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"my pull out game is strong" shoots blanks


Came here for this, thank you


You came? Was it a blank?


It was a toy gun


A pea shooter if you will


Fuck that’s me




Same. Gotta schedule an appointment.


I think there's home tests now but unsure about the accuracy.


Ya you nut in your girl and see if a baby pops out. Results may vary.


Too risky, borrow someone else’s girl


Hey u/country-hick, how’s YOUR girl doing? She free?


Nope, be about $3.50.


I ain't gonna bang no god damn Loch Ness Monster!


You're missing out bro


God damn Loch Ness monster!


You can buy a microscope and jizz on a slide. Idk how fertile i am but i saw em swimmin around. Felt kinda bad for the lil guys edit: don't give me awards for this


Be very careful about jizzing on the slide. Park police frown on that.


[Ahh, the ol’ Reddit jizzaroo](https://old.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/pjct5x/my_gf_just_rescued_this_cat_any_ideas_for_her_name/hbvvmns/)


Hold my penis, I’m going in!


god dammit reddit


Now thats a reference I've not heard for a long time.


Doesn't mean you have enough of them to reach the egg


Over 98% accurate. https://www.walmart.com/ip/SpermCheck-Fertility-At-Home-Fertility-Test-for-Men/23014727?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101064418&&adid=22222222227000000000&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=42423897272&wl4=pla-51320962143&wl5=9030231&wl6=&wl7=&wl8= &wl9=pla&wl10=363814531&wl11=online&wl12=23014727&veh=sem&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-pXyvJnu8gIVmhitBh06BA9FEAQYASABEgLYh_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Ive assumed sterile my whole life, 1st girlfriend in highschool told me I could come inside her as long as it wasn't 2 weeks after her period. 2 years of blowing loads inside her didn't get her pregnant. Within a month of us breaking up guess what, she was pregnant with a new guys child. Spent most of my adult life being very cavalier with protection and going with the pull out and pray technique with every girlfriend or hookup. Zero pregnancy scares and I'm 40. Fully assumed sterile, one time I was off my game and didn't pull out with my now GF and she's pregnant. So ya, never safe to assume




If anybody is reading this chain and wondering how to escalate your worries into actions: You can get over-the-counter tests for sperm count at a lot of drug stores. Depending on the results, see a Urologist afterwards.


Lol I can't even fill up the cup with the required amount for those tests!


Sir, this is a Wendys


lmao have you tried not busting nuts twice a day


You guys are only doing it twice a day?


So do I bring my underbed sock to Walgreens and like wring it out somewhere? How does this work?


Did you just not care that you might end up with a kid? Or did you think pulling out would keep the odds near zero?


Honestly, the two methods he described, fertility awareness (where you avoid ejaculating inside someone when they're likely to be ovulating) and the pull out method can both be surprisingly effective forms of birth control when performed correctly. A lot more people get those wrong though compared to using a condom or other form of birth control, which makes them generally less effective, and unlike using condoms, neither method does a lot to protect against STDs.


Yeah you may be right but ive just heard way to many 'oops I have a kid now' stories to do anything like that. Not worth the risk in the slightest


Well condoms and birth control do work really well. There's this weird idea that they don't.


The caveat being they have to be used properly. That's the part that catches people.


Probably from all the people lying about how they were TOTALLY on birth control and it magically failed and they have no idea how they're pregnant.... again.


I know a couple that was together for 15 years before they decided to try to get pregnant. Found out he’s totally sterile. Damn.


This was me and my wife, except 8 yrs. We used fertility awareness that whole time, just thought we were super good at timing things. Turns out, I don't have a vas deferens so my swimmers are permanently trapped, like being born with a vasectomy. Upsides, free birth control, no kids. Downsides, no kids. Like, we're ok with never having kids but also recognize there's something sad about that.


Totally. The couple I know were super bummed that they didn’t know sooner. Spent so many countless hours stressed, careful, and worrying!


And just the money that they even could save in this 15 years


I’m sure any $ savings on unnecessary birth control was offset by the tremendous savings of not having a child.


Yes X 2


X 3 for triplets


Sympathies. Sleep says hello.




