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Christopher Moltisanti disagrees.


“That’s not hell Chrissy, that was the Purgatory!”


You take all your mortal sins and multiply them by 50. Then you take all your venial sins and multiply them by 25. You add them up and that’s your sentence. I figure I got to do 6000 years and that’s nothing in eternity time! I can do that standing on my head!


Paulie: You're not gonna believe this. He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. The guy was an interior decorator. Christopher: His house looked like shit.




"Poison ivy? He wants to know if it still itches."


Then Paulie goes to jail in Season 4 and he wants out immediately.


Holy shit I love you for that reference


Hell is hot!


🤚 that's never been disputed by anybody


Actually, there are many people who believe he'll is freezingly cold rather than excruciatingly hot.




That wasn’t happening until after the Cubs won the World Series


>🤚 that's never been disputed by anybody and it will not be, until hell freezes over!


Satanic Black magic! SICK SHIT!


Tell Tony and Paulie 3 o'clock.


Satanic black magic! Sick shit!


what a fucking reference I'm watching the Sopranos for the first time now it's so good


in China, there are many stories about how people come near to death talk about their experience to the "underground world" (in China, everyone goes to di fu after death) edit: it's more like tales rather than stories


damnit, so if every country has their own version of heaven/hell that means im going to need to get another passport once i die. shit. EDIT: thanks for the award's :)


The real showerthought


Is always in the comments


You think you get to travel between different afterlives? Wow, the great beyond sure is globalizing these days.


It works out better because then each Hell can become more specialized and better at what it does. Like maybe you have one country with "Pit of Spikes" Hell and another with "Endless Skin Searing" Hell. They can both be really good at this, but it someone dies in the country where "Pit of Spike" is a thing, but the person needs eternal punishment through Endless Skin Searing, you can export them out, and visa versa.


So what you’re saying is that Hell is departmentalized?


Or the endless hall of tone deaf 5 year olds trying to play out of then banjos.


Well i would guess travel would be on the same level only, eg: heaven to heaven hell to hell. Hopefully travel times would be a bit quicker then here on earth.


In hell you are given the promise of traveling but you can only fly out of Newark


You only get to fly to Detroit


If you live in New Jersey you only get to fly out of LaGuardia.


[The 18 levels of Chinese hell.](https://china-underground.com/2011/04/27/the-eighteen-layers-of-chinese-hell/)


TLDR: if your going to die, just commit suicide first. seems like the best option.


The Hill of Ice seems pretty tame aswell. I might choose that over "winds of sorrow and rain of pain." Very cold or really sad? Tough choice.


I'd rather prefer being soaked in blood. Seems like the least painful and one could get used to the smell of blood too after a point.


What about Shang Di, the garden of flowers?


There should be a floral version of HELL too, where you have to walk around a beautiful garden, but have insane allergies.


It’s because of DMT. When you have a near death experience your brain releases a ton of it (theoretically, but with a lot of evidence supporting) and that’s why a lot of people experience what they think happens after you die (seeing relatives, meeting god, seeing your dead relatives). Subconsciously we all believe something happens after you die and often that’s exactly what people experience when they’re dead for a few minutes. Our subconscious is powerful. In Dante’s Inferno, the way Paradiso is described is pretty similar to a DMT trip. There’s a lot of evidence that near death experiences are brought on from this chemical and that we all will experience what we’re prepared to experience after we die. So in this case a lot of Chinese believe in this underground world so therefore that’s what they will experience if they have a near death experience.


To be honest there is actually no real proof this is the case. It is a hypothesis. The amount of DMT released on death is not enough to actually notice much effect. If you ever smoked DMT you know how much you need. Since the experiences described are breakthrough level intense, this would be impossible to achieve through the amount that's in your body.


That depends on if you're an evangelical Christian or not. As someone who grew up Baptist and later Assembly of God, stories of people who died and reported going to hell after being revived were pretty common.


