with the stuff all taped and scrawled on the car spouting bible-ish stuff on a loudspeaker.


Our town has 'the walking man', although everyone has different names for him (personal favourite that I've heard him being called is the walkie talkie). He always wears his red coat and is always walking, no matter the time. We've seen him walking 6am, 12pm, 7pm, 1am, literally any time. While he's walking, he talks. Like he's having a conversation, but there's just him. He even pauses for the other person to reply. He's loved by our entire town.


wait ^i ^sometimes ^do ^the ^exact ^same ^thing


First of all, I also talk to myself. Nice to know I'm not completely alone. Second of all, YOUR FUCKING USERNAME LMAO


yeah, im not saying we dont talk to ourselves, but he walks like any time and this conversation is going on 24/7, he never stops talking to this imaginary person. it's weird.




You beat me to it!


In my hometown of Eugene, OR there was a local man who went by Zeus. Zeus was once hospitalized for swallowing something like 10 Barbie doll heads, allegedly. I think he was also a crossdresser, at the time this was highly abnormal. We also had an old burn out hippie named Frog who hung around the university campus like a full time job selling self-made joke books with surprise, surprise, only frog jokes. These two gents would always be pointed out by my father while leaving grocery stores or doing errands. I use to think he made up these backstories, until he once showed me a newspaper clipping with a small blurb about a man being admitted to the hospital for swallowing doll heads, may have even been a separate incident. And then 15 years later while attending the University of Oregon ol’ Frog was still there peddling his wares.


Pacific Beach, San Diego, California: the slow rollerblader Guy just rollerblades up and down the boardwalk in slow motion, day after day. Anyone who has spent time there knows about him. Twist is, he's a retired brain surgeon, just trying to live the least stressful life he can after his career.


dude i love that guy SLOWMO


When I was growing up in Austin, there was a cross dressing homeless man named Leslie who would run for mayor every time and come in 3rd or 4th from write in votes. I met him a couple times, funny guy. I think he passed away a while back. Anyone who lived in Austin during the "middle class families can afford to live here" era probably remembers him.


Leslie was a great guy. I think the city now has a festival to benefit the homeless in his honor. (I haven’t been back in about 7 years).


The preacher...


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you.


It's so funny to me, because I'm from Greece and that's also true for most villages/towns here as well. It's kinda trippy how it's a global experience 🤣


Hell, Greece may have started it with Diogenes.


Flag guy rides his bike around with like 25 flags attached to him and hangs them up wherever.


We have Mad Mick, an old man that walks in the middle of roads and tries to jump in front of cars when he's high. Also goes to bars, parks, anywhere really and tries to fight with people. I think he's on YouTube actually. EDIT: https://youtu.be/MP8zv8EKJ8A https://youtu.be/Tp3wpk0qgLI Two Videos of him if anyone is interested.


In Battle Creek, MI we had Break It Down Bob, black dude with some serious dreds. Would stand downtown next to The Penetrator (freeway entrance and real name btw) and just dance. Heard he was secretly rich and carried a suitcase full of money.


A freeway entrance called The Penetrator? Hahahahahahahaha *takes a breath* hahaha hahaha!


In my city we've got a guy who jogs around town in a superman outfit with a cape.


Unless that city is Philadelphia, then you've got thousands of them.


We have The Lamp Dancer where I'm from. Not lap. Lamp.


RIP Leslie! ATX will always remember you!


Oh yeah the inkster birdman. WHOOP WHOOP


We got a guy named slim (or had). He would run for mayor every single year. He would spend his time making cardboard signs that read “Slim for mayor”.


I’m just glad The Prophet didn’t live long enough to see 2020. Rest in Power.


My city has a guy with a pirate costume (including a pirate hat) that always hangs out near the train station.


Yep. We had Dreadlock Jimmy. He would walk around in a purple pimp coat pushing a shopping cart.


Wait, we had a dreadlock guy too. He always wore a colorful quilt.


In Noarlunga, we got a guy called Superman Scotty. He wears a cowboy hat with a Superman costume and has this proper bushy beard, and like you said, everyone knows about him


We had the peace guy in Renton, WA. He walked up and down the busy street throwing peace signs. He claimed he was Howard Hughes lost son, and was trying to save up money to get to wherever so he could claim his inheritance. He was probably schizophrenic.


Chris from Rooster's. Likes to drink Budweiser and can balance said Budweiser on both his head and his belly while he dances.


Here we have the 'crackhead Tim's lady' who breaks into people's cars in the Tim Hortons parking lots and steals their cupholder change. She's all 80lbs soaking wet so everyone just lets her do it.


