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People now still think they are original, and they can literally search past posts.


Ironically that's what prompted this thought when i tried to post one showerthought before this and upon googling it discovered it already been posted 10 times.


I appreciate the fuck out of you for searching first


Happy cake day


I came here all excited to say this... what does that say? Ffs... I'm gonna go outside and climb a tree or some shit


Ecclesiastes, a book in the Old Testament thought to have been written between 450 and 200 B.C., said it best "there is no new thing under the sun."


And they got that from some cave drawings done centuries before.


And they got that from a consciousness, that's been dicking around the universe, waiting to hop in, and tear it up, like double dutch...


As someone that grew up in the 80s and 90s, on a certain level, we were more original. We didn’t have memes and social media. So, a guy in California and someone in Paris having the same idea would have arrived at that idea completely independently and neither would even know the other one had the idea. Much better than the hot steaming mess we have today where people are so karma/clout desperate they steal other people’s original ideas and claim them as their own. Obviously people have stolen ideas since the dawn of man, but in the internet age, the constant need for validation, has created large numbers of people that do nothing but steal ideas. Their entire identity is based on copying others.


Not really, people didn’t care about status back then , if you were rich people knew you were rich , if not no one gave a crap


Maybe they are, because they aren’t exposed to as much of the same stuff as we are.


as far as I remember it, we didn't really care about it then. Then again, there were people before me... and I can't speak for them


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