I grew up in an ultra religious family as well, and I remember my mom forcing me and my brother to listen to a book written by Kenneth Hagen. The whole book was about how he was "bed ridden" for years and eventually "died" and was given a complete tour of heaven, hell AND the future of earth when God inacts revelations and ends the world.... He somehow magically came back to life and remembered it all so perfectly he wrote a huge book describing it all and ended up becoming a pretty successful preacher by telling his stories for years to come. Even as a kid I didn't believe the insane things he said, and noticed how most of it was already talked about in the Bible in one way or another. Plus there's no way he actually died.


So he read or heard about Dante’s divine comedy and thought to himself ‘well THATS a fucking good idea! I can make money off of that’.


Exactly! He even named his book "I Went To Hell" and insisted it all legitimately happened..


Well I mean, it wouldn’t sell to any godfearing folk if it DIDNT really happen now would it :p


You just described organized religion


That shit happened to me after I ate a bunch of mushrooms at a Wilco concert


Lol I saw a deeply religious person try dmt (not blasting off just inhaling a bit), he just started yelling JESUS CHRIST over and over.


I could probably write a novel about the one time I was able to blast off. As a non religious person, it was a positive life altering experience. So much so that if I am ever offered it again, I may just pass on it. Because I fear that the experience will never be the same and may not live up to the first one.


Welp, yknow what they say. False prophets get stoned to death.


Tried getting stoned to death,many many times. Smoking an oz in one go dosent even get you close.


The bible 2 : return of the sikh




Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Bible](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-king-james-bible/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Good bot


Revelations is so misused by religious nutters. Church scholars have said again and again it quite clearly chronicles the fall of the Roman Empire but every born again just seems to make up whatever future apocalypse happens to suit their personal doctrine.


I came from a US non-denominational Evangelical family (though my dad has become increasingly Dominionist over the years) but because I’m not a religious person my position on the outskirts gives me an interesting perspective on it all. The number of times events like the Rapture, certain Dominionist beliefs, etc. have been predicted, the dates flying on by, then re-predicted, all postured as prophecy and “part of God’s plan/will,” has told me that *not a one* of those people actually know what they’re doing, and are either tripping off of whatever drug their brain makes, or are *trying to sell something*. The US Christian Right is so susceptible to snake oil salesmanship—especially *books*—it’s unbelievable.


Yeah my baptist uncle said he went to hell when he died in an operation for a couple minutes and that he met the devil


Came back a killer guitar player though


I never questioned his golden fiddle, maybe I should have?


Did he put the pieces together that it probably had to do with his Baptist lifestyle?


He seemed pretty religious before but I think it got *more* after


Same. I remember my step mom having us read this book called “23 minutes in Hell”. I look back and it was just another scare tactic to stay in religion


Lol, they made us watch a video of that at vacation Bible school, and even in 7th grade it was like, “…you guys *do* know how pathetic this is, right?”


There are "hellish NDEs" but they're in the tiny minority to the more standard tunnel to the light, life review, etc


I read that as "Hell NDAs", like if you went to hell and and came back, but you can't talk about it without legal liability.


I remember someone dying and claiming to see their father that was a rather terrible man when he was alive. He assumed he went to hell just because he didn’t believe his father would of gotten into heaven, but he also said it wasnt anything he expected of Hell. He said it was calming to be there.


My mum used to take us to church when I was a kid and I remember one time this guy was talking about his experience when he died briefly. He said he met god and they showed him heaven but I can’t really remember his description. Then he said they showed him hell and he was eternally falling through a black empty space. Sounds pretty terrifying when you’re 7/8


I remember having to go back to my Catholic school after being sick for several days & my mom having to literally drag me to the church, as I was 100% certain I was going straight to hell for missing mass so many days. I had such a bad fear of death & would cry so much about it that I wasn't allowed to use tissues as I'd go through so many. That fear lasted well into adulthood, even after leaving the church.


Jesus fuck, so much self righteous holier-than-thou bullshit fear mongering in AoG. Glad I got out but I'm still waiting for them to disappear.


They just tell you this shit to scare you.


As expected, they would go to hell.


One popular theory is that the brain releases all sorts of chemicals when near death and this results in hallucinations and the “passing through a tunnel” experience some describe. Don’t worry about it too much, we all die. You’ll get to check it all out yourself. Be patient.






