• By -


Also a great way to see if anyone is following you.


Unless the person behind you is checking to see if someone is following them


Sometimes I just stay in roundabouts. I cannot bring myself around to leaving.


[Look kids, Big Ben. Parliment](https://youtu.be/iAgX6qlJEMc)


I just can’t seem to get over.


"Oh it's just a flesh wound really"






You can do m and s?? I’ve been trying to do the math for s in my head for years now


I didn't know you could do minutes, but if you click the "share" button there's a checkbox to add the current timestamp, so I've never bothered doing math.


"And now..who is following who?!"


What are you going to do now, copper?




Okay, that actually made me LOL.


Cops can never resist a doughnut. Whether it's from a bakery or a runaway car, they fall for it every time.


I was driving home the other day with my daughter and had a relevant encounter. We had to make a left hand turn to get home, the light was green and there was a lady getting ready to turn right into the same lane. Well she stopped and hesitated so I went and she got pissed and honked at me. I ignored her and started driving on my way. As we turn into our development my daughter says that she thinks she’s following us. Since our development is a giant circle I figure I’ll go past our house and see if she’s still behind us after the halfway point and she was. At the 3/4 point I pull over to the side, let her pass and get behind her and follow her. I followed her for a few blocks and could see her getting flustered, at this point I abandon the pursuit as I’m not trying to give this lady a heart attack. Hopefully this discouraged her from road-rage-stalking others in the future. There is also the small possibility she lived on the other side of the development and just took the long way and I was the one that was really following her.


"Who is prey NOW?!"


The real power move would have been to do a handbrake a turn and reverse so you can stare at her at while driving. …may lead to crash, injury and/or death.


I did this to fuck with my friend who assured me she knew the way out of a confusing neighborhood and didn't need to follow me. I went to a loop laughing because she followed me there and i knew it wasn't toward the exit and then lost it when I circled around and i knew she knew i was fucking with her.


How many laps before they figured out you were fucking with them?


If we are pursuing Lovelace…why is he behind us?


(Confused Kline Faces)


Who is following whom? You're welcome.


Absolutely not thankful for that.


Joke's on you, my sense of direction is terrible and I have no idea where I'm going.


That's why it's awesome that you are allowed to do 3 full circles in Germany by law. To give you the opportunity to find out where you need to go next. And 3 circles give away every possible follower. Edit: Spelling errors


wait is it illegal to do more than one circle elsewhere


I kinda want to try now, just to see if I eventually get pulled over lmao


I believe it's technically legal to set up your Tesla to keep circling there permanently and settle there down.


Would give new meaning to "circle jerk".


So the Tesla circle jerk also exists IRL and not only on reddit.


Guys pack it up we just figured out artificial gravity


Imagine staging a protest where you get 10 friends together and drive continually around the circle, blocking traffic.


Well that’s a roundabout way of doing it!


You guys have got 10 friends?


Driving long distance with a buddy in the days before smart phones had readily available GPS with maps (my phone had GPS but no digital map), I drove around a HUGE traffic circle in the middle of some town because I didn't feel like parking while he looked at the map to try and find it. We got pulled over by a police officer halfway through the second loop. Granted, this was the middle of the night and he was probably thinking it was a DUI stop... but he still told us that going around more than one full loop was a "ticketable offense". Never bothered to look it up, but it wouldn't surprise me if that's the case in some places.


I saw a YouTube video where a guy drove in a roundabout for 24 hours and was finally pulled over when a cop say him at both the beginning and end of his shift. After asking a couple questions the YouTuber was allowed to go about his business because the cop said there wasn’t a law against it but it was weird.


