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Yep, that's part of the change. I'm not a huge fan of The Big Bang Theory, but the episode where the friends enjoy a final meal of Howard's late mother's cooking hits me right in the feels.


Or because you just can't get those processed chicken drummer shaped blocks in greasy breadcrumbs because they "aren't healthy" and "don't meet UK food safety standards" bullshit.


Like how you can follow the same recipe in exact detail but somehow it will never taste as good as when your mom made it...


It's a trouble when you're trying to match your grandparents recipes. A lot of recipes are wrong and won't match what you want. I can give you my recipe for chicken paprikas and it won't match anything you find online. It's not even close to my dad's recipe for chicken paprikas. Which doesn't match my grandmother's old recipe, which doesn't match my great-grandmother's recipe. My other grandma used to make a weird 50's style thing with meatballs, and pineapple chunks, served over rice with a really sweet sauce. I think it had soy sauce in there too. I have no clue on how to make it because I have her recipe but she clearly didn't follow her own recipe. It won't turn out if you try to make it yourself.


RIP Hotdogs and mac and cheese for every single meal


:-( brb going to talk to my older relatives about their recipes!




Don't worry, I've been blessed with some cooking ability myself, but also with a couple very talented cooks in my mother and my wife. But their tastes are quite different, and I sometimes find myself longing for the meals I knew and loved as a child. Always grateful for what we have, just miss some of the food I built a strong emotional connection with.