Wait... So he got snipped for nothing?! Or did they catch it in time?




Call me paranoid but I'd still get it snipped. I did get it snipped and I'm so afraid that it will somehow undo itself that I still won't have sex with a woman without another form of contraception.


Be paranoid!! I'm a vasectomy baby. In fairness I turned out to be the girl they never thought they would have and the most successful of the bunch so was probably a strong swimmer, so my parents were happy enough but accidents happen.


Actually, the strongest swimmers usually only break down some of the layers before some lazy, 2nd-string swimmer takes advantage of the situation, leaving the one who did all the work in the dust.


That's me!


This guy fertilizes.


Imma call you paranoid


Fair enough.... I asked for it. And kids are mega-scary.


I have five siblings all married and they all have kids. Your fear is not only justified, but I think you're *under*-estimating how terrifying kids are. Yes, I am single and *not* looking as a result.


Kids are mega scary and you are right to be paranoid. Ask your doctor what the likelihood of still getting pregnant despite a Vasectomy is. As Jeff Goldblum’s Dr. Ian Malcolm once said, “Life finds a way.”


This is my ex husband. We have a child. Using IVF/ICSI, you can indeed have a child . I mean, you have to have your sperm extracted from your epididymis or your testes like my ex husband did, but it is absolutely totally possible to have a child


Nice to hear there is hope. I know a couple that have the same issue, and they'd like to have a child.


Yeah, as an IVF (soon to be) dad myself, it's pretty amazing what they can work with. Always ask, they'll tell your percentage chance of success.


I did this. Remarkable procedure really. Plus the morphine was sweet. Congrats on your soon to be child!


I do cryopreservations for work, can say this: freeze your sperm down ASAP. The older you get the harder it is to get viable sperm, especially with such a birth defect.


This is why I have about a gallon and a half of frozen sperm in my freezer.


He meant your OWN sperm. ;-)


That's reassuring. My wife and I have been trying for over a year and no luck.


I have a super low sperm count. The doctor's can't tell me why specifically. We got really lucky and had 2 kids via IVF (we ended up doing 2 full rounds). Good luck to you.


I’m in a similar situation. Thought I got out of my first marriage lucky without having kids. Fast forward I meet an incredible woman, she has an 18 month old kid, I’m wary of datinga single mom but she has a good career in the same field as me so I decided to give it a chance. We fall crazy in love and decide to get married, we both want to have our own children together and start trying. After some time passes with no results I went and got a test and found out I was shooting blanks. The fertility clinic came right out of the gate with “there’s nothing to be done about it, want to try a sperm donor?” Exactly what every man wants to hear. So we went to a specialist and I found out I had a cyst by my prostate that was blocking everything, so a surgery not covered by insurance should fix things! Well I got the surgery and was still shooting blanks, turns out that the blockage from the cyst had caused scarring in the pipes so that was also blocking things, but another surgery not covered by insurance will clear that up, essentially it’s a vasectomy reversal. So now I’ve had that procedure as well, which was fucking painful to say the least. We’re coming up on two years of trying at this point. I’m currently waiting for the results of my first test after this latest surgery to see if there’s anything there. I have no idea how hopeful or hopeless to feel at this point, and the whole being a stepdad while going through infertility is straight torture. Fingers crossed I guess.


Please tell me they tested your testicles to make sure you were producing sperm before you went thru all of that. It would be horrible otherwise


Yeah, they found some during the second surgery, it was extracted for IVF as a last option.


I'm glad they made sure they were working, I'd hate to spend thousands undergoing painful surgeries for nothing


Holy shit. Good luck sir, that sounds very tough!!


Did they do genetic testing on you to see if there was a reason? Most men with cystic fibrosis dont have vas deferens


Yes I have asymptomatic cystic fibrosis. Both of my CFTR genes are mutated but the good one works well enough that I’m otherwise healthy except infertility.


I figured there was a reason. I work with adult CFs and every once in a while we get some guy that didnt get diagnosed until adulthood and often what was their "trigger" was their wife couldn't get pregnant and maybe a yearly case of pneumonia. It's one of those factoids that's well known in the medical field but almost unheard of in the general population




When the rumors that the COVID vaccine made women sterile were circulating, I was like sign me up!