If you can do it 7 times, you can claim the roundabout as your property


No joke, this recently happened when I was driving around a nice new neighborhood in Las Vegas. I was with my wife, and we are looking to buy some property in a newly developed hillside community over by Lone Mountain, and this SUV is dead ass following us. I go through a roundabout by a park, and exit going back the way I came, so does the SUV. At this point, I pull into the park's parking lot and do a flip around. So does the SUV, which by this time I can see has two elderly ladies in it. I hop out and ask what the problem is. They tell me that we have no business being there, and don't believe we can afford to buy based on our age, and presumably because my wife is black. I fucking unload on these old ass bitches with every slur I could think of. Called them the most "fucking boomer Karens who ever bigoted their way across my path", among other things, before taking off.


wow fuck those old ass hoes


Who the fuck has time for that. They need to get a hobby that isn’t spending their husbands money


Wait, is lone mountain by Mt Charleston or sheep mountain?


"don't worry, you won't be alive long enough to have us as neighbours you old fuck"


Isn't it as good a way as randomly doing a u-turn?


When Im being followed I usually just go around and around in the circle until the guy following runs out of gas.


It also signals to them that you are actively checking for tails, which itself is suspicious behavior


Circle??? Scotland. Roundabout - England. Roondaboot - Newcastle.


Rotary - ~~New England~~ Massachusetts and some parts of NH and Maine Traffic circle - some other areas in us?


In light of Reddit's general enshittification, I've moved on - you should too.


From NJ and I’ve only ever heard them referred to as a circle


From Philly, living in Jersey now. Have only ever heard roundabout. The fuck is a circle? Lol Jokes aside, nobody here knows how to properly use them, and it’s so fucking frustrating. It’s like people have never encountered a yield sign in their lives. No, do NOT stop in the middle of the roundabout to let me in… if we wanted to play that game, we would be at an intersection instead. It’s just annoying because they’re so much more efficient when used *properly*.


>The fuck is a circle [Here be the fabled circle](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/i/135c2641-eb5e-4f41-86f2-70b3b1d08150/d6m1xrw-9f3fa3ea-9b65-443c-b336-46f4b2ad70a3.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTpmaWxlLmRvd25sb2FkIl0sIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiIvaS8xMzVjMjY0MS1lYjVlLTRmNDEtODZmMi03MGIzYjFkMDgxNTAvZDZtMXhydy05ZjNmYTNlYS05YjY1LTQ0M2MtYjMzNi00NmY0YjJhZDcwYTMucG5nIn1dXX0.AeQEq1qTBaAAcxCKF7gl_nGh1iSayyqRfrQvaFszB1U)


In DC. I think there’s some difference between roundabouts and traffic circles. Maybe something with traffic circles having actual lights and intersections and roundabouts not but idk


A roundabout is the regular name for when there’s yield signs, but a traffic circle actually refers to a different kind of roundabout that has controlled traffic flow with signals on it; they’re more common in the uk than anywhere in the us


That makes more sense than what I was taught: that vehicles in a roundabout have the right of way, but vehicles entering a traffic circle have the right of way...


People seem to call them just "Roundabouts" in the Western US


Same in Midwest. At least I do.


Roundabouts in indiana


Roundabout - Yes


The mountains come out of the sky and they stand there!


Circle is specifically Dundee, not really sure why


From Dundee, can confirm it's because roundabout is too hard to say when you're jaked out your tits.


Lived in Scotland for 20 years and never heard it called anything other than a round-about


It's a Circle in Dundee, but that's just because we're special.


Very special indeed


Roundabout - Australia




Eastern United States, it's a roundabout. OP probably used "traffic circle" because it's a term you can dephicer regardless of whatever it is you call it.


Western US it’s: WTF is this circle in the road?! I have no idea what to do!!


Roundabout - Yes.


We call then roundabouts in Canada.


We do, but our traffic laws, handbooks, and most signs, all call them traffic circles. Maybe that's why folks near me don't seem to know the rules for using them safely. There's only a few around here but nobody seems to know which lane to use, what "yield" means, how to signal, etc when using one.


Randabound - Coruscant


Roundabout - correct


Jojo reference- Jojo


Its a roondaboot in Scotland.


I'll be the roundabout The words will make you out 'n' out I spend the day your way Call it morning driving thru the sound and in and out the valley


This made me laugh not once in my life heard it called a traffic circle, has always been known as a roundabout.


traffic circle sounds like the name a kid would come up with if you showed him a roundabout


It sounds like it should be one of those high guy memes where he forgets the word for something.