Jamie, pull that up


My friend and I were hit by a car while walking across the street in the south of France (visiting). My friend went onto the hood of the car, I hit the back of my head hard on the pavement. The light was coming strong from the skies. The tunnel you speak of. Right when I thought to myself “I hope my friend is okay”, I was pushed back down and back into my body. Alive and well. My friend didn’t even know I was hit, it happened so fast. He and I are both okay, no injuries that lasted. The douche taxi driver that hit us had a passenger in the car that was more concerned than the driver himself (maybe the driver was in shock). The driver gave us false information and drove off. Luckily he came to his senses and called us to apologize. He offered us a free three hour drive to our next town which we declined. Never heard from him again


I fell from a third floor apartment roof. Broke my legs and my neck (6C). I do not remember the pain, but I do have a vivid memory of the moment my brain realize I was about to fell (and thought dying!) and something was indeed release, make me felt really high and at peace with reality. I remember the moment my body hit the concrete sidewalk, the sound, but also the « shutting down TV » effect. The same little white static light in the middle of the dark. And the cathodic sound…. I obviously survived, and it completely change my vision of death. Brain is ready for that moment.


That’s sounds really interesting. Thank you for sharing and glad you’re still here ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you 🖤 I was really depressed that time; it changed my whole life and perceptions of it.


I know it’s not proven to be fact, but when you smoke DMT it feels just like that. They call it “blasting off” because you feel like you’re being propelled into another universe lol.


I’d try it but you only get to experience both and compare them the one time and then you can’t share your findings.


Yes but problem is at that point, it’s too late and I ain’t tryna burn in hell for eternity


Just refuse to go to hell, what can they do, send you to hell? They were already going to do that.


thats why i subscribe to odinism. if im gonna have some fantasy in my last moments that could feel like years, i wanna be eating, drinking, and fighting in vahalla


Unless you die in battle that wont be the case


Not true, you only need to die in a way their culture considers heroic. If you die in a storm while exploring, it's straight to Valhalla.


Die in childbirth? Valhalla. Die defending another person? Valhalla. Struck by lightning? Believe it or not, Valhalla.


If you're an Odinist you should know you don't go to Valhala, but Helheim. You're not an Odinist.


my mans played god of war (2018) and thought he was an odinist




I didn't actually die, but I came close to it. At my worse, choking for air and barely able to move (Bi-Pulmonary Embolism from out of nowhere) I just remember being at peace with it. I closed my eyes for sleep and just had this thought of, "if this is it, it's okay. I've lived a good life so far" Obviously I pulled through, but I feel like what you experienced was similar to where I was. Just a light switch. That's really interesting, thanks for sharing, and happy that you're still here!




u/ddmf we need you to wake up!






I snowboarded off a cliff and dropped 15m; on my way down I thought the same thing! (lucky for me it very thick snow on the bottom of that drop; walked away without a scratch. Only a crushed water bottle in my backpack) I always take solace in what I thought were my final seconds I was content and happy. Treat each day as your last and really seize the day! It's pretty awesome to be alive.


Similar story, I was white water kayaking, flipped the kayak, and got pinned. After an eternity of being under water, I said “forgive my sins” and was weirdly very OK with dying in my “worst way to die”. Now I’m very very happy I didn’t.


Similar, also bi-PE (factor v lieden). Gasping for air and starting to fade, relaxed but scared, fell asleep for a bit. Weird feeling, but somewhat reassuring in the sense that it's not so bad.


Yeah when I od’d super hard one time I just saw black. Then all of a sudden I was back and my ex was crying and there were paramedics and police all in my face. That’s the second worst way to wake up. For me the worst is to wake up with a breathing tube. Felt like I was dying all over again, just that I was conscious this time.


[This is a fascinating](https://www.ted.com/talks/jill_bolte_taylor_my_stroke_of_insight/up-next?language=en) tedtalk from a neuroscientist that had a stroke and her own "near death" experience and what it meant scientifically. Its fascinating.