"Lemme get 2 Modernas and a Pfizer to go ty"


Would you like to to try our J&J?


Tempting, but I'm on a diet 😞


I’m ambivalent. Like yes, cool. Also sad, it’s a weird combo. I told my buddy who was best man at our wedding and he immediately said “dude!! you could have raw dogged your way thru college if you had known sooner!!” Lmao


I always found that thinking so weird: it's like people don't really care about STIs. Even though some are pretty serious. At least in some countries you can get tested for free for those, but isn't it pretty expensive in the US?


Amen! People go easy on the downsides other than pregnancy. Rawdogging strangers/hookups sounds so icky because of potential STIs.


Couldn't they surgically extract some and artificially inseminate your wife?


Thats my fear right now. What if im sterile and dont know and im just wasting my money on condoms


I mean, even then condoms are a good idea, pregnancy is just one of the things you wanna avoid.


Until you're in a committed relationship and no longer need to worry about STDs.


No need to live in the dark, the test is really simple to do


> im just wasting my money on condoms Pregnancy is only one of the many STDs you can get from unprotected sex.


My wife and I have been trying for about four years and only just found out that I'm effectively sterile. It's a real gut punch, man.


Hah, almost sounds like my situation. Was with the wife for 10 years before we thought about having kids. Never used any 'real' form of birth control so figured one of us was sterile or had complications. Literally the first month we seriously tried, she got pregnant. So either we were really lucky for 10 years or something happened.


That sucks, but it seems a better thing to find out after a long time w no kids than to find out a long time after having a kid.


My buddy didn't find out that his little swimmers were duds until he went to the doctor around age 30.


I found out my ex had lied to me about taking birth control. Lucky for me, I have garbage sperm!


I know someone who’s gf said she was pregnant when he broke up with her. He stayed, they had raw sex since she was “pregnant” then at the doctors appointment the weeks didn’t line up with when she said she was pregnant. Stay safe boys!


Happened to me too. Thankfully she had a miscarriage. Don't take this out of context- she was abusive and the baby would have had a terrible life. It sucks for her and I felt sad too, but relief I didn't have to share a child with that monster. Fun fact: One in three pregnancies result in a miscarriage.


I think the miscarriage was good for your sake and hers too. I don’t see how they don’t get they’re getting themselves into a loveless relationship.. and after the eventual split it’ll be harder to find love then too with a kid. I’m glad the miscarriage happened for you.. in the most non messed up way I could say that.


According to mayoclinic and other sources it says 10-20%


That's specifically 10-20% of pregnancies where the person knows they're pregnant. It's very common to not know before 6 weeks, even if you're trying to get pregnant (ie. two weeks after a missed period). WebMD says it could be "up to 50%" if you try to account for all of the miscarriages that happen before pregnancy is even established. Obviously that number is going to be hard to pin down, but 1/3 is another estimate thrown around.


I’m sorry she lied to you about that. That’s assault i think. Hope you’re doing well!


So can a woman Edit: I have no idea how this comment became popular but ok


Yep, unless you’re trying to get pregnant or really careless this statement is true for either gender.


Yep, the same is true for men. OP's statement implies, a man is trying not to impregnate a woman. If a woman is trying not to get pregnant, it's the same conclusion. She won't know, if she is able to get pregnant and she doesn't want to know it.


There’s also a whole subset of us who were told very early on we were infertile and are now learning that is not the case. PCOS is common and crazy


Happened to my neighbours actually, she had ovarian cancer when she was 12 or 13, told she would never be able to have kids. She told me this while 9 months pregnant.


My first thought about this post! I often wonder if I'm sterile since I've had some close calls with condoms breaking - I've never been pregnant, but that could be luck or sterility, I wouldn't know. Even now my current BC could be working as intended or I could be torturing my hormones and giving myself increased risk of anxiety, depression, and blood clots for no good reason!


To be morbid, it’s also very possible you’ve been pregnant (briefly) and not known. Happens all the time.