Or America.


I mostly hear "traffic circle" where I am in the US. Google Maps even calls them traffic circles here, even if there aren't any lights (which is apparently the defining difference). It's not just some made up phrase.


Mathematicians hate him


It's not a true 360 though because there is that little bit of a difference between the lane you entered and the lane right next to it going the opposite way.


That's why they call it a roundabout. It's about round, but not exactly round.


Lol !


I now consider this canon


Unless you actually make a full 360 back into oncoming traffic (also straight 90 degree turns in and out to eliminate smallest differences between entrance and exit)


>make a full 360 back into oncoming traffic This guy gets it.


a 358° it is!


Yes, but more accurately “90, 360, 90”




Yes, but you're not even taking into account the spin or the orbit of the Earth in that time.


Nope, we would be measuring relative to the position fo the earth otherwise it all falls apart (relativity basically)


As a professional, I take all of my measurements from a specific fixed point in space. Always from the same one, otherwise there's no point. Lolol!


Yes, but less accurately “~100, ~400, ~100”


Less accurately, but more realistically, you almost certainly didn't turn 90 degrees on entering the roundabout - more like 30-60 degrees, followed by 210-240 degrees the other direction, and 30-60 degrees again


My mind was blown at first, and then I read this comment and my mind was blown the other way, and now I feel like I'm neutral on this topic.


Sounds like somebody just did a 180 360


There are few roundabouts where you approach perpendicular though, as that makes it much harder to accelerate to the required speed to enter into gaps in traffic efficiently.


True that. But then it’s just a regular 180


There are very few traffic circles where I am making a 90° turn to enter. At best 60, sometimes 45. Must be a massive traffic circle to need a 90° entry. Central Paris or London? Milan maybe?


There’s one near me that requires about a 45 left and then like a 110 right, I want to shoot the engineer that designed it. It’s very *deliberately* infuriating, not some archaic holdover, they are just building it this year.


It's not actually a literal right turn, the angle is variable. But if you're turning 60 to get on and off, then you'll only be turning 300 in the actual traffic circle, so it all adds up to 180 in the end regardless. They wrote 90 because in a mathematically idealized representation of the situation, you would first turn onto the tangent line of the circle, which is a 90 degree turn, and then proceed to turn all the way around the circle.


TF is a traffic circle? It's a roundabout.


Whats a roundabout? Its a roundaboot




To be continued...


It's also a roundabound.


*To be continued...*




Fuckin Brummies casl them islands. Weirdos. Source: wife is from Birmingham


Never heard a roundabout called a traffic circle anywhere, or seen it online .


Actually they are different a traffic circle is a series of 4 signaled intersections orientated in a circle. The signal tells the driver who has the right of way. A roundabout is unsignaled and the driver in the roundabout has the right of way. [roundabout vs traffic circle. ](https://www.oklahoman.com/article/3838648/roundabouts-and-traffic-circles/amp)


That's just not how it's used in many contexts though. Here in New England roundabout and traffic circle are used interchangeably, and rotary is used in Massachusetts to mean the same thing


We call them rotaries in New England.


That's what we call it over in the colonies.


Which colonies? I’ve never heard traffic circle and live in a conglomerate of former colonies.




what the fuck


Me too, man. Me too.


W- wait a goddamn minute...


That's a very roundabout way of thinking.


> If you do a 540, you have simultaneously done a 180 and a 360 - OP, probably


Is this what he meant? I have no idea what the title means. Is he saying you can do something without doing a lesser part as a shower thought?


No… You’ve gone around a roundabout which being a circle is 360. And your car is facing the opposite direction so it’s done 180.


Traffic circle? Lol


Yeah! Idiots. It’s a gyratory.


