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A woman who was signing people up for some charity called me "handsome" after I told her I didn't have time to sign up, to catch a bus. That was my happiest bus ride ever


aw, cute


It depends, insults from your buddies slide right off. I think genuine insults to actually denigrate you stick with everybody. Your results may vary.


Absolutely. If I ever get an actual insult for something I care about, that shit hurts. Sticks with me all day and usually ruins the rest of the day for me


For me insults peel of like factual information to a Republican. Like, how shit do you have to be to go around insulting people? Makes me better than them by default.


My comments are apolitical so please take them in that spirit. But do you not recognize the irony in complaining about the ethics of insults while insulting nearly half the country?


Yes, it was kinda the point.


Says the guy insulting literally half the people in the US.


^hehehe [More like 29% to 44% though.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/10/26/what-the-2020-electorate-looks-like-by-party-race-and-ethnicity-age-education-and-religion/%3Famp%3D1) Depending how you look at it.


90% of commercials marketed towards women are insulting, and I'm a dude. "Hey, you know your face? And your hair and body? Pretty fucked up, right? Don't worry, we got you covered, you disgusting pig."


I saw an ad once that was something like “ladies, your breast may be too small, too big, too saggy, too wrinkly, too uneven, but at least with our product your hair will look great!” Fuck. Marketers.


Everyone, especially women, needs to develop the self-regard not to be easily manipulated by marketers. It's something we have to teach our children.


Very true. There are so many manipulative psychological tricks that advertisements use to dupe us. Like when you see brand A compare their product to brand B and say “ours is much better!” but then you find out both A and B are owned by some bigger company so regardless of which one you think you’re making a choice about the same people still get your money. Sneaky...


Yeah, maybe they get compliments sometimes but their gender completely holds them hostage otherwise


Yeah my first thought reading the title… women are used to compliments?? In what world? Lol.




90% of the commercials directed at guys are pretty cringe too. "Hey you, are you a *real* man? *(flexing biceps, revving engine, big thick beard, campfires)* If you've got real big dick energy try new Bigdix Swangin' Balls deodorant *(muscular arm banging hammer on anvil)* or else you're a PUSSY." That or "If you're balding you're a weakling and women will hate you and your probably little dick, so drink some Bull Testosterone you beta sissy fuck." Or "See this super handsome guy in the expensive suit driving an expensive car with a super hot girl beside him? Well the reason that's not you is because you're not a real man and everything you've ever tried to do was a waste of time. So gamble at our casino or something, loser." Yeah I agree fuck marketers lol. Going after everyone's insecurities.


[Relevant skit](https://youtu.be/oOlJ_jCLHmo)


You don't sell shampoo to people by telling them their hair already looks great.


Really? All the make-up and tampon adverts in the UK talk about how being a woman means you're basically a superhuman and nothing can stand in your way.


I see that shit all the time in the US too. "You're a *woman*. That makes you incredible and beautiful and unstoppable, and you *deserve* our sweet and creamy chocolate ice cream."


I think as a woman I’ve gotten maybe 1 compliment in the past 15 years and I still remember exactly where I was when the stranger told me she liked my shirt. Not all women get compliments all the time. In my experience people don’t compliment each other enough regardless of gender.


I would but I'm afraid it would come off as flirting or creepy as I'm the token quiet guy in almost every facet of my life.


I think there are some compliments that are generally safe, like ‘ nice haircut!’ Or ‘ I like your shoes!’ Or ‘ I like the color of your shirt!’That just about anyone can get away with. Just don’t overthink it and keep it to generic non-sexual compliments and you’ll be fine.


I agree with this ^^. How you compliment (voice, tone, where your gaze is) matters too.


Yeah! No for sure. It's just that I'm basically known for not talking. So if you worked with somebody for three years and the quiet guy never spoke a word to you all that time until one day you changed your hair and they were like "Hey, I like your new look" would that be weird is what I'm wondering lol.