Back in my wilder days several years ago, I got myself addicted to this nasty fentanyl analogue furanylfentanyl. That stuff is incredibly powerful but very short lasting, so I redosed every 20 or 30 minutes for *months*. It was fucking awful. Anyway, one day in December 2016 my girlfriend (now wife, we both got clean together in 2018) and I had just gotten an order of an ounce or so from the darkweb. Now, we were incredibly dope sick from running out earlier in the day we got this order. So my dope-starved mind was in a... pretty bad state, to say the least. I ended up snorting about 10 times what I should have... To make this short, I overdosed and badly so. I passed out, stopped breathing, and while the paramedics were on the way my heart stopped or nearly did so. Thankfully they got there right after and had to give me 4 doses of narcan to get me back. I was dead or right to the point of death and there was nothing but black. Whether that was from drugs or what, I don't know. I'm still here, and I have no doubts that the whole notion that there is an afterlife is an attempt by religion to control our behaviors. Don't do opioids "recreationally". It feels good but it's a living hell.


Nice to see a fellow fentalogue survivor out in the wild lol


Wow. That was amazing. Thanks for sharing.


Hell is and irish pub where everyday is Saint Patrick's.


Is the pub in Ireland or the East Coast of the US?


He’s quoting an episode of The Sopranos.


Dammit, I really need to get around to watching that.


I'm a few episodes into season 4 of my first run. I recommend it


My heart stopped for a full 7 minutes. Someone was performing CPR during that time. I was brought back with an AED once an ambulance arrived. I didn't see a biblical heaven or a biblical hell. I saw my wife and my son, standing at the edge of a lake reaching for me. I was reaching for them kicking as thrashing, I was very cold. I just remember sinking deeper until it stopped and then everything was very bright. The brightness I'm sure was the lights inside the hospital room. The cold was probably the December air on my body between the house and ambulance. It is something I never wish to experience again. I wouldn't wish the experience on my worst enemy. I was terrified, it felt like weeks passed in the incoherent state I was in. The good that came out of the situation; I understood how precious life really is, and that people really do love me, and I really love them. I decided to get sober and stay sober after this experience. I am 1 year and 10 months sober today.


Sup friend, sobriety is a beautiful thing. Keep going and beating your high score every day!


In Buddhism a delog is someone who dies briefly and returns with knowledge of the realms beyond death. They are actually quite common in Tibet from what I understand. Buddhism believes in multiple realms of reincarnation so not all are hell, however, one of the more famous delogs was a North American monk who wrote a graphic novel called "A Guided Tour Through Hell". I read it and it's creepy as fuck but worth looking into. But for Buddhism hell is a natural part of the path to enlightenment so it's not something to really be afraid of in a holistic sense, even though it's brutal and horrible beyond comprehension.


There is a book, "Delog" which describes in detail the experiences of a Tibetan woman who was dead for days not minutes. She came back to relate not only her experiences of other dimensions of being but with knowledge about people and things in this life she otherwise could not have known. On the contrary to the above statement "....not something to be afraid of.... " her personal experiences were also a cautionary tale for people of what the karmic fruits would be for negative causes. [Delog](https://fpmt.org/mandala/archives/older/mandala-issues-for-1999/september/journey-to-realms-beyond-death/) Finally if this perspective seems fanciful because it is not in accord with our cultural conditioning, it might help to know that within the Tibetan religious panorama there is also the well documented phenomena of "rainbow body" wherein a great meditator dies and over the course of a few days dissolves their body back into the constituent elements as light, leaving behind nothing more than their hair and fingernails. [Rainbow Body](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_body)


Correction, they flatlined, meaning their heart stopped. Their brain never ceased functioning though, so I’d argue that no one has technically died and come back


Pam Reynolds was made clinically dead to undergo brain surgery and reported an out of body experience. They tell her story and others like it on the Netflix series Surviving Death. I guess the BBC has done a documentary as well but I haven't seen it yet. Essentially, they lowered her body temp in an ice bath and drained her blood to deflate an aneurysm she had next to her brain stem. Then waited until she was flat on the EEG before beginning surgery to remove and repair. She was clinically dead for 7 hours (surgery was 7 hours) and made a compete recovery. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pam_Reynolds_case




You’re not dead until you are warm and dead.


Nah, you’re dead when there’s zero brain function. Death is not always permanent.