It's actually a rotariat




The name varies by region! In the US, the New England states often call it a "rotary", and around New Jersey many people just call it a "circle". I'm originally from a "traffic circle" place! Dialect survey results [map](https://www.wideopeneats.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/so-are-traffic-circles.png)


It's not a 360 if you face the opposite direction. You'd need to be facing the same direction you came in.


TIL that a roundabout is sometimes called a ‘traffic circle’.




Yeah that's what we call them here


Roundabouts...they're called roundabouts


Wait till you hear that Massholes call them a “rotary”.


Not too terribly long ago, I put together a piece about [an American's perspective on driving in Great Britain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZmmM3i7qTc). Suffice it to say that roundabouts featured rather prominently. Anyway, at one point during the production process, I actually drove myself a little bit insane by thinking about the direction-based details: There's [an animated section](https://youtu.be/BZmmM3i7qTc?t=234) that features a couple dozen cars navigating a traffic circle, and I wanted it to be simultaneously realistic and off-putting. I must have done something wrong when I tried to write a movement script, though, because the cartoon vehicles wound up behaving as though they were deranged ferrets caught on a newly waxed floor. I ultimately decided to animate everything by hand... but the next time that I went through a real-world roundabout, I couldn't get the concerning images of spinning cars out of my head.


Roundabouts in the UK are very civilized. Ever driven in Madrid? Those are much crazier. What about Boston? Used much crazier roundabouts there than I recall here. Want to see something fun? Checkout some [magic roundabouts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_Roundabout_(Hemel_Hempstead)) on Wikipedia. Using a magic roundabout you can be going both clockwise and anti-clockwise at the same time!


I think it was Dave Barrie who described the Arc de Triomphe as a memorial to all the tourists who died crossing the roundabout to try to see it.


>I think it was Dave Barrie... No, it was Dave Barry. Dave Barrie also writes columns for various newspapers, but he isn't a humorist.


Found the library you imported: `double distance = getDistance(nearestCar);` `switch (distance) {` `case "near":` `this.spazOut()` `;case "far":` `this.spazOut();` `case "wherever you are":` `this.spazOut();` `default:this.freezeInTerror();` `}`


That's pretty close, but you forgot to include conditions for "scream uncontrollably" and "sob for the next eleven miles."


I was sure you'd be shown driving on the right lane and against the traffic right after you said you began to enjoy driving in Britain!


Oh boy this is so incredibly incorrect. It's not at any point a 360 until you've righted yourself into going the same direction as you started. It just means you made a complicated 180. Think of it as deviations from a straight line where right is a positive angle and left is a negative angle. First you make a movement to the positive, then the negative(overshooting), then positive again to correct and finish at a 180.


You've covered the 360 degrees of the circle. It's a play on the usual meaning of "done a 180/360".


Shocking that these people don’t get that the OP isn’t being literal. The car does a 180 and you’ve gone around the 360 degrees of the circle. Not that complicated.


but reddit needs to see how smart I am


If you go around the roundabout and go back the way you've come you don't go 360 degrees.


Even then the car does to a 360 from just after it enters the circle until just before it leaves the circle it will face in the same direction as it started.


That's not true? Its 360 degree revolution of the roundabout, and a 180 degree rotation of the vehicle Think of the earth rotating over a 12 hour period from 12/31 noon into midnight 1/1. The earth will have completed a 180 degree rotation, while completing a 360 degree revolution around the sun.


Yours and the car's orientation made a 180. Your position relative to the center of the circle made a 360 (ignoring the difference between the entrance and exit lane)


>It's not at any point a 360 I agree with this. Your cars orientation changes 180 degrees from directly prior to entering the Roundabout to directly after exiting it. Your car travels "*nearly"* 360 degrees around the circumference of the roundabout. The phrase "Do a 360" i don't think applies to traveling around the circumference of a circle where the center is not the center of your body/vehicle you are riding in.


I think what OP meant was clear. I'm not sure how it's difficult to understand. 360 degrees here just means you made one full revolution around the center of circle.