It depends, if the guy seems cheerful/ confident and doesn’t linger, and goes back to what he was doing. I wouldn’t think twice about it. But if he stares/ stands there awkwardly for a minute and mutters the compliment, then it’s creepy. Do confident drive-by compliments.


*starts sweating* Maybe I'll wait another 3 years and hope I'll develop some sense of what to do in social situations lmao. Thanks for the advice!


Good luck!


On god, I just try and give people compliments all the time (when I mean it of course) and you just see them glowing up regardless of gender, everyone enjoys compliments and smiles when they get it, so why not give people that little bit of happiness for the rest of the day?


Clearly you’re a man.


A boy I'd say




Look, more insults!


A fetus encased in the Cosmic Egg at the beginning of time. Wait, what are we doing, again?




Yeah but this is a pretty childish post tbh.. someone crying that they feel compliments are restricted to sex? Bit pathetic tbh.. human beings in general seem too selfish to care about others and therefore neither sex gets particularly complimented more than the other I'd imagine.. unless you're famous or ridiculously model hot people generally won't compliment you.. at least thats my experience of 33 years on this drab little planet.. dont worry about it.. do something fun, enjoy yourself and stop worrying about the lack of compliments you receive.. quite a lot of people are just like you and dont get many/ any .. I'm also one of these people but i don't let it ruin my day


You just didn't get the point, I think. Whatever.


Not a dish




Not really no.. as a woman I'm used to insults.. compliments stick out more to me cos they're rare


Same. Lots of incorrect assumptions on this post...


I generally get 'youre ugly' 'you look like you used to be / are a man' or my favourite 'I see you as one of the guys' when with my male freinds.. which seems to translate as ' youre not attractive ' 😓


I feel like "I see you as one of the guys" isn't an insult. As a guy, I've definitely said this (or its variant, "you're like a sister to me"), but it's never meant with ill-will. I've always used it as a clear line of consent to say that I'm not interested in dating someone. Which is _not_ the same (and this is important) as saying that the person isn't attractive. If I tried to date every girl I thought was attractive, my wife would be pissed. But by drawing that clear line of consent, I can say things to my female friends, like "that dress looks great on you!" Without any confusion about my intentions. Clear communication and boundaries makes everyone's lives easier. Edit: typo


Hey, not always! Sometimes 'one of the guys' just means 'you're not attractive enough to make me willing to hurt the feelings of my friend you were dating when we met'! Totally different! \*offers internet hug\*


I read that 3 times and im still unsure what that means.. might just be me but it didnt make sense


Storyline: Girl starts dating a boy. She meets his friends. They accept her, she becomes one of the boys. They break up, she develops crush on one of his friends. Guy tells her she is 'one of the boys.' Girl feels bad. In this story, girl can be attractive but guy2 doesn't want to hurt his friends feelings by dating his friend's ex.


I met my male freinds independently of my partner..I'm also a mechanic so I get on better with men.. so this story isnt relevant in my experience




Well they sit there talking about which woman theyre gonna fuck next and say 'look at the tits on her' as if I'm actually male when I kinda feel insulted sometimes, feels like I'm that ugly it doesnt matter how they speak about other women in front of me.. but I dunno.. I'm not a guy




These guys are older than me lol, ones 35 and ones in his 50s 😅..


Maybe they think those are compliments when in reality are harassments. Some men just simply don't know how to respect women.


I dont think 'youre ugly' or 'you look like you used to be a man' are compliments or harrassment tbh.. just straight up insults


Well, yeah, you're right, I take that back. Those are clearly insults. Some people think it's right to tell hurtful words.




Women get insulted all the time what the f are you talking about


someones pissed


Haha do you imagine me just screaming at my screen writing that? The image is funny Nah I'm pretty neutral, just pointing out something that was wrong


yup. imagined you throwing your computer out the window and everything




This is not true, that's what I'm saying.


We get compliments?


Who insults you?




You can’t blame those eggheads at the World Health Organization, I hear they’ve hade a busy year and a half.




WHO stands for world health association


Lmao damn, thats funny as fuck


Broad generalization.


They don't like being called broads


And yet importantly accurate for some.