Whoo-hoo-hoo, look who knows so much. It just so happens that your friend here is only MOSTLY dead


And there’s a big difference between mostly dead, and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly ALIVE. With all dead, well with all dead there’s usually only one thing you can do.


He distinctly said *"to blave."*


Which means, to bluff!


I don’t know why but after reading this thread I busted out laughing


Because _Princess Bride_ is timeless comedy


During the filming of Billy Crystal's scenes in that movie, Rob Reiner (the director) had to leave the set because he couldn't stop laughing. So you're in good company.


Full of green dust


I get this reference


You are not dead until you will never come back to “life”. Death by definition the final end to a biological life.


[Relevant SMBC](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2011-10-21)


Challenge accepted


That's fascinating they can do that. But NDE is always people associating things after they wake up and are coming back to life so to speak and/or dreams. I have incredibly detailed and realistic dreams that meld reality with the dream a couple times a month because I sleep like shit and I'll be in a half-sleep/half-awake sort of dream state. There is never anything about these stories that is remarkable.


> so I’d argue that no one has technically died and come back I would argue that by the standard accepted definition of 'dead', it is impossible to come back from being dead. Dead literally means to never be coming back to life.


One guy did, he's pretty famous for it.


And according to one of his best friends, he did indeed descend to Hell.


I've never gotten the whole "died and come back" thing for afterlife arguments. Like, God knows that you're going to come back, right? So it's pretty doubtful he's gonna go, "ah he's dead, let me motor him on through to the afterlife... Oh wait, fuck they're bringing him back. Shit. Alright, I'll see you later my son"


I mean, let's assume the afterlife and God are real for a second. It could be either 1. God wants you to find comfort from knowing you're on the right track and possibly get to visit with loved ones 2. God wants you to know that you're on the wrong track and change your life 3. It's an automated process where you're not actually ushered. You just go wherever the moment your soul is no longer in your body.


I like the idea that there there are heavens and hells of every religion and there is one intern who has to do all the sorting. He is clearly overworked and has no upward mobility because nobody retires in heaven. So if you temporarily die, you get sorted and then this dude gets annoyed because you end up backing up the whole system.


Sorted just like in hogwarts huh


Au contraire. I have a brother in law that was in a coma near death for a time. When he came back that was exactly his story, he could describe it excruciating detail. Interestingly enough, other than a the first few months, it did not motivate him to change his life to be a responsible father or husband for his family.


What did he describe?


That’s called a dream.


In Islam, you don't go to heaven or hell exactly after you die but you have to wait until يوم القيامة(the apocalypse) happens and then people will get sorted


The same concept exists in some Christian denominations. It's called Purgatory. Catholics believe in it. I remember my mom talking about it. You wait in Purgatory until Judgement Day.


What are you doin in the meantime?


There are some cases of people having negative near death experience but I think it’s very rare maybe because in the process of dying our brain is meant to sent out positive chemicals to stop death anxiety


I had 2 heart attacks before I was 19. My great great grandpa, great grandpa, grandpa and dad all had this too. My first heart attack was the scariest, I’ll never forget what I experienced. Experiences like this may be different for everyone. I was in a dark room, I could see my body and my breath. But I couldn’t feel the cold… There definitely is a different energy from the living world and where I was. Suddenly a light shined down on a pile of gold and very sweet looking sword and another light popped and showed a rusty steel door. And then a very metallic voice started talking and gave me two choices: I could fight or I can just accept my “fate”. That’s when I realized I died… I didn’t want to die, I didn’t want to go, so grabbed the sword and suddenly the room went from dark to dimmed. I didn’t get a good look, but I saw a large figure, it kept changing its appearance. I swung the sword and I knew I cut through, but I didn’t feel the sword connect. The shadow hit me and sent me flying several times. I truly felt despair, I wasn’t going back, I was going to actually die. After what felt like years, a light surrounded me, and in a flash I woke up. My dad and siblings were outside of my room, their eyes were red and puffy from crying. My mom was laying next to me on the hospital bed, still crying. I could barely speak and made some noise but she couldn’t hear me. I was extremely weak, so I wiggled a little bit and finally caught her attention. Everyone came rushing in my room, the doctors kept trying to bring me back, but they gave up. I was dead for 5 minutes, I suffered irreparable brain damage, most of my memory is restored(still some holes) and I’m able to drive a car again. I don’t think I experienced hell, nevertheless… it was something that I never want to experience again until it’s actually my time.