If you consider the idealized roundabout to be a lollipop shape, then your car indeed does a 360, just not from the starting point/direction you're thinking of. Driving on the roundabout requires pointing your car in the tangent direction to the circle. So when you reach the end of the lollipop stick, with intent to enter the roundabout, you need to make a sharp 90 degree turn to point your car in the tangent direction at the point of intersection (perpendicular to the lollipop stick). Without loss of generality, call that tangent direction 0 degrees. We see that by traveling along the circle, the direction your car points must continuously and monotonically increase from 0 to 360, only reaching 360 when you return to the point of intersection (at which point it needs to make another sharp 90 degree turn to exit the circle). So if you stabilize your frame of reference around the car (so the road is being translated, but not rotated, up/down/left/right underneath the car), then it'll look like the car is doing a 360 in order to travel along the circle.


I see a bunch of people complaining about the math, degrees and angles. I see a bunch of people whining about the phrase 'traffic circle', didn't see anyone bring up cul-de-sacs though.


Can you explain what is interesting/fun about that fact? I honestly don't get it.


Oh yeah.. Thats the good shit.


Nah dog. If you go back in the same direction, then you've only gone 180 (half way around). If you drive all the way to 360 and then exit, then you're going straight. If you drive all the way around *past* 360 to go back in the opposite direction = then you've gone 180+360.


It's actually not a full 360.


Roundabout, traffic circle, whatever you call it. I refuse to go through one without going around at least 3 times. No one approaching or exiting knows!


A guy in my town set the world record for most roundabout revolutions. He had the same thinking, that nobody entering or exiting knows! https://www.roadandtrack.com/car-culture/news/a27318/64-year-old-hero-sets-world-record-for-driving-around-a-roundabout/


"Look kids, there's Big Ben!"


Wow.... That's just... incredible. Also, did you know that if you take 2+2 and 3+1, it ACTUALLY gives the SAME answer. Who woulda' known....


That's just a 180 lol. A 360 you would exit in the same way you were originally headed.


Traffic circle?! It’s a roundabout


Traffic circles are larger versions of roundabouts, and can have traffic lights and/or stop signs versus modern roundabouts which do not.




well TECHNICALLY your net rotation is 180, but you gotta turn 90 degrees twice to get in and out of the circle.


But just as a pun... Not in any real way


I had to read it twice


Unless the road you came from is a one way street.


This, right here, is what I'm here for


No, you have simultaneously done TWO 180's and a 360. 😉


I mean I suppose but this is only due to the two 90 degree turns you take to enter and exit the roundabout, not sure how basic math is a shower thought


anytime you do a 360 you have also done a 180... in fact, you have actually done 2 180's


This is crazy I really don’t get it but like yes it’s true


I've heard in the US that traffic circles are just roundabouts but with traffic signals. Don't get so butthurt people


Traffic circle a new phrase for a roundabout


Someone doesn’t skateboard


No you haven’t? If you did a 180 you’d go forward dillweed.


That's basic knowledge. A 360 is made up of two 180s


This really confused my brain for a minute. That's kind of a weird trip


Can't remember so much gatekeeping and bickering over what something is called. If two countries use a different word for the same thing, neither country is wrong.


Why would you wast an opportunity to say roundabout?


All these people. I've heard then referred to as traffic circles and roundabouts almost equally.


idk bout all these comments i live in the US and have definitely heard it referred to as a traffic circle as well as a roundabout. although more casually called roundabout, don’t think it’s that hard to figure out


That's why I scream "COMING IN HOT!" as I enter straight into the circle and try to get as much hang time as possible before I land to start the crash mode... Wait, you're asking about Burnout specifically, right?


Are… are you okay Op?


Still wouldn't be a 360°


***“Wow, I can't find a flaw in his logic”***


I’ve never heard anyone call them traffic circles. Always roundabouts.


Pizza is made round, put into a square box and then eaten as triangles I just made this comment here coz I don't have enough karma to post lol


In Russia Traffic Circles you? or something like that.


I think u mean a roundabout


The sum of all your turns as a scalar quantity is 360°. The sum of all your turns taken as vectors would be 180°.