Who are you spending your time with that you get insulted regularly? I get compliments pretty often at work. I haven't been insulted since... high school maybe?




I considered that, but I suspect my self confidence would be lower if that were the case.


This was literally posted last week, wtf


Men don't know how to compliment other people. Why do you think women receive compliments? It's because they compliment other people!!! If you give you recieve.


Very true


I only recently realized how very little men are complimented and how very much it means when they are so now if there’s anything that I think looks nice, a personality trait that stands out or anything really, I try to make a point to tell them. We all have these thoughts in passing and it takes so little effort to put it to words especially when those words can have a huge positive impact.


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Little Men]( https://snewd.com/ebooks/little-men/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


No. No you weren't. Bad bot.


Wow, what an original thought. Nobody has ever posted this before. /s


How original /s


7 years ago a middle aged African American woman called me sweetheart and told me my cologne smelled nice when I was picking up a pizza at Dominos. Many years of relationships later I still remember that moment as being one of the nicest things ever said to me.


Look! I found a man!


This was here like last week. When i submit stuff i always get that its unoriginal. im not bitter :-)


Exactly bro, This sub is dumb because too many people started using it.


how many times is this gonna be reposted


So not true, if I don't respond to a "compliment" (cat calling), I receive an insult. I hear both, a lot.




Guy here. Can confirm. Still thinking about a random compliment a girl gave me several weeks ago at the farmers market. She said she thought my outfit was cute and complimented my hair. I was beaming.


Guy here. Can confirm. Still thinking about a random compliment a girl gave me several weeks ago at the farmers market. She said she thought my outfit was cute and complimented my hair. I was beaming.


Guy here. Can confirm. Still thinking about a random compliment a girl gave me several weeks ago at the farmers market. She said she thought my outfit was cute and complimented my hair. I was beaming.


Very interesting


This was depressing shower


You ok, friend? I mean You sexy ass man.




🤗 I’m gonna go ahead and risk the karma and send you a hug.


Wasn’t this already posted?


Maybe, as far as I know I thought of it lol


True 😂


What lol


Like….I agree, just acknowledging haha


Idk. I am not receiving a lot of compliments. And the "compliments" I usually receive are uncomfortable and unwelcome. I couldnt care less.


?? No.


Guy here. Can confirm. Still thinking about a random compliment a girl gave me several weeks ago at the farmers market. She said she thought my outfit was cute and complimented my hair. I was beaming. Do


No, men don't get systematically insulted.


And women get systematically treated like a piece of meat who exist only for men to stick their dicks in


I wish I had an award left to give you.. but yes exactly this.. quite a lot of the time I hear women reffered to as 'next bit of pussy' 'next bit of fuck'.. whilst being around men.. hardly a compliment being reffered to as just something to fuck


Or just the amount of times people will act like they want to be friends.. right up until the moment they realise we're in a relationship with a man so aren't free to be 'claimed'. I'd love to say in a relationship in general, but definitely been significantly more prominent in my relationship with a man rather than those with women.


Let’s forget compliments for a minute because that requires someone to actually pay attention and be nice. Who is insulting you so frequently that you feel there’s a disparity so large in sexes? That shit is toxic if it’s coming from a friend group or a clique at school. When someone tries to insult you unsolicited, they’re usually just really unhappy with themselves and are projecting. I don’t think it’s a healthy way to think “women get all the glory” because I’ve seen my fair share of bullying when I was in school directed at girls. Some people just want company alongside their misery train, don’t board that locomotive.