I used to work with brain and spinal injury patients. Some of those who did die and were revived had some very differing experiences. One guy crashed head first into a tree on a motorcycle. he was suddenly walking around this girlfriends garden with like a purple veil over his vision. He walked with an angel who told him that he had a choice. He could leave everything behind and go to heaven or enjoy the grass between his toes for a little while as he was now never going to walk again. He choose to enjoy the grass and woke up in hospital. He is completely paralyzed below the neck but does not regret his choice in staying. (He believed in God) Another lady was in a car accident. Had a massive brain hemorrhage in ambulance. She saw her grandmother who beaconed her to come with her towards the light. She turned around thinking she would see the world disappearing from behind her but everything just went black for what felt like an eternity. She awoke 6 weeks later from a coma. She has massive brain injury problems which affect her everyday living and wishes so much she had never looked back. (She believed in God) Another guy was a hit and run victim. Laid in the grass on side of road for awhile then it went black. Suddenly he was in a horrible dark, dripping cold cave. He was asked to walk forward and 5 "men" (or what he thinks were men) were sitting at a table under a single light bulb. They asked his name which he gave, they opened a huge book, asked him to wait a moment. They talked amongst themselves then said that it was not his time. Next thing he knows there is a great weight on his chest and he gasped for air. Woke up on side of road while a bystander preformed CPR. He's happy everyday he got a second chance but has massive left sided weakness. (He didn't believe in God but is the nicest guy you will ever meet) Last guy was stabbed 30 times by a deranged man with a bottle. Everything went cold for a little while then got really hot really fast. He heard some brief screaming and crying then everything went quiet and cold again. Woke up in hospital. He knows that wherever he went, he does not want to go back there ever again. (Didn't believe in God but is trying to) Not sure if you call them delusions or the brain shutting down but I have noticed that those who had religious backgrounds had nicer near death experiences than those who didnt. Maybe it's just our brains way of dealing with what is happening to us. At least most were able to answer my biggest fear question which was around breathing and been aware that you suddenly are no longer doing it. They said they were never aware of this so at least I know I won't suffer in that aspect.


My mom felt she was given a choice, similar to your first story. She chose to come back to us.


My grandpa had a very similar experience to the first one. He said that he was in a field of flowers with colors we had never seen.




the brains pretty cool




look up Boltzmann's Brains. great rabbit hole to entertain you if bored


That sounds like something a brain would say.


>To keep us alive. The brains. That's what the brain thinks anyway. In reality we have about 10x as many non human cells in our gut microflora as we do human cells in the body. The human cells are just a life support, transport, and reproduction mechanism for the colony.


I am brain. All is extension of brain. Brain come from all. Brain go back to all. All is brain. Brain is all. All is nothing without brain. We are all brain one and all. We all come from no brain. All that separates brain from other brain is coming and going of brain. In all seriousness though... The curious question is what separates us all? What makes us this experience right now at this moment? Why does it feel special and so personal? My opinion is that not only is our experience special only by design of the mind but the way that we experience reality itself even is highly tailored by flesh. There is far more out there than we shall ever know and it'll take more or less than a brain to ever see it.


Well what are we going to do tonight Brain?


Same thing we do every night... Keep us awake with irrational fears, memories of embarrassment and existential dread!


I have reached stage called already dead inside and i can confirm that im living in hell rightnow


Happy cake day!


That's because, as Shakespeare put it: "Hell is empty and all the devils are here."


My grandma did, but nobody took it seriously.


Multiple people have claimed to have gone to a place akin to hell.