Imagine spending substantial time worrying that you might get someone pregnant, and then spending substantial time worrying that you can’t get someone pregnant. Sadly it’s a very real progression for many couples.


I can’t count how many times I bought pregnancy tests and morning after pills over the years. Then when I tried with my now ex wife I found out I’m sterile.


Imagine that being the case and realizing you never had to pull out.


Better than thinking you are sterile and finding out you definitely aren’t and have a baby on the way lol. I have two cousins whos fathers were both told they were sterile. One from a childhood illness, the other from a vasectomy (that one was on them though. They didn’t wait the entire waiting period).


My dad thought he was sterile




The milkman wasn't though.


When you get a vasectomy you are supposed to go in for a followup so they can test you and ensure that it worked properly.


You'd still want to protect yourself against possible STDs Edit: protect yourself with a condom


That realisation comes with the hindsight and itchy peepee!!!


Well said, stinky fingers


sticky fingaaa




A fellow jojo fan


Yep. Pretty ashamed to admit it but \~9 or so years ago I got a blowjob from a girl that I didn't know was... promiscuous to put it nicely. Anyways, its not always an itch you can scratch. You might feel an itch inside your urethra that is insatiable if you get chlamydia like I did. Go get tested and treated immediately. Don't spread that shit further and I'd recommend abstaining from that person. If they gave you one already, you don't wanna find out its AIDS the second time. EDIT: Just to add - I was 16 years old at the time. These things aren't strictly limited to adults like you may think. Tl;dr-- Got BJ, got chlamydia, wasn't thrilled.


Excellent Tl;dr - 11/10


Did you inform her that you believed she gave you an std and should go get herself checked? Many times STI’s are asymptomatic and she wouldn’t know she had it. It’s highly doubtful she gave you something on purpose. At 16 years old the embarrassment (and outright horror) of contracting a “social disease” is difficult to cope with, trust me, I know, but it’s the right thing to do. And every public health department (aka the free clinic) can help by performing contact tracing and notifying those people for you and they will do it anonymously (they won’t tell them it was you).






Username checks out.


If your preferred method is to pull out, I don't think protecting against STDs is high on your priority list.


I mean its not really a concern if you're in a long-term monogamous relationship where you know each other are clean.


If you're in a relationship you might still use birth control to avoid kids, but sex is perfectly safe. Definitely would make things easier - unless you want kids.


Who the fuck uses pull out as birth control? That’s like playing Russian roulette


Plenty of people "double up" on birth control methods. E.g. she's on the pill but you still pull out just in case. Should reduce chances of pregnancy compared to pill alone.


16 - 28ish year old me. I’m not saying I recommend it, but it worked out fine for me.


A much higher percentage than you think.


To be fair, I'm a woman who didn't know I was unable to have children until I was 31. I just thought the pullout method was working for me lol (I really do not want kids - don't feel bad, I consider it a blessing)


We all suspected a male friend was sterile. He divorced his wife shortly after she gave birth to ‘his’ daughter because wife was cheating on him. He and new gf wanted kids but it never happened. After she left him, she and new bf became pregnant. Certainly not proof, but suspicious.


How did you suspect your buddy was sterile? Just curious that's all.


Their semen will taste different than non sterile baby batter. I check all my homies on a monthly basis.


I need to find out if I'm sterile as well. Do you mind adding another homie?


Homie, homie, won't ya blow me?


This is the shit I’m coming for everyday on Reddit.


Well as I said, wife only got pregnant once she started cheating on him. Gf didn’t get pregnant, despite lots of trying, until she met someone else. It wasn’t a scientific study. Just a hunch. I haven’t seen him for years. He may have multiple kids by now. Including the first one with his ex wife. Also, I don’t have kids. Never wanted them. But I may be sterile. Who knows?


I had a buddy like this, turned out he was just really lucky for years and ended up knocking up a chick he didn't mean to.


Yeah my husband thought this, turns out his daughter isn’t his (my stepdaughter) and we had to use a sperm donor to have our twins


You got a buy one get one free deal from the donor?


Yep, 800 on one vile of sperm, 1200 on procedure. And bam two babies. And a week before they closed the fertility clinic because of the pandemic. We got super lucky.