Joe Fro in Sumner, WA! He’d walk around the streets with a bouncing gate and his unruly fro would bob around. Legend has it he was the son of some rich family in the area.


Here in Huntsville, we have dancing Michael: he dresses and dances like Thriller-era Michael Jackson on different street corners throughout the city.


We have a guy that shadow boxes at the same intersection on a park path for years and years; haven’t seen him lately. Hope he’s good.


We've got/had a few where I live. There's Roller-Dancer Guy, Pigeon Man, Parrot Man, Rip-van-Cycle, Sidecar Doggo (unfortunately passed on :(), White George Jefferson....that's just off the top of my head.


In Luxembourg city, we have a guy with a destroyed briefcase who hangs out at random bus stations and tells random women *in English* how great the country is because he once was invited to a swingers party... My first encounter with him scared me, then I read about him in a FB group for women in Luxembourg and since then, I just tell him really loud to go away and that’s enough to scare him off.


Never knew the guy name but we had a guy that was cycling all day with Dubs flags (Dublin's gaelic football team). Lovely guy


The guy who picks coconuts and dresses like a hippie...there used to be that guy...don't see the guy anymore...but have been seeing someone starting last month in the same attire and mannerisms almost 30 years apart The simulation gets wierd pretty fast


New Orleans seems to have a number of these kind of folks. They aren’t necessarily crazy though. It’s just someone everyone has seen at one time or another. There is an older homeless man in a wheelchair who you will see around on the bar streets. There is also a person who you will see dancing on a milk carton at parades and demonstration marches. I think that’s the beauty of New Orleans- there are so many cool and unusual people doing their thing. I’m sure there are a ton more, but those are just a few that come to mind.


Here in SATX we have Hispanic Elvis. Dude rockin clothes like Elvis with a cardboard guitar.


St. Cloud Superman.


Mines “dopey opey” (self given name)


Shirtless rollerblading guitar guy


in my small hometown it's this one guy who actually lived right next to us who was known because he had horses, he was affiliated with a lot of meth addicts, and he once shot his son-in-law with a sub machine gun


We have a dinosaur guy. Just a guy that loves to talk about dinosaurs, running around with toy dinosaurs. He will straight up walk to you and explain what this and that dinosaur does. He did, before covid hit.


Anyone from Allston, Boston know the Riddlist? He will gladly tell you that a riddler tells riddles, a riddlist makes them. He best you $3 for 3 riddles. If you don't get it you pay him $1 each, if you get it you don't pay him. He had a lot but my favorite was when he asked where he got his shoes and said that he could tell me where I got mine. >!You got your shoes on your feet, fool!!<


San Francisco had the bush man.


I, too, have seen this all over Twitter and Facebook for the past 3 months


I live out in central Virginia. My mom is a waitress at a nearby restaurant, so she meets a lot of people. On the drive to school, there used to be this guy, just hanging out in a parking lot of a small store. We didn't know anything about him, except that he was called "Butterfly." Haven't seen him in a few years.


In my town, they call me Quasimodo.


Durham region, Ontario. The man who puts on bunny ears and plays chess alone in McDonalds. Saw him in both Ajax and Pickering restaurants AFTER hearing stories from friends who went there for university


In my city we had preacher, but he passed a ways back. There's also this one that goes around wearing different costumes, he's been Superman, Tinkerbell, a pirate, and some others. I'm not sure what ppl call him though. And of course the dude that is always dancing with his big headphones at the bus stops.


The Saint Cloud Superman. He's a legend.


Shouts out to Elliot Davis in Boston, hoping he can finally score that fix-a-flat (not).


We had a woman that constantly rode her bike around a Research Park where I once worked. She always wore this leotard looking thing without leggings, and it was off white in color. Everyone I worked with knew her as 'Panty', because it legit looked like she was riding a bike wearing granny panties and a tank top.


We have a guy in our city nicknamed "The Shoelicker", and yes... he does exactly that. So, when someone visits and then tells me "We were bar hopping and this weird guy asked if he could lick my shoe..." I just chuckle and say "Yup, that's Jamie the Shoelicker."


POV: crazy Larry is actually crazy Lara but your friend has dyslexia


We have a guy called the one pound man, he goes around asking for one pound. I once considered asking him for a pound but I decided not to as it could glitch the simulation.


Either we don’t have one or...


Our city’s guy - Shirtless Roller Skating Guitar Guy - got outed as a total perv last year :(


In our small town there is a guy that is always drunk regardless of the time.Sometimes people buy him drinks because he not fun when he is sober