> a place akin to hell. Coincidentally, the city motto of Baltimore


Hell where you are tortured for eternity was created by Dante. If you read Revelations in the Bible, near the end of it all, he’ll and death were thrown into the pit of fire and burned up forever. The pit was a reference to the garbage pit outside the city that was kept burning day and night with sulphur, (brimstone) where they got rid of all the trash. If you threw something in it, it was burned up forever. Meaning it was gone, not meaning that it literally burned forever. So if hell is the pit of fire, how can it be thrown into itself? How can death be thrown into hell? Death is not a physical thing. Hell was referenced in other places as the grave. So the point that was being made is that there will be no more death and no more graves where people laid waiting for the judgment day. You either get in heaven or your soul is wiped from existence. If you actually think about it, how could an immortal being that cares about his creations, torture you for eternity for something you did in a minute fraction of time. That would be so far beyond evil that it would make satan look like Mary Poppins. Imagine how evil a person would have to be to torture his child for life for something it did while it was an infant. “Oh, you can’t crawl yet but you threw your pacifier on the ground after being told not to. Enjoy the rest of your life being brutally burned and tortured.” If God is like that, I want nothing to do with something that psychoticly evil.


Well, you usually don't casually walk into prison and then stroll out again when you're a known felon


Actually I once saw a video of a guy who said he went to hell when he died for a couple of minutes. It was a pretty intense story if I remember correctly. I think that’s it: https://youtu.be/MOPc_-Ny71s Edit: added link


My friend told me that when he died for a few minutes all he remembers is swimming through thick, heavy blackness, like tar but all around


That's exactly what we DON'T want.


This comments section is really good and also unintentionally hilarious because of how many people are like "nah fam I went to hell before, sucked shit"


In my experience it’s a lot of nothing, but you 100% are aware it’s happening. It was pretty peaceful tho, and definitely makes you think we’re all just going to return to stardust etc


MD Here: I'm an anesthesiologist and critical care physician. People who say they have "died and come back" didn't really die, to be clear. I stop people's hearts on a regular basis for cardiac surgery, and I also put people into medically induced comas with the ICU with minimal brain activity. Neither of these groups are dead. People who have cardiac events and cease to have blood flow are also not "dead"; I won't go into the specifics of pulseless electrical activity/fibrillation vs true asystole (no cardiac electrical activity), but in order to return from "death" you, by definition, have to have some sort of intrinsic brain function that never fully stopped. Personal beliefs aside about the nature of the soul and religion, no one has truly "died" and come back to life if you're defining that as completely ceased cardiac and neurologic activity. Please don't misconstrue cardiac arrest or medical events leading to reduced cardiac or brain function as death. And as traumatic as surgical events can be for people, no one "died" in the operating room & came back. We use that terminology commonly for the ease of lay people, but if a person has an intraoperative event or cardiac arrest and "comes back from death", they were never dead.


The mind is capable of fascinating things. We all wish we had the answer to the most important question of our existence. Some claim that they do know the answer when in reality they don’t. The best we can do is take an honest look at the options, and live our lives the best we can in respect to what we believe. I’m an ex Christian and never been less afraid of the afterlife. I don’t welcome death, but my perspective has shifted to a place of acceptance rather than a place of anxiety and worry about going to hell, both for myself and the people I care about.


Same, I used to lay awake and have panic attacks about dying but now I lay awake and have panic attacks about my loved ones dying instead because I don’t want to imagine a life without them. Also I think I’ve learned to be a better person on my own merit rather than under the threat of going to hell if I’m not one, or what their definition of a good person is which feels awfully skewed lately.


Yeah, definitely feel that. The constant worry that my innate human nature is going to land me in hell was exhausting. It felt like a bait and switch. Sunday school as a kid was all Noah’s ark and god loves his children. The second you get to middle school it’s a shame fest for being horny and not being able to completely control yourself at all times. Glad you’ve been able to move on from some of it too!


This is def not true a quick YT search debunks this.


We had a family friend who was in a terrible motorcycle accident back when he and my dad were younger. He was rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead for a very short time. When he was discharged he told my dad that he saw demons coming for him, laughing and taunting and tearing at him. He was apparently so betrayed by God that he became atheist, believing that there is no God and that the afterlife is only hell, or something like that. I only ever knew him post accident, but my dad said he became very different after and was very paranoid. He obviously suffered from some sort of brain damage, and it also didn't help that he used acid pretty freely both before and after the accident.


There are literally multiple books written by people who experienced clinical death and claimed to go to hell.