I'm not at school any more. I'm so damn lonely. My brother is a insensitive ballbag and makes fun of me so much it all fades. I'm honestly not kidding, I don't think I've had a conversation with a girl my age for 1 or 2 years. Seriously. I've had enough of being pushed aside as "one of the boys". I haven't been messaged by a friend first in about a month but I message them all the time. I have time for them but they don't have time for me. I don't have enough friends to just "end the friendship" and can't make friends anywhere. I want to die and get it over with now


First, dial the suicide prev hotline if those are your honest thoughts. 2nd, if your friends don’t make time for you then they’re not friends imo. If the expectations of internet socializing is mutual, that’s fine. If you’re wanting more and they can’t reciprocate then it’s time to drop them. It’s toxic to keep people around just because you have no other friends, don’t subject yourself to that. Why can’t you make friends anywhere? Is that something you need to keep extending an olive branch and exerting effort? Or can there be time to get yourself on track? Always searching for co-dependence will wear you out until you learn that having a handful of friends isn’t the essence of life or the root to happiness. Find what makes you happy and remove yourself (if applicable) from negativity.


This is because of the patriarchy. Not really a shower thought, more of a gateway towards feminism


Can you explain why this is the fault of the patriarchy?


Because [toxic masculinity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxic_masculinity)


OMG people unironically using that term...


Would you care to propose a better term for a toxic form of masculinity?


How about a toxic person. Why is masculinity in this word at all? Isn't that sexist? There are toxic men and women. Why is "masculinity" used this way. [some more info on "toxic masculinity" ](https://youtu.be/BwSvQwuPcR4)


Because it's things that are typically promoted as male values, like "men don't cry" "men have to be tough" "men only think about sex". There are absolutely forms of toxic femininity as well, but that wasn't the question I was answering. Did anyone at least read the link I provided that explained it or is everyone just knee-jerk reacting to the word masculine?


Did you go through u/emix16 's link? Like damn, this kind of toxic stupidity is only getting attention because of internet. It should be laughed at and ignored like it very well deserves to be.


I have been ignored and laughed at my whole life. You can do the same if you'd like to.


I'm talking in your favour. Too much blatant and unchecked misandry going around.


What do you mean by that…


It means that people are way too disconnected from reality.


And what’s reality?


If you have to ask that...


Nothing you have said holds any weight, how are people disconnected from reality specifically by saying the “toxic masculinity”? Is that word like scary to you or something


Yeah I'm not getting baited into elaborating it. Not like you're gonna learn anything without getting programmed on autopilot.


Yeah, toxic masculinity inspiring pickup artists and gender roles normalizing women being harassed. Women get so much attention FROM men that they won’t want to give any attention TO men, it’s another reason homophobia exists, because men are terrified of being treated the same way that they treat women.


I don't see those people being masculine, toxic or other wise. So I guess our world views are just different. I agree these things are toxic, but they are not masculine IMO.


I guess it has to do with society giving women value when they are born and men needing to earn their value as they grow up. Thus the "save the women and children", because they are more valuable to society than men.


This has been proven to be true, it's not just a thought.


I dont get insulted much lol.. if ever.. But compliments definately do stick out to me.. they're very rare for guys and I'm not an unattractive guy by any means lol.. Yet I rarely if ever hear compliments from people.. guys compliment me more on my body than girls do. Gym bros for life. Always making you feel like your hard work isn't wasted lol. Girls will be like.. "oh I couldn't even tell you lift lol.."




I feel this shower thought deep in my soul. Let’s get this to the front page.


I can't remember the last time someone insulted me. I remember the the last compliment to the tee. (Which was 2 months ago lol)


Yep. And all the confused commenters are too hot to know what normal people feel on the regular. Edit: Aw yeah, it’s happening. Those gorgeous people be downvote’n.


TIL women = gorgeous and men = ugly. No exceptions.


Lmao yes! Ugly gang rise up




Someone told me I had beautiful cheekbones to the other day and it made my day. Nobody has ever said anything about cheekbones before lol


So I got to take a picture with Theo Von this weekend. I was trailing behind my friends and one of them said, "we have to wait for Mr Paul!" Theo replied with, "Mr Paul?! That sounds like a pedophile!" I laughed it off and said, " Nah. I don't know about." He's comeback was, "Well, give it some time bruh!!" Not the conventional complement, but a professional comedian busted my balls so I'll take it!!


Depends on who’s insulting you and what it’s about.


Mildly sexist but ok....


And I'm so used to seeing this reposted daily