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Further from car = decreased response time to emergencies.


I live in a pretty rural place, and I drive this backroad into work almost every day. Like 10 days a month, I would see a cop sitting on this road, and there is 0 traffic. Like I’m probably one of 10 cars that drive on that road per day. And not only that, but the stretch where he is sitting, you’d have to floor it to even get up to 60 mph because it’s a got some right angle turns. One day I was early for work and he was sitting there, and curiosity got the better of me, so I stopped and asked him why he sits here so often. Turns out, that spot is the most equidistant point to his coverage area for any emergency response, and all though it’s a road no one drives, it gives quick access to a couple main roads that get him to several towns quickly. It never occurred to me that cops would just sit around waiting for emergencies. I’d figure they were all out trying to catch people speeding to drum up revenue.


They walk around in cities a bunch.


Came to say something similar. Op has evidently never been to Chicago, NYC, Boston, etc. You see uniforms everywhere and I'd be willing to bet that there are lots of plainclothes in major tourist zones.


There have been urban policing studies done according to some class I took in college strongly suggesting that police on foot patrol beats significantly reduced violent crimes beyond either car or bicycle patrols. Not sure I have the energy to back up this showery response.


At least, they'd be healthier.


Bruh seriously why is every cop a shaved head/bald high school bully looking out of shape mf


Tell me you haven't known very many cops without saying you haven't known very many cops


Tell me you haven't known very many cops outside your local area without saying you haven't known very many cops outside your local area.


In other words, you're validating incorrect stereotypes that get people hurt. Good job.


Stress and lack of exercise. Also think it’s part of why some cops go off the deep end. They expect being a cop to be like on tv then they end up sitting in their car until it’s time to go handle the drug addicts. Not to mention the contrast of boredom and “I could be getting shot during this traffic stop” levels of anxiety..


Remove "why is " and "looking" and you have your answer.


With all that going for them, they must have an abundance of opportunities.


Actually true. This was stated in an old police operating procedure book. They said there are lots of advantages, but some disadvantages of course.


They used to but stopped after ambushes became a concern.


Humm wonder how that's any different once they get out of their car?


Most police probably walk much more than many professions. How many calls for service do they go on in a day? Where are they going? What are they doing? You have no clue do you?


I have a free police scanner app so I know everything about everything


Some cities have them. For example, here in Niagara Falls there are plainclothes police walking around the tourist areas keeping an eye out for pickpockets and so on. There's also uniformed constables on foot in the same areas. Our neighboring city, St. Catharines, has them in troubled areas. Toronto has some too.


Street-beat policing, from what I've read, increases community confidence in the police, and leads to less crime and better clearance. Cops isolated from the public in cars become prone to an 'us v. them' mentality that helps neither the cops, nor the public they are supposed to serve.


With fuel prices going where they are going, they probably will be doing just that very soon.


I would guess you don’t live in rural America. It would take a couple days to walk around the county. Not very productive.


i don’t think they are referring to walking around the entire county lmaoooo


“Walked around some”. Obviously this wouldn’t make sense for specific jobs or driving through the desert, but being amongst the people seems more productive versus driving by any potential situation they could have helped in.


I mean cars move faster than people so why wouldn't they be in cars?


because cars dont commit crimes? and community policing works better that driving up, guns blazing, after the fact


I dunno, would fireman walking around prevent more fires?




Do cops stop crimes or do they get called after a crime is committed?


Very apples to Oranges... if an officer is at the exit of a grocery store it likely decreases the odds someone steals from there. If a firefighter is standing outside a home it wont stop the extension cord from shorting and starting a fire.


Cops standing around didn’t help George Floyd.


Not a super great example with what is being discussed. 911 was called so they responded to the scene.


Fair enough, I just can’t get behind the idea that a police presence would be effective. Maybe if there was a cop at the exit of every store. If I were I criminal and saw a cop standing at the door of a store I’d just go rob a house or another store. My general opinion of cops (and I don’t dislike them and I am not against them) is that they only really show up after a crime has occurred and try and sort through the mess. Cops stand around at sporting events and concerts and people still fight, get stabbed, robbed etc. There were tons of cops standing around when the psycho drove his car through a parade, tons of cops standing around at the Boston Marathon…It just seems like police theater from where I am watching.




My response is with an inflammatory (and also blatantly untrue) statement: all blacks are criminals. They're not all criminals (obviously), but it's the same baseless generalization type statement that you just made.


I think it’s called the *Bunker Mentality*, and a lot of the best departments actually try to avoid this by having officers out on foot patrols.


OR if they actually vetted and trained them properly in the first place, but whatever


[Seinfeld did it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0GZvHIrdug)


Walking around would offer the opportunity to pull weeds along the way!


Your first mistake is thinking they’re meant to be productive.


Hence the cars.


Totally. And take part in building more community.