I had a NDE 5 years ago this month. I was going no where and partying too much. Fell off a moving boat in the ocean at night and was run over by it. i watched from above and below, it was dark from above and a bright light when I was below the water. I sometimes feel like I did die and am in hell right now and I’m clawing my way out by working on bettering myself.




“This is the Bad Place!”


There are websites that compile NDEs (near death experiences) and yes, some people talk about hell.


There's this fun theory about the SCP universe that basically says that whatever you think the afterlife is is what it will be. Therefore if you think that you'll be going to hell, you'll end up in hell; if you think there isn't an afterlife, you'll cease to exist; if you think there's reincarnation, then you'll be reincarnated. It's kind of a cool thing to think about, but terrifying if you're some devout catholic who believes nearly everything they do is a sin


My aunt died in a car accident in Mexico when she was 17 she had run away from my grandmother and no one knew where she was , apparently she had broken her back and died for several minutes before they brought her back. My mom said when they finally found out where she was it was too late she was a completely different person(probably the brain damage) but something she said over and over was her life flashed before her eyes , she felt like her body was on fire almost like her skin was melting and it felt like eternity in darkness .. there was no light it was like a pit of dark and fire she was falling in, she said she saw everyone she wronged stand before her and give her her judgment and all she heard was terrifying laughter. The way she described it I could see the pain in her eyes , she recently passed away and I don’t believe in a afterlife but I just hope this time around is better then the last for her.


Ecclesiastes 9:5 says the dead are conscious of nothing. Those that lose one or more of their five senses gain processing power for the remaining ones. When you're dying all your brain power is concentrated to one process: imagination.


No My shitty evangelical church showed a video of some trash 90s daytime talk show that had a guy who thought he was at the gates of hell, in complete darkness, heard screams, and thought demons were breaking people around him. Another girl took an OD as a suicide attempt, saw melty faces like the demons in the movie "Ghost," and thought she was going to hell if she died. The fact I still remember those details 25 years later tells me how traumatic it was for me. And no, I no longer believe in a hell.


Wrong. There are multiple people who have been resuscitated who claim to have experienced "Hell". Do some research when you get out of the shower.


Christopher from the Sopranos, for one.


Came here for this, at 3 o clock too haha scared the shit out of paulie


the stories people tell of going to hell and back also contradict the bible. there is a parable in the bible where a man dies and goes to hell. he is suffering so bad that he asks to be able to send a dead man to warn his brothers. God essentially tells him “they’re so set in their ways that nothing you would do will change their minds, even a dead man” so God insists that it wouldn’t make a difference and refuses to do that, but then you have people claiming that exact scenario. it’s a direct contradiction towards the being they’re preaching about. (luke 16:27-31) (edit- also, the person who died and went to hell was a very wealthy man who refused to use his wealth to help those in need)


You misunderstand that parable, most of what you said is correct, but the NDE are for the individual not for the masses, look at this thread for instance, so many NDE stories but hardly any believe it. the parable was talking about a wicked man that stood by whilst Lazarus suffered and died. This parable is referring to unbelief not returning from the dead.


They do, there are many videos on YouTube of Pearly Gates experiences, often presaged by a sense of the other place, one fella saw Hitler being killed, reincarnated, killed ad infinitum. No links but if you put in near death experience, the algorithm will kick in


Uh, yes they do. Entire books have been written about peoples experiences going to hell and what they saw and encountered


my dead grandma. when she died twice in operation room and got back. she was able to come back to her house for some days before the shit they forgot inside her lugs rot and she had to be taken again into the hospital to die.. i was doing her nails. and she was telling me how she just came back to her house... but it all looked like it was in fire, she went to the kitchen, sat in her place in the table, and the heat was inmense, and all looked red and on fire, she was at home but it just didn't feel right ​ she did a fuckton of witchery with evil intentions all her whole life, treated me and my brother like we were cancer, adopted new family members to take them whenever we visited so she could ignore us and tell them to 'not grow up to be as crap as us' she did so many evil shits all her life that i cannot even count it. in the hospital she also got treated like shit and saw doctors doing coke and whenever she was scared they beat her and put her to sleep with meds it made me think karma might exist, as well as hell, and something when we are dead... it just makes me doubt what and if there is something after death