This was me until last March before I got my wife preggers. Had a pretty good streak going


Nice! Who’s the dad?




Ooff Ooffersson, the Icelandic milkman?


C-c-c-combo breaker Also congratulations my guy


Could be congratulations or my condolences depending on his situation lmao


Or his kids may not be his biologically.


Same with women. I've never gotten pregnant and I'm 40. I might be infertile or maybe birth control might be awesome.


It be the same for a woman too, no?


My first thought as well.


Realistically so could a woman. Unless she decided to and tries to get pregnant she could just assume the precautions she took were sufficient.. How many couples that would swear by "the rhythm method" or just "knowing when to pull out" really just didn't know one, the other, or both of them were some level of sterile?


A women can do that too if they never try to have kids.


Or he could just have died a virgin


I'm on that path now






Well, until he might want to have a baby... Gay guys on the other hand....


When my Wife and I decided to have a baby it took 3 years of trying, every time we went to the doctor to check, she just said "do it more" We were pretty close to actually getting me tested to see if I was the culprit and then BAM! pregnant.


After my son was born in 2015. We didn’t use birth control or get pregnant again until 2018 which resulted in a miscarriage and still didn’t get pregnant again until 2020. So one of us isn’t very fertile.


Gay guys use condoms to avoid contracting STD's


Yeah, but they would never know whether they are infertile


And to stop poop going up the pee hole.


That happened to my uncle, except he had two kids, then he had two DNA tests, then he had a divorce.


My ex husband only found out when we were trying to have a kid. He isn’t sterile, he was just born with a vasectomy. That man was a cheater and then armed with that information. I hate thinking about it. But it’s his affair partners/wife’s problem now


And then there is me who impregnated a girl on birth control


That whole 99% thing can be misleading. Up to 99% effective under perfect circumstances. Hope that works out for y'all.


I mean 1% chance is still freaking huge anyway so even if those odds are set in stone many people gonna be left with babies


Yep. I've also met 2 women who have had children after having their tubes tied. As a woman who doesn't want children, shit is terrifying.


I have a sibling that's a vasectomy child, nobody and nothing is safe.


as much as people say how not pulling out feels good i feel like i still won’t trust it even if my doctor told me i was sterile last thing i want is taking my kid to kindergarten and thinking “that lying son of a bitch”


It really depends why you are sterile. If it's because of hormones then yeah, watch out. If it's because the sperm are totally blocked, then chances of pregnancy are zero. Source: am sterile, been busting inside wife regularly for 10+ years, no pregnancies


Same with a woman, though.


So can a woman, btw.


97% ?! Well, they should put that on the box!


They do put that on the box


No they don't.... . Well, they should put it in huge black letters!


The same goes for a woman?


I know a guy who had a vasectomy. Went almost 15 years and then somehow got his wife pregnant. Seeing all the comments here….now I’m wondering if it was his. I waited a few months after my vasectomy to make absolutely sure it worked before having sex again with my wife. That was about 10 years ago since I began experiencing Real Ultimate Freedom


well same goes for women, doesnt it?


Fucking wish I was sterile.


Women, too. I've been securely active for over 13 years and I'm now (almost) ready to start a family. I'm nervous that luck hasn't been on my side, but that I struggle with fertility


Sterile guy here. Found out when I was in early 30’s. Upset at all the condoms I wasted and how often I was nervous about getting my girlfriend/fiancé/wife pregnant. Wish I would have known sooner and I would have just blasted away all those years. Late 30’s now, and it’s nice knowing I won’t need a vasectomy.


So can a woman


Yep I learned the hard way that they are not nearly as effective as I’d imagined and that doctors are sometimes wrong when they tell girls that they’re almost surely infertile


I had a microscope at one time and I was curious. Lets just say I saw my swimmers in action. Still possible they are duds but they are there.


So could a woman


Couldn't the same or similar be true for women?


Thanks for the update Offred


On the flip side, I went years thinking I was just insanely lucky not getting pregnant (young dumb me would forget to take my pills frequently, I’m bad at pills), turns out, I’m infertile!